stresses were summed up for greatest tension and greatest compression on each piece, in order to determine by slide rule the live load stresses. The live load assumed for each track was the author's Class 60 loading.
In order to save time and labor, a constant percentage for impact was
included in the live load itself instead of varying the percentage amounts
to be added to the live-load stresses in the different web members. This
approximation, of course, caused certain errors in web stresses; but their
effects on the two contrasted types of structure were practically alike, and,
therefore, did not affect the correctness of the comparison. The reactions
for concentrated loads in the continuous-truss structure were obtained
by the Theorem of Three Moments. No attempt was made to correct
later the stresses thus found by the more exact method of least work;
for the reactions obtained in that manner by the designers of the Sciotoville
Bridge indicated that the difference in total weight of metal caused thereby
was trifling.
The finding of the live-load stresses was a comparatively simple matter,
but the determining of the dead-load stresses was much more arduous,
because sometimes the correct distribution of the metal between the various panel-points was not ascertained until the third trial. No attention
was paid to wind stresses; because, in double-track railway-bridges of long
span and heavy live-loading, the excess intensities of working stresses
allowed in modern bridge specifications for combinations of wind stresses
and other stresses result in rendering wind stresses in the trusses entirely
After the live-load stresses and the dead-load stresses for both the
continuous and the non-continuous spans had been computed, they were
combined, and the maximum stress on each piece for both tension and
compression was recorded. Then the sectional areas were determined by
the specifications of Chapter LXXVIII of "Bridge Engineering," ignoring,
however, all effects of reversion; after which the total weights of metal in
main members were figured for both layouts, and to them were added the
proper percentages to cover weights of details, thus giving the comparing
weights of metal for the two types of structure under consideration. Much
to the author's surprise, the weights thus found were so nearly alike that
their difference amounted to a small portion of one per cent—so small, in
fact, as to be negligible.
It had been intended to make an entirely new set of sectional areas and compute the resulting weights of metal for both types on the basis of caring for reversing stresses in accordance with the method provided in the
before-mentioned specifications; but this was found to be unnecessary, because members in which reversion occurred were very few, and both the direct and the indirect effects thereof were readily determined. By "indirect" effect is meant in this case the increase in weight of metal due to augmentation of dead load caused by provision for reversal. Here again was a surprise, for the effects on the two types were exactly alike. These