Masonry maintenance, 424
Masonry piers, 167
Masonry, stone, repairs to, 420
Materials and supplies, 384
available, 484
best proportions of,
for concrete, 387-389
checking of, 380
counterweights, 294
employed in military bridging, 474
purchasing cheaply, 386
quick ordering of, 385
special, for contracts, 373
stock, 372
storage of, 382, 386
unloading of, 380, 381
versus labor, 18
versus time, 18
Mathematics in bridge-economics
investigations, 175
Mattress work, 122
woven brush, 474
Mayarí steel, 33, 34
cables, 279
Medium spans, erection of, 399
Members in military bridges,
sizes of, 477
management of, 368, 369
treatment of, 385
Mental effort, economics of, 18
as applied to inspection, 364
Merriman and Jacoby's treatment of
cantilever bridges, 261
cleaning of, 422, 445
for shop coat, 441
life of, 430
marking of, 374
minimum thickness of, 201
protection, economics of, 430-448
storage of, 376, 441
straightening of, 374
structural, prices of, 23
trimming and cutting of, 374
"Metalcote," 432
comparison, 14
contract-letting, 339, 340
erection, 123
profit-sharing contract, 345, 346
Military bridges,
bolts, 477
classes of, 463
concrete, 476
deck or flooring, 474
economics of, 459-485
improvisation in, 478, 479
inspection, 485
joints and fastenings, 476
labor, 478
lack of strength, 459
Military bridges,
loading, 481
paint, 476
piling, 475
plant and tools, 464, 477
standardization, 478, 479
steel, 475
stone, 476
timber, 475
transportation of materials, 482
types, 464
typical, 465
waste not justified, 462
Mill inspection, 363
Milling and planing, 377
Minimum thickness of metal, 201
Mississippi River Bridge, economic
study for replacement of, 13
Mississippi River bridge or tunnel
at or near New Orleans, 296, 319
Missouri River Bridges,
East Omaha, 131
Fort Leavenworth, repairs to, 408
Sioux City, 131
Missouri Valley Bridge Company, 439
Mixed carbon and alloy-steel bridges, 30
Mixing concrete,
economics of, 386
increasing fluidity of mixture, 391
manner and time of, 391
water, amount of, 392
Moisture changes, provocative of
cracks in concrete, 456
as an alloy, 34
economic benefit from, in steels, 44
gain involved by increasing
percentage of, 49
Molybdenum steel, 36
bridges, use in, 487
Commercial Steels (catalogue), 36
economic comparisons of, 44-51
tests of, 38-43
Monthly estimates to be made
promptly, 381
Montreal enterprise, 7
Motive power dependent on location
of structure, 310
Movable bridges,
comparative costs of various
types of, 297
economics of, 284-309
effect of wind pressure on, 293
examples illustrating use of economic
curves for, 304-308
main elements in, 314
pavements for, 293
quickness of operation in, 293
skew layouts for, 303
Multi-cylinder gasoline engine, 313
Multiple punches, 375
effect of, 206