Redpath Chautauqua Collection
Series I
An asterisk (*) indicates that publicity brochures, pamphlets, flyers, or handbills are available.
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Box 268 (cont.)
*Raborg, Paul C. (Maj.)Radanovits, Sandor
Radar, Claude (Mr. and Mrs.) (see Hays, Mary Adel and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rader)
*Rader, William (Rev.)
*Radziwell, Catharine (Princess)
*Rahm Family Concert Orchestra
*Raiguel, George Earle
Rainbow Saxaphone Band and Orchestra
*Raine, James Watt
Rainer, Franz (see Franz Rainer's Tyrolean Alpine Singers)
*Rainey, Henry T. (Rep.)
Rainey, L.B.
*Rainey, William L.
Raker, Lorin
Rakestraw, Ruth
Rall, LaVon
*Ralph Dunbar and His Bell Ringers (see also Ralph Dunbar Productions)
*Ralph Dunbar Productions (see also Dunbar Entries; Ralph Dunbar Entries; Maryland Singers; Dunbar, Harry)
Box 269
*Ralph Dunbar Productions (see also Dunbar Entries; Ralph Dunbar Entries; Maryland Singers; Dunbar, Harry)*Ralph Dunbar's White Hussars (see also Ralph Dunbar Productions)
*Ralph Nielsen-Audrey Paul Company (see also Duo Extraordinaire)
Ralston, Katharine
Ralston, Samuel M. (Gov.)
Ralston Entertainers
*Ramey, Homer A. (Judge)
Ramos, Francisco
*Ramos Mexican Orchestra
*Ramos Spanish Orchestra
Box 270
Ramsdell, H.W.Randall, Francis B. (Rev.)
*Randall Ensemble Players
Randall Entertainers
Randell, Mildred
*Randle, Emma Dee
Randolph, Kathryn (see also York, Kathryn Lyle)
*Randolph, Lester C.
*Rank, Jack
*Rankin, Jeannette (Rep.)
*Rappold, Marie
*Rasko, M.A.
*Rasmussen, Knud
*Rasmussen, Lewis and Betty
Rasmussen, R.C.
*Rathbone, Henry Riggs (Rep.)
*Rathbun, Camille
*Ratto, John B.
Box 271
*Ratto, John B.Box 272
Raoul, W.G. (see W.G. Raoul Foundation)*Rauch, William E.
Raulston, John T. (Judge)
*Rawei, (Francis) Wherahiko (Dr.) (see also Raweis; New Zealanders)
*Rawei, (Francis) Wherahiko (Dr.) (see also Raweis; New Zealanders)
*Raweis (see also Rawei, (Francis) Wherahiko, Dr.; New Zealanders)
Box 273
*Ray, G. Whitfield*Ray, Ruth
*Rayhill, C.B.
*Raymon, Jack
*Raymond, Edna Denham
Raymond, Grace
Raymond, Hazel
Rayner, Ernest A.
*Razoux-Berg Company
Rea, Edward F. (see also Urbana Commercial Club Band)
*Read, Opie (see also Read-Amsbary-Banks; Read-Amsbary Combination)
Box 274
*Read, Opie (see also Read-Amsbary-Banks; Read-Amsbary Combination)*Read-Amsbary-Banks (see also Read, Opie; Amsbary, Wallace Bruce)
*Read-Amsbary Combination (see also Read, Opie; Amsbary, Wallace Bruce)
*Reasoner, Harry R.
*Rebikoff, Dimitri
Recital Artists Company (see also Anderson, Hugh)
Red Cross
*Red Gate Players
Red Grenadiers
Reddick, William
Redfield, Casper L.
*Redfield, William C.
*Redpath, James (see also Redpath, John)
Redpath, John (see also Redpath, James)
*Redpath Concert Orchestra and Mr. Edward Barrow
*Redpath Grand Concert Company
*Redpath Grand Opera Company
*Redpath Grand Quartet
Reed, Dagney Ellen Jensen (see Reed, John Ross and Dagney Ellen Jensen Reed)
Reed, Daniel (Rep.)
Reed, Earl H.
Reed, George L.
*Reed, H. Ellis
*Reed, Harold E.
Reed, James A. (Sen.)
*Reed, John Ross and Dagney Ellen Jensen Reed (see also entries under John Ross Reed)
Box 275
Reed, Landon (Mrs.)*Reed, Stuart F.
Reed, T.O. (Rev.)
Reeder, G.A.
*Rees, Arthur Dougherty
Reese, D.F.
Reese, Dora W.
*Reeves, C.R.
*Regan, Frank S. (see also Flying Squadron Foundation, Inc.)
*Regan, John
Regimental Quartet
*Regniers, The
*Reher, William
*Reherd, Herbert Ware (Rev.)
Rehling, Gertrude (Mrs. Frank O.)
*Reich, Peter
*Reichard, Rose
Reichard, William J.
*Reid, C. Lestock (Maj.)
Box 276
Reid, Genevieve Puffer (Mrs.)Reid, J. Calvin (Rev.)
*Reid, Mildred I.
*Reihman, Lenora Lee
*Reilly, Henry J. (Brig.-Gen.)
*Reilly, Johnnie
Reilly, Thomas L. (Rep.)
Reily, E. Mont
Reinhold, Alta
Reinhold, Mae Miller
Reisner, Christian F. (Rev.)
*Reitz, Josephine
Reitzel, Alva M.
*"Rembrandt" Movie
*Remington, William Wallace (Mrs.)
Remnants Quartet
*Renfrew, Belle Yeaton (Mrs.)(see also Bostonia Orchestra)
*Rennay, Leon (see also Sol Marcosson-Leon Rennay Company)
*Rennick, Percival Graham
Rennison, Walter S.
*Reno, Edward ("Reno")
Box 277
*Reno, Edward ("Reno")Box 278
*Reno, Edward ("Reno")Box 279
*Reno, Edward ("Reno")Box 280
*Reno, Edward ("Reno")Box 281
Reno, Madame (see Madame Reno)*Reno, Mildred
*Rense, Nanah
Renshaw, Rose
*Republic Male Quartet
Rees, Neal Van (see Miller, Jane)
*Retz-Reichard Recitals
*Reuter, Jacob
*Reuterdahl, Arvid
Reynolds, E. Mary
*Reynolds, Frank B. (Judge)
Reynolds, H.J. (Rev.)
*Reynolds, Mary E. (Miss)
Reynolds, Randall
Reynolds, Rex
Rhea, Mary Jane
Rhein, Edward (see Zara, Marie and Edward Rhein and Elizabeth Westmoreland)
*Rheinfrank, George C.
Rhode, Ruth Bryan (see Owen, Ruth Bryan)
Rhodes, Charles C.
Rhodes, Clara G. (Mrs.)
Rhondda Welsh Male Glee Singers
*Rhys, J.T. (Rev.)
*Ribla, Gertrude
*Ricardi Fadettes (see also Ricardi Ladies Orchestra)
Ricardi Ladies Orchestra (see also Ricardi Fadettes)
*Rice, James Allen
*Rice, Mildred
Box 282
*Rice, Phidelah*Rice, Ralph H. (see also Rice, Ralph H. and Carl Arthur Hillyer)
*Rice, Ralph H. and Carl Arthur Hillyer (see also Rice, Ralph H.)
*Rich, Rita (see also Killarney Girls and Rita Rich; Rich-Werno Company)
*Rich-Werno Company (see also Rich, Rita; Laura Werno Ladies Quartet)
Box 283
Richard, JosephineRichard, Mary
*Richards, Erwin H.
*Richards, H.V. (Prof.)
Richards, K.B.
Richards, Louise P.
*Richards and His Band
*Richardson, Sullivan C.
Richey, Francis H. (Rev.)
*Richmond, Herbert M. and George Leo Wilkins
*Richmond, Leonard
*Richmond's Little Symphony
*Richner, Thomas
*Rickard, Edna
Rickards, James S.
*Rickey, Branch
*Rickey, Branch
Ridge, Sheldon
*Ridgeway, Katharine (see also Katharine Ridgeway Concert Company)
Box 284
*Ridgeway, Katharine (see also Katharine Ridgeway Concert Company)Ridout, Henry
*Riebel, Mabel
*Rieed, Nathaniel Edward
Riegelman, Mable
Riepen, Walter E.
Ries, W.F.
Rigby, Gladys
Rigdon, Jonathon
*Rigg, J. Burlington
*Riggs, Ernest W.
*Riggs, Spillman (see also Spillman Riggs Musical Agency)
*Rigoletto Grand Opera Quartette
*Riheldaffer, Grace Hall (see also Riheldaffer-Skibinsky Company)
*Riheldaffer-Skibinsky Company (see also Riheldaffer, Grace Hall)
*Riis, Jacob A.
*Riker, Albert Burdsall
Riker, S. Clark
Riley, Leila M.
*Rilling, Mabel
Rinalda, Maia
*Riner Sisters
Ring, Lui (see also Wolcott, Helen Louise and Lui Ring)
Ringgold, Margaret
Ringsdorf, Lillian
Rink, I.C.
*Ripley, Dillon
*Ripon College Glee Club
*Risk, Sam (a.k.a. Salom Rizk)
*Risner, Henry Clay
*Rita Fornia and the Kaltenborn String Quartet (see also Fornia, Rita)
*Ritchie, George M. ("Ritchie") (see also Ritchie's Unique Entertainers)
*Ritchie's Unique Entertainers (see also Ritchie, George M. "Ritchie")
*Rivers, Mabel V. (Miss) (see also Rivers Sisters)
Rivers Sisters (Evelyne and Mabel) (see also Rivers, Mabel V.)
Rizk, Salom (see Risk, Sam)
Roach, Ada (see also Ada Roach and Company; Roach-Freeman)
*Roach-Freeman (see also Roach, Ada; Ada Roach and Company)
*Roadman, Betty
*Rob Roy Quartet
Box 285
*Robbins, Kirk Waldo*Roberson, Frank R.
*Robert Herrick Company (see also Herrick, Robert)
*Robert Loveman Concert Company
*Robert Quick String Quartet
*Robert Wassmann Company (see also Wassmann, Robert)
*Roberts, Arthur E.
Roberts, Bob (Roberts Vaudeville Company)
*Roberts, Cecil
Roberts, Charles (see Roberts, Leona and Charles)
Roberts, George E.
*Roberts, Katharine
Roberts, Kathryn (see also Kathryn Roberts Lady Quartett and Concert Company)
Roberts, L.J.
*Roberts, Leona
*Roberts, Leona and Charles
*Roberts, Mary Brevard
*Roberts, Ruel W. (Rev.)
Roberts Sisters
Roberts Vaudeville Company (see Roberts, Bob)
Robertson, A.T.
Robertson, C.H.
Robertson, D.W.
*Robertson, Duncan
Robertson, E.A. (Rev.)
Robertson, J.B.
Robertson, Olive
Robertson's Cleveland Band
*"Robin and Marion" Company
*"Robin Hood" Company (see also Valentine, May)
Robins, Raymond
Robinson, Arthur R.
*Robinson, Clarence C.
Robinson, Clarke L.
Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt (Mrs.)
Robinson, Dixie
Robinson, Douglas (Mrs.)
Robinson, E. Willis
*Robinson, John Beverley
*Robinson, Joseph T. (Sen.)
*Robinson, L.R.C. (Capt.)
*Robinson (Magician)
*Robinson, Mary Reed (Mrs.)
Robinson, Myrtle H. (Mrs.)
Robinson, Sumner
Box 286
*Robley Male Quartet*Rochard, Henri
Rockenbach, Hiram H.
Rockne, Knute
*Rocky Mountain Quartet
*Rocky Mountain Warblers
Rodeheaver, Homer A. (see also Rodeheaver Party)
*Rodeheaver, Joseph Newton
*Rodeheaver Party (see also Rodeheaver, Homer A.)
*Roe, Clifford G.
*Roe, Constance
Roedeta, Robert
Rogers, D.B.
Rogers, Edwin E. (Rev.)
*Rogers, Edwin L. (Rev.)
*Rogers, Euclid B. (Rev.)
Rogers, Florence
Rogers, Henry (Mrs.) (see Worth, Patience)
*Rogers, Lawrence W.
Rogers, Pearl L. (see Worth, Patience)
*Rogers, Stuart
Rogers, Van Veachton (see Van Veachton Rogers Harp Duo; Rogers and Grilley Entertainers; Rogers-Grilley Recitals)
*Rogers, Van Veachton (Mr. and Mrs.) (see Van Veachton Rogers Harp Duo)
*Rogers, Will A.
*Rogers, Will and the deReszke Singers
*Rogers Amateur Productions
*Rogers and Grilley Entertainers (see also Rogers-Grilley Recitals)
Box 287
*Rogers and Grilley Entertainers (see also Rogers-Grilley Recitals)*Rogers-Grilley Recitals (see also Rogers and Grilley Entertainers)
*Rohde, Borge
Rohde, Ruth Bryan Owen (see Owen, Ruth Bryan)
*Rohrer, Perry L.
*Roland, Peter
*Roles, Armand
*"Romance of Old Mexico" Company
*Romans, Viola Doudna
*Romany Revelers
*Romeo Frick Concert Company
Romine, W.B. (Mrs.)
*Rompel, Henry Edward (Rev.)
Romstad, Arvid
*Roney, Henry B.
*"Roney's Boys" Concert Company of Chicago(see also Loudenback, Henry H.)
Ronglie, Norma A.
*Rony, George J.
*Rooke, Denis M. (Capt.)
Roope, Lena S.
*Roosevelt, Eleanor (Mrs. Franklin D.)
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (President)
Root, E.R.
Box 288
Root, E.R.Roper, John C. (Rev.)
Rorer, Sarah Tyson (Mrs.)
Rosani, Joseph (see Hendrickson and Rosani)
Rose, Billy (see Wells, George and Billy Rose)
Rose, David S.
*Rose, Henry R. (Rev.)
Rose, Mathilda
Rose, Rufus (see Rufus Rose World's Fair Marionettes)
Roseburgh, Richmond
*Roselle, Anne
*Rosen, Samuel D.
Rosencrans, Leo S.
Rosencrants, Ruth
Rosenthal, Albert A.
Roskin, Phyllis (see Bollinger, Marie and Phyllis Roskin)
Ross, Edward A.
*Ross, Galen Starr
*Ross, Gilbert
*Ross, Mary Alice
*Ross, Myrtyl
*Ross, Nellie Tayloe (Gov.) (See also Governor Lady: The Life and Times of Nellie Tayloe Ross by Teva J. Scheer)
*Ross, Robert
*Ross, Robert A.
Ross, Sara Jane
*Ross, Stanley
*Rosse, Ernest Robert
*Rosselle, W. Quay (Rev.)
Rosser, Catherine (see Rosser-Hamilton Company)
*Rosser-Hamilton Company
*Rossiter, Ivan S. (Pte.)
Roth, Helen G.
Rother, William J.
*Roumanian Orchestra
Box 289
*Roumanian Orchestra*Rounds (see also Rounds, H.O.)
*Rounds, H.O. (see also Rounds; Rounds' Imperial Ladies Band of New York)
*Rounds' Imperial Ladies Band of New York (see also Rounds, H.O.)
Roush, Dwight I. (Rev.)
Roush, Sigel
Rovelo, Carlos
Rowand, Orie and Pearl (see Rowand Lectures Illustrated by Cartoonist)
*Rowand Lectures Illustrated by Cartoonist
Rowe, Annie M. (Mrs.)
*Rowswell, Albert Kennedy
*Roy, Basanta Koomar
Roy, Phyllis
Royal Black Huzzar Band
*Royal English Hand-Bell Ringers
*Royal Entertainers
*Royal Gypsies of Budapest
*Royal Gypsy Concert Company
*Royal Holland Bell-Ringers
*Royal Hungarian Orchestra
*Royal Hungarian Orchestra of Budapest
Royal Male Quartette
*Royal Philippino String Band and Oriental Orchestra
*Royal Scotch Entertainers
Royal Scotch Highlanders
*Royal Troubadours
*Royal Tyrolean Concert Troupe
*Royal Venetian Band (see also Spica, A.W.)
*Royal Welsh Ladies Choir (see also Hughes-Thomas, Mme.)
Royal Welsh Male Quartet
Royal Welsh Singers
Royse, Clarence Dille
*Rubel, Edith
*Rubin, Morris H.
*Rubinstein, Isaac
Rubio, Greta (see "Romance of Old Mexico" Company)
*Ruby Spencer Lyon and Associate Artists (see also other entries under Ruby Spencer Lyon)
*Ruby Spencer Lyon and Her Continental Quartet (see also other entries under Ruby Spencer Lyon)
*Ruby Spencer Lyon and Her Continentals (see also other entries under Ruby Spencer Lyon)
*Ruckmick, Christian A.
Box 290
*Rudge, OlgaRudy, Frank W. (see Pittsburgh Festival Orchestra)
*Rufus Rose World's Fair Marionettes
Rummel, William E. D.
*Rummel Concert Company
Runner, Louis O. (see also Chicago Ladies Orchestra)
Runner, Verl E.
Rupp, Bernice
Rusk, C. E.
Russ, Pauline
Russel, Andrew L., Jr.
Russell, C. E. (Maj.)
*Russell, Charles Edward
*Russell, Elbert
Russell, Howard H.
Russell, Inez
*Russell, J. P.
Russell, Louis J. (see Louis J. Russell and His Dramatic Company)
Russell, Margaret Clarke
Russell, V. M.
*Russell Musical Novelty Company
Russell Sage Foundation
*Russian Balalaika Orchestra
*Russian Cathedral Quartet (see also Russian Cathedral Quartette)
*Russian Cathedral Quartette (see also Russian Cathedral Quartet)
Box 291
*Russian Cossack ChorusRussian Sextette
Russian Symphony Orchestra
Rust, F. M.
Rust, Marion
Rutledge, Lois Ann
Ryan, Arthur C.
*Ryan, Oswald
Ryan, Thomas
*Ryang, J. S. (Rev.)
Rycroft, Fred
Box 291 (cont.)
Saam, TheodoreSabin, Nina E.
Sacco's Peacock Band
Sadhoo, Ali (Prince)
*Sadler, Emily Webb
*Sadler, Frank P. (Judge)
Sadler, William S. (Dr.) (see also Dr. Sadler's Company; Sadlers entries) Book in file: Cause and Cure of Headaches by Dr. Sadler
*Sadlers, The (Drs. William and Lena Sadler)
*Sadlers and Miss Willmer (see also Willmer, Sarah Mildred; Sadler, William S., Dr.)
Saeter, Otis
*Safford, Huntington
*Sage, Florence (Mlle.) (see also Mlle. Florence Sage and Her Splendid Company)
*Sage, Grace
*Sagendorph, Kent
Sager, Margaret
*St. Claire Four Sisters
*St. Denis, Ruth
St. John, Bert
St. John, Ernest E.
St. Louis Opera Company
*St. Louis Symphony Orchestra
*Sala, Antonio
*Sale, Virginia
Salinger, Benjamin I. (Judge)
*Salisbury and His Orchestra
Salisbury Players
*Salmans, Levi B. (Dr.)
Box 292
*Salmone, Phillip (Monsignor)*Salomon, Julian H. ("Soaring Eagle")
*Saltiel, William D.
Saltmarsh, Mae
Salyer, J. E.
*Sam Lewis Company
Sametini, Leon
Sammis, Sybil (see also MacDermid, Sibyl Sammis; other entries under Sammis)
*Sammis-Jackson Concert Company (see also Sammis, Sibyl)
*Sammis-MacDermid, Sibyl and James G. MacDermid (see also Sammis, Sibyl; MacDermid, James G.)
*Samoloff, Leonid
Samuel, Alexander Wenyon
*Samuel, Ford E.
*San Carlo Grand Opera Company
*San Florian Spanish Students
*San Francisco Opera Ballet
*Sanborn, F. Violet (Mrs.)
Sand, Zella B. (Mrs.)
*Sandburg, Carl (see also Sandburg, Carl and Lew Sarett)
*Sandburg, Carl and Lew Sarett (see also Sandburg, Carl; Sarett, Lew)
Box 293
*Sandefer, Gilbert ("Gib")Sanders, Leslie Lee (Rev.)
Sanders, M. L. (Rev.)
*Sanders, Nelly
*Sanders, William H.
Sanderson, Leola Hayes
*Sandoz, William
*Sands, Dorothy
Sands, Minerva
Sands Fourth Regiment Band and Orchestra
*Sanford, Chester Milton
Box 294
*Sanford, Chester Milton*Sanli, Kismet
Sapin, Cara (Mme.) (see Mme. Cara Sapin and Assisting Artists)
*Sappho Quartette
*Sara Ruth Bates and Company
*Sarah Wathena Brown and the Chicago Boy Choir
Sarg, Tony (see Tony Sarg's Marionettes)
*Sarett, Lew (see also Sandburg, Carl and Lew Sarett)
Box 295
*Sarett, Lew (see also Sandburg, Carl and Lew Sarett)*Sassani, A.H.
Saterstrom, Palmer J.
Satterfield, Mildred, III
Saunders, J.N.
*Saunders, Nellie Peck (see also Nellie Peck Saunders Concert Company; Nellie Peck Saunders Company)
*Saunders, Paul C.
Savage, David P.
*Savranoffs, The
*Sawders, James Caleb (Maj.)
Sawyer, J. M.
Sawyer, Louise
Sawyer, Thelma
*Sawyers, Mott R. (Rev.)
Box 296
*Sawyers, Mott R. (Rev.)Saxo Six (see also Sweet, Al)
*Scalchi Company
*Scarlett, Robert Dyball
*Schacher, Gerhard
Schaeffer, Marion Chase
*Schantz, Orpheus Moyer
Scharfenberg, F. S.
*Scharffenberg, W. A.
*Scheerer, Maud
*Schenkel, Esther Lois
*Scherer, Joseph R.
*Scherger, George L. (Rev.)
Scherman, Thomas (see Thomas Scherman and the Little Orchestra)
*Schermerhorn, James
Schersten, A. F.
*Scheurer, Karl and Henry Williams
Schieffelin, J. T.
*Schildkret's Hungarian Orchestra
*Schiller Male Quartet
*Schiller Male Quartette
*Schindler, Raymond C.
Schindler, Richard L.
Schlesinger, Bernice J.
*Schmidt, Minna (Mrs.)
Schneidt, Loula D.
Schock, Theodore
*Schoen, Jean
*Scholes, Joseph Nelson (Rev.)
*Schonert, Edwin M. (see also Shonert, Edwin M.)
*Schoonmaker, F.X.
*Schoonmaker, Nancy M. (Mrs.)
Schoonover, Manford (Judge)
Schortemeier, Frederick E.
*Schory, Harold F.
Schrage, Gerald Edmund
*Schroeder, Ella
*Schroeders, The (Lucile and Corinne)
*Schroedter Quintet
Schroll, Katherine Carver (Mrs.)
Schubert, Florence M.
*Schubert Concert Party
*Schubert Ladies Quartet
*Schubert Male Quartet
*Schubert Male Quartette of Chicago
*Schubert Quartette of New York
*Schubert Serenaders
*Schubert Sextette
Box 297
*Schuberts, The*Schuberts of Boston
*Schulte Mixed Quartette
Schultz, J. R.
*Schultz, Sigrid
*Schumann Concert Company
*Schumann-Heink, Ernestine (Mme.)
*Schumann Lady Quartet
*Schumann Lady Quartette of Chicago
*Schumann Quartette
*Schumann Quintet
*Schuster Family
Schutz, Jacob
*Schutze, Stephani
*Schwartz, M. Alexander (Lt. Col.)
Schwartz, Frank W.
*Schwegler, Raymond A.
Schwertzler, Ethel Marie
*Scorer, John G.
*Scotch-Irish Quartette
*Scotch Singers of Glasgow
*Scotney, Evelyn (Madame) (see also Scotney, Evelyn and Howard White)
*Scotney, Evelyn and Howard White (see also Scotney, Evelyn, Madame)
Scott, Charles F.
Scott, Chester R. (Mr. and Mrs. ) (see Scott-Hipple Company)
Scott, Daniel N.
*Scott, H.G.
*Scott, Henri
*Scott, Henry
Box 298
Scott, James (see James Scott Company)*Scott, Kathleen and Catherine Denny (see also Denny, Catherine)
*Scott and Mahoney
Scott, Marian
Scott, Martha (Miss)
Scott, O. M.
*Scott, Rey
Scott, Robert
*Scott, Samuel (Mrs.)
*Scott, Tom
Scott, Tully
*Scott-Hipple Company (see also Hipple Concert Company)
*Scottish Musical Comedy Company (see also "Cotters Saturday Night" Company; Daniels, John E.)
*Scovell, Benjamin
*Scruggs Orchestra
*Seabrook, William B.
Seabury, Amos
Seabury-Baldi Company
*Search, Preston W.
Sears, Edward W.
*Sears, H. W.
*Seasholes, Charles L.
Seavern, Gertrude
Sebree, Millie B. (Mrs. John P.)
*Seebirt, Elizabeth Gunn
Seeds, N. S.
*Seeds, Robert S.
*Seely, Charles S. (Lt. Cmdr.)
Seibert, John A. (Rev.)
Seibold, A. B.
Seidel, Emil (see also Bede-Seidel Debate)
*Select Entertainers
*Sell, Henry T. (Rev.)
Seller, Lillian (see Lillian Seller Company)
*Sellers, Frances M. (see also Sellers, Frances M. and Jeanette Van Zant)
*Sellers, Frances M. and Jeanette Van Zant (see also Sellers, Frances M.)
Selvey, John (see Selvey and Hamilton Company)
*Selvey and Hamilton Company
*Selwyn Driver Lecture-Entertainments
*Seminary Girls
Sending, Sylvia
Senneff, Ferne A.
"Serva Padrona"
*"Servant in the House" Company
Box 299
*"Servant in the House" Company*Sesquicentennial International Exposition
*Seton, Ernest Thompson
*"Seven Keys to Baldpate" Company (see also Vivian, Percival)
Sexsmith, Harold O.
*Seydell, Mildred
*Sha, Samuel (Sha Chu Pei)
Shackleton, (Lt.)
Shafer, Lillian R.
Shaffer, W. T.
Shah, Chandoo N.
*Shah, Sirdar Ikbal Ali
*Shallenberger, Ashton C. (Rep.)
Shamrock Trio
Shank, Charles E.
Shanks, Eva Hawkins (Mrs.)
Shannon, Frederick F. (Rev.)
*Shannon Male Quartet
*Shannon Quartet
Shapiro, Clarence M.
*Shappee, Louis C.
*Sharlow, Myrna (see also Myrna Sharlow and Company)
Box 300
*Sharlow, Myrna (see also Myrna Sharlow and Company)Sharman, J. D. (Lt.)
Sharpe, Estelle Avery
*Sharpe, Robert
Shattuck, Arthur
Shaver's Jubilee Singers
*Shaw, Anna H. (Rev.)
*Shaw, D. Stanley
Shaw, Elliott S.
*Shaw, Elton Raymond
Shaw, Frances Lang (see also Shaw Concert Company; Shaw Trio)
Shaw, James H.
*Shaw, Leslie M. (Gov.)
Shaw, Walter (see Braggiotti and Shaw; Druke, Helene and Walter Shaw)
*Shaw Concert Company (see also Shaw, Frances Lang)
Shaw Trio (see also Shaw, Frances Lang)
Shawa, Nadonis (Princess) (see Princess Nadonis Shawa)
Shawe, Loyal Phillips
Shawkey, M. P.
*Shawmut Quartet
*Shawn, Ted (see also Shawn and His Men Dancers)
*Shawn and His Men Dancers (see also Shawn, Ted)
*Shay, Felix
*Sheak, W. Henry
Shear, James Algan
*Shearer, Charles
Shedd, J. W. (Dr.)
Sheehan, Joseph F.
*Sheehan, Maria Theresa (Tess) (see also Killarney Colleens; Theresa Sheehan Concert Company)
Box 301
*Sheehan, Maria Theresa (Tess) (see also Killarney Colleens; Theresa Sheehan Concert Company)Sheelar, Marion
Sheesley, J. R.
Sheets Family Concert Company
Sheffer, De Lalah (Mrs.)
Sheffer, Ralph C.
Sheffield, Sally
Sheldon, A. F.
Sheldon, Ruth
Shellabarger, C. D.
Shelly, Rebecca
*Shenk, John C.
*Shephardson, Mary Stuart
Shepherd, Eleanor M.
*Shepherd, Leonard
Shepherd, Robert P.
*"Shepherd of the Hills" Company
*Sheppard, Philip A.E. (Dr.)
*Sheppley, Edward H. (Rev.)
*Sheridan, Wilbur Fletcher
Sherman, J. M.
Sherman, Lawrence Y. (Sen.)
Sherman, Margaret (see Sherman-Kamps Recital Company)
*Sherman-Kamps Recital Company
Sherwell, Florence
Sherwood, I. R. (Gen. and Rep.)
Sherwood, Lenore (see also Pyle, Lenore Sherwood)
Sherwood, Mary Fay (see also International Symphony Club)
*Sherwood Concert Company
Shideler, George A.H.
Shields, Edith (Mrs.)
*Shields, G.O.
Shields, Laura Gertrude and Helen Hancock
Shields, LeRoy B.
Shields, Louise F.
*Shields Trio of Chicago
*Shimun, Mar Eshai (Patriarch)
Shining Star Trio
Shipley, Barton W. (see Price-Shipley Company)
Shipman, W.H. (Rev.)
*Shipp, Dockie Anne
Shirley, R.L.
Box 302
Shively, Bernard Bobbs*Shlemon, Julia
Shoaff, Emelene R.
Shoaf, Harry
Shonert, Edwin M. (see also Schonert, Edwin M.)
*Shooting Gauchos
*"Show-Off" Company
Shreve, C.H.
*Shreve, Milton W. (Rep.)
*Shrode, Alice Louise
Shrode, Lily
Shubert Quartet
Shull, Charles A.
*Shumate Brothers
*Shumway Male Quartet
*Shungopavi (see also Shungopavi and His Company of Illusionists)
*Shungopavi and His Company of Illusionists (see also Shungopavi)
*Shurtleff, Bertrand L.
*Shynman, Abe L.
*Sias, Ernest J. (Rev.)
Box 303
Sibbett, Ruby D.*Sibley, Carroll
*Siebens, Arthur R. (Rev.)
*Siegrist, Bob
*Signor Bartilotti Company
*Signor Cafarelli Concert Party
*Silent Mora
*Silver-Tone Quintette
*Silvercruys, Suzanne (Mme.)
*Silverfriend, H.D.
*"Simba" (movie)
*Simmons, George Finlay
Simmons, LaRue (Mrs)
*Simmons, Robert G. (Judge)
*Simms, P. Marion (Rev.)
Simon, Sylvester J.
Simonson, Ardus M.
Simpson, Alfred H.
Simpson, Frank B. (Mrs)
*Sims, William Sowden (Adm.)
Sinclair, Arthur
Sinclair, John F.
Sindler and His Famous Band
*Singer, Ava Hamilton (see also Hamilton, Ava)
Singer's Midget Band
*Singers and Players Club
Singing Cadets
*Singing Hussar Band (see also Sweet, Al)
*Singing Party of the Ithaca Conservvatory of Music
*Sinha, Tarini Prasad
*Sinkler, Valborg (see also Valborg Sinkler and Company)
*Sipe, C. Hale
Siple, Frank E.
Sirignano's Banda Roma
Sisson, Francis H.
*"Six Cylinder Love" Company
Six Royal Holland Bell Ringers
*Skadden, William E.
*Skariatina, Irina
*Skeel, Ruth
*Skeyhill, Tom
Box 304
Skibinsky, Alexander Von (see Riheldaffer-Skibinsky Company)"Skidding" Company
*Skinner, Alanson
*Skinner, Cornelia Otis
*Skinner, Otis
*Skovgaard, Axel (see also Skovgaard entries)
*Skovgaard and His Concert Company (see also Skovgaard, Axel; Skovgaard Concert Company)
*Skovgaard Concert Company (see also Skovgaard, Axel; Skovgaard and His Concert Company)
*Sky Eyes, Anita (see also Ball, Alva; Alva Ball Company)
Slack, Anne
*Slade, Virginia
Slater, Gilbert
*Slater, Ruth
Slaviansky, Agreneva (Princess) (see Princess Agreneva Slaviansky and Her Royal Russian Company)
Slaviansky Russian Choir
Slayden, James L. (Rep.)
*Slayton Jubilee Singers (see also Slayton Tennesseeans; Slayton's Jubilee Singers)
*Slayton Tennesseeans (see also Slayton Jubilee Singers; Slayton's Jubilee Singers)
*Slayton's Jubilee Singers (see also Slayton Jubilee Singers; Slayton Tennesseeans)
Sleight, Isabel
Slepicka, Carolyn
*Slesinger, Reuben E.
Slick, Mabelle
*Sloan, John
Sloan, John C.
Sloman, Bill and Cornelia Libby
Sloman, Cornelis Libby (see also Sloman, Bill and Cornelis Libby )
Sloman, Lottie
*Slout, L. Verne (see also "Applesauce" Company; L. Verne Slout PLayers)
Slutz, Frank D.
*Slye, Maud (Dr.)
Small, Hubert E.
Small, Robert Milton
*Smaltz, Alfred G.
*"Smilin' Through" Company
Box 305
*"Smilin' Through" CompanySmiliom, Clayton L.
Smith, A.E.
*Smith, Alice Genevieve (see also Genevieve Smith Company)
Smith, Beatrice (see Larcher-Smith Entertainers)
Smith, Benjamin R.
*Smith, C.L. "Grizzly"
*Smith, Charles Copeland (Rev.)
Smith, Clay (see also Apollo Concert Company; Smith-Spring-Holmes Orchestral Quintet)
Smith, Clifford Warren (Mrs.)
Smith, Cloud
*Smith, Dan Morgan (Col.)
*Smith, Dean E.
*Smith, Don
Smith, Edna Bennett
Smith, Edward J.
Smith, Ella May
Smith, Elma B. (see also entries under Elma B. Smith)
*Smith, F. Hyatt (Rev.)
Smith, Florence Gullans (see Smith, George G. and Florence Gullans Smith)
*Smith, Frank E.
*Smith, Frank G. (Rev.)
Smith, Fred B.
*Smith, George G. and Florence Gullans Smith
Smith, Gerald L.K. (Rev.)
*Smith, Gertrude Gray
Smith, Gipsy S.
*Smith, H. Katherine
Box 306
Smith, Helen Janet (see Stebleton and Smith)Smith, Horry E.
*Smith, Howard Bradley
Smith, Ida Miller
Smith, Isabel Wallace
Smith, James A. (Rev.)
Smith, James Hardin (Rev.)
*Smith, Joan
*Smith, Joseph Nelson
Smith, Julian Wise
Smith, Katharine Carroll (see also entries under Katharine Carroll Smith)
*Smith, Kernon (Miss)
Smith, Lorenzo (Sgt.)
Smith, Lucille (Miss)
Smith, Madeline
Smith, Margery
Smith, Marguerite (see Mendelssohn Quartette Company and Marguerite Smith)
Smith, Mary Catherine
Smith, Mildred R.
*Smith, Myra Casterline
*Smith, O.L.
Smith, Orville
*Smith, Otterbein O. (Rev.)
*Smith, Patrick (Capt.)
Smith, Paul A. (see Paul A. Smith's Colored Jubilee Singers)
*Smith, Rita
*Smith, Robert Oden
*Smith, Roy L. (Rev.)
*Smith Sisters Quartet
*Smith, William H.
*Smith, William Hawley
Smith-Spring-Holmes Company (see also Smith-Spring-Holmes Orchestral Quintet)
*Smith-Spring-Holmes Orchestral Quintet (see also Smith, Clay; Smith-Spring-Holmes Company; Apollo Concert Company)
Box 307
*Smith-Spring-Holmes Orchestral Quintet (see also Smith, Clay; Smith-Spring-Holmes Company; Apollo Concert Company)*Smith-Titus, Bertha
*Smithson, C.M. (Rev.)
Smotherman, J.L. (Rev.)
Smyser, William E.
*Smythes, The
Snider, W.C. (Rev.)
*Snodgrass, Ottis Rymer (Rev.)
Snow, John E.
*Snowden, Philip (Mrs.)
*Snyder, Catharine Norris
*Snyder, Frederick M.
Snyder, James U.
Snyder, Mary
*Snyder, Sherwood P.
Box 308
Snyder, Silas E.*"So This Is London" Company
Soares, Theodore Gerald
Socialist Party
*Society of Ancient Instruments
*Sockman, Ralph W. (Rev.)
*Sokolsky, George E.
*Sol Marcosson Company (see also Marcosson, Sol; Marcosson Recital Company; other entries under Sol Marcosson)
*Sol Marcosson-Ion Jackson Company (see also Marcosson, Sol; Marcosson Recital Company; other entries under Sol Marcosson)
*Sol Marcosson-Leon Rennay Company (see also Marcosson, Sol; Rennay, Leon; Marcosson Recital Company; other entries under Sol Marcosson)
*Solis' Marimba Band
Box 309
*Somerville, P.C.*Somerville-Sloan, Lavine
Sopkin, Esther
*Sorensen, Bertha Lotta
*Sorensen, Clarence Woodrow
Sorensen, F.
Sorority Girls Sextette
*Sorority Singers
*Sothern, E.H.
Souder, M. Attie
*Sousa and His Band
South Carolina State Teachers Association
South Park Commissioners
Southard, W.K.
*Southern Jubilee Singers and Players
Southern Musical Bureau
*Southern Trio
*Southers, Edwin ("Cyclone")
*Southland Artists (see also Enlow, Ollimae)
Southland Jubilee Quartette
*Southland Singers
*Southwick, Henry Lawrence
*Sowerby, J.H. (Rev.)
*Spaffords, The
Spalding, Clora
Spanish Ladies Orchestra
*Spanish Orchestra
Box 310
*Spanish Orchestra*Spanish Revelers
*Spargo, John
*Sparks, Fred
*Sparks, James V. (Col.)
Spaulding, L.F.
Spaulding, Nina (see Nina Spaulding Quartette)
*Speaight, Frank
*Speaks, Margaret
*Speaks, Oley
*Spear, Joseph Hornsby
*Spedon, S.M.
*Speed, James
Speicher, Paul
Spence, Frederick (Rev.)
Spence, William H. (Rev.)
Spencer, Carl Edwin
Spencer, Phyllis
*Spencer, Samuel E.
Sperry, Mabel (see also Baker-Sperry Company)
Sperry, Nan Willison
Spica, A. W. (see also Royal Venetian Band)
*Spickler, Henry M.
*Spiering Quartet
Spies, C.B.
*Spillman, Harry Collins
Spillman Riggs Musical Agency (see also Riggs, Spillman)
Spinka, Matthew
Spiransky, Julia Cantacuzine (Princess)
*Spivak, Elie (see also Hambourg Trio; Spivak String Quartette)
*Spivak String Quartette (see also Spivak, Elie)
*Spooner Marionettes
Sprague, Florence (Miss)
*Sprague, Herbert A. (see also Sprague Dramatic Company; Sprague Players)
Sprague, Leslie Willis (Rev.)
Box 311
Sprague, Leslie Willis (Rev.)*Sprague, William C.
*Sprague Dramatic Company (see also Sprague, Herbert A.; Sprague Players)
*Sprague Players (see also Sprague, Herbert A.; Sprague Dramatic Company)
Spring, Coyla May (see also Smith-Spring-Holmes Orchestral Quintet)
Spring, Lotus Flower (see Smith-Spring-Holmes Orchestral Quintet)
*Springer, Bennett
Springsted, Grace
*Spurgeon, William (Rev.)
*Squire, Amos Osborne (Dr.)
Squires, Vernon R.
Staats, C.L. (see also Bostonia Sextette Club)
*Stabler, Cornelia
*Stack, Edward
*Stafford, D.J. (Rev.)
*Stafford, Frank B. (Rev.)
Stagg, Alonzo A.
*Stahl, Margaret
*Stallings, Louise
*Stallings, Louise and Jan Collignon
*Standard Quartet of Chicago
Standish, Doris
*Standley, William Harrison (Adm.)
Staniland, Helen A.
*Stanislas Bem's Little Symphony Orchestra
*Stanley, Guy
Stansfield, J.
Stanton, B.F.
*Stanton, Charles B. (M.P.)
Stanton, W.F.
*Staples, Clayton and Esther
Star Male Quartet Company
*Starbuck, Edwin Diller
*Stark's Musical Comedy Revue and Light Opera Association
*Starr, Frederick
*Starrs (see also Wilbur Starr Concert Company; Wilbur Starr Quartette Company)
*Starry, David Edward
*State University of Iowa Military Band
Stauffer, Nina A.
Staver, Harry W.
*Stead, James R. (Rev.)
*Stead, W.H.
Steagall, Henry B.
Stearns, Alfred E.
Stearns, Edith Shaffer
*Stearns, Lester M.
Box 312
Stearns TrioStebbins, Mabel Colgrove
Stebbins, Mary Hart
Stebleton, Nellie Edith (see Stebleton and Smith)
*Stebleton and Smith
*Stechele, A.F.
*Steckel, Edwin M.
*Steel, Sam A. (Rev.)
*Steele, Ella
*Steele, Suzanne
Steely Concert Company
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur
*Steffens, Lincoln
*Steible, Dan
*Stein, Charles
*Stein, Harriet
Stein, R.K.
*Steindel, Bruno (see also Steindel Trio)
*Steindel Trio (see also Steindel, Bruno)
*Steiner, Edward A.
Steinert, Leopold E.M.
*Steininger Trio
Steinmetz, Edith (see Bechtel, Dorothy and Edith Steinmetz)
*Stellmann, Louis J.
Stellner, R.J.
*Stelzl, Martha (an extensive notebook/scrapbook of her 1914 Chautauqua season is included in her correspondence file. See also The Oriole Concert Company, Oriole Concert Company, and The Soloists of the Stelzl Quintet)
*Stelzl Quintet
*Stelzle, Charles
Stemm, Mary
Stemmons, Ruth
Stengle, Charles I. (Rep.)
*Stephan, Samuel A. (Rev.)
Stephany, Beatrice (see Beatrice Stephany Concert Company)
Stephens, A.W. (see Stephens' Picture Entertainments)
Stephens, Waldo
Box 313
*Stephens' Picture Entertainments (A.W. Stephens)Stephenson, Andrew
*Stephenson Quartet
*Sterling, Harold (see also Sterling Varieties)
Sterling, Thomas (Sen.)
*Sterling Circuit of Redpath-Horner Chautauqua
Sterling Jubilee Singers (see also Alexander, Charles)
*Sterling Opera and Concert Company
*Sterling Varieties (see also Sterling, Harold)
*Stern, Leo
*Stern, Phillip D.
Sternberger, Gertrude
*Stetson, Charlotte Perkins (Mrs.)
*Steunenberg, Florence Alexander
Stevens, Douglas
*Stevens, E.J.
Stevens, J. Merle (Rev.)
*Stevens, Mable Quam (Mrs.)
Stevens, Marjorie
*Stevens, Martin and Olga (see also Stevens Marionet Theatre; Marionette Theatre of Martin and Olga Stevens)
*Stevens, Maude America (Miss) (see also Stevens-Chamberlin Company)
Stevens, Robert
Stevens, Robert W.
*Stevens-Chamberlin Company (see also Stevens, Maude America, Miss)
*Stevens Marionet Theatre (see also Stevens, Martin and Olga; Marionette Theatre of Martin and Olga Stevens)
Stewart, Dolly
*Stewart, May (Miss)
*Stewart, Oliver W. (Rev.)
Stickman, Cora (Mrs.)
*Stidger, William L. (Rev.)
*Stiles, Dan
Stiles, Katherine
*Stinger, Bill
*Stockdale, Allen A. (Rev.)
*Stockdale, Frank
*Stockholm Concert Company
*Stocking, Charles Francis
Stocking, William R., Jr.
*Stockwell, Len
Stoddard, Lothrop (see Stoddard-Hindus Debate)
Stoddard, Robert H.
*Stoddard-Hindus Debate
*Stoddart, Marie
Stokes, Edward C. (Gov.)
*Stokes, Kate Pentzer
*Stoll, Frieda
*Stolofsky, Irene (see also Stolofsky-Macfarren; entries under Irene Stolofsky )
Box 314
*Stolofsky, Irene (see also Stolofsky-Macfarren; entries under Irene Stolofsky)*Stolofsky-Macfarren (see also Stolofsky, Irene)
Stolofsky Trio (see also MacGregor, Vawter)
Stone, Bentley (see Page-Stone Ballet)
*Stone, Ellen M. (Miss)
Stone, Fred and Carol
Stone, George E.
*Stone, Irving
*Stone, V.H. (Judge)
*Stone, Vernon and Electra Platt (see also Platt, Electra)
Storms, Albert Boynton (Rev.)
*Story, Margaret
Story, Sidney (Col.)
*Stott, Roscoe Gilmore
Box 315
*Stott, Roscoe GilmoreStoubart, (Mrs.)
Stout, Georgiana
Stout, William H.
*Stowe, Leland
*Stowe, Lyman Beecher
Stralia, Elsa (Mme.)
*Strasser Trio and Elbert Foland
Stratford Comedy Four
*Stratford Operatic Company
*Stratfords, The
Straton, John Roach (Rev.)
*Stratton, Charles
*Stratton, Ruliff V.
*Strauss, Juliet V. (Mrs.)
*Strawbridge, Edwin and Lisa Parnova
*Streaker, George H.
Street, Matilda S.
Streete, A.C.
Streit, Clarence Kirshman
*Stringer, Lawrence B. (Sen.)
*Strollers Concert Quartette (see also Strollers Quartette)
*Strollers Quartette (see also Strollers Concert Quartette)
Strong, Walter W.
Strough, Ruby M.
Strouss, Esther
Box 316
Strout's Military Hussar Band*Struever, Stuart
*Struna, Richard (Dr.)
*Stuart, George
*Stuart, George R. (Rev.)
Stubbs, C.E.
Stubbs, Walter R. (Gov.)
*Stuchell, William Torrence (Rev.)
*Stucker, Edwin S. (Rev.)
Stuckman, Cora (Mrs.)
*Stuckman Novelty Trio
*Stuhldreher, Harry
Stults, Walter Allen
Stuntz, Bishop
Sturkow-Ryder, Theodora
*Stutesman, James F.
*Stuyvesant Trio
Suds, Bob (see Duds, Bob)
*Sue Hastings' Marionettes
*Sues, Ilona Ralf
Suft, W.C.
*Sugden, Leonard S. (Dr.)
Sugg, Marietta
Sugg, Minnie Exum
Sullins, Olive
*Sullivan, Adelaide
Sullivan, Charles W.
Sullivan, Jerry B.
*Sullivan, Mark
Sullivan, Ted P.
Summers Vaudeville Exchange
*Sumner, Walter Taylor (Bishop)
*"Sun Up" Company
*Sunbeams, The
*Sunday, William A. (Rev.)
Box 317
*Sundelius, Marie*Sunshine Girls, the
Sutherland, Douglas
Sutphen, Frank
Sutz, O.E.
*Suzari Marionettes
*Swabian Puppets
*Swanee Jubilee Company
Swanson, Ruth
Swanson, Verna
Swarthout, Gladys
Swarthout, Roma
Swayze, Glenn
Swedish Ladies Quartette
Sweeney, Louis (Mrs.)
*Sweeney, Z.T. (Gen.)
*Sweeny, Charles (Col.)
Sweet, Al (see also Saxo Six; Singing Hussar Band; White Hussars; entries under Al Sweet)
*Sweet, Oney Fred
Sweet, William E. (Gov.)
"Sweethearts" Company (see also Aborn Opera Company)
Sweeting, Charles L.
*Swem, E. Hez (Rev.)
*Swift, Ethel
Swigert, Dorothea
Swingley, Mark E.
Swink, W.M.
*Swiss Alpine Yodlers
Swiss Bell Ringers
*Swiss Family Fraunfelder
Swiss Yodlers
*Swoope, William I.
*Sword, F.A.
Sylkov Orchestra