costs for bridges, economics in, 141
monthly, to be made promptly, 381
Estimating, examples of, 142-145
cost estimating, 142-145
use of economic curves for movable
spans, 304-308
Excessive live loads, 125
Excrescence of magnesia and other
salts, 456
Existing bridges, utilization of, 480
Exits from bridges and tunnels,
separation of, 55
Expansion allowance, 215
joints in pavements, 219
Expediency versus economics, 15
Expediting finishing contracts, 173
Expenses, annual, 14
Expert opinion, gratis, 7
Explosives, storage of, 382
Extra metal required to support one
excess pound of extraneous
load, 197, 198
Extras, 381
Extra work, not a punishment, 1
Eye-bar-cable suspension-bridges, 277
quantities of various materials
in, 278
Fabrication, designing of shops to
suit, 366
Facilities for construction, 123
affecting layouts of bridges, 116
affecting results in
painting, 446
compensating, 17
economic, 8, 17
safety, small for military
bridges, 462
Failure to water-proof, damage from, 453
fitness, 382
washout, 15
Fatigue of bridge-metal a myth, 416
Features, general, of structure, 120
coats, application of, 434
engineers, long working
hours for, 380
inspection, 364
organization, 383
property of the engineers, 381
economics of bridge engineering, 380
general, of bridge contractors, 383
layout for, 380
time schedule of, 380
Filing, 359
Fire, danger from, 113
protection for timber bridges, 420
Fire-proof paints, 420
First cost, 16
Fish, Prof. J. C. L., 6
Fitness of falsework and forms, 382
Fixed-span bridges, ratios of cost
for, with various clearances above
high water, 331
Flanges of beams, intensity of
compression for, 137
Flanking spans, 293
Flashing, 183
Flat scale of wages, 370
Floating bridges, 470
Floods, 122
protection against, 485
Floor beams,
economic depths of, 185
sections, 186
Flooring in military bridges, 474
Floor records, 427
economic depths of, for truss
bridges, 177, 178
economics of, 182-198
highway bridges, 190-200
railway bridges, 184
stringerless type of, 193, 194
maintenance of, 425
shops, 374
Flotation method of erection, 400
Fluidity of mixture of concrete,
increasing, 391
Foot bridges, military, 473
Footings, 223
Footwalks, 21
widths of, 128
Force of employees, 385
shops, size of, 380
workmen, 373
Foresight, 16
Foreword by Major General
Lansing H. Beach, 459
Forge work to be minimized, 211
blank, 360
concrete, steel versus timber for, 170
fitness of, 382
comparative economy, 14
weights of metal in arches, 239, 240
weights of suspension bridges,
approximate accuracy of, 248
Fort Leavenworth bridge over the
Missouri River, repairs to, 408
Foundation considerations, 122
arches on piling, 244
deep, 122
economics of, 167-174
loadings on deep, 156
piles, ignoring of impact on, 140
Foundry, 378
Four-angle columns, 212