Redpath Chautauqua Collection
Series I
An asterisk (*) indicates that publicity brochures, pamphlets, flyers, or handbills are available.
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Box 179 (cont.)
*L.A.C. OrchestraL. M. Ruben, Inc.
*L. Verne Slout and Ruth Whitworth
*L. Verne Slout Players
*Labadie, Francis
*Labadies, The
*Labastille, Irma
*Lacey, Marjory
*Ladd, Bernice
*Ladd, George W. (Rev.)
LaDell, Marietta (see also LaDell Concert Company)
*LaDell Concert Company (see also LaDell, Marietta)
Ladies Singing Quartet
*Ladies Spanish Orchestra
*Lady Entertainers
*Lady Singers
*Lady Washington Quartette
*"Laff That Off" Company (see also Hammond, Freeman)
LaFollette, Fola
*LaFollette, Philip F.(Gov.)
*LaFollette, Robert M., Jr. (Sen.)
Box 180
LaFollette, Robert M., Sr. (Mrs.)*LaFollette, Robert M., Sr. (Sen.)
*Laird, Donald A.
*Laird, George Regus
*Lake, Leonora M.
*Lala, Ramon Reyes (Senor)
L'Allemand, Edgar
*Lamar, A. W. (Rev.)
LaMarche, Norman (Rev.)
Lamb, Edward Oliver
Lamberti, Carlo (see also Carlo Lamberti Concert Company)
Lamont, Ruby
Lamont, Stella (see Norelli-Lamont, Stella)
*Lamont's Birds
Lampert, Carl (see also Schumann Quintet)
Lamping, Carl
Lamping, Willy
*Lampkin, Charles and Mildred Coleman
*Lamprell-Whitney, Foss
*Lampson, Curtis (Sir)
Lampson, E. L.
*Landfear, Willard C. and Virgina M.
Landgraf, Corinne
*Landis, Charles B. (Rep.)
*Landis, Frederick
*Landis, K.M., II
Box 181
*Landis Singing OrchestraLandon, Helene
*Landon, Sidney Wellington
Box 182
*Landon, Sidney Wellington*Lane, Arthur Bliss
*Lane, Charles
*Lane, Frank (see also Lane, Frank and Frances Aldrich)
*Lane, Frank and Frances Aldrich (see also Lane, Frank; Aldrich, Frances)
*Lane, Frank Bennett (Rev.)
Lane, Homer T.
*Lane, Inez
Lane, J. A.
*Langdon-Davies, John
Langebek, May Wyon
Langendorff, A.
*Langendorff, Frieda (Mme.)
Langworthy, Mildred
Lanham, Ceora
*Lanham, Edwin W.
*Lanius, Charles
*Lanphere, Charles N.
Lansing, Robert
*Lanzer, Carl
*La Paloma Tipica Orchestra
*Lapham, Agnes
LaPlano, Frederick
*Lappin, S. S.
Lapworth, Charles
Larcher, Bessie (see Larcher Duo; Larcher-Smith Entertainers)
*Larcher Duo (see also Larcher-Smith Entertainers)
*Larcher-Smith Entertainers (see also Larcher Duo)
Lardner, Ring W.
Larimer, Jane
*Lark, Charles T.
LaRoche, Joseph J. T.
La-Rose, Grover C. (Black-Face "La-Rose")
*LaRoss, Earle
*La Salle Quartet
Larsen, Dorothy Vernon
*Larsen, William Burton
Larson, Eselwyn
Box 183
Larson, Helen M.Larson, James Henry
LaRue, H. A.
Lash, Esther Walrath
Lash, Ruth
LaSheck, Katharine (see also Marigold Ladies Quartet; Marigold Quartet; Marigold Quartette)
Latchaw, John R. H. (Rev.)
Lathrop, Hazel
*Latvian Singers
*Laube, Frank J.
*Laubin, Reginald and Gladys
*Lauder, Val
*Lauer, Alberta
*Laughton, Marie Ware
*Lauler, Marie Rose
*Laura Werno Ladies Quartet (see also Rich-Werno Company)
*Laurant (see also Laurant, Eugene; Laurant and Company))
*Laurant, Eugene (see also Laurant; Laurant and Company)
Box 184
*Laurant, Eugene (see also Laurant; Laurant and Company) ; includes the book Laurant, The Man of Many Mysteries, by Gabe FajuriBox 185
*Laurant and Company (see also Laurant, Eugene; Laurant)Laurence, Maude M.
*Lauritano's Neapolitan Symphony Orchestra
*La Vaux, Lloyd
LaVelle, Louis (see Louis LaVelle Grand Opera Singers)
*Lavelle, William G.
Lavender, Anna Houser
Lavender, Robert A.
*LaVerdi, Pietro
Lavin, T.
*Lawes, Lewis E.
Lawler, Daniel W. (Mayor)
*Lawrance, Harold G.
Lawrence, F. F. (Mrs.)
Lawrence, Frances (see also Lotus Company)
*Lawrence, Marjorie
Lawrence Conservatory of Music
Lawson, Adele I.
Lawson, Carrie (see also Carrie Lawson Opera Company)
Lawson, Franceska Kaspar
Lawson, Mary
*Laycock, E. M. (Rev.)
Layton, E. E. Wentworth
*Lazzari, Virgilio
*Lea, Luke (Sen.)
Lea, Ruth
Lea-Bel Company
*Leach, E. De Forest
*Leacock, Stephen
*Leake's Orchestral Entertainers
Leary, Ford
Lease, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.)
Leasure, Fred G.
*Leavitt, Will H.
*LeBarge Musical Company
*LeBarr, Georges Henri
*Lebedeff, Ivan
LeBell, A. O.
LeBrum, I. W.
*LeBrun, Antoinette (Mme.)
Box 186
*LeBrun Grand Opera Company >Leckrone, Ernest P. Lecompte, Eugene W.*Lederer, Charles (Mr. and Mrs.)
Ledman, Eddie Lee, Allen
*Lee, Fitzhugh (Gen.)
*Lee, Guy Carleton
*Lee, John A. (Rev.)
*Lee, Katie
Lee, Lucy (see Lucy Lee Concert Company) Lee, R. M. *Lee, Thomas F.
*Lee, Ya-Ching
Lee's Concert Band
Leffingwell's Travel Talks
*Le Gallienne, Eva
Legendre, Velma
Legler, Metta K. (see Metta K. Legler Company)
Lehastky, Julues Lehman, E. J. Lehner, Anthony
Lehner, Mildred H.
*Leigh, Bessie
Leigh, W. Colston
*Leighton, Fred
*Leighton, H. J.
*Leighton, Jean King
*Leighton, Robert
Leine, Inga
Leiter, H. Herschel
*Leland, Samuel Phelps
Lenahan, Eva
*Lener Quartet
*Lenhart, Selma
Box 187
Lennon, John B.*Lenroot, Irvine L. (Sen.)
Lenska, Augusta (Mme.) (see also Mme. Lenska and the Culp String Quartet)
Leo, Ralph
Leon Marx Trio (see Bergen-Marx Company)
*Le Petit Ensemble
Lerche, Jean Georges (Sgt.)
*LeRoy, Merritt
*LeRoy, Virginia Barlow (Mrs.)
Lerstad, Agnes M.
*"Les Miserables" Company
*Lesh, Eben
*Lesselli Marionettes
*Lester, Orrin Clifford
*"Let's Go Somewhere" Company
Letz, Hans
Lever, A. F. (Rep.)
Levey, Alexander
*Levin, Christine
Levin, Evelyn
Levine, Lester L.
*Levitan, Sol
*Levy, Bert ("Yank")
*Levy, Heniot
*Levy, J. Leonard (Rabbi)
Lewis, (?)
Lewis, Ashton
*Lewis, Evelyn
*Lewis, Frederick G.
*Lewis, Fulton, Jr.
Lewis, Grace E. (see also Grace Lewis and Company)
*Lewis, Harold
*Lewis, Helen
*Lewis, James Hamilton (Sen.)
*Lewis, John J.
*Lewis, John L.
Lewis, Kathryn
*Lewis, Lillian
*Lewis, Lloyd
Lewis, Mabel
*Lewis, Minna Mae
*Lewis, Roy F.
Box 188
Lewis, Ruth B.Lewis, Sam (see Sam Lewis Company)
*Lewis, Sinclair
Lewis, Spearman
Lewis, Tom (see also Waverleys)
Lewis, W. E. (Mrs.)
*Lewis, William Mather
*Lewis Company
LeWitte, Charles (see LeWitte Entertainers)
*LeWitte Entertainers
*Lewtas, John
*Leyssac, Paul
*Lhamon, W. J. (Rev.)
*Li, Alfred C. T.
Libby, Cornelia (see Sloman, Bill and Cornelia Libby)
*Liberatis Concert Band and Grand Opera Company
*Liberty Belles
*Lichliter, M. H. (Rev.)
Lichtenstein, E. (Mrs.) (a.k.a. Elsa Ruegger)
*Lichtenstein, Edmond
Lichtman, Endere
*Lieberman, George B. (Rabbi)
*Liebling, George
Liefeld, Adelaide
*Liers, Emil E.
Box 189
Lieurance, Thurlow (see also Indian Art and Musical Company; Lieurance entries)*Lieurance, Thurlow and Edna Woolley Lieurance (see also Lieurance, Thurlow)
*Lieurance Brass Choir (see also Lieurance, Thurlow)
*Lieurances Cremona Orchestra (see also Lieurance, Thurlow)
*Lieurances Little Symphony (see also Lieurance, Thurlow)
*Lieurances Symphonic Orchestra (see also Lieurance, Thurlow)
Light, John A.
*"Light of the World"
*"Light Opera Mirror"
*Light Opera Revue
Box 190
*Liliuokalani Hawaiians*Lillian Johnston Company
*Lillian Seller Company
*Lillich, Edna
*Limbert, Bob
*Lin, Paul T.K.
*Lind, Elisabeth Case (Mrs. John)
*Lindbergh, Charles A. (Col.)
*Linde, Rosa
Linden, G. E.
*Lindgren, Hildur Levida
Lindh, Eric I. (Rev.)
*Lindquest, Albert (see also Albert Lindquest and Assisting Artists)
Lindsay, Eva E.
Lindsay, Fred
*Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel and Olive Lindsay Wakefield
Lindsay, Ruth
*Lindsey, Ben B. (Judge)
Box 191
*Lindsey, Ben B. (Judge)Box 192
Lindsey, Estelle LawtonLindsey, V.
*Ling-Ai, Li
*Ling, Der (Princess)
Ling and Long
Linsley, Harold
*Lions Quartette
Lipe, Joseph E.
Lipski, Louis
Box 193
Lischke, Frank (Mrs.)(see also Hansen, Evelyn)*Listeman, Virginia (see also Baxter, Virginia Listeman; Listemann Recitals)
Listemann, Bernhard (see Listemann Recitals; Listeman, Virginia)
*Listemann Recitals (see also Listeman, Virginia)
Liszt Concert Company
*Liszt Ensemble
Litchfield, Neil (see Neil Litchfield Trio)
*Liten, Carlo
Littill, Joseph
Little, Bessie
*Little Hinshaw Ladies
*Little Playhouse Company of Cincinnati
*Little Symphony Orchestra of Chicago
*"Little Women" Company
*Littlefield, Charles E.
Littlefield, Marian
Littleton, Martin W. (see Smith, O.L.)
*Lium, Rolf
Livermore, Henrietta (Mrs. Arthur)
Box 194
*Livingston, Carl B.Livingston, L. R.
Llera Mexican Musicians (see "Night in Mexico, A")
*Llewelyn, Edgar Julius
*Lloyd, John (Rev.)
*Lloyd, Rhys. Rees (Rev.)
*Lloyd, Stephen A. (Rev.)
Lloyd, W. A.
Llwyd, J. P. D. (Rev.)
Loader, Rosa
Loar, Lloyd
*LoBagola, Bata Kindai Amgoza Ibn
Lobingier, Charles Sumner
*Lochwitzky, Alexander M.
*Lockhart, Eugene
*Lockhart, J. Coates (see also J. Coates Lockhart and His Scotch Lassies; Lockhart Concert Company)
*Lockhart Concert Company (see also Lockhart, J. Coates; J. Coates Lockhart and His Scotch Lassies)
*Lockman, Earl A.
*Lockwood, Frank C. (Prof.)
Lockyear, Elmer Q. (Judge)
*Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.
*Lofgren, Charles E.
Loftus, Cecilia
*Logan, Frank B.
Logue, Lionel
*Lomax, John A.
Lombard, Harry (see also Lombard Entertainers; Lombards)
*Lombard, Helen
*Lombard Entertainers (see also Lombard, Harry; Lombards)
*Lombards, The (see also Lombard, Harry; Lombard Entertainers)
*London, Jack
*London Glee Singers
London String Quartet
*London's Great Concert 8
Lone Scouts of America
Lone Star Military Band
Long, Byron R.
*Long, Charles Colfax
Long, Edna
Box 195
Long, Edward R.Long, Ernest M.
*Long, H.J.
*Long, Hamilton (Maj.)
Long, Margaret
*Long, Stewart I. (Rev.)
*Long, Sylvester A.
Long, Tom
*Longfellow Juvenile Symphony Orchestra
*Longworth, Alice Roosevelt
*Loomis, Charles Battell
*Loose, Harry J.
Lord, Maurice F.
*Lorelei Ladies Quartet
Lorigan, Joseph M.
Lorimer, William (Sen.)
Lorimor, George C. (Dr.)
Box 196
*Loring, Harold A.*Loring, J. Alden
Lorraine, Marianne
Loseff, Joseph (see also entries under Loseff's)
*Loseff's Imperial Russian Quartette (see also Loseff, Joseph; entries under Loseff's)
*Loseff's Russian Orchestral Quartet (see also Loseff, Joseph; entries under Loseff's)
*Loseff's Russian Orchestral Quartette (see also Loseff, Joseph; entries under Loseff's)
Lot's Pacific Serenaders
*Lotus Company
*Lotus Glee Club
*Loudenback, Henry H.
Loughborough, D. Logan
*Lougher, E. H. (Rev.)
*Louis Biason and His Manila Music
*Louis H. Gerhardt and Concert Party
*Louis J. Russell and His Dramatic Company
Louis LaVelle Grand Opera Singers
*Lounsbury, Charles E.
*Love, Arthur
Love, S.R. (Mrs. Grace)
*Loveday, Louise
*Lovejoy, Owen R.
*Loveland, Frank L. (Rev.)
*Loveland, LoDesca
*Loveless Quartette
Loveman, Robert (see Robert Loveman Concert Company)
"Lovers Quarrel" Company
Box 197
*Lovett's Boston Stars*Low, J. Barney
Lowden, Frank O.
*Lowe, Edna Eugenia
Lowe, Harry L.
Lowe, Lela
Lowell, Bessie Myers
*Lowell Patton and Artists
*Lowery, Fred
*Lowrey, B. G. (Rep.)
*Lowrey, Booth
*Lowrey, Sherman L.
*Lowther, Wirt (Rev.)
Lozier, Minard
Lozier, Ralph F. (Rep.)
LoZito, Mario (see Mario LoZito and His New York City Marine Band)
*Lucas, DeWitt B.
*Lucas, Maurice
Lucas and Logan
*Luce, Clare Boothe
Luce, Francis B.
*Luce, Henry R.
*Lucey, Thomas Elmore (see also Lucey-DeBona Combination)
*Lucey-DeBona Combination (see also Lucey, Thomas Elmore)
Luchs, Fred (Rev.) and Evelyn
*Lucille Elmore and Company
*Lucille Elmore Company
*Luckey, David Francis
*Luckner, Felix Von (Count)
Lucy, Thomas Elmore (see Lucey, Thomas Elmore)
*Lucy Lee Concert Company
*Ludgate, Eva (Rev.)
Ludlow, Louis
*Ludwig, Emil
Lugosi, Bela
*Luigi Quaglia and His Banda Roma
*Lulu Tyler Gates and Her Company of Artists (see also Gates, Lulu Tyler)
*Lum, Charles N.
Lumholtz, Carl
*Lund, Charlotte
Lundgren, Edward
Lundquist, M.
Lunham, Clayton W.
Box 198
Lunk, William R.
*Lunn, George R. (Rep.)
*Lupton, Dilworth
Lurvey, Charles
Luse, Mildred
*Lusk, Milan
*Lutheran A Cappella Choir of the Tri-Cities
Lutman, Thomas
Lutz, Harly L.
*Luxford, Nola
*Lybarger, Lee Francis
*Lyceum Arts Club
*Lyceum Dramatic Club
*Lyceum Entertainers
*Lyceum Grand Concert Company
*Lyceum Operatic Company
*Lyceum Singers
*Lyceum Stars
*Lyman, Edna
Lyman, Howard W.
Lyman, W. E.
Lynch, Rhea Dorothy
*Lyndon, Judith Hampton (see also Lyndon, Judith Hampton and Elsie Mae Gordon)
*Lyndon, Judith Hampton and Elsie Mae Gordon (see also Gordon, Elsie Mae; Lyndon, Judith Hampton)
Lynn, Mary
Lynn, Victoria
*A. Lynn Shaw's Ladies Orchestra
*Lyon, Bertrand
Lyon, Dore (Mrs.)
Lyon, Elwood P. (Rev.)
Lyon, Enid (see also Lyon, F. Emory, Rev.)
*Lyon, F. Emory (Rev.) (see also Lyon, Enid)
Lyon, Robert William
Lyon, Ruby Spencer (see Ruby Spencer Lyon and Associate Artists; Ruby Spencer Lyon and Her Continental Quartet; Ruby Spencer Lyon and Her Continentals)
Lyon, W.H. (Sgt.)
Lyon Brothers Quartet
Lyons, E. Genevieve
*Lyons, Eugene
Lyons, James W.
*Lyric Entertainers
*Lyric Glee Club
Lyric Male Chorus
Lyric Quintette
*Lyrics Male Quartette and Eleanor G. Hic
Lytle, Marion McCall
Lytton, Louis