Four-column versus two-column structures
for elevated railroads, 254
Fowler, Charles Evan, 139, 234
Frame trestles for military bridges, 465
Fraser River Arch Bridge at Lytton,
B. C., 249
Fraser River Bridge at New Westminster,
B. C., 131
Fratt Bridge at Kansas City, 132, 169
Free ends versus anchored ends
for stiffening trusses, 268
Freezing water, disruptive force of, 455
Freight rates, 23
caisson, 156
long piles, 156
Fuller, William B., 389
Full-punched work, 211
Full time work, necessity for, 2
Function of operating machinery, 315
Future, anticipating the, 16
Future enlargement, 121
Galveston Causeway, 140
Gardiner, J. B. W., 449
Gardiner and Lewis, Inc., 449
Gas, effects of, on steel, 416
Gases, locomotive, protection against, 444
Gasoline engine, multi-cylinder, 313
Gauntleted tracks, 128
elimination of noise of, 313
spur, 312, 313
worm, 313
General economic principles, 6
General features of structure, 120
Geographical conditions, 119
depths in viaducts, 203
economics of, 175-181
erection of, 397
reinforced-concrete, 221, 223-225
spacing of, 191
Glasgow, Missouri River, Bridge, 168
Goheen's Carbonizing Coating, 432
Gorge crossings are specially
suitable for arches, 246
Government requirements, 116, 117
Grade and alignment, 118, 119
Grant, General, crossing of the
James River by, 471
Gratis expert opinion, 7
Gravel and sand used without
screening, 390
Great Miami River Bridge, 84
Griest, Maurice E., 256
Growth of steel, 215
Gunite, 443
Hadfield, Sir Robert, 36
Half pin holes, 216
Half-through, plate-girder spans, 185
economics of, 69
Halsted-Street Lift-Bridge, 294
Hamilton Arch Bridge over the
Waikato River, 246
Handling of work in shops, 368, 369
Handrails, 190, 219
military bridges, 474
Hand riveting, 207
Harbor of refuge, 318
Hardesty, Shortridge, 297
Harper's Ferry crossing of the
Potomac, 471
Harrop, Dr. H. B., 440
Havana Harbor
bridge, proposed, 332
transbordeur, proposed, 332-334
Havre de Grace, Md., paint
experiments, 433
Hayde, Stephen, 198
Haydite, 198
Heat for shops, 367, 368
Heat-treated steel, 37
intensities of working stresses for, 37
Heel-counterbalanced-trunnion type
of bascule, 290
Heel-trunnion bascule, 297
Height from springing to bottom
of base, 226
Height of climb over a bridge, 54
Helpers, low-grade, 380
Heritage, Carl S., 407, 418
High bridge versus low bridge, 12
High-carbon steel,
objections to, 33
reinforcing bars, 133
High-level bridge versus
transbordeur, 330
High level versus low level
crossings, 61, 62, 63
High steel, 34
reinforcing, objections to, 218
High unit stresses, 133
High water, clearances above, 122
girder-bridges, 223-225
live loads for, 126
trestles, economic span-lengths
of, 252
Highway bridges,
decks of, 187
timber versus concrete for, 187
economics of cantilever and
suspension, 106
economics of continuous spans
for, 78
floors, ties in, 192
floor-systems of, 190-200
Hildreth & Company, 361
"Hillside" blocks, 426
Hingeless arches, 237
three-hinged arches comparison, 229
Hinge plates, 216
Holding power for bascules, 316
Holland, Clifford M., 56