If possible, the space for such assembling of trusses should be commanded by overhead traveling cranes, and should be equipped with portable power drills, both horizontal and vertical. These portable drills will be found of great value in the shop as a supplement to the regular drilling and reaming equipment. The top and bottom chords of the trusses, after planing, should be assembled in the shop, and the holes on one side of the splice drilled from the solid whilst the chords are thus assembled, using these portable drills.
For finishing and painting, ample space and proper handling facilities
should be provided. At least a portion of the space (and the larger the
better) should be covered, as all of this work cannot be done out of doors
during the winter. While spraying machines have been used for painting,
doing the work by hand seems to give more satisfactory results.
Ample track facilities should be provided both for the bringing in of
material to the shop and for shipping it out.
Templet Shop
For economy, the templet shop should be light, well heated, and
furnished with benches at one level, and with tools for planing, cutting,
and boring the templet lumber and for boring and shearing pasteboard for
templets. The use of the latter material instead of lumber is in the line
of true economy.
To summarize-the main factors are light, heat, ventilation, space, and
tools; and the Planning System should result in:
Availability of material when desired.
Short and continuous travel.
Handling as few times as possible.
Keeping of men busy.
Tools of such character as to permit the securing of the proper grade
of workmanship.
Competent employees to maintain such a grade of work.