Paints and painting,
interior of shop white, 367
layers, thickness, 447
Leiter's Air-Drying, Salt-
Water-Proof, 439
Lowe's conclusions concerning, 433
military bridges, 476
mixing, 432
newly-erected steelwork, 442
paste form, 432
powder form, 432
price, 447
priming coats, 422
program, 428
recommendation of, by engineers, 431
spraying, 422, 440
spreading power, 436
summary of author's conclusions
concerning, 448
temperatures suitable for, 448
Panel lengths, economic, 179, 209
for suspension bridges, 265
reinforced-concrete girders, 224
Parallel chords, economic truss
depths for, 176
Parallel chords versus polygonal
chords, 180
Pasadena, Calif., bridge over Arroyo
Seco, 248
Pavements, 187, 188, 219
asphalt, 188
base on lift bridges, 295
bitulithic, 188
bituminous, 188
concrete, 188
expansion joints for, 219
movable spans, 293
Paving blocks, storage of, 382
Paying enterprises, 8
bases, plain concrete versus
reinforced, 173
cantilever bridges, 260
costs affecting economic layouts for
trestles, 252
Pedestrian traffic on transbordeur, 323
Pedestrian travel, 21, 128
Penalizing a contractor, 340
Percentage of profit for employees, 348
Percolation of water through concrete, 454
Permanence negligible in military
bridges, 462
Permissible pressures on soil and
piles, 155
Personal equation in designing, 65
Petit trusses for continuous
spans, 78, 81
Petit versus Pratt
trussing, 71
Philadelphia-Camden Suspension
Bridge, proposed, 270, 318
transbordeur, proposed, 335
Pickling of metalwork, 442
minimum expense for, 57
temporary, in Missouri River, 168
two-pedestal, 94
aesthetics, 168
cocked-hat, 169
depth below water, 170
reinforcing of concrete, 167
Pigments, character of, 448
built, 296
cribs versus caissons, 173
foundations for arches, 244
friction, 156
impact, 140
loading, permissible, 155
military bridges, 475
piers under steel spans, 169
reinforced-concrete, 225
steel sheet, 171, 172
trestles for military bridges, 467
trestles, replacing of, 419
wooden versus reinforced, 174
Pin bearings, wear in, 415
Pin-connected bridges, inferior
span-length for, 74
Pin-connected elevated railroads, 73
Pin-connected versus riveted
bridges, 72
Pin holes, half, 216
cost of shopwork on, 73
old bridges, 415
sizes, 207
top chords, location of, 204
wear, 423
Plain concrete versus reinforced-
concrete for pedestal bases, 173
Planing and milling, 377
sheared edges, 202
Plank floors, undesirable, 425
Planning system for shops, 379
Plant, 384
erection, 402, 403
military bridges, 464
tools for military bridges, 477
cambering, 207
criterion for alloy steels, 27
deck, economics of, 68
economic depths of, 178-180
half-through, 185
economics of, 69
open-web girder comparison, 255
round corners in, 207
Plate-lattice-girder spans, 70
loose, to be avoided, 217
standard dimensions for, 205
Platforms for cleaners and painters, 446