Pneumatic and open-dredging methods
on same job, 173
Pneumatic process versus open-
dredging, 171
Polygonal chords versus parallel
chords, 180
economic depths of trusses with,
176, 177
Ponton equipage, new types of, 472
Ponton or floating bridges, 470
Portable drills, 379
Possibilities and economics of
the transbordeur, 318-336
"Possibilities in Bridge Construction
by the Use of High-Alloy Steels," 91
Posts, H-section for, 200
Potomac River crossing at Harper's
Ferry, 471
Pound prices for various sections, 205
arbitrary, of resident engineer, 382
conveyance of, 312
cost of, 55
crossing bridges and tunnels, 54, 55
economics of, 310-317
efficiency, definition of, 311
hydraulic, 311, 312
operating machinery, 315
shop operation, 366
steam, for bridge operation, 311
type of, dependent on location
of structure, 310
Pratt versus Petit trussing, 71
Pratt versus triangular trussing, 71
Pre-moulded slabs, 230
Preservation of timber, 419
Prevention of progress, 338
alloy steels, 44
alloy steel constituents, 44
structural metal, erected, 23
suspension bridges, 25
unit, for bridges, 57
variations, effect of, 23, 24
Priest, H. Malcolm, 75
Primary truss members, criterion
for economics of, 26
Priming coats of paint, 422
economic investigation of
engineering practice, 6
general economic, 6
of true economy, importance of, 1
Probable life of water-proofing, 451
Probable traffic, 20
Problems, economic, in manufacture
of concrete, 387
Profit, percentage of for employees, 348
Profit sharing, 338, 343, 370
employees of manufacturers, 357
method of, 345, 346
prevention of, 338
reports and charts of, 381
Promotion of bridge projects, 20
Property considerations, 120
Property (field) of the engineers, 381
Proportions for concrete, 387
enterprise, economics of, 7
railroad economics, 15
against brine drippings, 443
against flood and drift, 485
against locomotive gases, 444
cement, 382
fresh concrete, 394
Protrusion method of erection, 399
Public Belt Railroad Commission of
New Orleans, 320
Punch Shops, 375
Punched metal, storage of, 376
Punching, 375
full size, 202
Purchasing Agent, 384
Purchasing of materials cheaply, 386
Purified steel, 33, 34
"Quality Number," 44
vertical lifts and bascules, 299
wire-cable suspension-bridges, 276
Quebec cantilever bridge, 30, 71, 132
Queenshoro Bridge, 195
Quick, Howard P., 440
bridges, electric, 187
economics of, 6, 15
elevated, 253
economics of, 250-256
military bridges, 473
trestles, economics of, 250-256
Rails laid directly on steel work, 183
Rails resting on steel floor, 186
Range of economic limits, 16
cost of fixed-span bridges
and their approaches for various
clearances above high water, 331
rise to span, 225, 233-235
Reaming, 376
subpunching versus punching
full size, 202
templets, 205, 215
Recommendation of paints by
engineers, 431
Recording diagrams, 18
cost, 360
floors, 427