the preparation of the design or in the work of the drawing room. Even where considerable freedom is allowed in the way of modifications to suit the standard methods, details, and equipment of the particular shop doing
the work, the fact that such modifications must be arranged for with the
Engineer, as well as their actual accomplishment, involves a certain delay
and slowing down in getting the work under way in the drawing room.
The engineers thereof must necessarily make complete investigation of
the geometry, fits, etc., including the requisite number of large-scale layouts, independent of the completeness of the design. The manufacturer is
always (and properly so) held responsible for the correct fit of the steelwork.
The Engineer's preference for certain types of details, or details that are
required by the conditions of erection, should, of course, be indicated as a
part of the design.
"The spacing and arrangement of rivets should not be fixed; for the
limitations of the specifications as to the maximum and minimum spacing
ought to be sufficient. The designer should always keep in mind that
modern bridge shops are equipped with multiple punches and various
spacing devices, and that contract prices are based upon the largest possible
use of such machines. Erection difficulties and impossibilities are often
incorporated in such complete designs, which objectionable features must
be 'ironed out' by the engineer responsible for the shop drawings before
the detailing can go ahead. He has as his particular field the following