economics of primary
truss members, 26
military bridge criterion
is victory, 462
Crooked stringers, 466
Cross girders, spacing of, 192
Cross-section of deck, 128
Crown-hinge, location of, 235
Crowning of roadway, 426
Crystallization of metal, 416
Curbs, 189
Current, swiftness of, 483
reversal, 122
Curving ends of girders, 211
Cut-stone masonry versus
concrete for piers, 167
Cutting metal, 374
Cylinder piers, 168
repairs to, 421
Damages, 382
failure to water-proof, 453
faulty inspection, 362
Danger from fire, 310
collection of, 359
concerning bridge approaches
in "Bridge Engineering," 114
Davies, J. Vipond, 8
Decisions by resident engineer, 381
arrangement of, to accom-
modate several lines of
traffic, 128
ballasted, 182, 183, 185, 186
drainage of, 183
economics of, 182-198
highway bridges, 187
concrete versus timber
for, 187
military bridges, 474
open timber, 182, 184
open-web, riveted spans,
economies of, 70
plate-girder spans, economics
of, 68
timber, 195
weight reduced to minimum, 194
width of, 127
Defensibility of military bridges, 484
Definition of economics, 6
Delaware River bridge between
Philadelphia and Camden,
proposed, 318
Depositing concrete under water, 382
descent into a tunnel, 54
economic, of trusses, 176
floor beams, economic, 185
foundations, 122
girders in viaducts, 203
pier shafts below water, 170
plate-girders, economic, with
riveted end connections, 179, 180
stringers, economic, 185
water, 483
Derrick cars, 398
Descent into a tunnel, depth of, 54
details, 203
economics of, 199-201
shop considerations, 366
Destruction due to neglect of
water-proofing, 457
Detailing, economics of, 199-201
vertical lifts, economics in, 294
Details, designing of, 203
skimping of, 133, 201
paint, causes of, 444
steel structures due to wear, 423
economic span-lengths, 158
layouts, 116-124
time for repainting, 445
Detroit River proposed bridge,
estimating cost for, 111, 146
Detroit Superior Graphite paint,
438, 439
Development of true economy, 2
Diagrams, 18
Direct current versus alternating, 312
Discharging employees, 381
Disruptive force of freezing water, 455
Distance from springing to bottom
of base, 226
Diversion of traffic during
replacement, 405
Divided-triangular trusses for
continuous spans, 78, 80
Division of bonus among employees, 348
Dogs, 476
Double-leaf versus single-leaf bascule, 289
Double tracking, future, 21
Double-track railway trestles, 252
Doubling of trusses, future, 21
Doubling-up of old bridges, 407
deck, 183
roads, 454
changes, 359
unchecked, 359
Drawing temperature, best, 44
Driers, use of, 435
Drift bolts in military bridges, 477
Drift, protection against, 485
Drifting ice, 122
Drilling (cotton) for water-
proofing decks, 183
Drilling from solid, 208, 375
Drills, portable, 379
Drippings from brine, 415
Duluth proposed lift bridge, 310
"Dumb bell" pier-shafts, 168