age of, 393, 394
concrete floors, unsatisfactory,
paints, 437
prices, 23
protection of, 382
testing, 380
Center-bearing versus rim-bearing
swing-spans, 287
Centrifugal force for old bridges, 412
Chains, balancing, for lift
bridges, 294
Chalfant, J. G., 407, 424
Chamfering, 375
Changes on drawings, 359
Channel flanges turned in, 203
Channels, shifting, 122, 293
Charts of progress, 381
Chattahoochee River crossing
at West Point, Ga., 471
Checking computations, 359
Checking of materials, 380
Cheesman & Elliot, 432
Chess (floor of ponton bridge),
cables, 282
Chrome-nickel steel, 37
Chrome steel, 46
Chromol steel comparison, 45
tests of, 38
Chrome-vanadium steel, 37
Chromium-molybdenum steel, 37
best composition of, 51
Chromium-vanadium-molybdenum steel, 37
Chromol steel, 37, 46
best composition of, 51
cables, 282
chrome steel comparison, 45
Chrovanmol steel comparison, 51
Nicmol steel comparison, 51
tests of, 38
(treated), 43
(untreated), 43
Chrovanmol steel, 37, 49
Chromol steel comparison, 51
Chrovan steel comparison, 48
tests of, 40
Chrovan steel, 37, 49
Chrovanmol steel comparison, 48
tests of, 40
City of New Orleans, 319
Clarke, Ernest Wilder, 337
Clarke, Major Leon L., 310
Classes of military bridges, 463
bridges, 410
loadings, 412
low, for old bridges, 414
Train Loadings, 413
application of paint after, 446
metalwork, 245, 422
for shop coat, 441
Clearance allowance, 214
above high water, 122
ample, 216, 316, 317
between bottom of shaft
and cofferdam, 171
criterion for economics of
bascules and vertical lifts, 309
necessity for, 214, 215
Clear waterway, 122
Climatic influences on paints, 438
Climax Molybdenum Company, 36
Climb over a bridge, height of, 54
Clutches, 313
Cocked-hat in pier shafts, 169
open-dredging comparison, 171
sealing of, 172
Collection of data, 359
Colorado River Bridge at Austin,
Texas, 248, 249
Colors of paints, 428
best number of per bent, 224
castings unnecessary for
feet, 204
formula, 139
reinforced-concrete, 223
sections, best, 255
spacing, economic, 253
steel trestles, method
of proportioning of, 134
tests, Report of Committee
on, 136, 137
Combination of stresses, 133
stresses in cantilever
bridges and arches, 135
Combination of vertical lift
and cantilevers, 295
Combined bridges, 129, 131
grouping of, 129, 130
live loads for, 132
Combustion engine for
operating bridges, 311
Commercial influences, 120
Comparative economics,
bridges and tunnels, 53
Cantilever and Suspension
Bridges, 268
different types of ordinary
steel bridges, 67
formula for, 14
of Wire-Cables and High-
Alloy Steel Eye-bar-Cables
for Long Span Suspension-
Bridges, 263, 267
steel and reinforced-concrete
bridges, 65
Compensating factors in economic
comparisons, 16
Compensation for inspection, 361
Competition eliminated by cost-plus
contracts, 342