Hollow shafts, 168
Home office, reports for, 380
Honningen crossing of the Rhine, 471
Hoogly River bridge at Calcutta,
proposed, 296
Horse-propelled vehicles, 21
"Hospital jobs," 341
Housatonic River bascule bridge,
298, 308, 309
H-section for posts, 200
Hudson River crossing at New
York City, 58
railway bridge, uneconomics of, 60
Hudson River Tunnels, 56
Huntington, Collis P., 12
Hydrated lime, 391, 457
Hydraulic power for bridge
operation, 311, 312
Hydraulic reducing-gear, 313
Ice-breakers, 169
Ice drift, 122
method of contract-letting, 344, 345
operating apparatus, 313
shop coat of paint, 432
system of contract-letting, 343, 344
Idleness, 366
Ignoring of impact on foundation
piles, 140
Illinois Central Railroad Bridge at
East Omaha, 22
allowances, latest modifications
of, 127
foundation piles, 140
old bridges, 412
Improvisation in military bridging, 478, 479
Inclination of lacing bars, 207
Increasing fluidity of mixture of
concrete, 391
Increasing national efficiency, 2
Indices, card, 360
Infrequent loadings, 133
Inspecting Bureaus and Engineers, 362
compensation for, 361, 362
damages for faulty, 362
economics of, 361-363
economics of mental effort
as applied to, 364
field, 364
force, 363
importance of having it properly
done, 364
methods of payment for, 362
military bridges, 485
omission of is uneconomic, 362
periodical, 419
quality of, 361
Inspectors, fitness of, 363, 364
Instructions to resident engineer, 380
Instruments, surveying, 382
Intensities of working stresses
concrete, 219
heat-treated steel, 37
tension and compression,
relation of, 136
Intermediate trusses and cables for
suspension bridges, 264
Intermediate trusses for cantilever
bridges, 260
Investigation, principle of economic, 6
Jack-stringers, 184, 185
James River crossing by General
Grant, 471
Japan oil, Sipe's, 436
Jigging of freshly made concrete,
392, 393
Joints and fastenings of military
bridges, 476
K-truss, 71
Kansas City bridge over Missouri
River, 132
Kansas City elevated railroad,
defective, 74
Kansas University, lectures on
engineering economics, 4
Keeping employees busy, 380
Knowledge, collection of, 365
a blessing, 1
facilities, 123
handling of, 19
material versus, 18
military bridges, 478
rise in price of, 348
supply of, 373
Labor and capital, 338
Lacing bars, inclination of, 207
Lacing versus tie plates in
riveted tension members, 207
Lambrecht, Jules, 35
Lamps, electric, in shops, 367
Large stones in mass of concrete, 392
Lashings, 476
Lateness of starting work, 358
Lateral system, dropping of,
for clearance, 206
Latin America asking for business, 2
determination of, 116-124
factors and conditions affecting, 116
fieldwork, 380
Leaching of concrete by percolation
of water, 454
Le Génie Civil, 26
Leiter's Air-Drying, Salt-Water-
Proof paint, 439
Lengths of panels for reinforced-
concrete girders, 224
Lettering, 359
Leucol oil, 435