Redpath Chautauqua Collection
Series I
An asterisk (*) indicates that publicity brochures, pamphlets, flyers, or handbills are available.
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Box 317 (cont.)
*"Taber" (William Taber Houston) (see also Houston, William Taber; Houstons, The)Taff, Paul C.
Taft, Charles P.
*Taft, Lorado
Box 318
*Taft, Lorado*Taft, William Howard (President)
*Taggart, Charles Ross (see also Taggart's Fiddlers)
Box 319
*Taggart, Charles Ross (see also Taggart's Fiddlers)*Taggart, Frederic (see also Aborn Opera Company)
Taggart's Fiddlers (see also Taggart, Charles Ross)
Box 320
*"Take My Advice" CompanyTalbert, Raymond B.
Talcott, Elizabeth F.
*Tamburitza Players
*Tamiris and Her Group
*Tamminga Trio
*Tanner, Allan A. (Rev.)
*Tapp, Sidney C.
Tappen, Laura
*Tarbell, Harlan
*Tarbell, Ida M.
Tarbet, Ella M.
Tarnowsky, George de
*Tarr, Alexander R. (Rev.)
*Tarrant-Kuss, Charlotte
*Tarshish, Jacob (Rabbi)
*Tatterman Marionettes
Tatum, Grace Cowan
Tavenner, Clyde H. (Rep.)
*Taylor, Alfred Alexander (Rep.)
*Taylor, Carl
*Taylor, George Weston (Rev.)
*Taylor, H. Leo (Rev.)
*Taylor, Herbert A.
*Taylor, James Milburn
*Taylor, Jessie Rae
Taylor, Lillian M.
*Taylor, Myron and Ruth Helen (see also Gilberts Golden Memories)
*Taylor, Robert L. (Sen.)
*Tchou, M. Thomas (Col.)
*Te Ata (Princess)
*Teachworth Trio Company
Teasdale, Flora
*Teel, Icey Lenora
Teeter, Pauline
Teeter, R.W.
*Teeter, Roy Russell (Rev.)
*Temianka, Henri
Box 321
*Temple, Robert Howard*Temple Quartet
*Temple Quartette Concert Company
*Temple Singers
*Temples, The
*Tennessee Duo
Terhune, Grace
Terhune, Paul
*Terrell, Mary Church
*Terry, Clyde R. (Col.)
*Terry, Edna June
*Terry, J. William
Terry, Mary (see also Watteau Girls)
Terry, Mildred
*Terry, Warren Lee
Testa Trio
Tetley, W.A.
Thatcher, Alvin M.
Thatcher, Burton (see also Burton Thatcher and His Opera-Concert Singers)
Thatcher, James (see James Thatcher and His Symphony Orchestra)
Thaviu and His Band (see also other Thaviu entries)
*Thaviu and His Oriental Band (see also other Thaviu entries)
*Thaviu Grand Opera Pageant (see also other Thaviu entries)
*Thaviu His Band and Grand Opera Singers(see also other Thaviu entries)
*Thayer, Carl (Mrs.)
*Thayer, Lilian Aldrich
"Their Honor the Mayor" Company
Theis, Corinne L.
*Theobaldi, Ole (see also Ole Theobaldi Concert Party)
*Theodore Knox Concert Party
*Theresa Sheehan Concert Company (see also Sheehan, Maria Theresa "Tess"; Killarney Colleens)
*Thespian Dramatic Company
*Thibodeau, Asa Davis (Rev.)
*Thierry, Andre
*Thomas, C.N.
Thomas, C.S.
*Thomas, Caroline Powers
Thomas, Clark S.
Thomas, D.F.
Thomas, Emma Mae
Thomas, Glenn H.
Thomas, Hayden Parry
*Thomas, J. S. Ladd (Rev.)
*Thomas, John Charles
*Thomas, Lowell Jackson
*Thomas, Perry (Lt. Col.)
Box 322
*Thomas, Perry (Lt. Col.)Thomas, Wilma
Thomas Cusack Company
*Thomas Scherman and the Little Orchestra
*Thompson, Carl D.
*Thompson, Edward H. ("Thompson of Yucatan")
Thompson, Edwin C. (Mrs.)
*Thompson, Frank C.
Thompson, Frederick S.
*Thompson, George W.
Thompson, Henry
*Thompson, James Kater
Thompson, John B.
Thompson, Mabelle Alice
*Thompson, Meressa
Thompson, Netty Fant
Thompson, Samuel H.
Thompson, Silas (Mrs.)
*Thompson, Sydney
Thompson, Thomas Barney (Rev.)
Thompson, Virgil (Rev.)
Thompson, W.J. (Rev.)
Thompson, W.O. (Rev.)
"Thompson of Yucatan" (see Thompson, Edward H.)
Thorburgh, Myrtle
*Thorpe, Harry Colin
*Thorpe, Jim
*Thorson, Carl
*Three Artists
Three Dancing Saxo's
*Three Maids and a Man (see also Whitney, Edwin M.)
Three Moran Sisters
Three Musketeers
*Thurlow, Paul Edward
Thurston, Adelaide
*Thurston, Clara Louise
Thurston, Howard
Tidd, Gabriel M.
Tierney, Henry B. (Rev.)
*Tiffany, Marie
*Tiffany Male Quartet
Tiffany Male Quartet and Bell Ringers
*Tigert, John J.
*Tihen, J. Henry (Rev.)
Box 323
*Tihen, J. Henry (Rev.)*Tillman, Benjamin Ryan (Sen.)
Tillman, John N. (Rep.)
Tillotson, Frederick E.
*Tincher, Frank Sampson (Rev.)
*Titus, James
*Titus Grand Opera Quartette
Toaz, Ralph W.
*Tobias-Bracken Revue (see also Jay Tobias Company; Tobias-Harper Company; Bracken, Dorothy M.)
*Tobias-Harper Company (see also Jay Tobias Company; Tobias-Bracken Revue)
*Tobler, Larry
*Toenniges Trio
*Toenniges Quartet
*Tolbert, Raymond B. (Rev.)
*Tollefsen Trio (see also Fulcher, Maurice and Gordon)
Tolles, Harry N.
*Tolman, Laura
*Tolstoy, Ilya
Tom Brown's Highlanders
"Tom Thumb Wedding" Company (see "Marriage of the Midgets")
Tome, John S. (Rev.)
Tomlins, William L.
*Tomlinson, Edward
Box 324
*Tomlinson, Edward*Tomlinson, Ruth E.
*Tommasino and His Famous Band
*"Tommy" Company
Toner, Jean Baptiste
*Tongier, Mae Guthrie
*Tony Sarg's Marionettes
*Tooley, H.W.D. (see also Tooley Opera Company)
*Tooley Opera Company (see also Tooley, H.W.D.)
Box 325
*Toomey, George E.Topping, I.W. (Mrs.)
*Toronto Male Quartet (see also Toronto Masonic Male Chorus Club)
*Toronto Masonic Male Chorus Club (see also Toronto Male Quartet)
*Torrance, Grace Tren
*Totten, James Morrison
*"To the Ladies" Company
Towle, Ralph E.
*Towne, Charles Hanson
Towne, O.B.
Towns, E. Kirk
*Townsend, Gertrude
Townsend, Millard C.
Townsend, Walter B.
*Townsend, Winifred (see also Winifred Townsend Company; Winifred Townsend Trio)
*Townsend-Walker Concert Companies
*Toy, Ernest (see also Toy, Ernest and Eva Leslie; Ernest Toy and Assisting Artist)
*Toy, Ernest and Eva Leslie (see also Toy, Ernest; Ernest Toy and Assisting Artist)
Tozier, Margaret
Trager, H.E.
Trapp, O.W.
*Trappe, Frederick C.
*Travers, Frank C.
*Travers, Thomas J. (Rev.)
*Trefz, Edward F.
*Tridon, Andre
*Trier Concert Company
*Trier Sisters Quintette
Triffit, E.L.
*Trimble, Martha Stout (Rev.)
*Trio Classique of New York
*Trip to the Hawaiian Islands and Aldrichs Imperial Hawaiian Singers
Tripp, Charles B.
*Tris, Mary
Tromomhauser, Henrietta J.
*Troop, J.G. Carter
*Troubadour Male Quartet
Box 326
*Troubadour Male Quartet*Troubadours Amusement Company
*Trout, George W.
*Trout, Grace Wilbur (Mrs. George W.)
*Trout, I.B. (Rev.)
Troxell, Edward L.
Troyer-Banks, Pauline (Mrs.) (see Artman, Samuel R., Mrs.)
Truitt, Austin
*Truman, Frederick W.
Trumbauer, Walter H.
Trumbo, H.P. (Mrs.)
Trumbull, Olga E.
Trusler, Lillian
Tsianina (Princess) (see Cadman, Charles Wakefield and Princess Tsianina)
*Tschaikowsky Quartette
Tucker, Courtney S.
*Tucker, Elizabeth
Tucker, Irwin St. John
Tucker, Louis (Rev.)
*Tudor-Geeding Concert Company
*Tulin, Mischa
Tull, Clyde
Tull, Royden E.
Tullar, Myrtle
*Tupper, C.A. (Col.)
*Tupper, Kerr Boyce
*"Turn to the Right" Company (see also Brae, Jean; Whitney, Edwin M.)
*Turner, Archelaus Ewing
Turner, Carolyn Ayres
*Turner, Edward Bates (Rev.)
*Turner, Ewart Edmund
Turner, George H.
Turner, J. Warren
Turner, Laura
Turner, Margaret Wilson
Turner, Mary
Turner (Misses) (see Misses Turner)
Turner, W.M.
*Turner, William Douglas (Mrs.)
*Tuskegee Institute Band, Orchestra and Glee Club
Tuten, Fay (Miss)
Tuttle, Wallace B.
Twain, Mark (to James Redpath)
*"Two Fellows and a Girl" Company
*Twomey, Arthur C.
Tydings, Millard E. (Sen.)
Box 327
*Tyndall, Charles H.*Tyrolean Alpine Singers and Yodlers
*Tyrolean Alpine Yodlers
Tyrolean Yodlers
Tyrrell, Frank G.
Tyrrell, W. Bradley
Box 327 (cont.)
Udasco, C.S.*Uhl, Jerome
*Ullmanns, The (Herbert and Eleanor)
Ulrich, Catherine and Theodore (see Ulrich Company)
*Ulrich Company
Unangst, Edwin Walter
*Underhill, Charles F.
Union League Club of Chicago
United Americans
United Photo-Plays Company
*United States Air Force Band
*United States Indian Band (see also Wheelock Indian Band)
*United States Indian School Band (see also David Russell Hill and His Onondaga Indian Concert Band)
*United States Marine Band
*United States Navy Band
Universal Military Training League
University Boys
*University Four
*University Girls
*University Glee Club (see also Norton, William Wellington)
*University of Alabama Glee Club
University of Illinois Glee and Mandolin Club
*University of North Dakota Philharmonic Orchestra (see also Norton, William Wellington)
Unkrich's Boy's Band
*Upshaw, William D. (Rep.)
*Upton, T. Dinsmore ("Dinnie") (Capt.)
Box 328
*Upton, T. Dinsmore ("Dinnie") (Capt.)U-Ren, William S.
*Urbana Commercial Club Band (see also Rea, Edward F.)
*Utica Jubilee Singers
Utley, Fred B.
*Utley, Freda
Box 328 (cont.)
*Valborg Sinkler and Company (see also Sinkler, Valborg)*Valeno and His Band
Valentine, May (see also "Robin Hood" Company; May Valentine Opera Company)
*Valentine Grand Concert Company
Valentine Singers
Vallee, R.J.
Van, Bernice
Van Aiken, Hal G.
Van Berggrun, E.W.
Van Bramer, Fern
*Van Browne Entertainers (see also Browne, Van O.)
*Van Cavel, Roeland
*Vance, Charles C.
Vance, Edgar J.
Van Closter, Elizabeth
*Vanda Enos and Her Girls
Vandenberg, Arthur H. (Sen.)
*Van Den Berg, Atty
*Van den Berg, Brahm
Vanden Bergh, L.J.
Box 329
Vanden Bosch Brothers Male Quartet*Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Jr.
*Vanderbilt University Glee Club
*Van der Locht, Julius (Lt.)
*Vandersall, James Y.
*Van der Veer, Nevada (see also Miller, Reed and Nevada Van der Veer)
Van Dervoort, R.T.
*Vandiver, Wellington
*Van Doren, Mark
*Van Dyke, Henry (Rev.)
Van Dyke, Irene
*Van Gordon, Cyrena
Van Grove, Isaac
Van Horne, Robert
Van Kirk, J.W. (Rev.)
*Van Kirk, Robert W. (Rev.)
*Van Liew, Henry P. (Prof.)
Van Lissel, Carrie E.
Vannix, Dora C. (Mrs.)
VanNuy's Orchestra
*Van O. Browne Novelty Trio (see also Browne, Van O.)
Box 330
Van Rees, Neal (see Miller, Jane and Neal Van Rees)Van Riper, B.W.
Van Schaick, John, Jr.
*Van Sluizer, Hans
*Van Veachton Rogers Harp Duo (see also Rogers, Van Veachton, Mr. and Mrs.)
*Van Vliet, Cornelius
Van Wagenen, A.
Van Zant, Jeanette (see Sellers, Frances and Jeanette Van Zant)
*Vardaman, James K. (Gov.)
*Variety Four
*Varley, Charles
*Varney, Charles Edward (Rev.) (see also Varneys and Marks)
*Varney, Mecca Marie (Rev.) (see also Varneys and Marks)
*Varneys and Marks (see also Varney, Charles E., Rev.; Varney, Mecca Marie, Rev.)
*Varsity Harmony Trio
Varsity Male Quartette of Michigan Agricultural College (see Toaz, Ralph W.)
*Varsity Trio
*Vassar Girls
Vaudeville Artists' Company
Vaudeville Show No. 5
Vaudeville Show No. 6
Vaudeville Show No. 7
Vaudeville Show No. 8
Vaudeville Show No. 9
Vaudeville Show No. 10
Vaudeville Show No. 11
*Vaughan, David D. (Rev.)
*Vaughan, L.J. (Rev.)
*Vaughan, W.E.
Veley, Paul
*Venetian Musicians
*Venetian Trio
Verdi Mixed Quartet
*Ver Haar, Edna Swanson
*Ver Haar, Edna Swanson and Stanley Deacon (see also Deacon, Stanley)
*Verlet, Alice
*Vermont Players
Box 331
*Vernon, Paul (see also entry under Paul Vernon; Vernon entries)Vernon, W.T.
*Vernon Concert Ensemble (see also Vernon, Paul)
*Vernon Quintet (see also Vernon, Paul)
*Vernon String Quartet (see also Vernon, Paul)
*Vert, Edmund J.
Vetleson, Martin
*Vickers, Leslie (Capt.)
*Victor, Calfatty (Sig.) (see also Victor's Venetian Band)
Victor and His (Royal) Venetian Band (see Victor's Venetian Band)
Victor Opera Company
*Victoria Lynn and the Locke Male Quartette
*Victorian Artists
*Victorian Party (see also Brown, Pallas)
*Victorian Serenaders
Victor's International Musical Bureau
*Victor's Venetian Band (see also Victor, Calfatty, Sig.)
*Vierra's Hawaiians
Box 332
*Vierra's Hawaiians*Vierra's Royal Hawaiian Singers and Players
*Village Singers
Villamin, Vincent
*Vincent, Clarence A. (Rev.)
Vincent, George E.
*Vincent, Henry Bethuel
*Vincent, Hermione
*Vincent, Terence
Vincent, William
*Vinson, Charles B. ("Dixie")
*Vintons-Father and Son
Vintons, The
Violette, E.E.
*"Violin Maker of Cremona" Company
Vir Den, Earle
*Virginia Girls
*Virginians, The
Visocchi, Andrew
*Vissochi's Florentine Musicians (see also Florentine Musicians)
Visscher, William Lightfoot (Col.)
Visser, John A.
*Vitale's Orchestral Band
*Vitale's Venetian Band
Vivian, George
Vivian, Percival (see also "Seven Keys to Baldpate" Company)
*Vivion, Mayme (Miss) (see also McDonnell-Vivion Concert Company)
*Voelker, Paul F.
*Volga Boys
Von Geltch, Waldemar
Von Hoene, Ellenora
*Von Hoffman, Carl (Capt.)
Von Holdt, Hilde
*Von Niezychowski, Alfred (Count)
*Von Prillwitz, Curt W. (Lt.)
Box 333
Von Skibinsky, Alexander (see Riheldaffer-Skibinsky Company)Von Staden, Marjorie
*Von Taube, Hilda
Vore, Kathryn Alice
*Vosburgh, Ernest (Mrs.)
Votaw, Lyravine
Vrooman, F.B.
Box 333 (cont.)
W.G. Raoul FoundationWabash Entertainers
Waddington, Geoffrey
Wade Family Bell Ringers
Wadhams, Almeda
*Waggoner, Helen
*Wagner, Charles (Rev.)
*Wagner, Charles L.
Wagner, Dudley
Wagner, R.
Wagner Ladies Quartette (see Wallace Bruce Amsbary and the Wagner Ladies Quartette)
Wahl, Annette M.
*Waite, Amory H. ("Bud"), Jr.
Waite, Ethel
Wakefield, Olive Lindsay (see Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel and Olive Lindsay Wakefield)
*Walbridge, Lena Elizabeth
*Walden (Magician)
Waldman, Josef
*Waldmann, Eduard
*Waldorf, Ernest Lynn (Bishop)
Wales, Clare Vaughn
Wales, W.H.
Walker, Arthur A.
Box 334
*Walker, Clifford*Walker, E. Jerry (Rev.)
Walker, Henry C.
*Walker, Nellie Verne
Walker, Ralph
*Walker, Shade W. (Rev.)
*Walker, William Thonton (Rev.)
*Walker, Winifred
Walker-Boyd (see Walker, Shade W., Rev.)
*Walkers Fisk Jubilee Singers (see also Fisk Jubilee Singers)
Walkey, Ruth
Wallace, Charles William
Wallace, E.D.
Wallace, Edna
*Wallace, George R. (Rev.)
Wallace, Isabel
Wallace, J. Sherman
*Wallace Bruce Amsbary and the Wagner Ladies Quartette (see also Amsbary, Wallace Bruce)
Wallenstein, Alfred
*Waller, Elbert
*Wallis, Louis
*Walls, Alfred
*Waln, Nora
Walsh, Dan, Jr.
*Walsh, David I. (Gov.)
*Walsh, F. Van Wormer
Walsh, Loretta
*Walsh, Mike C. (see also Mary Garden Summer Chautauqua and Winter Forum)
Walsh, William E.
Walsingham, Elizabeth
Box 335
*Walter, ElleryWalter, Marie (see Marie Walter Company)
*Walter Eccles and the Four College Girls (see also Eccles, Walter)
*Walter F. Greenwood and His Associate Artists
*Walter George Light Opera Singers
Walters, Ellis P.
Walton, (?) (Gov.)
*Walton Pyre Stock Company (see also Pyre, Walton)
Wampach, Henry
*Wanamaker, R.M. (Judge)
Wanieck, Kurt
Wannamaker, O.D.
War Loans (Treasury Dept.)
*Ward, Ada L.
*Ward, Florence Elizabeth
Ward, Harry (see Perry, Roger and Harry Ward)
Ward, James H. (see also Gary Municipal Band)
*Ward, Merle S.
Ward, Paul W.
*Ward Waters Company
*Warde, Frederick
Wardle, G.K.
Wardrop, James W.
Wardwell, James C.
Ware, Gordon
*Ware, Helen
*Waring, Dorothy
*Waring, Tom
*Warliker, Jehan (Prince Seesodia of India)
Warner, Alma (see also Worrell, Katherine)
Warnery, Edmond
*Warr, Wilbur E.
Warren, J.H.
Warren, Ruth D.
*Warwick, George
*Warwick Male Quartette
*Washburn, Frederic L.
Washington, Booker T.
*Washington, Howard C.
*Wassam, Clarence W.
Wasser, Lloyd W.
*Wasserman, Joyce
*Wassil, Aly
*Wassmann, Robert (see also Robert Wassmann Company)
Watahwaso (Princess) (see entries under Princess Watahwaso)
Waterman, Emily (see Emily Waterman Concert Company)
Waterman, Nixon
*Waterman, Philip F. (Rabbi)
Box 336
*Waters, N. McGee (Rev.)Waters, Ward (see Ward Waters Company)
*Waters Concert Band
Waterson, Henry
*Waterstreet, Mary
*Wathena Concert Company
Watkins, A.S.
Watkins, Clara W.
Watkins, Enid
*Watkins, V.S.
Watson, Alexander
Watson, Betty
*Watson, Dudley Crafts
Watson, Earl H.
*Watson, James E. (Rep.)
*Watson, John M.
*Watson, Thomas E. (Hon.)
*Watt, Reginald J.J. (Rev.)
*Watt, William E.
*Watteau Girls (see also Terry, Mary)
*Watterson, Henry
Watts, Lucile (Miss)
Waugh, Clarence Wendell
Waugh, Eunice B.
*Waugh-Bowman, Grace
*Waverly Concert Party
*Waverleys, The (see also Lewis, Tom)
*Waxter, Thomas J.S. (Judge)
*Wayman, Matthew
Waymire, H.S.
Weatherfield, C.A. (Rev.)
*Weatherwax, William W. (see also Weatherwax Brothers Quartet/Quartette)
*Weatherwax Brothers Quartet (see also other Weatherwax entries)
*Weatherwax Brothers Quartette (see also other Weatherwax entries)
Box 337
*Weaver, James B. (Gen.)Weaver, Wilda A.
Webb, Hortense
Webb, Murray (see Webb-Bernard Concerts)
Webb, Sally
*Webb-Bernard Concerts
Webber, A.R.
Webber, Carl Evon
Weber, Eugene
Weber, Frederick
*Weber, Henriette
Weber, John C. (see John C. Weber and His Prize Band of America)
Weber, Laura (Mrs.)
Weber, Ruth M.
*Weber Male Quartette (see also Weber Quartet)
*Weber Quartet (see also Weber male Quartette)
*Weber Quartet of Boston
*Webster, Eugenia and Winifred
*Webster, Margaret
Webster Vaudeville Circuit
Weeks, Don
Weeks, Edwin R. (see Edwin R. Weeks Company)
*Weeks, Howard L.
*Weesner, Clarence M.
*Wehr, Gladys Perrow
Wehrlein, William
Wehrmann Quartet
*Weigle, Dan
*Weiseman, T. Walter
*Welbourn, Reno B.
Welch, Mae
Welch, Mary (see also Welch-Christensen Company and Edna Means)
Welch Choir
*Welch-Christensen Company and Edna Means (see also Means, Edna; Means-Anderson Company; Welch, Mary)
*Welch Quartette
*Weller, Beatrice Stuart
Weller, W. Waldo (Rev.)
*Welles, Donald Sultner
*Wellman, Clara
Wellman, Walter
Wells, Arthur (Mr. and Mrs.) (see Apollo Duo)
*Wells, Carveth
Wells, George and Billy Rose
*Wells, Glenn (Mr. and Mrs.) (see also Wells Entertainers; Avon Sketch Club and Glenn Wells; Wells Company)
*Wells, H.G.
Wells, Henry Oliver
Wells, W.M.
Box 338
Wells Company (see also Wells, Glen, Mr. and Mrs.; Wells Entertainers)*Wells Entertainers (see also Wells, Glenn, Mr. and Mrs.; Wells Company)
*Wells Instrumental and Dramatic Four
Welsh, Vira E.
*Welsh Imperial Singers (see also Festyn Davies entries)
Welsh Male Quartet
Welsh Male Quintet
Welshimer, Helen L.
Weltman, Leon
*Wendling, Francis B.
Wendling, Frank B. (Capt.)
*Wendling, George R.
Wendt, A.E.
Wendt, Emma
*Wendt, Lloyd
Box 339
*Wenner, William E.Werno, Laura (see Rich-Werno Company; Laura Werno Ladies Quartet)
*Werrenrath, Reinald
*Wesley Boynton Opera Singers (see Boynton, Wesley)
*Wesleyan Male Quartette
*Wesleyans and MIss Juanita Boynton
West, Adele
West, John A.
*Westendorf, Alfred J.
Westerfield, C.A.
Western Reserve Orchestra
Western Reserve Quintet
*Westerners Concert Company
Westlake, Verne
*Westminster Concert Entertainers
Westmoreland, Elizabeth (see Zara, Marie and Edward Rhein and Elizabeth Westmoreland)
*Weston, Edward Payson
Westover, M.R.
Weybelle Concert Company
Weyman, Florence
Wham, Benjamin
*Wharton, Henry M. (Rev.)
*Wheatley, Walter
Wheeler, Burton K. (Sen.)
Wheeler, Frederick (see also Frederick Wheeler Company; Wheeler, Frederick and Grace Wheeler Dutton)
*Wheeler, Frederick and Grace Wheeler Dutton (see also Wheeler, Frederick; Frederick Wheeler Company)
*Wheeler, George Frederic
*Wheeler, Romney
Wheelock Indian Band (see also United States Indian Band)
Whelan, E.P.
When, Oliver
*"When a Girl Loves" Company (see also Coleman, Hamilton)
Whinery, S.C.
Whipple, J.S.
*White, Andrew Lorimer
White, C. Houghton (Mrs.)
White, Carolina
*White, Frederic
White, Grace
*White, Harry C.
*White, Henry K.
White, Howard (see Scotney, Evelyn and Howard White)
White, J. Campbell
White, Kathryn
*White, Marian A.
White, Robert A.
White, Robert H.
*White, Sydna
White, W.W.
White, William Allen
*White, William C.
*White Hussars (see also Dunbar, Ralph; Sweet, Al)
*White Rose Orchestra and Concert Company
Whitehead, Marcus E.
Whitelaw, Helen Florence
*White's Boston Octette
Box 340
*White's Musical ReviewWhiteside, Jeanette
Whitfield, Katherine Thomas
*Whiting, James Graves
*Whitlock, Brand (Hon.)
Whitman, Lillian R.
*Whitmer, J.R.
*Whitney, Edwin M. (see also "Turn to the Right" Company; Edwin Whitney Recital Company; Three Maids and a Man)
*Whitney, Myron W., Jr.
Whitney, William F.
*Whitney Brothers Quartet
*Whitney Mockridge Grand Concert Company
*Whitney's Boy Sextette
Whitsey, C.H.
*Whittaker, James C. (Lt.)
Whittemore Trio (see also Whittemore Trio and Lucille Adams; Whittmore Trio and Emerson Williams)
*Whittemore Trio and Lucille Adams (see also Adams, Lucille; Whittemore Trio)
Whittier, Gladys
*Whittmore Trio and Emerson Williams (see also Williams, Emerson, Mr. and Mrs.; Whittemore)
Whitworth, Ruth (see L. Verne Slout and Ruth Whitworth)
*Wickersham, L.B. (Rev.)
Wickersham, Ralph C.
*Wiggam, Albert Edward
*Wilbur Starr Concert Company (see also Starrs, The)
Box 341
*Wilbur Starr Quartette Company (see also Starrs, The)*Wilcox Entertainers
*Wild, Horace B. (Capt.)
Wilde, Maud (Dr.)
*Wilder, Thornton
Wile, Frederic William
*Wiles, Ernest P.
*Wiley, Harvey W. (Dr.)
Wilhelm, C.H. (Rev.)
Wilkens, Ruth
Wilkerson, Isabel (see also Wilkerson Concert Company)
*Wilkerson Concert Company (see also Wilkerson, Isabel)
*Wilkes, Rex ("Billy")
Wilkins, George Leo (see Richmond, Herbert M. and George Leo Wilkins)
Wilkins, J.E.
*Wilkins, Sir Hubert (Capt.)
*Wilkinson, Kathleen
*Wilkinson, Marguerite O.B.
*Wilkinson Richared (Rev.)
*Wilkomirski, Michael
*Will, Marjorie E.
Willard, Frances E.
Wille, Stewart (see Hardeman, Florence and Stewart Wille)
*Willett, Herbert L. (Rev.)
*William Hallman and the Florentines (see also Hallman, William)
*William, Prince of Sweden (see Prince William of Sweden)
*William Owen Shakespeare Company
*William T. Houston and His Company
*William Wellington Norton and His Famous Chautauqua Orchestra and Band
Williams, (?)
*Williams, Albert N.
*Williams, Alfred
*Williams, Aubrey
Williams, ("Billie") (see Dresser-Williams Duo)
Williams, Burt
Williams, C.R.
Williams, Charles P.
*Williams, Clyde C. ("Slim")
Williams, Elmer L. (Rev.)
Box 342
Williams, Emerson (Mr. and Mrs.) (see also Whittmore Trio and Emerson Williams)*Williams, Fred
Williams, G.E.
*Williams, George C.
Williams, George Fred
Williams, Guy C.
Williams, H.D. (Rev.)
Williams, H. Evan
*Williams, Helen ("Mahealani")
Williams, Henry (see Scheurer, Karl and Henry Williams)
*Williams, Henry James
*Williams, Howard Y.
Williams, J.A.
Williams, Jean
*Williams, Lew
Williams, Lloyd F.
*Williams, Louis
*Williams, Marvin
*Williams, Milan Bertrand (Rev.)
Williams, Nathan B.
Williams, Nellie
Williams, Stephen B.
Williams, Wardner
*Williams, Whiting
Williams, William B.
*Williams, Wythe
*Williams' Original Dixie Jubilee Singers
Williamson, Gavin
Williamson, Horace G.
*Williamson, Irwin A.
*Williamson, J.E.
*Williamson, John H. (Rev.)
*Williamson, John H. (Rev.)
Williamson, William (Rep.)
*Williamson Sisters Quartette
Willis, (?) (Gov.)
Willis, Frank B. (Sen.)
*Willis, Maude
Box 343
*Willis Band*Willits, A.A. (Rev.)
*Willmer, Sarah Mildred (see also Sadlers and Miss Willmer)
*Wills, H.M.
*Wilson, A.H.
Wilson, Alonzo E. (see Near East Relief)
*Wilson, Ben F.
Wilson, Carolyn
*Wilson, Charles C. (Rev.)
Wilson, Clarence Clark
Wilson, Frank
*Wilson, Fred Taylor
Wilson, George S.
*Wilson, Helen Mar
*Wilson, Herbert Waln
*Wilson, J. Walter (see also J. Walter Wilson and Accompanist ; J. Walter Wilson Company)
Wilson, Jean
*Wilson, Jim
*Wilson, Molly Byerly
Wilson, William J. (Rev.)
Wilson, Woodrow (President)
*Windle, Charles A.
*Windsor Girls
*Winfrey, George W.
Winger, Bessie Barton (Mrs. S.H.)
*Wingo, Otis (Rep.)
*Winifred Townsend Company (see also Townsend, Winifred; Winifred Townsend Trio)
*Winifred Townsend Trio (see also Townsend, Winifred; Winifred Townsend Company)
*Winkler, Ernst (Capt.)
*Winona Entertainment Company
*Winship, A.E.
*Winslow, Miriam (see also Winslow--Fitz-Simons)
*Winslow -- Fitz-Simons (see also Winslow, Miriam)
*Winter, Charles H.
Winter, Julius
*Winters, Emerson (see also Winters Company; Emerson Winters Company)
*Winters Company (see also Emerson Winters Company; Winters, Emerson)
Wintringer, Margaret
Wirkler, J.E.
*Wirt, Lincoln
*Wise, John Sergeant (Hon.)
*Wise, Stephen S. (Rabbi)
*"Witching Hour" Company
Box 344
Witepskie, Meyer (see also Neapolitan Serenaders; Elias Tamburitza Serenaders of Jugo-Slavia)Withers, P.C.
Witherspoon, Maurice M.
Witte, Parvin
*Woelber, Mary Louise Cassidy
*Wolcott, Helen Louise and Lu Ring (see also Ring, Lu)
Wolfe, Arbutus M.
Wolfe, Ruth Elizabeth
Wolff, Bernard S. (Sgt.)
*Wolffungen, De Cortez
Wolfsohn Musical Bureau
*Wolfson, Muriel
Woll, Carsten
*Wolsey, Louis (Rabbi)
Wolverine Four
*Wolverine Quartette
Woman Suffrage
Wons, Anthony S.
*Wood, Allene Montalena (see also Wood, Montraville M. and Allene)
Wood, Ben M.
Wood, Benjamin
Wood, Charles Winter
*Wood, Chester (Rev.)
*Wood, Ellerbe (Miss)
*Wood, Fred Dale
Wood, George W.
*Wood, Grant
*Wood, Harry
Wood, Isaac L. (Rev.)
Wood, Jack (see also Jack Wood's Male Quartet and Bell Ringers; Jack Wood's Bell Ringing Trio; Dunbar Male Quartet and Bell Ringers)
Wood, Leonard (Gen.)
*Wood, Man of Mystery
*Wood, Morgan (Rev.)
*Wood, Montraville M. (see also Wood, Montraville M. and Allene)
Box 345
*Wood, Montraville M. (see also Wood, Montraville M. and Allene)Wood, Montraville M. and Allene (see also Wood, Allene Montalena; Wood, Montraville M.)
*Wood, Robert (Bob)
Woodbury, Charles J.
Woodbury, Fred R.
*Woodbury, U.A. (Capt.)
Woodcraft League of America, Inc.
Wooden, Bertha (see Bertha Wooden Concert Orchestra; Bertha Wooden Orchestra)
*Woodford, Eleanor
*Woodland, J. Ernest
Woodland Quartet (formerly Woodland Singers)
*Woodland Singers (see also Woodland Quartet)
*Woodman, Ned
*Woodmansee, Velma
Woodruff, H.G.
*Woodruff, Jean Douglas
*Woodruff, John D.
*Woods, William Seaver
Woods Quartet
Woodsmall, Helen
Woolford, Jeanne (Mrs.)
Woolley, John G.
Worcester, George S.
*World's Fair Follies with Miss America
Box 346
Wormser, Jean (see Jean Wormsers Alpine Singers and Yodlers)Worrell, Katherine (see also Warner, Alma)
*Worth, Patience (Mrs. Henry Rogers, formerly Mrs. John A. Curran)
*Wotring, V.R.
Wratten, Clayton J.
Wray, Jno. A. (Rev.)
*Wrenn, Stella
Wright, Alice
Wright, Annola Florence
*Wright, Beulah
*Wright, Edward A.
Wright, Ethel May (see also Fuson, Tom)
Wright, Farnsworth
Wright, Harold Bell
Wright, Helen Smith (Mrs.)
Wright, Herbert L. (Dr.)
Wright, Peter C. (Rev.)
*Wright, Russell
*Wright, Sam S.
*Wright, Seaborn
Wright, T. Melville (Mrs.)
Wright, Tod
*Wright Entertainers
*Wrightson, Earl and Lois Hunt
Wu, Wei Lien (Miss)
Wuerl, Jack, Jr.
Wunderle, C. (Mrs. M. Pietsch)
Wunderle, Constantin (see Jost and Wunderle)
Wunderle, Margarete
*Wunderle Trio
*Wyant, Josephine (Mrs.)
*Wykoff, Adaline (see also Wykoff-Howorth Concert Company)
*Wykoff-Howorth Concert Company (see also Howorth, Wayne; Wykoff, Adaline)
Wyland, Ray O.
Wylie, Angelene M. (Miss)
*Wylie, William H. (Rev.)
*Wyman, Loraine
*Wyman, Loraine and Howard Brockway
*Wyrick, Ambrose J.
*Wyrick, Lulu
Box 346 (cont.)
*Xentrique Male QuartetteY
Box 346 (cont.)
*Yale Puppeteers*Yamamoto, M.T.
Yankoff, Peter D. (Dr.)
*Yarndley, Richard Edwin
Yates, Harold H.
*Yates, Richard (Rep.)
Yaw, Ellen Beach
Yden, Astrid
*Ye Old Folks' Choir Concert Company
*Ye Olde New England Choir
*Ye Olde Towne Quartette
*Ye Olde Tyme Village Quartette
*Yell, Hubert
Yeomans, Alfred B.
Yodler Club
Yodling Troubadours
*Yong, Soo
York, Alvin C. (Sgt.)
Box 347
York, Kathryn Lyle*York, Lewis Edwin
*York, M. R. L. E
*Yost, Gaylord P. (see also Beutel-Yost)
*Youdan, J. Claude
*Youna-Baldi Company (see also Baldi, Joseph; Youna Company)
*Youna Company (see also Youna-Baldi Company)
Young, Arthur H.
Young, C.C.
Young, Charles
*Young, J. Atlee
Young, Lafayette
*Young, Robert C.
*Young, R.C. ("Scotty") (Rev.)
*Young, Stark
Youngblood, A.W. (see also Cosmic Male Quartette; Youngblood Concert Company)
*Youngblood Concert Company (see also Youngblood, A.W.)
*Youngdahl, Luther W. (Judge)
Ysaye, M.
Box 347 (cont.)
*Zacharias, Ellis M. (Rear-Adm.)Zahradka, Joe (see Joe Zahradka Concert Band)
*Zandorff Entertainers
Box 348
Zangari, Giovanni*Zara, Marie and Edward Rhein and Elizabeth Westmoreland
Zartmann, Parley E.
Zealley, Alfred
*Zedeler Symphonic Quintet
Zeisler, Fannie Bloomfield (Mrs.)
*Zell, J.A.
*Zellner, J.W.
*Zendt, Marie Sidenius
Zeppilli, Alice
Zerbe, Clinton D.
Ziegler, Rozella
Ziegler-Howe Music Masters (see also Howe, Charles T.)
*Ziemer, Gregor
*Zimmerman, Fritz and Marcelle Grandville (see also Grandville, Mme. Marcelle)
Box 349
*Zimmerman, Robert M.*Zimmerman, Walter B. (Rev.)
*Zoellner Quartet (see also Zoellner String Quartet)
*Zoellner String Quartet (see also Zoellner Quartet)
*Zueblin, Charless
Zwick, A.O. (Dr.)
*Zwickey, J. Lorenzo
Zwingle, C.M. (Rev.)