The determination of the proper clearance to allow between the bottom
of the shaft and the inside of the timber or reinforced-concrete shell is an
economic problem of importance. If it be made unnecessarily large, the
volume of the base will be too great and the construction too costly. On
the other hand, if it be made too small and an error in location should
occur because of unanticipated trouble in sinking, it would be difficult to
shift the shaft the right amount on top of the crib in order to get it into
correct position; and this would involve delay, than which there is nothing
more expensive in substructure construction. It is evident that one must
endeavor to strike a happy mean in designing his cribs and caissons—but
what is that mean? The author's practice is to allow as a minimum a foot
clear all around the base of the shaft for easy conditions of sinking, and to
increase this gradually as the said conditions become more and more
unfavorable, up to a limit of about twice that amount. It would certainly
be a case of either gross carelessness or extremely hard luck which would
prevent the correct location of a pier-shaft when the larger allowance-limit
for shifting was provided. With due care in sinking, the error of position
of a crib-top should seldom exceed a few inches; consequently, when a
bridge engineer, in order to be surely on the safe side, makes an abnormally-great allowance for error of crib position, he does so at the expense of the
work, and therefore imperils his reputation as a true economist.
Whether to use the pneumatic process instead of either open-dredging
or cofferdam excavation is fundamentally an economic problem based
upon the theory of probabilities. Comparing the open-dredging and the
pneumatic methods of sinking, while the former generally figures out to be
the cheaper, its cost is rather uncertain, because of the possibility of encountering large logs or boulders; and, while the cost of installation of a pneumatic plant adds some two or three dollars to the cost per cubic yard of the
bases, one can count almost with certainty upon the total expense involved
in the sinking. If bed rock be within reach by the pneumatic process, that
method of sinking should always be adopted, unless it be decided not to go
that far down for a foundation, in which case the open-dredging process is
likely to be the more economic. One should never sink a caisson to bed
rock by open-dredging for fear that it will rest on one edge or one corner
only and thus provide an unequal bearing. It would be far better to stop
short of it a small distance and rest on sand, gravel, or boulders overlying
the rock.
Comparing the cofferdam method with that of open-dredging into a
clay or other fairly-hard foundation-material, unless the depth below the
working stage of water be less than eighteen (18) or twenty (20) feet, the
latter usually is preferable, because the former is likely to give trouble and
nearly always involves a greater expenditure of money than that allowed in
the preliminary estimate.
The economics of steel sheet piling for cofferdams is still an unsettled
question among bridge engineers. Some of the old-time substructure con-