unit costs, 385
weights of lift bridges, 297
"Red Lead Lute," 432
Red lead,
paint for shop coat, 431
proportion of, in paint, 434
Red Oxide No. 31, 432
Red Rock Cantilever Bridge,
designing of piers for, 167
Reduced live loads for combined
bridges, 132
Reducing-gear, hydraulic, 313
Reduction of voids in the aggregate, 389
Reichmann, Albert, 214
arch bridges, 225-230
economics of, 218
life of, 64
limiting span-length of, 66
small cost of maintenance
and repairs for, 64
caissons, 169
columns, 223
girders, 221, 223-225
pier-shafts, 167
piles, 225
piles versus wooden piles, 174
steel structures, 64
trestles for steam railways, 230
trestle versus steel trestle, 114
versus plain concrete for pedestal
bases, 173
viaducts, water-proofing for, 454
Reinforcing bars, high-carbon steel for,
Reinforcing steel, 218
Repainting, determination of time for, 445
Repairs, 124
economics of, 407-429
renewals, equipment for, 420
stone masonry, 420
timber bridges, 419
long spans, 405
short spans on old substructure, 404
steel bridges, 403, 404
author to S.P.E.E., 3
home office, 380
progress, 381
Requirements of U. S. Government, 116
Resident engineer,
arbitrary power of, 382
decisions by, 381
instructions to, 380
Resistance of brakes, 315
Restrictions of speed, 412
Retaining walls, 231
Revenue, sources of, 20
Reversal of current, 122
Reversing stresses, 135
effect of, on continuous trusses, 77
Rhett, Albert H., 458
Rhine crossing near Honningen, 471
Ribbed structure versus solid
barrel, 228, 229
Rib depths, economic, 235, 236
Rice, Geo. S., 433
Right-of-way, cost of, 114
Rim-bearing versus center-
bearing swing spans, 287
Rip-rap, 122, 424
arch, 226
economic, of suspension
bridge cables, 265, 266
ratio of, to span, 233-235
with span-length unchanged, 225
Rise in price of labor, 348
Risk, assumption of, 340
Rivalry in bridge projects, 20
River traffic, 123
Riveted spans, economics of, 70
Riveted tension members, 199
Riveted versus pin-connected
bridges, 72
arrangement of, 199
machines, 377
sequence of, 214
staggered, 211
loose, 423
spacing, 210
Roads, drainage of, 454
crowning of, 426
widths, 127
widths for military bridges, 473, 474
Rolled I-beam spans, economics
of, 67
Roller-bearing bascules, 290
Rolling-lift bascules, 290
Roof protection for timber bridges, 420
Round corners in plate-girders, 207
Rusting as affecting detailing, 201
Sabin, Dr. A. H., 433, 436-438
Safety and permanence in military
bridges, 462
Safety considerations, 370
Safety factor small in military
bridges, 462
Salary for contractor, objectionable,
348, 349
Sand and gravel used without
screening, 390
San Francisco Harbor Bridge,
proposed, 8, 10
Sanitation of bridges and tunnels, 56
Stamping work, 342
Scarcity of timber, growing, 22
Schedule prices for various
sections, 205
Schneider, C. C., 287
Sciotoville bridge, 75, 77
Scour, 122, 424