Levees, 122
metal bridge, 430
reinforced-concrete bridges, 64
steel bridges, 64
water-proofing, probable, 451
Lift bridges,
automatic brakes, 295
balancing chains, 294
base for pavement, 295
buffers, 295
location of machinery house, 295
quantities, 299
records, 297
beneficial effects of, 367
shops, 367
Light bridges, strengthening of,
416, 417
Light structure at outset,
economics of, 16
Lime, hydrated, 391, 457
Limiting span-length,
inferior for pin-connected
bridges, 74
reinforced-concrete bridges, 66
steel arches, 241
Limits, economic, wide range of, 16
Lindenthal, Dr. Gustav, 75, 437
Linseed oil,
alone for shop coat, 438
boiled, 435
List of author's writings on
bridge economics, 489, 490
Litharge, 434
Little Pedee River crossing, 472
Live loads, 125-127
cantilever bridges, 127
combined bridges, 132
decreasing with span-length, 125
determination of, 13, 125
excessive, 125
highway, 126
steam railway, 126
abnormally heavy, 133
auto-truck, 125
classification of, 412
deep foundations, 156
electric railway, 126
future additions to, 16
highway, 126
infrequent, 133
military bridges, 481
standard, for old bridges, 411
steam railway, 126
Train, Classification of, 413
Loads and unit stresses,
economics of, 125, 140
Local resources, utilization of, 480
bridge, effect of, on economics, 25
machinery house for lift bridges, 295
sidewalks, 195
top-chord pins, 204
Locomotive gases, protection
against, 444
Log books, 381
Logs, sunken, 172
Longitudinal girders, spacing of, 224
Loose plates to be avoided, 217
Loose rivets, 423
Love for work, 1
Lowe, Houston, 433, 444, 446
conclusions concerning paint, 433
opinion of concerning the
desirable features of an anti-
corrosive metal coating, 434
Loweth, Charles F., 407, 409
Low bridge versus high bridge, 12
Low classification for old bridges, 414
Low level versus high level
crossings, 61, 62, 63
Lubrication, 314, 315
Lumber, treated, unsatisfactory
for floor, 426
Lump sum contracts, 340
objections to, 340, 341
suitable only for war times, 341
Lytton arch bridge over the Fraser
River, 246
breakdowns of, 315
definition of, 314
house for lift bridges,
location of, 295
operating, economics of, 310-317
function of, 315
power operation versus
operation by hand, 386
shops, 378
steel, 34
utilization in shopwork, 202
Machine shop, 378
work to be minimized, 211
Machines, scrapping of old, 367
Magnesia, excrescence of, 456
floors, 425
masonry, 424
operation, capitalization of, 15
repairs, 124
economics of, 407-429
Maintenance of bridges,
economic consideration, 410
safety consideration, 410
Management of men in shops, 368, 369
Manner and time of mixing concrete, 391
Man-power, 366, 386
Manufacture of concrete, economic
problems in, 387
Manufacturers' standards, 205
Market price variations, effect of, 23
Marking metal, 374