Redpath Chautauqua Collection
Series I
An asterisk (*) indicates that publicity brochures, pamphlets, flyers, or handbills are available.
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Box 156
*Ickes, Harold L.*Ida Kinley Company
Igo, Tom C.
*Ilahi-Baksh, V. E. I. M.
Illingworth, Elsie (see Elsie Illingworth and Her London Concert Party)
Illinois Agricultural Association
*Illinois Glee Club
*Illinois Highway Improvement Association
*Illinois Quartette
Illinois Wesleyan University Alumni Association
*Ilton, Paul I.
Imbrie, George B.
Immanuel Male Quartet
*Imperial English Bell Ringers and Glee Singers (see also Giggle, W.H.)
*Imperial Entertainers
Imperial Film Manufacturing Company
*Imperial Hand Bell Ringers (see also Giggle, W.H.)
*Imperial Ladies' Quartet
*Imperial Russian Quartet
*Imperial Saxophone Quartette
*Imperial Singers
*"Impresario" Company (see also Hinshaw, William Wade)
*Imrie, Norman Allan (Maj.)
Box 157
*"In Love with Love" Company*"In Walked Jimmy" Company
Inches, James W.
*Indian Art and Musical Company (see also Lieurance, Thurlow)
*Indian Band
*Indian Life (Legends and Songs)
Indian Quartet
*Indian String Quartet (see also Kennedy, Richard H.)
Indiana State Board of Health
*Indiana University Concert Band (see also Hindsley, Mark)
*Indianapolis News Newsboys' Band
*Indianapolis String Quartette
Ingells, R. W.
Ingels, Mazie
*Ingler, Francis M.
Ingraham, William M. (Judge)
Ingram, Frances
Ingram Productions (Frederick B.)
*Ingvoldstad, Frederick
Innes Band of New York
Interdenominational Association of Evangelists
International Boy Orators
Box 158
*International Glee Club*International Grand Concert Company
*International Lyceum Four
*International Operatic Company
*International Symphony Club (see also Sherwood, Mary Fay)
*Inui, Kiyo Sue
Inzer, John W. (Rev.)
*Ion Jackson Grand Concert Company
*Ionian Serenaders
Iott, George H. (see George H. Iott Concert Company)
*Irene Stolofsky and Company (see also Stolofsky, Irene; Irene Stolofsky Company)
*Irene Stolofsky Company (see also Stolofsky, Irene; Irene Stolofsky and Company)
*Iris Concert Company
*Irish, Lucina G. (Mrs.)
*Irish Players
*Irons, Emma T. (Miss)
Irving, Elvira Glazier
Irving, Frederic
*Irwin, Arthur R.
*Irwin, David L.
Irwin, Jean (see McConnell, Dora Lamond and Jean Irwin)
*Irwin, Will
Isbell, Harold J.
*"It Began at Breakfast" Company
*"It Pays to Advertise" Company
Box 159
Ithaca Concert Company
Iverson, Harry O.
Ivey, J. B.
*Ivogun, Maria
*Iyenaga, Toyokichi
Box 159 (cont.)
*J. Coates Lockhart and His Scotch Lassies (see also Lockhart, J. Coates; Lockhart Concert Company)*J.L. Hudson Company's Male Quartet
*J. Walter Wilson and Accompanist (see also Wilson, J. Walter; J. Walter Wilson Company)
*J. Walter Wilson Company (see also Wilson, J. Walter; J. Walter Wilson and Accompanist)
Jack Coomb's Marionettes
*Jack Wood's Bell Ringing Trio (see also Jack Wood's Male Quartet and Bell Ringers; Wood, Jack)
*Jack Wood's Male Quartet and Bell Ringers (see also Jack Wood's Bell Ringing Trio; Wood, Jack)
*Jackson, Alex (Rev.)
Jackson, Helen M.
Jackson, Howard F.
Jackson, Ion (see Sol Marcosson-Ion Jackson Company)
*Jackson, Leonora
*Jackson, Lorna Doone
Jackson, R. C.
Box 160
*Jackson Jubilee Singers*Jackson Plantation Singers
Box 161
*Jackson Trio*Jackson's Virginia Jubilee Singers
Jacobs, Eugene
*Jacobson, Emilie
Jacobson, Sadie
*Jacoby, Josephine S.
Jacques Gordon String Quartet (see also Gordon, Jacques)
*Jacques Homier Ensemble
Jaffray, Julia H.
Jaffy, Gilbert
James, Bartlett Burleigh
James, Bertha L.
*James, Elijah
*James, Ellen Biles
*James, Elliott
*James, Gail Elder
*James, George Wharton
James, Harold Frances
*James, Ollie M. (Hon.)
*James Goddard and Assisting Artists
*James Scott Company
*James Thatcher and His Symphony Orchestra
Jameson, E. P.
*Jameson, Henry C. (Rev.)
Jamesworth Blue and White Marimba Band
Jamison, Albert W.
*Jane Wrate Concert Company
*Janes, Alva M.
Janes, Frank E. (see Frank E. Janes Illuminated Lectureship)
Jansen, Harry A.
*Janta, Alexander
Jardine, Margueritte
Jarecki, Edmund K. (Judge)
*Jasin, Joseph
*Jason, George
*Jay Tobias Company (see also Tobias-Bracken Revue; Tobias-Harper Company)
*Jaynes, Frank E.
*Jeambey, Edward Louis
*Jean Gros' French Marionettes
*Jean Wormsers Alpine Singers and Yodlers
*Jeannette Kling Company (see also Kling, Jeannette)
*Jefferson, Charles E. (Rev.)
Box 162
Jeffery, Mary Ruth*Jeffreys, Raymond J.
Jeffries, Ambrose
*Jeffries' Annie Laurie Girls
Jelks, Edwin B. (Mrs.)
Jellison, Arthur A.
Jemison, D. H.
Jenkins, Charles F.
Jenkins, George W.
Jenkins, J. H. (Mrs.)
Jenkins, Leonard R. (Rev.)
*Jenkins, Ora
Jenkins, Walter R.
Jenks, M.L.
*Jenner, William E.
*Jenness, James Freeman (Rev.)
Jennie Bliss Concert Company
Jenone, Balassa
Jensen, A. K.
Jensen, Boerje
Jensen, Dagny (see Jensen, Dagney Ellen)
Jensen, Dagney Ellen (see Reed, John Ross and Dagney Ellen Jensen Reed; Herrick-Jensen Duo)
Jensen, Floss Grossjean
*Jenssen, Carla (Baroness)
*Jerome, William Foster
*Jess Pugh and Company (see also Pugh, Jess; Jess Pugh entries)
*Jess Pugh Company (see also Pugh, Jess; Jess Pugh entries)
*Jess Pugh Concert Company (see also Pugh, Jess; Jess Pugh entries)
*Jesse, Carl Albert E.
*Jessie Armager Power and Company
Jessop, Corine (See also Corine Jessop Company; Corine Jessop Entertainers; Mozart Company)
Jessup, Anice M.
Jessup, Walter (President of SUI)
Jewell, Nelle
Jewish Daily Forward
*Jimison, Hattie C.
*Joachim, M. H. H.
Jobe, William T.
Joe Zahradka Concert Band
*Johannes, Joy
*John, John P.D. (President)
*John C. Weber and His Prize Band of America
*John Eberly Concert Party (see also Mendelssohn Trio and John Eberly)
*John Ross Reed and Company (see also Reed, John Ross and Dagney Ellen Jensen Reed; John Ross Reed Company)
*John Ross Reed Company (see also Reed, John Ross and Dagney Ellen Jensen Reed; John Ross Reed and Company)
*John Thomas Concert Company
Box 163
*John W. Frye and Company (see also Frye, John W.)*Johns, Larry (Mrs.)
Johnson, Andrew
*Johnson, Andrew P. (Rev.)
*Johnson, Anna French
Johnson, C.W.
*Johnson, Charles Henry
Johnson, Dana C.
*Johnson, Edwin
*Johnson, Elmer and Lew
Johnson, Ernestine L.
*Johnson, Frank Preston
Box 164
Johnson, Fred G.Johnson, Fred W.
Johnson, H. F. (Capt.)
*Johnson, Hazel Neen
Johnson, Herbert S.
Johnson, Hiram W. (Gov.)
*Johnson, Hugh S. (Brig. Gen.)
*Johnson, John A. (Gov.)
Johnson, Johnny (see Johnson-Fosdick Orchestras)
Johnson, Laura
*Johnson, Lylburn B.
Johnson, Marguerite
*Johnson, Osa
Johnson, Royal C. (Sen.)
Johnson, Sallie
Johnson, Sue
Johnson, W. B.
*Johnson, William
Johnson, William R. (Rev.)
Johnson-Fosdick Orchestras
Johnstin, Ruth
Johnston, Boss
*Johnston, Clifford
Johnston, Katharine
Johnston, Lillian (see Lillian Johnston Company)
Johnston, Maurice
*Johnstone, A.H.
Jones, Ada Ruth
Jones, Archie N.
Jones, Arthur C.
Jones, Bob
*Jones, Bob, Jr.
*Jones, Bryson
Jones, Cavan
*Jones, Charles J. ("Buffalo") (Col.)
*Jones, Charles L.
Jones, Datus R.
*Jones, David A.
Jones, Elmer E.
Jones, Ethel
*Jones, Francis Willoughby
*Jones, Granville
Box 165
*Jones, Hilton IraBox 166
*Jones, Hilton IraBox 167
*Jones, Hilton Ira*Jones, Jenkin Lloyd (Rev.)
Jones, Laurence C.
Jones, Lillian M.
Jones, Loren G.
Jones, May L.
Jones, Morgan
*Jones, Robert Edmond
*Jones, S. Platt
*Jones, Sam P. (see also Crowl, Denton C.)
*Jones, Thomas Edmund-Hill (Rev.)
*Jones, Victor Charles
Jones, Walter Howe
*Jones-Morgan, Gwladys
*Jonson, Donald
*Jordan, A. Homer (Rev.)
Jordan, Alice L. (Mrs.)
*Jordan, Charles Grant (Rev.)
*Jordan, David Starr
Jordan, J. L.
Jordan, Velda G.
*Jordan Musical Entertainers
Jores, Ernest F.
Jorgensen, Leila J.
*Jorgensen, Lillian V.
Jorgensen, Ruby
Joseph, Helen (see Helen Joseph's Puppets)
Joseph, Nannine V.
*Joseph Cavadore and Company
*Josephine Martino and Assisting Artists
*Joshi, Sunder
Jost, Jack (see Jost and Wunderle)
Jost, Loyd G.
*Jost and Wunderle
Box 168
Jostad, B. M.*Joubert, Wilfred A.
*Joy, Elyse
*Joy, Henry E.
*Joy Bell Ringers (Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fish)
Joyzelle, Rosamonde
Jubilee Singers Company
*Judd, Walter H. (Dr.)
Judson, Arthur
Jugo-Slav Tamburica Orchestra
*Junek, O. Waldemar
Box 168 (cont.)
*Kachel, Arthur*Kackley, Olive
*Kadow Productions
Kafka, Rudolf
Kagechiwan, ("Chief") M. Paul
Kahn, Julius
*Kahne, Harry
*Kaiser, Marie
Kajiyama, Tameo
*Kaltenborn Quartet (see also Baker, Elsie)
*Kaltenborn String Quartet
*Kaltenborns Orchester
Kamps, Barbara (see Sherman-Kamps Recital Company)
Kanberg, Alfred A.
Box 169
*Kane, Evelyn Gurley*Kansas City Philharmonic Orchestra
*Kansas City Philharmonic String Quartet
*Kaplan, Richard S.
Kapp, Harvey E.
*Karl Krueger and the Kansas City Philharmonic Orchestra
*Karamu Quartet
*Karr, Alexander
*Kater, James
*Katharine Carroll Smith Company (see also Smith, Katharine Carroll)
*Katharine Carroll Smith Concert Company (see also Smith, Katharine Carroll)
*Katharine Ridgeway Concert Company (see also Ridgeway, Katharine)
*Kathryn Roberts Lady Quartett and Concert Company (see also Roberts, Kathryn)
Kauffman, J. E. (Rev.)
Kauffmann, Reginald Wright
*Kaufman, Charles E.
*Kaufmann Male Quartette
Kaumeyer, Carleton
*Kavanagh, Marcus A. (Judge)
Box 170
Kay, Hobart (Mrs.)Kayaloff, Vladimir
Kazee, Buell
*Kazmayer, Robert
Kealakai, Major (see Major Kealakai's Royal Hawaiian Sextette)
*Kean, Richard
*Kearney, Belle (Miss)
Kearns, Elsie Herndon (see Elsie Herndon Kearns and Her Company; Kearns, Elsie Herndon and George Carlton Somnes)
*Kearns, Elsie Herndon and George Carlton Somnes (see also Elsie Herndon Kearns and Her Company)
*Keating, Fred
*Kedroff Quartet
Kedzie, William Roscoe (Rev.)
*Keefer, Flora McGill
*Keenan, J. Talbert (Rev.)
*Keene, Grace Wolpert
Keene, J. C. ("The Great Keene") (see also Keene and His Company)
*Keene and His Company (see also Keene, J.C.)
Keener, Ruth Pratt
Keener, Suzanne
*Keesey, Wilbur Ruth (Rev.)
*Kefauver, Estes (Sen.)
Kegg, Pauline
*Keiffer, George Linn
*Keighley Players
*Kekuku's Hawaiian Quintet
*Kelchner, Kathryn
*Kelchner Trio
*Kellam Male Quartette
*Kellems, Homer Flint
Keller, Countess (see Skariatina, Irina)
*Keller, Helen Jule
*Kellerman, Marcus
*Kellerman, R. S
Kelley, Ann
*Kelley, Francis Clement (Rev.)
*Kellogg, George Sawyer
Kellogg, Mabel J.
*Kellogg Bird Carnival and Concert Company
*Kellogg-Haines Singing Party (see also Eichenberger, John)
Box 171
*Kellogg, The "Bird Man"Kelly, C. F. (Mrs.)
*Kelly, Francis Clement (Father)
Kelly, G. Lombard
*Kelly, John A.
Kelly, Thomas
*Kelly, Thomas M.
*Kelsey, Ed. R.
*Kelso Company
*Kemp, Everett
Box 172
Kemp, Henry E.Kempe, Dorothy Louise
Kempe, Marion
*Kendall, George Samuel
*Kendree Concert Company
*Kenilworth Players
Kennan, George
Kennedy, Charles Rann
Kennedy, Howard Angus
*Kennedy, John B.
Kennedy, John W. (Mrs.)
Kennedy, Keith
Kennedy, Richard H. (see also Indian String Quartet)
*Kennedy, Robert John
Kenney, W. H.
Kennison, Elma
Kenniston, (?)
*Kensington Concert Company
*Kent, Rockwell
*Kenyon, William S. (Sen.)
Box 173
Kepford, HazelKeppler, Frederick C.
*Kerensky, Alexander
Kern, Jeanette F.
*Kerr, George Gibson (Rev.)
Kerr, Mary
*Kerrigan, E.J.
Kesnar, Maurits
*Kessinger, Harold C.
Ketcham, John C. (Rep.)
*Keyes, Margaret (Miss)
Keyhoe, Donald E.
*Keyser, Arden Philbrick (Rev.)
Kibble, Sidney J.
*Kibby, William Judson
Kickbush, F. W.
Kidd, George E.
*Kiernan, George
*Kiler String Quartet
*Kilham, John
*Killarney Colleens (see also Sheehan, Maria Theresa "Tess"; Theresa Sheehan Concert Company)
*Killarney Girls and Rita Rich (see also Rich, Rita)
Box 174
*Kilties, The*Kimball, Edna
*Kimball, Polly
*Kimbell, Grant
Kimbell, Harry and Pearl
*Kimsey, Howard Wade
*Kimsey, Rolla Warren
Kincheloe, D. H. (Rep.)
*Kindler, Hans (see also Haensel and Jones)
*Kinemacolor Company of America
King, Alma
*King, Bertha Pratt
*King, Byron W.
*King, Carlton
*King, Charles E.
King, D. Ward
*King, Hoyt
King, James A.
*King, Judson
*King, Luther
*King, Rufus Everson (Rev.)
*King, Stoddard
King, Willard E.
*King Male Quartet
Kingsford, Walter
*Kingsley, Homer H.
*Kingsley-Bradley, May (Mrs.)
Kinnick, Claude
Kinsey, Carl D.
*Kinsman, D. O.
*Kiper, Roscoe (Judge)
Kipling, Rudyard
*Kiplinger, Austin
*Kiplinger, Orville L. (Rev.)
*Kirby, May Elaine
Kirk, Frank L.
*Kirk, Grayson
*Kirkman, Roscoe
Kirksmith Sisters
Kirlin, Grace Bell
Kirn, William
*Kirtley, James S. (Rev.)
*Kiser Sisters
Box 175
*Kiss, Jay Archer*Kissane, Donald
Kissinger, Pauline
*Kitchell, Iva
Kitson, Harry
*Kiwanian Varied Entertainers
Kjerland, Merlin
*Kleckner, Clarence Saeger (Rev.)
*Kleckner, Harry C.
Kleeman, Paul
Kline, Olive
*Kline, R. E. Pattison
*Kling, Jeannette (see also Jeannette Kling Company)
*Kling Pace Recital Company (see also Kling, Jeannette; Pace, Florence Marion)
*Kloer, Oscar J.
Klumph, Arch C.
Kluttz, Whitehead
Knapp, Carl E. (Rev.)
Knapp, E. C.
Kneale, Elmer
*Kneisel Quartet
*Knight, C.W.R. (Capt.)
*Knight, Charles Spurgeon (Rev.)
*Knight, Mabel F.
Knight, Paul D.
*Knight MacGregor Concert Company (see also MacGregor, Knight)
*Knisely, George
Kno, P. W.
Knoflickova, Agnes
*Knoll, A. H. (see also Mr. A. H. Knoll and His Concert Company; A. H. Knoll and His Band)
Knott, Thomas A.
*Knotts, Howard C. (Lt.)
*Knowland, William F. (Sen.)
Knowles, Leonard (Dr.)
Knowles, Lilian
*Knowles, R.G.
*Knox, Eugene
Box 176
*Knox, J. S.Knox, Loren H.
Knox, Theodore (see Theodore Knox Concert Party)
Knox, W.K.
*Knox Novelty Company
Knoxville College Male Quartet (see also American Jubilee Singers)
Knudsen, Vern O.
Knudson, Thelma
Knutson, Kalah J.
Knyvett, R. Hugh (Capt.)
Kobe, Susumu
Koch, Frederick H.
*Koch, Lillian Loth
*Koch, Raymund (see also Koch, Raymund and Helen Bickerton)
*Koch, Raymund and Helen Bickerton (see also Bickerton, Helen; Koch, Raymund)
*Kocian, Jaroslav
*Koehler, Augustin James
*Koeppel, Oscar O.
Kohl, Otto A.
Kohl, P. Lycurgus
*Konecny, Josef
*Koner, Pauline
Konold, Grace Johnson
*Kornfeld, Joseph S. (Rabbi)
*Kraeuter, Phyllis
*Krakowski, Mary and Magdalen Massmann (see also Massmann, Magdalen)
*Kramer, Harold Morton
*Krantz Family Concert Company (see also Records of the Krantz Family Concert Company MsC 150.10 )
*Krarer, Olof (Miss)
*Kreager, Frank O.
*Krebs, Stanley LeFevre
*Kreeck, George L.
*Kreiner, Edward
*Kremlin Art Quintette
*Krieger, La Follette and Company
*Kringsberg Company
Krishna, Kamala
Kroell, Anabel
Krokowsky, Minna
*Krokowsky, Viska
Kronold, Hans
Krueger, Karl (see Karl Krueger and the Kansas City Philharmonic Orchestra)
Kruger, Alma
Box 177
*Kryl, Bohumir (see also entries under Kryl; Kryl's; Bohumir Kryl)Box 178
*Kryl, Bohumir (see also entries under Kryl; Kryl's; Bohumir Kryl)Kryl, Frank
Box 179
*Kryl and His Band (see also Kryl, Bohumir)*Kryl Womens Symphony Orchestra (see also Kryl, Bohumir)
*Kryls Orchestral Sextette (see also Kryl, Bohumir)
Kublick, Henri (see Henri Kublick Company)
*Kucinski, Leo (see also Morningside Symphony Orchestra)
*Kuehn Concert Company
*Kuhle, Orlando A.
Kuhn, Edna Belle
Kuhn, Minnie F.
*Kull, A. E. ("Happy")
Kunz, Fritz
Kurz, Elizabeth
Kuss, Edward C.
Kwong, Victor R.
Kyes, S. M. (Dr.)
Kyle, Howard