Redpath Chautauqua Collection
Series I
The talent brochures and accompanying correspondence comprise the Talent Series. The following guidelines will assist in locating all of the information pertinent to an individual or a group. The use of "see" and "see also" references have been used to allow greater access. The "see" reference indicates that all the information will be found under that name, e.g., Marlo, Edward, see Marlo the Great means that all entries are under Marlo the Great. The "see also" reference indicates that information may be found under the name that is being searched, as well as under additional entries, e.g., Duval Brothers, see also Blaeser, Andrew means that information will be found under both Duval Brothers and Blaeser, Andrew.
- In some instances, there are variations in the spelling of the names of groups or an individual on the brochures. When there are differences in the spellings, the authoritative form for the names is taken from the written correspondence.
- Individual names of members of groups usually are not included. Exceptions are for duos and some trios in which all of the names of the group members are listed on the front of the brochure, or as part of the group's name, e.g., Smith-Springer-Holmes Company, or McCormick and Bronte. In both instances, each of the names is listed along with "see" or "see also" references.
- Often the name of a group would be used for a number of years, but the spelling would vary. When there are multiple spellings of the same name, e.g., Criterion Male Quartet and Criterion Male Quartette, the groups are listed separately.
- Individuals or groups whose names are listed as "Mac" or "Mc" have been combined and appear in the "Mac" alphabetical listing.
- Vocational abbreviations, military rank, and marital status are designated when a reference is made within the correspondence or on the brochures. Examples include: Rev. (for ministers and priests of Protestant and Catholic denominations); Rabbi (for leaders of the Jewish faith); Dr. (for medical doctors only); Gen., Col., Pvt., etc. (for military rank); Mr., Miss, Mrs., Mlle. (for marital status when indicated).
- The marriage of female talent often resulted in a name change; therefore, the name is listed under the respective designation. An example is Listeman, Virginia who later became Baxter, Virginia Listeman. "See" and "see also" references connect the two.
- Theatrical plays and presentations are designated by quotation marks followed by the word Company, e.g., "Sweethearts" Company or "Hope Valley" Company, and are filed under the title of the production. Exceptions have been made for groups such as the Scottish Musical Company, the Manhattan Opera Company, or the Ben Greet Players, in which cases the brochures are filed under the name of the theater company or the group of players rather than the title of the production.
- A compound surname is entered in the form that appears in the correspondence, e.g., Ernestine Schumann-Heink is entered under Schumann.
An asterisk (*) indicates that publicity brochures, pamphlets, flyers, or handbills are available.
Box 1
*A and A Melody Artists
*A. H. Knoll and His Band (see also Knoll, A. H.; Mr. A.H. Knoll and His Company)
Aaron, Irvin I.
*Abbey Theatre Irish Players
*Abbott, C. Lawrence
*Abel, Donald F.
*Abel, May Leggett
Abercrombie, John W. (Rep.)
Abernathy, John R.
Abernathy Concert Company
*Aborn Grand Opera Company
*Aborn Opera Company (see also "Faust" Company; "Martha" Company; "Sweethearts" Company; Milton Aborn Operatic Companies; Taggart, Frederic)
*"Abraham Lincoln" Company
Box 2
*Abt, Valentine*Accordion Novelty Company
*Acheson, J. C.
Acker, W.M.
Acosta, F.B.
Acton, J.H.
*Ada Roach and Company (see also Roach, Ada; Roach-Freeman)
*Adair, Charles R.
*"Adam and Eva" Company
*Adamhoff, Heinrich (~Lewis, Bertha)
*Adams, Adolph
*Adams, Almeda
Box 3
Adams, Beth Fay*Adams, C. Rucker (Mr. and Mrs.)
*Adams, Carlyle
Adams, Crawford (see also Crawford Adams and His Company; Crawford Adams Company)
Adams, Emma
Adams, Faye
*Adams, Fred Winslow (Rev.)
Adams, George M.
*Adams, Guila
Adams, H.C.
*Adams, H.V.
*Adams, Lucille (see also Whittemore Trio and Lucille Adams)
Adams, Mary K.
Adams, Myron E. (Rev.)
Adams, Pearl G.
Adams, R. Winfield
Adams Sisters Orchestra
*Adams, Suzanne
*Adanac Male Quartet
Box 4
*Adanac Male QuartetAddams, Jane
*Adelsperger, Mary B.
Aderton, Mildred
*Adler, Josef
*Adrian, Henry Augustus
*Adriatic Tamburica Orchestra
*Adolph Hahn Festival Orchestra
*Afro-Cuban West Indian Ballet
Ahlemeyer, Nellie
*Aida Quartet (see also New York City Brass Choir)
Box 5
Aida Quartette (see Aida Quartet)Aiken, Adelaide
Aiken, Walter (Rev.)
Ainey, Willliam (Rep.)
Ainslie, J.S. (Rev.)
*Ainsworth, Harry G.
*Aked, Charles F. (Rev.)
*Akeley, Carl
Akin, Theron (Rep.)
*Al Chymia Chapter Shrine Saxophone Band
*Al Sweet and His Singing Band (see also Sweet, Al)
*Al Sweet's Chicago Cadets (see also Sweet, Al)
*Alabama Jubilee Quartet
*Alamo Quintette
Alarcon Family
*Albee, Ruth and Bill
*Alber, Louis J.
Albershardt, Jack
*Albert, Allen D.
*Albert Lindquest and Assisting Artists (see also Lindquest, Albert)
*Alberti Pantomimes
*Albrecht, C.J.
Albright, Edward
*Alden, Carella
Alden, Charles A. (Rev.)
*Alden, George D. (Judge)
Box 6
*Alden, George D. (Judge)Box 7
*Alden, George D. (Judge)Alden, John F.
*Alderton, Walker Moore
*Aldrich, Chester H. (Gov.)
*Aldrich, Frances (see also Lane, Frank and Frances Aldrich)
Aldrich, William F. (see Trip to the Hawaiian Islands and Aldrichs Imperial Hawaiian Singers)
*Aldridge, Leonard S.
*Aldridge, W.G. (Rev.)
Alexander, B.F.
Alexander, Charles (see also Sterling Jubilee Singers)
*Alexander, J.T. (Rev.)
Alexander, John (see Hamper, Genevieve and John Alexander)
*Alexander, Ruth
Alexander Novelty Four
*Alexander Trio
*Alexis Recital Company
*Aley Sisters
Alford, E.H. (Rev.)
Alford, H. Carroll
Alford, Harry L.
Alger, Paul K.
*Ali, J. Mohammad
*Ali, Maulana Shaukat
Box 8
Ali, Swamy*Alice Carey Concert Company
*Alkahest Lady Quartette
Alkahest Lyceum System
*All Brothers Quartette
*Allen, Alice and Harold
Allen, Armstrong (Mrs.)
Allen, C.E.
Allen, Edmund M.
Allen, F.M. (Mrs.)
*Allen, Helen Jeannette
*Allen, Henry J. (Gov.)
*Allen, M. May (Dr.)
Allen, Martha Marie
*Allen, Mary Maiben
Allen, Nona
*Allen Family Concert Company
Box 9
*Alley, NormanAllgower, Bertha
*Allies, The
Allison, George Walter (Rev.)
Allison, James R.
*Allison, Z.M.
*Almert, Harold
*Almondbury Hand Bell Ringers
Alois Ploner's Original Yodeling Serenaders (see also Alois Ploner's Original Yodeling Serenaders and His Syncopating Orchestra)
*Alois Ploner's Original Yodeling Serenaders and His Syncopating Orchestra (see also Alois Ploner's Original Yodeling Serenaders)
*Alonzo! Prince of Magic (see also Moore, Alonzo)
*Alpine Entertainers
*Altha Concert Company
*Althea Players
*Alva Ball Company (see also Sky Eyes, Anita; Ball, Alva)
Alvis, H.J. (see also Brown, J. Alex.)
Amato, Pasquale
*Amaya, Carmen
*Ambassador Male Quartette
*Ambassador Society Orchestra
*Ambrose, R.B. ("Army")
Box 10
Ambrosius, Robert*America First Concert Company
*American Ballad Singers
*American Ballads Company
*American Citizen (see also Parlette, Ralph)
American Citizenship Foundation
American Committee for Armenian Syrian Relief (see Nicol, James H.)
*American Entertainers
*American Entertainers
*American Girls
*American Girls Trio
*American Glee Club
American Grand Concert Company (see Eddins, Raynor C.)
*American Jubilee Singers (see also Knoxville College Male Quartet)
Box 11
American Ladies Band*American Ladies Grand Concert Band
*American Male Quartet
*American Opera Company
*American Operatic Quartet
American Public Health Association
*American Quartet
Box 12
*American Quartette*American Saxophone Quartette with Sousa's Band
*American Symphony Band and Orchestra (see Edelman, Maurice I.)
*American Symphony Orchestra of Chicago
American Telephone and Telegraph Company
*American Woodwind Players
*Ames, Ben
Ames, Isabelle
*Amos, Pearl Oresco
*Amphion Male Quartette
Amrein, Ade (see Duval Brothers)
*Amsbary, Wallace Bruce (see also Read-Amsbary-Banks; Read-Amsbary Combination; Wallace Bruce Amsbary and the Wagner Ladies Quartette)
*Amsden Concert Company
Amundson, Ebba
Anderson, Adda
Anderson, Aletta
*Anderson, August N. (Dr.)
*Anderson, David Wulf
Anderson, Eve
Box 13
*Anderson, George Wood (Rev.)Anderson, Harry B. (Col.)
Anderson, Hazel
*Anderson, Hugh (see also Recital Artists Company)
Anderson, J.F.
Anderson, Lelia M.
*Anderson, Morris
Anderson, Raymond
Anderson, Ruth (see Blind Artists, The)
Anderson, Sydney
Anderson, Virro B. (see Marshall, Cameron G. and Virro B. Anderson)
Anderson, Walter
*Anderson, William F. (Bishop)
Anderson-Brogan Duo
*Anderson Reohr Recital Company
*Anderton, Margaret
Andes, Gladys
*Andrassy, Stella (Countess)
*André, G. Marcel (Dr.)
Andreas, Dora (see also Herrick Duo; Herrick Entertainers)
*Andrews, Fred J. and Annie West
Andrews, Marguerite
*Andrews, Roy Chapman
Andrews, William C.
Andridge, A.A.
*Andrus, Bessie
Andy, Claus (see Arthur, C.W.)
*Angell, Norman (Sir)
*Anglin, John
*Anitas: A Singing Orchestra
Box 14
*"Another Language" Company*Ansberry, Timothy (Hon.)
*Anspacher, Louis K.
Anthon, H.O.
Anthony, Susan B.
Anti-Saloon League of Illinois
Antin, Mary
*Antrobus, Barney E.
*Apollo Concert Company (see also Smith, Clay; Smith-Spring-Holmes Orchestral Quintet)
*Apollo Concert Company and Bell Ringers
*Apollo Duo
*Apollo Glee and Minstrel Club
*Apollo Male Trio
Apollo Musical Club
Applegate, Howard
*"Applesauce" Company
Arcadia Company
Box 15
*Arcadia Novelty Company*Arcadians
Archibald, Paul V.
Arden Entertainers
Ardmore Orchestra
*Arens, Mary Marguerite
*Arenstein, Michael
*Argus the Magician
Box 16
*Ariel Quartet of Boston*Ariel Ladies Sextette
* Arion Male Quartette
*Arion Quartette
*Arions, The
*Arklin, Haig
*Arlington, Billy
Arlington Male Quartette
*Armitage, Frank Guy
Armour Institute Quartette
*"Arms and the Man" Company (see also Nielsen, Hortense)
*Armstrong, Albert
Armstrong, C.J.
*Armstrong, John C.
*Arnall, Ellis Gibbs (Gov.)
*Arnold, Julian B.
Arnold, Louise
*Arnold, Paul
*Arnold, Paul and Ilona Murai
*Arnold, Thurman
*Arral, Blanche
Box 17
Arrick, GarnetteArrighi, Garibaldi
*"Arsenic and Old Lace" Company
*Artells Dickson Concert Company
*Arthur, C.W. ("Andy Claus")
*Arthur, Wilbur
*Arthur Pryor and His Band
Artist Entertainers
*Artist Quartette
*Artists Trio
*Artists' Trio
*Artman, Samuel R. (Mrs.) (see Banks, Russell)
*Arvold, Alfred G.
Ashburn, Bernice (Miss)
*Ashton, Horace (Capt.)
*Ashurst, Henry F. (Sen.)
Ashworth, Daniel
Askew, Gene King (Mrs.)
*Asman, Daisy Freeman (Mrs.)
Asquith, (Mrs.)
*Aswell, James B. (Rep.)
*Atchison, Robert
*Atkins, H.J.
*Atkinson, Dent (Rev.)
*Atkinson, Henry A. (Rev.)
Attar, Henry
*Attiyeh, Sumayeh
Attwood, Frederick S. (Rev.)
*Atwood, Harry F.
Box 18
*Aubrey, John E.Aubrey, Ledas
Aufderheide, Frieda
*Augspurg, Gus and Casey
*Augustana College Choir
Aumond, Glenn
*Austin, Don W.
Austin, E.T.
*Austin, George F. (Rev.)
Austin, LeBaron
*Austin, Marguerite E.
Australian Duo
Australian Trio
Auto Polo
Avis, Edward
*Avon Sketch Club and Glenn Wells (see also Wells, Glenn, Mr. and Mrs.; Wells Entertainers)
*Axtell, Helen Protheroe
*Aydelott, Clarence R.
*Aydelott, George C.
Ayres, Harold
Azim, Richard Top of Page | Next Page >