In 1919, a paper entitled "Possibilities and Economics of the Transbordeur," presented to the Institution of Civil Engineers of Great Britain,
and published as the basis of two editorials in Le Génie Civil.
In 1920, a joint paper with Mr. H. Malcolm Priest on "Comparative
Economics of Continuous and Non-Continuous Trusses," presented to the
Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania and published in its "Proceedings."
In 1920, a paper for the same society on "Comparative Economics of
Wire Cables and High-Alloy-Steel Eyebar-Cables for Long-Span Suspension- Bridges," and published in its "Proceedings."
In 1920, a memoir entitled "De l'Emploi Économique des Alliages
d'Acier dans la Construction des Ponts," published in condensed form by the
Académie des Sciences on July 12, 1920, and in full by Le Génie Civil on July 24, 1920.
In 1920, a paper entitled "Bridge versus Tunnel for the Proposed Hudson River Crossing at New York City," presented to the American Society
of Civil Engineers and published in its "Proceedings."
In 1920, an as-yet-unpublished paper on "Economics of Reinforced- Concrete, Steam-Railway Bridges."
In 1920, a paper on "Economics of Movable Spans," presented to the
American Railway Engineering Association, but not yet published.