Duplication, 209
Dutch Boy Red Lead, 432
Earle, Thomas, 365, 372
Earth-thrust, influence of, 228
East Omaha Bridge over the Missouri
River, 21, 131, 168
East River Bridge, 266
factors, 8
limits, wide range of, 16
investigation of engineering practice,
principle of, 6
problem, 8
span lengths for simple-truss
bridges, 150-165
résumé of results for, 161-164
definition of, 6
engineering, a treatise on, 3
principles, general, 6
studies, necessity for, 7
study of, in technical schools, 3
versus expediency, 15
comparative, formula for, 14
true, development of, 2
Effect of wind pressure on moving
spans, 293
American, 2
national, increasing, 2
power, definition of, 311
transbordeur, 330
Elasticity requisite for water-
proofing material, 452
lamps in shops, 367
railway bridges, 187
loading, 126
tracks, 190
Electricity as power for operating
bridges, 311, 312
Electrified steam railroads, 126
Electrolytic action, 455
Electro-metallurgical process, 33
Elevated railroads, 250-256
economic span-lengths for, 254
economics of, 250-256
pin-connected, 73
Elimination of noise of gearing, 313
Elimination of unnecessary transpor-
tation, 366
Embankments, 113, 115
Embedded steel, necessity for
water-proofing, 455
character of, 385
discharging of, 381
force of, 385
keeping busy, 380
percentage of profit, 348
Encased steel, necessity for
water-proofing, 455
Encasement, 186
concrete, 442
floor, 193
End floor beams, omission of, 203
Engine, gasoline, multi-cylinder, 313
aid contractor, 381
Construction, 383
importance of his work, 3
long working hours for field, 380
resident, instructions to, 380
War work, 459
economics, importance of study of, 3
lectures to University of
Kansas, 4
treatise on, 3
fieldwork, 380
office work, economics of, 358-360
Enlargement, future, 121
Entering connections, 214, 216
Enterprise, economics of proposed, 7
paying, 8
Entrances to bridges and tunnels,
separation of, 55
Equipment for repairs and renewals, 420
tools, 374
alternative methods of, 399
arch spans, 402
cantilevering, 399
cantilevers, 401
concrete arch-spans, 406
concrete-girder bridges, 406
considerations, 123
design for, 214-217
eccentric falsework, 399
economics of, 396-406
elevation from ground, 400
floor-system in advance of
trusses, 215, 216
flotation, 400
girder spans, 397
long spans, 400
medium spans, 399
methods, 123
plant, 402, 403
protrusion method of, 399
specialization of, 396
standard plant and equipment
for, 397
starting at center panel, 215
steel bridges, 397
suspended platform, 400
suspension bridges, 401
temporary suspension spans, 400
viaducts, 398