Spacing-tables, 375
Spandrel-braced arch, 237
arches, inequality in length of, 227
cantilever bridges, 258
determination of, 17, 158
elevated railroads, 254, 256
for trestles, 250-256
rise unchanged, 226
simple-truss bridges, 17, 150-165
tabulation of, 160
effect on comparative economics of
steel and reinforced-concrete
structures, 66
limiting, for steel arches, 241
Spans without floor systems, 183
Spar bridges, 466, 467
Special material for contracts, 373
Special material to be avoided, 205
Special space in shops, 377
Specifications, standardization of, 372
Speculative zone, 30
Speed restrictions, 412
Speeds for maximum impact, 414
Spiral approaches, 59, 114
Splaying of trusses in cantilever
bridges, 260
Splices in webs, 207
Spraying of paint, 422, 440
Spreading power of paint, 436
Springings, arch, 226
Spur gearing, 312, 313
Staggered riveting, 211
apparatus, use of, 316
dimensions for plates, 205
loadings for old bridges, 411
parts, importance of using, 359
Standards of bridge manufacturers, 205
bridges, 372
military bridging, 478, 479
shops, 372
specifications, 372
Stay plates inside of gussets, 203
Steam power for bridge operation, 311
Steam railways,
electrified, 126
loadings, 126
reinforced-concrete trestles for, 230
economics of, 232-249
limiting span-length for, 241
tabulation of salient features
of, 234
bottom chords in reinforced-
concrete arches, 229
comparative economics of
different types of, 67
life of, 64
replacing of, 403, 404
cylinder piers, 168
forms for concrete compared
with timber, 170
growth of, 215
military bridges, 475
shoot piling, 171, 172
structures, prevention of corrosion
in, 421
treatment of, for encasement, 443
columns, method of proportioning
of, 134
economics of, 250-256
reinforced-concrete trestle
comparison, 114
Steel versus reinforced-concrete
structures, 64
Steinman, Dr. D. B., 90, 91, 95-106
Stiffened buckle-plate, 195
Stiffening angles, fitting of, 203, 212
Stiffening trusses, anchored versus
free ends, 265, 268
Stiffening trusses for suspension
bridges, 265
formula for weights of, 93
Stitch rivets, 208
Stock materials, 372
Stone in military bridges, 476
Stone masonry, repairs to, 420
Stone masonry versus concrete
for piers, 167
Stoppage of traffic in tunnels, 57
batteries, 312
explosives, 382
ground, divided, for shops, 373
materials, 382, 386
metal, 441
punched metal, 376
Straightening metal, 374
Strauss bascule, 291
Stream conditions, 122
velocity, 122
width, 483
Street car traffic, method of
supporting, 425
alloy steels, 38-43
operating machinery, 315
Strengthening old bridges, 409
light bridges, 416, 417
combination of, 133
cantilever bridges and arches, 135
old bridges, 415
reversing, 135
summing up, 135
Stringerless type of floor-system, 193, 194
crooked, 466
depths, economic, 185