sections; 186, 206
spacing, 192, 194
"Structural" defined, 314
Structural metal, price of, 23
Structure, general features of, 120
Student competition on cost estimating,
141, 146-149
Study of engineering economics,
importance of, 3
Subpaving or base, 189
Subpunching, 211
Subpunching and reaming versus
punching full size, 202
economics, 167-174
influence on arch economics,
238-243, 245
Sunken logs, 172
Superintendent, 383
Supplies, 384
availability of, 123
Supply of labor, 373
cables for vertical-lift bridges, 295
machinery parts, 314
structure, 314
Surveying instruments, 382
Surveys, copying of, from field books, 381
Suspended span in cantilever bridges,
economic lengths of, 258
Suspending floor from backstays, 266
Suspension bridges, 25
anchorages, 94, 267
approaches, 266
best system of cancellation for
stiffening trusses, 265
buckle-plate floor, 263
cantilever bridge comparison, 90-112
decks, 263
economic dimensions, 95
economics, 263-283
panel lengths in, 265
rise of cables, 265, 266
truss depths, 265
ends of stiffening trusses
free or anchored, 265
erection, 401
eye-bar cable, quantities of various
materials in, 278
floor-system, 263
formulae for weights, 273-275
intermediate trusses and cables, 264
legitimate function, 263
limiting widths of structure, 94
military bridging, 469
nickel steel floors, 264
prices, 25
quantities for wire cables, 276
stiffening trusses, 265
weights of alloy-steel eye-bars, 277
"Suspension Bridges and Cantilevers—
Their Economic Proportions and
Limiting Spans," 90
Swiftness of current, 483
Swing spans, 298
bascule or vertical-lift
comparison, 284, 285
combined rim-bearing and center-
bearing type of, 288
comparative economics of, 308
economics of, 287
Symmetry, 209
System of contract-letting, ideal, 343, 344
Systemization, 18
Tabulation of economic span-lengths, 160
Talking among employees, 358
Technical book writing an
extravagance, 486
Technical schools, study of
economics in, 3
Temperatures suitable for painting, 448
Templet shop, 379
Templets, reaming to, 205, 215
Temporary bridges, 21
Temporary economic expedients, 15
Temporary piers in Missouri River, 168
alloy steels, 38-43
cement, 380
members in full-size bridges, 138, 139
Thickness of web, 207
Three-hinged versus hingeless
arches, 229
Three-hinged versus two-hinged
arches, 238
Three-span structure, economic
investigation of, 165
Through bolts in military bridges, 477
Thrust of braked trains, 140
Thrust of earth, influence of, 228
Tides, 122
Tie-plates a necessity, 182
Tie-plates versus lacing in
riveted tension members, 207
highway bridge floors, 192
street car traffic, 425
treated, economics of, 182
fire protection, 420
repairs, 419
roof-protection for, 420
decks, 184-195
concrete for highway bridges,
comparison with, 187
growing scarcity of, 22
military bridges, 475
prices, 23
steel for concrete forms,
comparison with, 170
treatment, 183, 188