comparison with reinforced-
concrete bridges, 64-66
life of, 64
strengthening old, 409, 416, 417
tunnels, comparison with, 53-60
author's paper on, 55
comparative economics of, 12, 53
cost curves for, 57
costs compared, 54
unit prices for, 57
Brine drippings from refrigerator cars, 415,
protection against, 443
Brooklyn Bridge, 266
Brooklyn Engineers' Club, 457
Brown, Thomas Ellis, 310
balance-beam bascule, 291, 297
bridge over Mystic River, 298, 308
Brown, Thomas Ellis, Jr., 290
Brush for painting, character of, 448
Buckle-plate, stiffened, 195
Buffers for lift bridges, 295
Buildings and plant, 384
Built piles, 296
Buried piers versus abutments with wing
walls, 114
Burlap for water-proofing, 183
Burrard Inlet proposed bridge at
vancouver, B.C., 131
Byrne, Edward A., 195, 264
advantages and disadvantages of
various types of, 268, 269
formulae for weights of, 272-275
suspension bridge, economic
rise of, 265, 266
vertical-lift bridges, 295
building up of, 382
comparison with cribs filled
with piling, 173
reinforced-concrete, 169
side friction on, 156
Calcutta bridge over Hoogly River,
Proposed, 296
Cambering plate-girders, 207
Cambridge arch bridge over the Waikato
River, 247
Camden and Philadelphia, proposed
transbordeur for, 335
Camps, 385
Canady, C. M., 208, 365
aesthetics, 83
alloy steels, criterion for,
27, 29
anchor piers, 94
arches, 238
combination of stresses, 135
economic lengths, 94
of anchor arms, 100-102
economic span-lengths, 258
economics of, 257-262
erection, 399, 401
illegitimate use, 83
inclined struts over main piers, 260
intermediate trusses, 260
legitimate economics in, 259, 260
limiting widths of structure, 94
live loads, 127
minimum width, 84, 85
new type of, economics involved,
pedestals, 260
piers, 94
rigidity, 83
riveted versus pin-connected types,
simple-truss bridges, comparison
with, 83-89
solitary piers, pedestals for, 260
splaying of trusses, 260
standard types, 84, 85
suspension bridge,
comparative economics of, 90-112
economics as affected by use of
alloy steels, 110
highway bridges, 106
résumé of investigation of,
108, 109
truss depths, 259
types of, 257-262
A, 86
C, economics of, 84, 85
vertical-lift combination, 295
vibration in, 83
weights of metal in, 31
Cantilevered versus counterforted
retaining walls, 231
Capital Account, 409
Capital and Labor, 338
Capitalization of operation and
maintenance, 15
Carbon-molybdenum steel, 37
Carbon-monoxide, cumulative action, 53, 56
in tunnels, 53
Carbon steel, 45
alloy steel comparison, 32, 33
Carmol steel comparison, 44
Card indices, 360
Carmol steel, 37, 45
carbon steel comparison, 44
tests of, 42
Carrothers, D. D., 438
"Carrying Bridges Over," 409
Carrying structure, 314
Cartlidge, C. H., 288
Castings at column feet unnecessary, 204
Cast iron in bridges, 204
Causes of paint deterioration, 444