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Redpath Chautauqua Collection

Traveling Culture Home Page


Series I


An asterisk (*) indicates that publicity brochures, pamphlets, flyers, or handbills are available.

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Box 235 (cont.)

Nadal, Thomas W.
*Nagel, Curtis
*Naidu, Sarojini
*Nance, K.F. (Rev.)
*Nash, Vernon
*Nast, Thomas, Jr.
Natiello and His Band
National Broadcasting Company, Inc.
*National Bureau for the Advancement of Music
National Dramatic and Opera Company
*National Ladies Quartet
National League for Medical Freedom
*National Male Quartet

Box 236

National Music League, Inc.
National Physical Education Service
National Republican Congressional Committee
*"Naughty Marietta" Company
*Nauman, Hilda
*Navy Girls
Naylor, James Ball
Naylor, Thomas
*Naylor, Wilson S.
*Nayphe, Julius Caesar
*Ne Pomoceno Filipino Quartet
Neal, Johnny May (Miss)
Neal, Ruth
*Neapolitan Orchestra and Singers
*Neapolitan Serenaders (see also Witepskie, Meyer)
Near East Relief
*Nearing, Scott
Needham, C.J. (see Selvey and Hamilton Company)
Neeld, George Avery (Rev.)
Neely, Ellen
*Neely, F. Tennyson
Neely, Grace
*Neff, Prudence
Neikirk, Georgia (Mrs. Frank)
Neikirk, Louise E.
*Neil, C. Edmund
*Neil Litchfield Trio
*Neill, Amy Emerson
*Neilson, Francis
*Neilson, MacInnes
Nell, Allene
Neller, Robert
*Nellie Peck Saunders Company (see also Saunders, Nellie Peck)
*Nellie Peck Saunders Concert Company (see also Saunders, Nellie Peck)
Nellis, A. A. (Rev.)
*Nellson, Lucile
Nelson, Ferdinand E.
Nelson, Jack
Nelson, Louise
*Nelson, Mary Adeline
*Nelson, Mary Manning
*Neptune, Winifred

Box 237

Nesbit, J. Arthur
Nesbitt, Prince
*Ness, Nancy
*Nester, Hallye
*Nestos, Ragnvald A. (Gov.)
Netto, A. A.
Neumann, K. Bruno
*Neustadt, Sofia
*Neville, Russell Trall
*Neville-Johns, Constance
Nevin, Alice McDuffee (see Nevin, Florence and Alice McDuffee Nevin)
*Nevin, Florence and Alice McDuffee Nevin
*Nevin, Olive and Harold Milligan
*Nevin Concert Company
*New Century Trio
*New England Male Quartet
*New English Players

Box 238

*New Opera Comique
*New South Jubilee Company
New York City Band
New York City Brass Choir (see also Aida Quartet)
*New York City Marine Band
*New York Festival Players
New York Glee Club
*New York Grand Concert Company
*New York Ladies Trio
*New York Lyric Singers
*New York Madrigal Singers
*New York Metropolitan Company
New York Opera Singers
*New York Players (see also Misner, Ernest Raymond)
*New York Song Cycle Company
New York Telephone Company
*New York Theatre for Children
*New Zealanders (see also Rawei, Francis Wherahiko; Raweis)
Newbolt, Paul B.
Newbrough, Martha
*Newcomb, Charles Milton
*Newell, William P.
*Newens, Adrian M.

Box 239

*Newens, Adrian M.

Box 240

Newens, Harriett
Newhall, J. Lincoln (see Parland-Newhall Company)
Newhall, Virginia
*Newkirk, Burt L.
*Newlan Concert Company
*Newlan's Concert Band
Newlands, Francis G. (Sen.)
Newsom, Hugh R. (see Hugh R. Newsom Concert Company)
Newton, Kathryn
*Newton, Ray
Newton, Tessie (see Blind Artists, The)
Newton, Walter Hughes (Rep.)
*Nicholas, Winifred Simester (Mrs.)
Nichols, Alma
*Nichols, James T.
*Nichols, Lee
Nichols, Marion (see also College Girls)
Nichols, O. C. (Col.)
*Nichols, Roland A. (Rev.)
*Nichols, Roy E.
Nicholson, Alta
Nicholson, Charles W.
*Nicol, James H. (American Committee for Armenian Syrian Relief)
*Nielsen, Alice
*Nielsen, Hortense (see also "Arms and the Man" Company)
Nielsen, Karl
*Nielsen, Ralph
*"Night in Mexico, A"
Nightingale, Agnes Augusta
*Nightingale, George E. (Capt.)

Box 241

*Niles, Blair (Mrs.)
Niles, Lela M.
*Nina Spaulding Quartette
Nippa, Bernhart
Niven, John W.
*Nobile, Umberto (Gen.)
*Noe, Aldolf Carl
Noe, Grace L.
*Noe, J. T. Cotton
*Noel, John (Capt.)
*Nohl, Max Gene
Nolan, Maud E.
*Nolan, W. I.
*Nonpareil Jubilee Singers
*Norelli-Lamont, Stella
Norlin, Jean
Norman, Ruby
Norris, George W. (Sen.)
Norris, W. F. (Judge)
North, Earl R. (Rev.)
*North, Sterling
Northrop, Anna E.
Northrup, Beulah Clark (Mrs.)
*Northwestern University Male Quartet
*Norton, Cora V.
Norton, Evalyn
*Norton, Florence (Miss)
*Norton, John Nathaniel
*Norton, Mae
*Norton, Robert
Norton, William Wellington (see also Grand Forks Symphony Orchestra; University Glee Club; University of North Dakota Philharmonic Orchestra; Norton Chautauqua Orchestra and Band)
*Norton Chautauqua Orchestra and Band (see also Norton, William Wellington)
*Norton (Magician)
*"Not So Fast" Company
"Nothing But the Truth" Company

Box 242

*Nourse, Robert
Novelty Bostock's
*Novelty Entertainers
*Novelty Four
Novelty Trio (see also Browne, Van O.)
*Nugent, Joseph F. (Rev.)
*Nugent, Walter Henry (Rev.)
Nyberg, Anna E.
Nye, D. D.
*Nye, Gerald P. (Sen.)
*Nye, J. Emerson
Nutter, Charles R.


Box 242 (cont.)

Oakes, Mayer
Oakley, Annie
Oakley, B. W.
*Oakley Concert Company
O'Bannon, Lew
*Oberlin College Glee Club

Box 243

Oberlin Sextette
*O'Brien, Angela Mae
*O'Brien, Quin
Oceanic Concert Company
*Oceanic Ladies Quintet
Ockooneff, Fred
O'Connel, Daniel M.
Odell, Noel E.
*Odlin, Arthur F. (Judge)
Odom, William (Capt.)
O'Donnell, George H. (Rev.)
*O'Donnell, Hugh
*O'Donnell, James Francis
*O'Donovan, James P.
Ogburn, William Fielding
Ogden, C. H.
Ogden, Charles E.
Ogden, Stella
*O'Geran, Graeme
*Ogle, Jane (Ogle, Tinnin, Brown, Inc.)
*Oglesby, Frank (see also Gruppe, Paulo)
*O'Hara, Bill (Lieut.)
*O'Hara, Geoffrey
O'Hare, Kate Richards

Box 244

*O'Hay, Irving (Capt.)
Ohio Male Quartette
*Ohio Wesleyan Male Quartette
*Ojike, Mbonu
*Old Colonial Band
*Old Globe Theatre Players
*Old Glory Quartet
*Old Home Singers
*"Old Homestead" Company
*Old Homestead Male Quartette
*Old National Male Quartet
*Old Vic Company
*Oldys, Henry
*Ole Theobaldi Concert Party (see also Theobaldi, Ole)
*O'Leary, Beatrice
*Olesen, Anna Dickie (Mrs.)

Box 245

Oleson, Ina T.
*Oliphant, Minnie
Olive, Sam L.
Olive Mead Quartet
Oliver, Bryce G.
*Oliver, French E.
*Oliver, Katharine
Oliver, Martha M.
*Oliver-McCoy, Katharine
Oliver's Philippine Quartet
*Olsen, Moron
*Olsen Sisters
Olson, Eleonora (see Eleonora Olson Concert Company)
Olson, Ruth E.
*Olund Concert Company
*Olympia Ladies Quartette
*O'Meara, Joseph
*Omo, Charles H.
*O'More, Colin
*Onderdonk, Francis Skillman
*Oneal, Ernest Wray (Rev.)
*O'Neil, Owen Rowe
O'Neil, Thomas
*O'Neill, Eugene, Jr. and Frank Meyer
*Ongawa, Michitaro (Mr. and Mrs.)
*Onstott, Daniel
Oosterbaan, Bennie
Opera and Drama Society of San Francisco
Opera Clippings
Opera Festival
*Opera in Miniature
Opollo Quartett
*Oppenheimer, Benton S. (Judge)
*Oratorio Artists

Box 246

*Orchard, Hugh A. (Rev.)
*Orchestra Comique
*Orchestral Entertainers
*O'Reilly, Gertrude M.
O'Reilly, T. F.
*Oriental Male Quartette
*Oriole Concert Company
*Ormsby, Emmet T. ("Red")
*Orphean Musical Club
Orpheon Quartette
Orpheum Concert Orchestra
*Orpheus Concert Trio
*Orpheus Four
*Orpheus Male Quartette
Orr, L. V.
*Orris, Beryl D.
*Orsborne, Dod (Capt.)
Oratorio Artists
*Ortega, Belen
Orth, S. P.
*Osborn, Charles S.
Osbron, Andrew T. (Rev.)
*Osgood, Marion G.
Oster, Bella Gerard (Mrs.)
Oster, Orpha Elizabeth
*O'Sullivan, Jeremiah P. (Rev.)

Box 247

*Ott, Edward Amherst

Box 248

*Ott, Edward Amherst

Box 249

*Ott, Edward Amherst
*Otterbein Male Quartet and Bell Ringers (see also Otterbein Male Quartette Company)
*Otterbein Male Quartette Company (see also Otterbein Male Quartet and Bell Ringers)
*Otto of Austria-Hungary
*Ottumwas of Chicago (see also George H. Iott Concert Company)
*Outcault, R. F.
"Outdoor Recreation" Magazine
Overend, Margary
Overing, Merton (see also Merton Overing and Company)
*Overseas Ladies Orchestra
*Overstreet, Bonaro (see also Overstreet, Harry A.)
*Overstreet, Harry A. (see also Overstreet, Bonaro)
*Owen, Robert L. (Sen.)
*Owen, Ruth Bryan (a.k.a. Ruth Bryan Rhode)
Owen, William
*Owsley, Alvin M.
*Oxford Company
*Oxford Musical Club
*Oyapela and Company
*Ozar, Jack


Box 250

Pace, Anderson
*Pace, Florence Marion
*Packard, Alton

Box 251

*Packard, Alton

Box 252

*Packard, Alton

Box 253

*Packard, Alton
*Padden, Sarah
*Paddock, Charles W. (Charles William)
*Paderewski, Ignace Jan
Padget, William A.
Page, Calvin S.
Page, Helen F.
Page, Ruth (see Page-Stone Ballet)
Page, Verna (see Gamble, Ernest and Verna Page)
*Page, W. Eugene
Page, Willard
*Page-Stone Ballet
Paine, Helen (see Helen Paine Duo)
*Painter, Lawrence G.
"Pair of Sixes " Company
Paish, George (Sir)
*Pakenham, Compton (Maj.)

Box 254

Pallaria's Concert Band
*Palmer, Edwina A.
*Palmer, Robert D.
*Palmer's Lyceum Ladies Quartet
*Palmer's Lyceum Quintette
*Palubicki, John (Rev.)
*Palyi, Melchior
Pam Pamga Quartet
*Pamahasika's Famous Pets
*Pamahasika's Pets
*Panama Canal and the Panama-Pacific Exposition
*Panama Singers
Pancost, Ruth
*Pandit, Sakharam Ganesh
*Pankhurst, Emmeline
Panteleieff, Max
*Pan-Wieg Puppets
Papakura, N. H.
*Papashvily, George and Helen
*Papot, Benedict
*Paramount Entertainers
*Parish Players

Box 255

*Parisian "Red Heads" Orchestra
Park, Carl
*Park, No Yong
*Park Sisters
*Parke Quartette
Parker, Frank
*Parker, George Lawrence (Rev.)
*Parker, Gilbert (Sir)
Parker, Mabel
*Parker, Mary Moncure
Parker, May (see May Parker's Little Pickaninnies and Concert Company)
*Parker, Robert
*Parker, Seth
Parker, William
*Parker Concert Company
*Parkes, Myrtle E.

Box 256

*Parkhurst, M. M. (Rev.)
Parkin, Charles Albert (Rev.)
*Parkinson Ensemble Artists
Parks, Frances P.
*Parland-Newhall Company
*Parlette, Grace
*Parlette, Ralph (see also American Citizen)
*Parnells, The
Parnova, Lisa (see Strawbridge, Edwin and Lisa Parnova)
Parrish, Randall
Parrish, William E.
Parsons, Ady Mae
Parsons, Frank Alvah
*Parsons, James L.
Parsons, Louella O.
Parsons, Mary
Parsons, William A.
*Pasamonte Players

Box 257

*Pascova, Carmen
*Pasmore, Mary and George Stewart McManus
*Pasmore Trio (see also Pasmore Trio and Charles Edward Clarke)
*Pasmore Trio and Charles Edward Clarke (see also Pasmore Trio; Clarke, Charles Edward)
*Passeri and His Concert Band
Passi, Charles
*"Passion Play" of the Black Hills
*Patchell, W. T. (Rev.)
Paterson, Robert
Paterson, Robert George
Pathfinders of America
*Patricia Trio
Patrick, Andrew J. (Rev.)
*Patricolo Company
"Patsy" Company
*Patten, Marjorie
*Patterson, George Leo
Patterson, Grove
*Patterson, Idelle
Patterson, J. H.
Patterson, James Albert (Rev.)
Patterson, M.N. (Gov.)
*Patterson, Malcolm R. (Gov.)
*Patterson, (Miss)
*Patterson, Robert J. (Rev.)
Pattison, Lee (see Maier, Guy and Lee Pattison)
Patton, Lowell (see Lowell Patton and Artists)
*Patty, W.B. (Bound brochure title is "Radium")
Paul, Audrey (see Ralph Nielsen-Audrey Paul Company)
Paul, Ralph W.
Paul A. Smith's Colored Jubilee Singers
*Paul Vernon and His Cleveland Symphonic Quintet (see also Vernon, Paul)
*Paulding, Frederick
*Paulist Choristers of Chicago
*Paulo Gruppe and Assisting Artists
*Paulo Gruppe Company
*Paulsen, Helen B.
Pavloska, Irene
Paxter, B.

Box 258

*Payne, Charles A. (Rev.)
Payne, Jimmy (see Afro-Cuban West Indian Ballet)
Paytiaino, LaRue
*Peake, Frank Allen
Pearl, Elma
Pearsall, Al (see Eccles, Walter and Al Pearsall)
Pearsall, Bill
*Pearson, Alfred J.
Pearson, Clara
*Pearson, Drew
*Pearson, Leon
*Pearson, Paul M.
Pearson, Sigrid I.
Pearson, T. Gilbert
Peary, Robert Edwin (Lt.)
Pease, Morgan E. (Rev.)
*Pease, Rollin M.
Pease Twins
*Peat, Harold R. (Pvt.)

Box 259

*Peat, Harold R. (Pvt.)
Peat, Louisa W.
*Peat, ("Private") (Mrs.) (see also Peat, Harold R. (Pvt.))
*Peck, Annie S. (Miss)
*Peck, Arthur C. ("Dean") (Rev.)
*Peck, Arthur K.
*Peele, Joseph H.
*Peerless Princess Quartet
*Peet Brothers
Pelck, Dorothy
Pelham, Fred
*Pelham, Laura Dainty
Pelletier, Pierre (see Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Pelletier and Their Elizabethan Players)
*Pellett, Frank C.
*Pemberton, Ada
*Pemberton, Morton H.
Pendleton, Philip Y. (Rev.)
Penfield, Jean Nelson (Mrs.)
*Penn, Albert L.
Pennington, Lucy M.
*Peocock, Eleanor Hazzard (Mrs.)
*People's Grand Opera Association
*"Perfect Alibi" Company
Pergler, Charles
*Perigord, Paul (Capt.)
Perkins, Edwin C.

Box 260

*Perkins, R. Marlin
*Perrin, J. Nick
*Perrine, Samuel Alden
*Perry, Edward Russell (Rev.)
Perry, Frederic (see Ye Olde New England Choir)
Perry, Gertrude
Perry, Lyle Harrison
Perry, Roger and Harry Ward
Pershing, James F.
*Persons, Victor Hugo (Rev.)
Persson, Frederic
*Petch, Gladys M. (Mrs.)
Peters, Charles O. (Capt.)
Peters, G. Dana
*Peters, Madison C. (Rev.)
Petersen, E. Allen
Petersen, Gladys
Petersen, Lewis W.
Petersen, Lucy
*Petersen Sisters
*Perterson Sisters (different)
Peterson, J. H., Jr.
Peterson, (Miss)
Peterson, Penelope
*Petri, Egon
Petrie, Herbert (see also Herbert Petrie and His White Hussars; Petrie entries)
*Petrie Novelty Company (see also Petrie, Herbert; Petrie Novelty Quintet)
*Petrie Novelty Quintet (see also Petrie, Herbert; Petrie Novelty Company)
Petschnikoff, Lili (Madame)
Pettit, Ailene
*Pettit, Pembroke (Sen.)
Pettit, Verne
*Pettus, Ruth Elizabeth
*Petty, C. Wallace (Rev.)
*Petty, Alonzo Ray (Rev.)
*Pettyjohn Concert Party
Pew, Howard
Peyton, David C.
*Pfaff, Rosemary
Pfeiffer, August
*Pfouts, Earl
*Pfrimmer, Will W.
*Phelan, Charles Tidwell (Mrs.)
*Phelps, Arthur S. (Rev.)
*Phelps, Manley

Box 261

*Philadelphia Chamber String Simfonietta
*Philadelphia Male Quartet
*Philadelphia Male Quartette
Philippine Press Bureau
*Philippine Quartet
Phillips, Dorothy Kohl (see also Phillips Sisters)
*Phillips, Harry
*Phillips, J. Owen (Mrs. Harry Phillips)
*Phillips Sisters (see also Phillips, Dorothy Kohl)

Box 262

*Piatt, Byron C.
Pickard's Chinese Syncopators
*Pickett, LaSalle Corbell (Mrs.)
*Pierce, Robert F. Y (Rev.)
*Pierces, The
Pierson, Jessie M.
Piggott, Edward St. Clair
Pignatelli, Vincent
*Pilgrim Girls
Pilkington, Charles S.
*Pillsbury, Arthur C.
"Pinafore" Company
Pinchot, Gifford (Gov.)
Pindall, X.O. (Gov.)
Piner, W.K.
*Pingrey, Darius H.
Pinneo, George M.
Piper, Ralph S.
*Pitman Concert Company
Pittman, Hudson H. (Rev.)
*Pittsburgh Festival Orchestra
*Pittsburgh Ladies Orchestra
Pizey, Paul
Plancon, C. Pol
Plantation Jubilee Singers
*Plasschaert, Camille (Mrs. Paulo Gruppe)
*Platt, Electra (see also Stone, Vernon and Electra Platt)
*Plattenburg, Charles Howard

Box 263

Playground and Recreation Association
Ploner, Alois (see also Alois Ploner's Original Yodeling Serenaders; Alois Ploner's Origina Yodeling Serenader's and His Syncopating Orchestra)
Plummer, George T. (Rev.)
Plumstead, Arthur (see also Macfarren Artists and Arthur Plumstead)
*Plumstead, Ellsworth
*Plymouth Male Quartette
*Plymouth Singers and Players
*Plymouth Singing Party
Poenisch, Harriett Frances
Poepping's American Band of St. Louis
*Pogue, Barton Rees
*Poindexter, Fielding Lewis

Box 264

*Poindexter, Miles (Sen.)
*Poister, Theodore, Jr.
*C. Pol Plancon Baritone
*Pole, Reginald
*Polgar, (Franz J.)
Poling, Daniel A.
*Poling, Florence
*Polk, Rudolph
Polk, William
Pollard, D.W.
Pollard, William Jefferson (Judge)
*Poluhni and Company
Pomeroy, Caroline N.
Pomeroy, E.T. (Mrs.)
Pomeroy, Hazel
*Pond, Alonzo W.
*Pond, James B.
*Pond, J.B. (Maj.)
*Ponselle, Rosa
*Ponsford, Arthur W.
*Poole, Charles Henry
*Poole, Frederic
Pooler, June G.
*Pooler, Osceola
*Poor, Murrell (see also Murrell Poor Duo)
*"Poor Nut" Company
Pope, F.M. (Rev.)
Pope, L.G.
*Pope, Milton
*Poppe, Vera
Porter, Arthur G.
Porter, George H.
*Porter, Paul
*Porter Concert Party
*Portune, Helen
Post, Clarence H.
*Post, Louis F.
*Potter-Depew Concert Trio
*Potter, John Wesley (Rev.)
Potter, Merle
*Potters, The
*Pound, Edwin Aldine
*Pounds, J.E.
Povah, F.S. (Maj.)
*Powell, Billy
Powell, F.E.
*Powell, Maud
*Powell, Perry Edwards

Box 265

Powell, Ruth
*Powell, Victoria (see also "The Miracle" Company)
*Powell, Virginia
*Powelson, Mary L.
Power, R.A.
Power, Wilbur G.
*Powers, C. Oliver
*Powers, Caleb (Rep.)
*Powers, Gladys Beulah
*Powers, Haven M.
Powers, Helen Watson
*Powers, J.N.
*Powers, Leland
*Powers, Marian Wright
*Pratt, Benjamin F. (Dr. ?)
Pratt, E. Benaiah
Pratt, Howard E.
Pratt, Ira
*Pratt, Naomi Isabella
*Pratt, Robert Murray (Rev.)
Predmore, Rosann (see Miller, Wana, Dorothy Mainwaring and Rosann Predmore)
*Prescott, Elvin James
*Prescott, Louise Dorothea
Preus, J.A.O. (Gov.)
*Price, Clarence
*Price, Fannie Bonner (Mrs.)
Price, Fred A.
Price, Irwin S.
*Price, James Russell (Dr.)
*Price, John Edwin (Rev.)
Price, Joseph
*Price-Shipley Company
*Priddy, Al
Pride, James H. (Sen.)
*Prill, L.M.
Prince, John

Box 266

*Prince William of Sweden
*Princess Agreneva Slaviansky and Her Royal Russian Company
*Princess Concert Company
*Princess Nadonis Shawa
Princess Tsianina (see Cadman, Charles Wakefield and Princess Tsianina)
*Princess Watahwaso (see also Princess Watahwaso and Assisting Artists)
*Princess Watahwaso and Assisting Artists (see also Princess Watahwaso)
Pringle, Agnes (George H. Iott Concert Company)
Pringle, Lillian
*Pringle Concert Company
Pritchard, Dave
Pritchard, E.H.
Pritchard, H.O.
*Prize, Singers Quartette
Procter, Addison G.
*Procter, Harold
Proctor, Jo
*Prokhanoff Brothers
*Prowell, Scott B.
*Prugger-Hoare Quartet
*Prujan, George E.
*Puffer, J. Adams
*Pugh, Jess (see also entries under Jess Pugh)

Box 267

*Pugh, Jess (see also entries under Jess Pugh)

Box 268

*Pupillo, Luigi
Puppet Players
Purcell, Vivian
Purvin, Jennie (Mrs. Moses L.)
*Putman, Arnold E.
Putnam, Charles H. (Rev.)
*Putnam, George Haven
*Pyle, Ada K.
*Pyle, Lenore Sherwood (see also Sherwood, Lenore)
*Pyre, Walton (see also Walton Pyre Stock Company)


Box 268 (cont.)

*Quadri, Therese (Mlle.)
Quaglia, Luigi (see Luigi Quaglia and His Banda Roma)
*Quaker Maids Concert Company
Qualen Concert Company
Quast, Clayton C.
*Quayle, William A. (Bishop)
Quick, Robert (see Robert Quick String Quartet)
*Quigley, Daniel Thomas (Dr.)
Quigley, John
Quinn, Herbert Foster
*Quinn, Lee and Mary Ann
*Quintano and His Band
*Quintano Symphony Band
*Quintano's Band
*Quintano's Musical Venetians
*Quintano's Royal Italian Band of New York City
*Quiveros Musical and Dramatic Company

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