Abrams, Prof. Duff A., 395
Abrasion of bridge paint, 445
Abutments for arches with filling, 226
Abutments with wing-walls versus buried
piers, 114
Académie des Sciences, 26
Accessibility to paint brush, 201
Accidents in shops, 370, 371
Accumulators, 312
Accuracy in calculations, limits of, 359
Additions to future loadings, 16
Advantages of ideal method of contract-
letting, 352-354
Aerial ferry, 318
Aesthetics, 123
pier-shafts, 168
Age of cement, 393, 394
Aggregate for concrete,
light, 198
prices of, 23
reduction of voids in, 389
volume of voids in, 386
Agreeableness of traversing bridges and
tunnels, 54, 56
Air-spraying of paint, 422
Algiers, 319
Alignment and grade, 119
Alligatoring of paint, 434
Allowance for clearance, 214
Allowance for expansion, 215
Alloy steels,
carbon steel, comparison with, 32,
criterion for plate-girders of, 27
economic comparisons of, 44-51
economics of, 26-52
prices of, 44
tests of, 38-43
use in bridgework, 33
Alternating versus direct current, 312
Alternative methods of erection, 399
Aluminum steel, 33, 34
Analysis of details and joints sometimes
impracticable, 201
Anchor arms, economic lengths of, 100,
Anchor piers for cantilever bridges,
computations of, 94
Anchor span, economic length of, 259
Anchorages for suspension bridges, 94,
Anchored ends versus free ends for
stiffening trusses, 268
Angles, single, in tension, 204
Annual costs, total, contrasting of, 14
Annual expenses, 14
Anticipating accidents in shop, 370, 371
Anticipating the future, 16
Anticipating troubles, 371
Antoine, Marc, 35
Appearance of reinforced concrete bridges,
Appendix, 489
Application of paint, 422
after cleaning, 446
Approaches, bridges
and tunnels, time expended in
climbing up and down, 56
economics of, 113
nature of, 483
spiral, 59
suspension bridges, 266
timber trestle, 21
Arbitrary power of resident engineer, 382
combination of stresses in, 135
Fraser River Bridge at Lytton, B.C.,
reinforced-concrete, 225-230
abutment, 226
erection of, 406
inequality in length of, 227
ribs, types of, 227
rise of, 226
steel bottom chords, 229
cantilever, 238
economics of, 232-249
erection of, 402
formulae for weights of metal
in, 239, 240, 248
limiting span-length for, 241
pile foundations for, 244
tabulation of salient features of,
weights of, compared to trusses,
238, 239
Waikato River Bridge at Cambridge,
N.Z., 247