Scrapping old machines, 367
Screens between railway and highway
traffic, 129
Sealing cofferdams, 172
Secondary stresses, 72, 73
intensities of working stresses
for, 136
Second Narrows proposed bridge,
Vancouver, B. C., 131
Secrecy, 484
Sectional trusses and girders for
military bridging, 468
columns, best, 255
floor beams, 186
stringers, 186, 206
Selection of site for military bridges,
Seltzer, Harry K., 383
Semi-cantilevers, 83
Semi-cantilevering of continuous
trusses, 81
Separation of entrances and exits, 55
depth below water, 170
hollow, 168
proportioning, 167
Sharing of profits with workmen, 370
Sheared edges, planing of, 202
Sheet piling, steel, 171, 172
Shelf angles, 184
Shelves, 214
Shifting of channel, 122, 293
accidents, 370, 371
assembling, 378, 379
blacksmith, 378
coat, cleaning of metalwork for, 441
coat, red lead paint for, 431
considerations, 209
economics in designing for,
designing to suit fabrication, 366
drawings, 210
should not be prepared in
Consulting Engineer's
office, 359
electric lamps, 367
floors, 374
handling of work, 368, 369
heat, 367, 368
inspection, 363
light, 367
machinery, 378
management of men, 368, 369
operation, power for, 366
painting interior white, 367
size of force, 380
smoking, 371
space, 367, 368
special space, 377
standardization, 372
storage ground, 373
tracks, 379
ventilation, 367, 368
cost on pins and holes, 73
economics, 365-379
general economic problem, 365, 366
Short cuts in computing, 92
Side friction on caisson, 156
Side plates, avoidance of, 206
Side rails of military bridges, 474
Sidewalks, 189, 195
Silicon steel, 33, 34
Simple-truss bridges,
cantilever bridge comparison, 83-89
economic limit of length for, 84
economic span-lengths for, 17, 150-165
Simple versus continuous reinforced-
concrete girders, 221, 222
Single angles in tension, 204
Single-leaf versus double-leaf bascule, 289
Sioux City Bridge over Missouri River, 131
Sipe's Japan oil, 436
Site selection for military bridges, 483
Sizes of individual members in military
bridges, 477
Skew layouts for movable spans, 303
Skewed crossings for vertical lifts, 293
Skewed spans, 209
Skids, 376, 377
Skimping details, 133, 201
Skimping reinforcing of girders, 222
Skinner, Frank W., 396
continuity, 221
designing, 220
pre-moulded, 230
steel, arrangement of, 220, 221
supporting, 193
water-proofing, 454
Smoke effects on steel, 416
Smoking in office, 358
Smoking in shops, 371
Society for the Promotion of Engineering
Education, 3
author's report to, on study of
economics, 3
Soil pressure, permissible, 155
Solid-barrel arches, 227
ribbed arch comparison, 228, 229
Solid drilling, 208
Solid-slab trestles, 230
Solid spandrel versus open
spandrel, 228
Solitary columns versus braced towers, 254
Solitary piers for cantilever bridges, 260
Soundings around piers, 424
Space in shops, 367, 368
columns in bents, 253
longitudinal girders, 224
rivets, 210
stringers and cross girders, 192, 194
trusses, 186