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Series I


An asterisk (*) indicates that publicity brochures, pamphlets, flyers, or handbills are available.

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Box 132 (cont.)

*Hackett, Alice
Hadfield, Henry
Hadley, Grant (see also Hadley Concert Company)
*Hadley, Herbert S. (Gov.)

Box 133

Hadley, Lois T.
*Hadley Concert Company (see also Hadley, Grant)
*Haensel and Jones (see also Kindler, Hans)
Hageman, Miller (Rev.)
*Hagerman, Edward T. (Rev.)
Hagood, Cecil C.
Hahn, Charles F.
*Hahn-Parke Quintette
*Haigh, Bertram N.
Hail, Ewen
Hailey, J.F.
Haines, Dorothy (see also Dorothy Haines Company)
Hainline, Grace M.
Hainsworth, William
Haldeman, George W. (Capt.)
Hale, Martha Jean
*Hale, W. Powell

Box 134

*Haley, Margaret
*Halik Trio
Hall, Archibald M. (Mrs.)
Hall, Arnold B.
Hall, Bert
Hall, Bertie VanSant
Hall, C.H.
*Hall, C. Vincent (Lieut.)
*Hall, Ednah F.
Hall, Edward R.
*Hall, Frieda
*Hall, Herman J. (Mrs.)
Hall, J. Oscar
Hall, Jessie B.
Hall, John Norris (Rev.)
Hall, Joseph W. (see also Close, Upton)
Hall, Mark A.
Hall, Norman
*Hall, Olivia Sanger
*Hall, Robert King
Hall and Summers
Hall-Brimacombe, Marie (see Marie Hall-Brimacombe Company)
Hall-Riheldaffer, Grace (see Riheldaffer, Grace Hall)
*Halladay, Grant
*Hallelujah Quartet
*Hallenbeck, Frank M.
*Haller, Gretchen
Hallman, J. Riley
Hallman, William (see also William Hallman and The Florentines)
Hallmann, Frank H.
*Halperin, George (Dr.)
Halpin-O'Brien, Mary
Halsey, A.F.
*Halstead, Dorothy
Halstead, L.M.
*Halsted, Willard
Ham, Eleanor E.
*Ham, H.W.J. (Col.)
*Ham, Maurice Starr and Charlotte Whitney
Ham, Samuel C.
*Hamakua Singers and Players
Hambleton, Gail
*Hambourg Trio (see also Spivak, Elie)
Hamburger, Louise L. (Mrs. Alfred)
*Hamilton, Ava (see also Singer, Ava Hamilton)
Hamilton, Beth
*Hamilton, Betsy (pseudonym of Mrs. M.V. Moore)
Hamilton, Edward L. (Rep.)
*Hamilton, Harry
Hamilton, James (see Rosser-Hamilton Company)
*Hamilton, Margaret
*Hamilton, Meddie O.
Hamilton, R.D.
Hamilton, Virginia (see Selvey and Hamilton Company)
Hamilton Travelogues
Hamlin, George
Hamlin, Rosa
Hammel, R.J.
Hammer, Rolf
*Hammond, Ben F.
Hammond, Freeman (see also "Laff That Off" Company; Freeman Hammond Players)
Hamp, Leroy
*Hampden, Walter
*Hamper, Genevieve and John Alexander
Hampton, Benjamin B.
Hampton, Margaret
Hampton, Volney
*Hampton Court Singers
*Hancock, Frank
Hancock, Helen (see Shields, Laura Gertrude and Helen Hancock)
Hand and His Band
Handley, Enola Calvin
Haneman, Ruth Judy
Haneman and Sands
*Haney, Richard S.
Hanick, Florence
Hanke, Lois M.
Hanks, N.C.

Box 135

Hanley, Ethel Salisbury (see also Ethel Hanley Marionettes)
*Hanley, Joe R. (Rev.)
Hanley, John J.
Hanlon, Fanny
*Hanly, J. Frank (Gov.) (see also Hanly-Bigelow Joint Debate)
*Hanly-Bigelow Joint Debate (see also Hanly, J. Frank, Gov.; Bieglow, Herbert S., Rev.)
Hanna, Chas.
Hannah, Frank P.
Hanneman, Jacob
Hannemann, Valeeta
*Hann's Jubilee Singers
Hanoum, Helen
Hans Kronold Concert Company
*Hansel and Gretel Company
*"Hansel and Gretel" Company
*Hansen, C. Ray
Hansen, Eileen Fae
Hansen, Evelyn (see also Lischke, Frank, Mrs.)
*Hansen, Juanita
*Hansen, Marcus A.
Hansen, Naomi
Hanson, Catherine E.
Hanson, Frances J.
Hanson, Howard H.
Hanson, M.H.
Hanson, Ole
*Hanson, Wayne
Hanstine, Paul H.
*Hapgood, Norman
Happy Harmony Girls (see Mabel Parker)
Haramy, John J.
Harbin, Ruby
Harby, Sam
*Hardeman, Florence and Stewart Wille
Hardin, Martin D. (Rev.)
*Harding, Bertita
*Harding, Edmund H.

Box 136

*Harding, Warren G. (President)
*Harding, William Fischer (Rev.)
Harding, William Lloyd (Gov.)
*Harding String Quartet
Hardy, Albert I.
*Hardy, David Keith
*Hardy, Jenny C. Law (Mrs.)
Hardy, Marion Faville
*Hardy, Ray Morton (Rev.)
Hardy Family Orchestra and Players
Hare, Alice
Hark, Norma
Harkless, James
Harkness, Grove (Mrs.)
Harlon, James E.
Harmon, Dasa (see Colgan, M.J. and Dasa Harmon)
Harmon, J.A. (Rev.)
Harmon, Lloyd W. (see also Harmon and Hoffman Entertainers)
*Harmon, Renate
Harmon, T.A.
*Harmon and Hoffman Entertainers (see also Harmon, Lloyd W.)
*Harmony Concert Company
*Harmony Concert Party
*Harmony Glee Club
*Harmony Lady Quartette
*Harmony Singers and Entertainers
*Harness, Forest A.
Harney, Eleanor
Harnly, Andrew H.

Box 137

*Harold, John R.
*Harold Frazer Company (see also Frazer, Harold)
*Harp Ensemble Company

Box 138

*Harp Novelty Company
*Harp Singers
*Harp Symphony
Harper, Agnes
Harper, Earl E.
*Harper, Homer ("Yohn Harper")
*Harreld, Josephine
Harrell, F.O.
Harriman, Job
*Harrington, Alex L.
Harrington, Truman W.
Harris, A.M.
*Harris, Barnett (Capt.)
Harris, Calvin
Harris, Frank
*Harris, Fred W. (Rev.)

Box 139

*Harris, Jean (Miss)
*Harris, Kilroy (Capt.)
Harris, Ora L. (Miss)
*Harrison, "Ambassador" Benjamin
*Harrison, George R.
*Harrison, Jack (Capt.)
*Harrison, Leon (Rabbi)
*Harrison, Pat (Sen.)
*Harrod Jubilee Singers
*Harrold, Clarissa
*Harrold, Orville
*Harry Leiter Light Opera Company
*Harry T. Butterworth Company
Harsh, Louise
Hart, J.C.
Hartford Quartet
Hartley, L.A.

Box 140

Hartman, Clara Margaret
*Hartman, Robert S.
Hartz, Julius
Hartzell, J.C. (Bishop)
*Hartzler, John Ellsworth
*Hartzog, William B.
*Harvard Musical Club
*Harvesters, The
Harvey, Della G.
Harvey, Morton
*Harvey, Paul
Harvey, R.H.
Harvey, Roy L.
*Harwood, Julia Bock
Haseltine, Edna
*Haseltine Opera Company
Haskell, J.T.
Hassenzahl, O.A. (Mr.)
Hassenzahl, Ottilie (Miss)
*Hastings, Frederick
Hastings, Sue (see Sue Hastings' Marionettes)
*Hatfield, Coleman
Hatfield, John H.
*Hatfield, Malcolm (Judge)
Hathaway, Anne
Hauff, William E. (see Farley, Erin E. and William E. Hauff)
Hausch, Ingelborg Sylvia
Havelock, Wallace
*Havens, Raymond L.
*Havers, E.A. (Col.)
*Haviland, Flora Marie
Havlicek, Karel

Box 141

Hawes, Loren E.
Hawk, J.B. (Rev.)
Hawken, Earle K. (see also Mozart Sextette, Concert and Novelty Company)
*Hawkeye Glee Club
*Hawkins, Chauncey J.
*Hawkinson, Reupert L.
*Hawks, A.W. ("Sunshine")
*Hawley, Adelaide
*Hawley, Blanche (Miss)
Hawn, Henry Gaines
Haworth, D.R.
Haworth, Helen Boyle
*Hawthorne, Irene
Hawthorne, O. Lawrence
*Hawthorne Musical Club of Boston
Hay, C.M.
Hayden, Wezette
*Haydon, A. Eustace (Rev.)
*Hayes, Arthur W.
Hayes, Fred L.
Hayes, Margaret (see Herrick-Hayes Company)
Hayes, Ralph
*Hayes, Roland
Haynes, Anna Belle
Haynes, R.A.
Hays, A. Ambrose
Hays, Genevieve
*Hays, Mary Adel (see also Hays, Mary Adel and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rader)
*Hays, Mary Adel and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rader (see also Hays, Mary Adel)
*Hayward, Grace
*Haywood, Oscar
Hazel, Cecelia E.
Heacock, Etta Goode (Mrs.)
*Head, Depew (Mrs.)
Head, W.H.
Heald, Dorothy Fowler
Heald, Francis A.
Heald, Ruth Winifred
*Healey, Alfred Edward (Rev.)
Heaney, the Magician
*Hearons Sisters Concert Company
Heaslet, Inez
Heaslit, Meg
Heaton, Harold
Heaton, James
Heberer, H. Miles
Hechtman, Herbert
Hecker, Berta Josephine
*Heckman, Winifred
*Hedges, Henry M.
*Hedley, J.H. (Capt.)
*Hedley, James (Dr.)
*Heffner, Harry C.

Box 142

*Heidelberg Student Chorus
*Heiderich, Helen
*Heilpern, Edmund P.
Heimerdinger, Alma
*Heink, Felix
Heintz, Florence
*Heiskell, Andrew
Held, F.J.
*Helen Joseph's Puppets
Helen May Butler Band
*Helen Paine Duo
Helfrich, Pearl
*Helgason, Arni
*Heller, Edmund
*Hellman, Daphne
Hellstrom, F.O.
Helmer, Madge
*Hemingway, Grace
*Hemus, Percy
*Henderson, Arthur S. (Rev.)
Henderson, Mabel
Henderson, (Mr.)
Henderson, Theodore S.
*Hendricks, Thomas V.
Hendrickson, Esther
Hendrickson, Ira R. (see Hendrickson and Rosani)
*Hendrickson and Rosani
Hendrix, Margaret

Box 143

*Hendry, Francis
*Henebry, John P. (Gen.)
*Heney, Francis J.
*Henneman, Alexander
Hennessey, Aceka
Henri Kublick Company
Henrotte, Pierre
*Henry (see also Henry Company; Henry, S.S.)
Henry, Bernadine
Henry, Charles A.
Henry, Helen May
Henry, John M.
Henry, Lewis L.
Henry, Robert S.
Henry, S.S. (see also Henry Company; Henry)
*Henry Company (see also Henry, S.S.; Henry)
*Henson, P.S. (Rev.)
*Hepbron, James M.
*Hepworth, Hedley
"Her Husband's Wife" Company
Herberger, Ruth

Box 144

*Herbert, L. Grove
Herbert, Paul M. (Lt.)
*Herbert Macfarren's Concert Party (see also Macfarren, Herbert)
*Herbert Petrie and His White Hussars (see also Petrie, Herbert)
*Herbsman, J.C.
Herdien, Mable Sharp
Herman, Arthur K.
*Hernandez Brothers
*Hernandez Brothers and Senorita Lolita
*Hero, Stephan
Heron, J.H.
*Heron, "Jamie"
Herrick, I.A.
Herrick, Robert (see also Robert Herrick Company; Herrick entries)
Herrick Duo (see also Herrick, Robert; Andreas, Dora; other Herrick entries)
Herrick Entertainers (see also Herrick, Robert; Andreas, Dora; other Herrick entries)
Herrick-Hayes Company (see also Herrick, Robert; other Herrick entries)
Herrick-Jensen Duo (see also Herrick, Robert; other Herrick entries)
Herrick Male Quartet (see also Herrick, Robert; other Herrick entries)
Herriman, V. (Miss)
Herring, Arthur Lawrence
*Hershey, Oliver G.
Hershey, S. Byron
*Hershey, Scott F.
Hershfield, Samuel
*Hertel, William F. (Rev.)
*Hertz, Emanuel
*Herzog, William H. (Col.)
*Hesperian Quartet
*Hess, Hans
Hess, Lillian M.
*Hess, Ludwig
Hess-Burr, Johanna (Madame) (see also Hess-Burr Club; Gypsy Madrigal Singers)
*Hess-Burr Club (see also Hess-Burr, Johanna, Madame)
*Hesse, Florence
Hesselberg, Edouard (Mrs.)
Hewling's Rainbow Orchestra
*Heyde, Martin
Heymar, Wally (Miss) (Mrs. Carl H. George)
Hiatt, Caspar Wistar (Rev.)
*Hiatt, Freda
*Hiawatha Indian Passion Play
*Hiawatha Indian Play
*"Hiawatha's Wedding Feast"

Box 145

*Hibschman, Harry
Hibshman, A.H.
*Hickernell, Ross
*Hickler, Louise
Hickman, R.M.
*Hickok, Guy
*Hicks, Granville
*Hicks, Irl R. (Rev.)
Hicks, John
Hiett, Frieda
*Hiett, Helen
Higginbotham, Erin
Higginbotham, J.W.
*Higgins, Howard
*Higgins, Marguerite
Higgins, W.J. (see Carrington, Ken and W.J. Higgins)
High, Edna L.
*High, Fred (see also High, Nora Mae)
High, Nora Mae (Mrs. Fred) (see also High, Fred)
*Higham, Gordon
*Higley, Elmer Ellsworth
*Hilburn, A. Mather
Hildebrandt, Esther (see Bellino-Hildebrandt Entertainers)
*Hill, David Spence
Hill, Harry G.
*Hill, John J. (Maj.)
*Hill, John L.

Box 146

*Hill, John Wesley (Rev.)
Hill, Russ T.
*Hillis, Newell Dwight (Rev.)
Hillman, Helen
Hillman, Louise
Hillyer, Carl Arthur (see Rice, Ralph H. and Carl Arthur Hillyer)
Himmel, E.N.
*Hinckle, Luther C.
*Hinckley, Allen
*Hindermyer, Harvey W.
*Hindley, George (Rev.) (President)
Hindsley, Mark (see also Indian University Concert Band)
Hindus, Maurice (see Stoddard-Hindus Debate)
*Hindus, Morris G.
*Hine, Clytie (see Mundy, John and Clytie Hine)
Hines, A.C.
Hines, Clayton Meryl
Hines, Laura S.
Hinitt, F.W.
*Hinkle Orchestra
Hinkley, Laura
Hinshaw, Pearl
*Hinshaw, William Wade (see also "Impresario" Company; other Hinshaw entries)
*Hinshaw Grand Opera Company (see also Hinshaw, William Wade; other Hinshaw entries)
*Hinshaw Grand Opera Quartette (see also Hinshaw, William Wade; other Hinshaw entries)
*Hinshaw Light Opera Singers (see also Hinshaw, William Wade; other Hinshaw entries)
*Hinshaw Lyric Glee Club (see also Hinshaw, William Wade; other Hinshaw entries)
Hinson, Marcus
Hinton, Ethel (see also Ethel Hinton and the Chautauqua Male Quartette)
*Hinton, Henry David
*Hintz, August M. (Rev.)
Hipple, Earl H. (see Scott-Hipple Company; Hipple Concert Company)
*Hipple Concert Company (see also Scott-Hipple Company)

Box 147

*Hirsch, Emil G. (Rabbi)
Hirsch, Fannie Lou
*Hirsch, Frank E. (Rev.)
Hirschhorn, George
*Hitchcock, Charles
*Hitchcock, Myrna Sharlow (Mrs. Edward Bering Hitchcock)
Hitner, D. Otto
Hitt, Walter (Mrs.)
Hittler, George M.
*Hivale, Bhaskar Pandurang

Box 148

Hoag, C. Leonard
Hoare, H.R. (see Prugger-Hoare Quartet)
Hobart, Julia
*Hobbs, May Elliott (Mrs.)
Hobbs, W.H.
*Hobson, Richmond Pearson (Capt.) and (Rep.)
*Hoch, E.W. (Gov.)
Hoch, Homer (Rep.)
Hoch, Katherine
Hockerson, Edith
Hockstra, Jurien
*Hodges, George H. (Gov.) (see also Hodges, George H., Gov. and Rev. Arthur J. Barton)
*Hodges, George H. (Gov.) and Rev. Arthur J. Barton (see also Hodges, George H., Gov.)
Hodges, Richmond B.
*Hodgins, P.J.
Hoff, John L.
Hoff, Madelene N.
Hoffman, Florence
*Hoffman, Howard R.
*Hoffman, Ruth and Helen
Hoffman, Usona (see Harmon and Hoffman Entertainers)
Hofmeister, Virgil
Hogan, Thomas S.
*Holbrook, Hal
*Holbrook, Harold Fremont (Rev.)
*Holcomb, I.M.
Holcomb, Walt (Rev.)
*Holcombe, Chester

Box 149

Holcombe, William Frederic Irving
Holdeman, P.M. (Rev.)
*Holden, Perry G.
Holden, William G.
*Holderby, William Matthew
Holderman, Paul and Mary
Holdrege Concert Orchestra
*Holladay, Judson
*Holland, J. Wesley (Rev.)
Hollanger, Isabel
*Holley, Merritt B.
*Hollingsworth-Watkins, (Mrs.)
Hollister, Franklin C.
*Hollister, Gloria
Hollister, Richard D.T.
Hollmann, Alma C.
*Hollmann, Frank H.
*Holloway, Gilbert N.
*Hollyday, Worthington (Col.)
*Hollywood Trio
Holm, Frits
Holman, Adele V.

Box 150

Holme, Ralph (Rev.)
Holmes, Bayard (Dr.)
*Holmes, Burton
Holmes, G.E. (see Smith-Spring-Holmes Orchestral Quintet)
*Holmes, John Andrew
*Holmes, William Blodgett, Jr.
Holmes, William Bryan, Jr. (Rev.)
*Holmquist, Ragnhild (see also Holmquist Concert Company)
*Holmquist Concert Company (see also Holmquist, Ragnhild)
Holonbek, Charles C.
*Holslag, Frank William
Holt, Hamilton
Holt, Lois (see also Clark and Holt)
*Holton's Concert Band
*Holtz, Earl Douglass (Rev.)
*Holzworth, John M.
Homan, Fletcher
*Homeland Quartet, The
*Homer, Frances
*Homer, Louise
Homier, Jacques (see Jacques Homier Ensemble)
Honiss, Hilda
*Honolulu Students
Honsel, Hope
Honston, Etta
Hood, George
*Hook, Art (Capt.)
Hook, Camille
*Hooper, Alfred
Hooper, J. T.
*Hooper, J. Gerald (Dr.)
Hooper, W. G.
*Hooser, W. S. (Maj.)
*Hoosier Male Quartette
Hootman, A. M.
Hoover, B.
Hoover, Florence Jennie
Hoover, Herbert (President)
Hoover, Mary
Hope, Douglas
*"Hope Valley" Company (see also Burrell, Percy Jewett)
Hopkins, F.D.
*Hopkins, Frank
*Hopkins, Frederick E. (Rev.)

Box 151

Hopkins, Richard J.
*Hopkins, William E. (Rev.)
*Hopper, DeWolf (see also DeWolf Hopper Company; DeWolf Hopper Comic Opera Company)
*Hopper, Hedda
Horadesky, Eva Gordon
Horbury Hand-Bell Ringers
Horne, Goulda (see Bellino-Hildebrandt Entertainers)
Horner, Charles M. (Mrs.)
*Horner, Letta D. (Miss)
Horner, Sarah S.
Horning, Benjamin
*Horowitz, Vladimir
Horr, Nell Ames
Horsch, Corrine
Horton, Chester
*Horton, Edward Everett
*Horton, Lewis R.
*Hosford, Hester E.
Hosford, Hollis H. (Mrs. Paul)
*Hossain, Syud
Hougen's Chicago Orchestra
*Hough, Lynn Harold (Rev.)
*Houlder, Graccio
*House, Elwin Lincoln (Rev.)
Housel, Hope
Houser, Charles B.
Houston, Jack
Houston, Marie
*Houston, William Taber (see also "Taber"; Houstons, The)

Box 152

*Houstons, The (see also Houston, William Taber; "Taber")
*Howard, Charles W.
*Howard, Clinton N. (Rev.)
*Howard, Harry Paxton
Howard, Henry (Rev.)
Howard, Herschel
*Howard, John F.
Howard, Ruth
*Howard, Wallace
*Howard Russell's Scottish Revue
*Howe, Beverly W.
*Howe, Bryant (Rev.)
Howe, Charles T. (see also Ziegler-Howe Music Masters)
*Howe, Helen
*Howe, Laurence H. (Rev.)
*Howe, Marion
Howell, Ford
Howell, Laura
*Howland, Chester Scott
Howorth, Wayne (see also Wykoff-Howorth Concert Company)
Hoy, Helen
Hrabak, Alois
*Hruby Brothers Quintette
*Hsieh, Tehyi

Box 153

*Huang, Tien Lai
*Hubbard, Bernard R. (Rev.)
*Hubbard, Elbert
*Hubbard, Havrah W.L. (see also Hubbard-Gotthelf Operalogues; Hubbard Operalogues)
*Hubbard-Gotthelf Operalogues (see also Hubbard, Havrah W.L.)
*Hubbard Operalogues (see also Hubbard, Havrah W.L.)
Huber, Mary
Huck, Winnifred Mason (Mrs.)
Huderson, G. V.
Hudson, Jessie L. (see also Musical Four)
*Huebert, Diana
*Huelster, E. W. (Rev.)
Huettl, Elaine
Huff, C. Bryant (see also Music Makers)
Huffman, Sidney
Huggins, Burch D.
Huggins, Charles H.
Huggins, W. L. (Judge)
*Hugh R. Newsom Concert Company
Hughes, Austin
*Hughes, Dan L.
Hughes, Earl Farrar
Hughes, Edwin H. (Bishop)
*Hughes, Edwin Leon

Box 154

*Hughes, Estelle
Hughes, Frances Mary
*Hughes, Frederick E.
*Hughes, George Mead (Rev.)
Hughes, Georgia F.
Hughes, Geraldine
Hughes, Harrison T.
Hughes, Harry C.
Hughes, Hugh P. (Rev.)
*Hughes, John B.
*Hughes, John Williams
*Hughes, M. Marguerite
Hughes, Mable L.
*Hughes, Matt S. (Rev.)
*Hughes, Richard C. (Rev.)
*Hughes, Richard D. (Rev.)
*Hughes-Thomas, (Mme.) (see also Royal Welsh Ladies Choir)
Hughey, Florence
*Hulbert, Homer B.
Hulbert, LeRoy
Hulbert, W. D.
*Hull, A.T., Jr.
Hull, Arthur
Hull, Frances M.
*Hull, William I.
*Hull Family Concert Company
*Hullinger, Edwin W.
Humble, Marion
*Humeston, Arthur
*Humphrey's Orchestra
*Hun Hunters
*Hungarian Court Orchestra of Budapest
*Hungarian Gypsy Band
*Hunsberger, Wesley A. (Rev.)
Hunt, Arthur B.
Hunt, D.G. (Rev.)
Hunt, Lois (see Wrightson, Earl and Lois Hunt)
*Hunt, M.P. (Rev.)
Hunt, Patricia
Hunt, Percy
*Hunter, Edward
Hunter, G. O.
Hunter, Mary
Hunter, Phil (see Hunter the Wizard)
*Hunter the Wizard (Phil Hunter)
*Huntington, Harry F.
*Huntsman, Laura Gordon
*Huntzinger, Neil
Hurst, Cornelia Patterson Kelley (Mrs.)
*Hurst, Jean Barron

Box 155

*Hurt, Huber William
*Hurt, John Jeter (Rev.)
Hurt, William
Hurtado, Mariano
*Hussar Quartet
*Hussars Company
Husted, Virginia
Hutchins, Alfred W.
*Hutchins, Robert Maynard
*Hutchinson, M.C. (Miss)
*Hutchinson, Woods (Dr.)
Hutton, Forrest
*Hutton, William Renzard (Maj.)
*Hyde, Agnes
*Hyde, Henry M.
Hyman, Martha

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