Waikato River Bridge at Hamilton,
N.Z. 246
Arnold, Col. Bion J., 8
Arrangement of deck, 128
Arrangement of riveting, 199
Arroyo. Seco Bridge at Pasadena,
Calif., 248
Asphalt, life of, 452
Asphalt pavements, 188
Assembling, 376
Assembling in shops, 378, 379
Assistant Engineer of Construction, 383
Auditor, 384
Austin, Texas, bridge over Colorado
River, 248, 249
Author's report to S.P.E.E., 3
Automatic brakes on lift bridges, 295
Automobile travel in tunnels, 53
Auto-truck loadings, 125
Availability of supplies, 123
Avoidance of special material, 205
Backstays, 94
suspending floor from, 266
Balance-beam bascule bridge, Brown,
for Mystic River, 297, 308
Balanced-cantilever type of girder, 222
Balancing chains in lift bridges, 294
Ballasted decks, 182, 183, 185, 186
Ballast resting directly on steel plate,
Ballast resting on reinforced-concrete
slab, 183
Banks, nature of, 483
"Bare necessities only," principle of, 461
Brown balance-beam, 298
economics of, 289
type, 290
heel-trunnion, 297
Housatonic River Bridge, 298,
308, 309
Mystic River Bridge, 298
quantities for, 299
single-leaf versus double-leaf, 289
swing-span, comparison with,
284, 285
vertical-lift, comparison with,
285-287, 302
wind pressure on, 316
Base for pavement on lift bridges, 295
Bases of pedestals, plain concrete versus
reinforced, 173
Batten plates, 200, 203
Beach, Major General Lansing H., 459
Beams, intensities for compression
flanges of, 137
Bending of long pieces undesirable, 211
Bessemer process, modification of, for high
grade steel, 35
Beveled cuts, 206, 212
Bitulithic pavements, 188
Bituminous concrete floors, unsatisfactory,
Bituminous pavements, 188
Blacksmith shop, 378
Blank forms, 360
Blockade of tunnel traffic, 56
Block pavements, 426
"Bloom," 456
Bob-tailed swing versus ordinary swing,
Boca del Rio Bridge painting, 439
Boiled linseed oil, 435
Bond, Colonel P. S., 460
Bonus, method of division of among
employees, 348
Boring, 377,
Bottom, nature of, 483
Box sections for compression members,
Braced towers versus solitary columns, 254
Braked trains, thrust of, 140
Brake power for bascules, 316
Brake resistance, 315
Brakes, automatic, on lift bridges, 295
Brazil, paint for, 440
Breakdown of machinery, 315
vehicles in tunnels, 57
agreeableness of crossing, 54, 56
data concerning, in "Bridge
Engineering," 114
economics of, 113
arch, steel, economics of, 232-249
combined, 129, 131
comparative economy of, 14
contractors, general fieldwork of, 383
economics, list of author's writings
on, 489, 490
entrances and exits, separation of, 55
height of climb over, 54
manufacturers' standards, 205
movable, 284-309
cost of operation of, 55
operated by combustion engine,
operated by electricity, 311
operation by hydraulic pressure
or compressed air, 311
power for operating, cost of, 55
projects, promotion of, 20
reinforced-concrete, 218-231
comparison with steel bridges,
small cost of maintenance and
repairs for, 64
replacing of, 403, 404
riveted versus pin-connected, 72
sanitation on, 56
simple-truss, economic limit of
length for, 84
spiral approaches to, 59
steel, 67-71