trestles, 113-115
approaches, 21
filling up, 113
low classification of, 415
military bridges, 465
considerations, 121
element in. war, 460
expenditure on approach grades
to bridges and tunnels, 56
factor substituted for cost factor, 461
mixing concrete, 391
repainting, determination of, 445
required for solution of
economic problems, 33
schedule of fieldwork, 380
versus material, 18
Toch Bros., 437
"Tockolith," 432, 437
Tool equipment, 374
Tools for military bridges, 477
pins, location of, 204
polygonal, economic depths of
trusses with, 176, 177
Top flanges, cover-plates for, 200
Torch, use of, for cleaning metal, 441
Towers for vertical lifts, 294
Tracks, 384
electric-railway, 190
gauntleted, 128
shops, 379
Traction loadings for old bridges, 412
Traffic, 20
congestion at entrance and exit, 54
diversion of, during replacement, 405
investigations, 20
pedestrians on transbordeur, 323
probable, 20
several kinds on one deck, 128
tunnels, stoppage of, 57
Trains, thrust of braked, 140
author's improvements on, 320
comparative operating capacity,
328, 330
conditions favorable for, 330
description, 318
efficiency, 330
general conclusions concerning the
economics of, 335, 336
Havana Harbor, proposed, 332-334
high-level bridge comparison, 330
improvements on present type
of, 319, 325-328
inferior features of, 318
New Orleans, description of, 321-323
ordinary, description of, 319
Philadelphia and Camden,
proposed, 335
possibilities and economics
of, 318-336
summary of conclusions on
economics of, 320, 321
time schedule, 324
types of truss suitable for, 319
velocity of cages, 323
Transformers, 312
materials for military bridging, 482
unnecessary, elimination of, 366
Transporter bridge, 318
Travel, automobiles in tunnels, 53
Travelers, expensive for deep trusses, 176
Treated lumber unsatisfactory for
sidewalks, 426
Treated ties, economics of, 182
Treatment of men, 385
Treatment of steel to be encased, 443
Treatment of timber, 183, 188
approaches, timber, 21
double-track railway, 252
economic span-lengths, 250-256
highway, economic span-lengths
of, 252
military bridges, 467
pedestal costs affecting
economic layouts, 252
reinforced-concrete for steam
railways, 230
span-length, economic, for
military, 465
steel, economics of, 250-256
versus reinforced-concrete, 114
Triangular trusses, divided, for continuous
spans, 78, 80
Triangular versus Pratt trussing, 71
Trimming and cutting metal, 374
Troubles, anticipating, 371
Trough floors, 182, 214
Truck loadings, 125
Trucks, great weight of, 425
True economy, development of, 2
Trunnion bascules, 290
bridges, economic span
lengths for, 150, 165
crescent, 272
criterion for alloy steels, 27, 28
depths, economic, for parallel
chords, 176
depths, economic, for suspension
bridges, 265
depths for cantilever bridges, 259
doubling of, 21
economics of, 175-181
spacing, 186
Tullock, A. J., 439
almost always more expensive than
bridge, 54
automobile travel in, 53