Redpath Chautauqua Collection
Series I
An asterisk (*) indicates that publicity brochures, pamphlets, flyers, or handbills are available.
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Box 116 (cont.)
*Gable, Luther S.H.Gabriel, Charles H.
*Gadski, Johanna (Madame)
Gage, Helen L.
*Gailey, Mary Dennison
*Gaines, Newton Wesley
Gaines, Noel
Gaines, Patsy
Galagher, Charles E.
*Gale, Albert and Martha
Gale, Mary-Louise
*Gale Costume Lectures
*Galganos, The
Gallen, Vern Josephine
Gallet, Grace
Gallicurci, A.
Galt Kilti Band
Gamble, Ernest (see Gamble, Ernest and Verna Page; entries under Ernest Gamble)
*Gamble, Ernest and Verna Page (see also entries under Ernest Gamble)
*Gamel, Frank H.
Gammon, Charles F.
*Ganfield, William A.
Gannon, Elvarena
Gans, August E.
*Garay Sisters
Box 117
*Garber Howe EntertainersGarden, Mary (see also Mary Garden Summer Chautauqua)
*Garden Sketch Club
Gardner, Margaret
Garfield, James R.
*Garibaldi, Peppino (Gen.)
Garl, Gibeon
*Garland, Hamlin
*Garner, Ray
*Garner, Richard L.
*Garner Concert Jubilee Company
Garnes, John
Garrett, Finis J. (Rep.)
Garrett, Lloyd F.
Garretson, George
Garretson, Shepherd
*Garrison, Margaret
*Garth, John Edward, III
Garver, Hazel B.
*Garwood, Irving
*Gary Municipal Band (see also Ward, James H.)
Gash, A.D.
Gaskin, Esther
Gaskins, Shirley
*Gaston, Evelyn
*Gates, Elizabeth
Gates, Emery M.
*Gates, Lulu Tyler (see also Lulu Tyler Gates and Her Company of Artists)
Gatherer, J. Willard
Gatling, Nina
Gayeski, Kinga E.
Gaylord, S.M.
*Gearhart, George A. (Col.)
*Gegna, Max
Geil, William Edgar
*Geisel, Carolyn E.
*Gelbert, John (Dr.)
Gelder, J. Maurice
*Genevieve Smith Company (see also Smith, Alice Genevieve)
*Genthner, Joseph Jacob (Rev.)
*George, Arnold F.
George, David Lloyd
*George, Henry, Jr.
George, Lillian B.
*George, Richard Lloyd (Earl)
*George, W.L.
*George H. Iott Concert Company
Georgetown Glee Club
Box 118
*Gerald, HenryGerhardt, Louis H. (see Louis H. Gerhardt and Concert Party)
*Germain the Wizard
Germaine, Karl
*Germaine-Caveny Company
Gerst, Stacy (Mrs.)
*Gertrude Goodwin Miller Concert Company (see also Miller, Gertrude Goodwin)
*Gertrude Walker Concert Company
Gervin, J.H.
Geyer, F. L. (Rev.)
*Gheen, James E.
*Ghosh, Sarath Kumar
"Ghosts Between" Company
*Gibbons, Floyd
*Gibney, Harriet H.
*Gibson, Angela Murray
Gibson, Marjorie
*Giddings, J. Wight
*Gideon, A.
Gifford, W. Arthur
*Giggle, W.H. (see also Imperial Hand Bell Ringers; Imperial English Bell Ringers; English Imperial Hand Bell Ringers)
Gilbert, Ellsworth (see also Ellsworth Gilbert and His Metropolitan Singers)
*Gilbert, J. Charles
*Gilbert, J.P.
Gilbert, Lilah M.
*Gilberts Golden Memories (see also Taylor, Myron and Ruth Helen)
*Gilbert's Male Quartet
*Gilbert's Singers and Bell Ringers
Gilbraith, Sam
Gilbreath, Olive
*Gilkey, S.W. (Rev.)
*Gill, Elizabeth de Barrie
Gillam, Austin
Gillen, Vera Josephine
*Gillespie, E.H.
Gillette, F.H. (Mrs.)
*Gillette, William
*Gillilan, Strickland W.
Box 119
*Gillilan, Strickland W.Box 120
Gilmore, B.E.*Gilmore, Eddy
*Gilstrap, Max K.
Giltner, Martha Ann
*Ginn, Wells Watson (see also "Man From Home" Company)
Giomelli, G.
Gioscio, D.
*Girard, Paul
Girlie Company
*Gish, Lillian
*Giuseppe Campanari Concert Company (see also Campanari, Giuseppe)
*"Give and Take" Company
Box 121 *"Give and Take" Company
*Given, Kingsley W.
*Givler, S.H. (Rev.)
Gizir, Armand H.
Gjerdrum, Henrik (see Christie-Gjerdrum Concert Company)
Gjeure, Theodore
Gladdon, Washington (Rev.)
Glasgow, Louise
*Glass, Dudley
Glass, Fonta
Glasz-Rose, Rosemary
Glazier, George
Glazier, J. Marvin (Rev.)
*Glenn, Robert B. (Gov.)
*Glick, Carl
*Glidden, H. Coy
Godaert, Walter
Goddard, James (see James Goddard and Assisting Artists)
*Godfrey, Arthur
Godwin, Blake-More
Godwin, John Carroll
*Goffin, Robert (Dr.)
Goldbeck, Edward
*Golden Gate Concert Company
Goldman Band
*Goldsmith, Edith Darrow
Box 122
*Goldsmith, Robert (Rev.)*"Gondoliers" Company
*Gons, Jaroslav
*Good Fellows Singers
*Goode, J. Paul
Goodell, Willard A.
Goodman, Faye (Mrs. F.L.)
*Goodsell, John W. (Dr.)
*Goodspeed, Jean
Goodwin, George L.
Goodwin, Walt S.
*Gooneratne, Chandra Sena
"Goose Hangs High" Company
*Gordani, Nina
*Gordon, Bob
*Gordon, Elsie Mae (see also Lyndon, Judith Hampton and Elsie Mae Gordon)
*Gordon, Frank Elwood
*Gordon, Gene (Eugene)
Gordon, Harry
Gordon, Jacques (see also Jacques Gordon String Quartet)
*Gordon, James L. (Rev.)
*Gordon, Jeanne
*Gordon, John B. (Gen.)
Gordon, Mary
*Gordon, Ralph
Gordon, (Rev.)
*Gordon Highlander's Band
Gordon Quartet
*Gordon-Ross, R.H. (Priv.)
Gordon Trio
Box 123
*Gore, Thomas Pryor (Sen.)*"Gorilla" Company
Gorrell, Mary
*Gorst, Charles Crawford
*Gorton, Willard (see also Royal Entertainers)
*Goss, Aletta Waterbury (Mrs.)
Goss, W. Robert
*Gosschalk, Hugh
Gotthelf, Claude (see Hubbard-Gotthelf Operalogues)
*Goude, Jane (see also Goude, Jane and Betty Frazier)
Box 124
*Goude, Jane (see also Goude, Jane and Betty Frazier)*Goude, Jane and Betty Frazier (see also Goude, Jane)
*Goudreault, Joseph (Mr. and Mrs.)
*Gougar, Helen M. (Mrs.)
*Gould, Gretta
*Gould, Herbert
*Gould, Larry
Goulden, Florence M.
*Gowdy, George E. (Rev.)
*Goya, Carola
*Grabel's Band
Grace, C. Ernest (Rev.)
*Grace Lewis and Company (see also Lewis, Grace E.)
*Graff, Grace and Kurt (see also Graff Ballet)
*Graff Ballet (see also Graff, Grace and Kurt)
*Grafflin, Samuel
Graham, Beatrice
*Graham, Edward P. (Rev.)
Graham, Gertrude H.
Graham, Henry Walter
Graham, Stanley James
Graham, Theodore F.
Grahame, W.F.
*Grahn, Gustav
*Grainger, Percy
Box 125
*Gran, Hulda Frisk*Grand Forks Symphony Orchestra (see also Norton, William Wellington)
*Grand Opera Artists
*Grand Opera Stars
Grandville, Marcelle (Mme.) (see also Zimmerman, Fritz and Marcelle Grandville)
Granger, John C. (Mrs.)
Grant, Cary
*Grant, Charles Edbert
Grant, Frances P.
*Grant, Roland Dwight (Rev.)
Grant, U.S. (Mrs.)
Grant, Vernon
Grant, W. Herbert
*Grant Schenkel Company
Grantham, Alice
Granville, Charles Norman (see also Granville-Hines Concert Company)
*Granville, V. L.
*Granville-Hines Concert Company (see also Granville, Charles Norman)
Granville Orchestral Accordianist
*Grathwell, Samuel W.
*Graves, Georgia
*Graves, John Temple
*Graves, John Temple, II
Gray, Ada
Gray, Alfred D. (Rev.)
Gray, Anna
*Gray, Estelle (see also Gray, Estelle and Mischa Moritz Lhevinne)
Box 126
*Gray, Estelle and Mischa (Moritz) Lhevinne (see also Gray, Estelle)*Gray, Finly H. (Rep.)
Gray, Harry N.
*Gray, John A. (Rev.)
*Gray, Joseph M.M. (Rev.)
*Gray, Ora Samuel
Gray, Randolph and Eleanor Jackson Gray
Gray, Thaddeus
*Great Lakes Concert Quintette
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Tidewater Association
*Great Lakes String Quartet
Box 127
*Great War SeriesGreen, Arthur Jay
Green, Frease (Madame)
Green, Marion (see Marion Green Concert Company)
*Green, Paul
Green, Ralph U.
*Green, Thomas E. (Rev.)
Box 128
*Green, William B. (Judge)Green, William R. (Rep.)
*Greenbie, Sydney
Greene, James A.
*Greenfield Orchestral Quartet
Greenup, J.L.
Greenwood, Walter F. (see Walter F. Greenwood and His Associate Artists)
Greer, Estelle
Greer, H.G.
Greer, James M. (Judge)
*Greet, Phillip Ben, Sir (see Ben Greet Players)
Gregory, Elma P.
*Gregory, Emily Farrow
*Gregory, Heathe
Gregory, W.H.
*Greist, Henry W. (Dr.)
*Grenfell, Wilfred T. (Dr.)
*Gretchen Cox Concert Company
*Gridley, Marion E.
Grier, Herbert
Grier, W.M.
*Griest, J.W.
*Griffin, Jack
*Griffin, John Howard
*Griffis, Corliss Hooven
Griffis, Joseph K. (see Chief Tahan)
*Griffith, C.E.W.
Box 129
*Griffith, Charles Benjamin*Griffith, D.W.
Griffith, Gilbert
Griffith, J.J. (Mrs.)
Griffith, Sanford
*Griggs, Edward Howard
*Griggs, Hazel
Grilley, Charles T. (see also Rogers and Grilley; Rogers-Grilley Recitals)
Grimes, Alice L.
*Gringle, Arthur E.
*Grinnell, Emogene "Artist and Cartoonist"
Grinyer, Clarence B.
*Griswold Duo
Grobecker, "Daddy" (see "Daddy" Grobecker's Swiss Yodlers)
*Grobecker's Tyrolean Alpine Singers and Yodlers (see also "Daddy" Grobecker's Swiss Yodlers)
Groesbeck, H.A.
Groff, Lila
*Groman, George Gilbert
*Gromer, Julian
Gros, Jean (see Jean Gros' French Marionettes)
*Grosjean Marimba-Xylophone Company
Box 130
*Grosjean Marimba-Xylophone Company*Grosjean Marimba-Xylophone Trio
Gross, D.L.
*Gross, John H.
Gross Marionettes
*Grossman, Hilda
Grove, Grace
*Grover, Evelyn
*Grover, Franc Silkwood (Mrs.)
Groves, Fara (see Endresen, Fara Groves)
*Gruppe, Paulo (see also Paulo Gruppe Company; Paulo Gruppe and Assisting Artists)
*Gruppe, Paulo and Camille Plasschaert Gruppe (see also Gruppe, Paulo)
Box 131
*Gudmundson, Sigurdur K. (Capt.)*Guelsdorf, Hans
*Guest, "Eddie"
Guest, Edgar A.
*Guilbert, Edward S.
Guild, Curtis, Jr.
*Guild, Lewis Thurber
*Guin, Joel B.
Guinn, F.M.
*Gullota, Vincenzo
*Gullotta Concert Trio
*Gunckel, John E.
Gunderson, Viola
*Gunier, Rudolf
Gunn, Glenn Dillard
Box 132
*Gunsaulus, Frank Wakely (Rev.)Gunst, Charles F.
Gup, Samuel M. (Rabbi)
*Gurowitsch, Sara
*Gustlin, Clarence
*Gutchell, Katherine (see also Boyds, The)
*Guthrie, Anne
*Guthrie, William Norman
*Gwalia Lady Glee Singers of Wales
Gwinner, Gertrude
*"Gypsy Caravan" Company
*Gypsy Madrigal Singers (see also Hess-Burr, Johanna)