Redpath Chautauqua Collection
Series I
An asterisk (*) indicates that publicity brochures, pamphlets, flyers, or handbills are available.
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Box 96 (cont.)
*Eagle Plume, CharlesEames, Charles E.
Eames, Henry P.
*Earhart, Amelia
*Earl, David Riley
*Earl R. Drake and Accompanying Artists
*Earl R. Drake Company
Earle, E.P.
Earle, Ira E.
Earnest, Lorraine
*Earnest, Walter C.
*East, Grace Adams
*Eastern Glee Quartet
*Eastman, Charles A. (Dr.)
Eastman, Ellen Libby
*Eastman, Joel W.
Eastman, William H.
*"Easy Mark" Company
*Eaton, Charles Aubrey (Rev.)
Eaton, F.C.
Eaton, O.B.
Eaton, Page Waller (Mrs.)
*Eberhart, A.O. (Gov.)
Eberly, John (see Mendelssohn Trio and John Eberly; John Eberly Concert Party)
Ebersol, E.T.
Eberts, Gladys V.
*Ebright, Donald F.
*Eby, Nancy Elizabeth
*Eccles, Walter (see also Walter Eccles and the Four College Girls; College Singing Girls and Walter Eccles)
Box 97
*Eccles, Walter and Al PearsallEchols, H.O.
Eddie Forester Company
*Eddins, Raynor C.
*Eddy, Brayton
*Eddy, Clyde L.
*Eddy, Sherwood
*Edelman, Maurice I.
*Edgar, Robert T.
Edman, Irwin
*Edna White Quartette
Edson, Charles Farwell
*Edwards, Dan
*Edwards, Davis
Edwards, E. Richard (Rev.)
Edwards, Gus
*Edwards, J. Hugh (Hon.)
*Edwards, Jill
Edwards, Marie
Edwards, Ruth
*Edwards Sisters
*Edwards, Vera Jane
*Edwin R. Weeks Company
*Edwin Whitney Recital Company (see also Whitney, Edwin M.; "Turn to the Right" Company)
*Eekhoff-Jordan Company
Egan, Edward T.
Egan, Kathryn Vore
Egan, Maurice Francis
*Eggersted, Ray
Eggleston, Jean M.
*Eggleston, Katharine
Egned, Philip
Ehrmann, Max
Eichelberger, Clark M. (see also the Papers of Clark M. Eichelberger and Rosa Kohler/Radcliffe Chautauqua Papers)
Eichenberger, John (see also Kellogg-Haines Singing Party)
*Eide, Harold D.
Eisenberg, D. (Mr. and Mrs.)
Eisenman, W.H.
*Eisenschiml, Otto
*El Cota
*Elaine Duncan Company
*Elbert Foland and the Italian Boys (see also Foland, Elbert)
Elders, Bernice
*Eldrado, Clare Hoblit
Box 98
*Eldredge, Gilbert A.*Eldridge, Hugh Judson
*Eldridge, Mae Buckler (Mrs.)
*Eleonora Olson Concert Company
*Elias Day Players
*Elias Tamburitza Serenaders of Jugo-Slavia (see also Witepskie, Meyer)
*Eliot, T.S.
Elite Sextette
*"Elizabeth the Queen" Company
Elizabethan Players (see Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Pelletier and their Elizabethan Players)
*Ellenor Cook Company (see also Cook, Ellenor)
*Ellerbe, Paul Lee
*Ellert, Clem. A.
*Ellery Band, The
*Elliott, Altha Montague (Mrs. John)
*Elliott, Edward P.
Elliott, Gregory Charles
Elliott, Henry W.
Ellis, C.A.
*Ellis, Edith
Ellis, Gladys
Ellis, Horace
Box 99
Ellis, William T.Ellis Brook's Concert Band
*Ellis Royal Hawaiians
*Ellison, Alfred (Judge)
*Ellison, J. Roy
Ellsberry, L.K.
*Ellsworth Gilbert and His Metropolitan Singers (see also Gilbert, Ellsworth)
*Elma B. Smith and Her Company (see also Smith, Elma B.; Elma B. Smith and Her New Company)
*Elma B. Smith and Her New Company (see also Smith, Elma B.; Elma B. Smith and Her Company)
Elman, Mischa
Elmore, Lucille (see Lucille Elmore Company; Lucille Elmore and Company)
Elmore, R.E. (Rev.)
*Elmore, Robert
*Elsam, C.G.
*Elsie Baker and Assiting Artists (see also Baker, Elsie; Elsie Baker entries)
*Elsie Baker and Company (see also Baker, Elsie; Elsie Baker entries)
*Elsie Baker and the Kaltenborn String Quartet (see also Baker, Elsie; Elsie Baker entries)
*Elsie Baker Company (see also Baker, Elsie; Elsie Baker entries)
*Elsie Herndon Kearns and Her Company (see also Kearns, Elsie Herndon and George Carlton Somnes)
*Elsie Illingworth and Her London Concert Party
Elwyn Dramatic Company
Elysian Trio
Emerson, R.L.
*Emerson Winters Company (see also Winters Company; Winters, Emerson)
*Emily Waterman Concert Company
Emmanuel, Raphael
*Empey, Arthur G.
*Empire Entertainment Company
*Empyrean Entertainers
*Enderly, Mae Shumway
*Enders, Elizabeth Crump (Mrs.)
Endresen, Fara Groves (see also Fara Groves Musical Sextet)
*Engel Family
*England, Ethel Paren
*English, Charles J. (Rev.)
*English, Lilla G.
*English-Lillotte, Mayme
*English Imperial Hand Bell Ringers (see also Giggle, W.H.)
*English Opera Singers
*Englund, Helen Nelson
Enlow, Ollimae (see also Southland Artists)
Enos, Vanda (see Vanda Enos and her Girls)
*Ensworth, Florence Josephine
Box 100
*Enters, Angna*Entertainment Trio fo the Ithaca Conservatory of Music
*Epler, P.H.
Eppse, M.R.
*Epton, Effie
*Erdman, Carl A. (Rev.)
*Erdody, Leowald
Erickson, J.M.
*Ericourt, Daniel
Erlandson, Alpha
*Erman, Joseph C.
Ernberg, Anna (Mrs.)
*Ernest Gamble Concert Company
*Ernest Gamble Concert Party
*Ernest Toy and Assisting Artist (see also Toy, Ernest; Toy, Ernest and Eva Leslie)
*Ertz-Bowden, Katharine
Ervin, Escoe H.
*Esbjorn, Bruno
Esperset, Marie Thomas (Mrs.)
Espy, James C.
Essmann, William L.
*Estelle, Lee S. (Judge)
*Estelle M. Clark and the Chicago Lady Entertainers (see also Clark, Estelle M.)
Estes, U.L.
*Ethel Batting Company (see also Batting, Ethel)
*Ethel Hanley Marionettes (see also Hanley, Ethel Salisbury)
*Ethel Hinton and the Chautauqua Male Quartette (see also Hinton, Ethel)
*Ethiopian Serenaders (see also Dixie Chorus)
*Euclid Male Quartet
*Euphonium Glee Club
*Eureka Jubilee Singers
Eureka Male Quartet
*Euterpean Quatette
*Euwer, Anthony
*Eva Bartlett Macey Company
Evan-Jones, Walter
Evangeline Players
*Evans, Arthur Walwyn (Rev.)
Box 101
*Evans, Arthur Walwyn (Rev.)*Evans, Bergen
Evans, Caroline
*Evans, Edgar Martin
*Evans, Edwin Barlow
*Evans, Frank S. (Lt. Col.)
Evans, Grace
Evans, H.L.
Evans, Ruby
*Evans, Sherlock Holmes
*Evans, W.A. (Dr.) and Edward L. Burchard
*Evelyn Bargelt Concert Company (see also Bargelt, Evelyn)
*Evelyn Burt Concert Party
Everett, Margaret
*Everson, William Graham (Rev.)
*Everts, Katherine Jewell
*"Every Day" Company
*Everyman: the Famous Old English Mora
Evraets, John F.
*Ewell, Lois
Ewert, Arthur Frederick (Rev.)
*Ewing, Carlotta B. (Mrs.)
Ewing, Llewellyn (Miss)
*Ewing's Zouave Band
*Eymann, Alice L. (Mrs.)
Box 101 (cont.)
Fabiani, Aurelio*Fackler, Leonard D.
*Fadettes Womans Orchestra of Boston
*Fadner, Frederic
Fagan, J.H.
Faguy-Cote, Turo
Fain, Samuel S.
Fairchild, Paul
*Fairchild Ladies Quartette
Fairweather, Una
Fales, Warren R.
Box 102
Falkingham, TheodosiaFallet, Marcelle
Fallis, George O. (Rev.)
*Fallon, Carlos (Lt. Com.)
Fallon, Rose A.
*Fallows, Samuel (Bishop)
Family Altar League
*Fannon, Shorland F.
Fara Groves Musical Sextet (see also Endresen, Fara Groves)
*Farley, Erin E. (see also Farley, Erin E. and William E. Hauff)
*Farley, Erin E. and William E. Hauff (see also Farley, Erin E.)
*Farm-McKinnie Concert Company
*Farner, Bertha (see also Bertha Farner Company)
*Farnum Trio
Farrington, Mary
Farris, Maple Elizabeth
*Farthing, Paul (Justice)
*Faubel Entertainers, The
Box 103
*Faubel Entertainers, The*Faulkner, Georgene (Miss)
"Faust" Company (see also Aborn Opera Company)
*Favour, Louis
*Fay, Frank Curtis (Rev.)
Feakins, William B.
Feher, Adolph J.
*Feicht, Harry Ellsworth
Feick, Maude
Feidler, Florence M.
Feiertag, Luella
Felber, Herman, Jr.
*Feldes, Erwin J.
*Fellers, Bonner (Gen.)
*Fellows Singers
*Felter, Nellie
Felton, Harold W.
Fenberg, Matilda
Fendley, W.E. (Rev.)
Fenlon, Theodore M.
Fenn, Henry C.
Fennell, Joe
*Fennelly, Parker
*Fenwick Newell Concert Company
*Ferber, Edna
Ferguson, Myrtle W.
*Ferguson, Ruby Page (Mrs. Anthony Euwer)
*Fernandez Serenaders
Ferrante, Joseph
Box 104
Ferrante, Nicholas A. (see also Florentine Orchestra)Ferrante, Signor Pasquale
Ferrell, Violet Kidder
*Ferris, Harry
*Ferris, Jeannette O. (Rev.)
Ferris, Woodbridge N. (Gov.)
*Ferullo Band
*Fess, Simeon D. (Rep. and Sen.)
*Festival Trio
*Festyn Davies and His World Renowned Imperial Singers (see also Welsh Imperial Singers)
*Festyn Davies and His World Renowned Imperial Singers of Wales (see also Welsh Imperial Singers)
*Fetterling, A.L. (Dr.)
Fetterman's Band
Feuitag, Luella
*Fiala, Anthony
*Fiaschetti, Michael
*Ficklin, Charles L.
*Fidelio Grand Operatic Company
*Fiechtel’s Tyrolean Yodlers (see also Mrs. Fiechtel’s Tyrolean Yodlers)
*Fiechtl’s Yodlers (see also Mrs. Fiechtl's Tyrolean Yodlers)
Box 105
*Fiechtl’s Yodlers (see also Mrs. Fiechtl's Tyrolean Yodlers)Fiegenbaum, E.W. (Dr.)
*Field, Lavonne
*Fielding, Michael (Capt.)
Fieldman, Solon
Fields, William J. (Gov.)
*"Fifi of the Toy Shop" Company
*54th Regiment Band of Ottumwa, Iowa
*Fighting Americans
*Fighting Yanks
Fike, Aura Belle
Fikes, Maurice Penfield (Rev.)
*Filipino Collegians
Box 106
*Filipino CollegiansFilipino Players
Filipino Serenaders
*Filipino Varsity Four
*Fillion Concert Party
Finch, Clara B. (Mrs.)
Finch, Robert L.
*Fine Arts Mixed Quartette
*Fine Arts Quartet
Fine Arts Quartette
*"Fine Feathers" Company (see also Vivian, Percival)
*Fink's Hussars Militaire
Finlayson, John D.
*Finley, William L.
Finney, D.C.
Fioravante and Band
First Chicago Drama Quartet
*"First Love" Company
*"First Year" Company
*Fischer, Arthur J.
Fischer, J. Henri
*Fischer, Marie Gjertsen and Meta Schumann
Fischer Quartet
*Fischer's Exposition Orchestra
Box 107
*Fish, Hamilton, Jr.*Fish, William
Fish, Wilbur (see Joy Bell Ringers)
Fisher, Eleanor
*Fisher, Frederick Vining
*Fisher, Marian Cole
*Fisher, "Singapore Joe"
*Fisher, Susan
*Fisher Shipp Concert Company
Fisk, James W.
*Fisk, Marion Ballou (see also the Marion Ballou Fisk Papers)
*Fisk Jubilee Singers (see also Walker’s Fisk Jubilee Singers)
Fiske, Minnie Maddern
Fitch, Albert Parker
Fitch, Dorothea
Fitch, J.P.
*FitzHenry, Charles
Fitziu, Anna
*Fitzpatrick, D. Lee
*Fitzpatrick, Hughie
Fitz-Simons, Foster (see Winslow--Fitz-Simons)
*Fitzwilliam, Charles H. (Rev.)
*Fixen, Laura G.
*Flack, "Sunshine Gene"
*Flahiff, John T. (Sgt.)
*Flanagan, Hallie
*Flanery, Wesley
*Flanner, Mary
Flavillo, Julia
Fleck, Pauline
*Fleischer, Charles (Rabbi)
Fleischman, J. (see also Royal Hungarian Orchestra)
*Fleming, Paul
Box 108
*Fleming, Paul*Fleming, William H.
*Fletcher, Jeanie
*Fletcher, Thomas Brooks (Rep.)
Box 109
*Fletcher, Thomas Brooks (Rep.)Box 110
Fletcher, U. G.*Flewelling, Ralph Tyler (Rev.)
*Flintom, Nedra
*Floody, R. J (Rev.)
Flora, Elsa
Flora, W.W.
*Florentine Musicians (Vissochi's) (see also Vissochi's Florentine Musicians)
*Florentine Orchestra (see also Ferranti, Nicholas)
Florentine Trio
Florida Concert Promotion
*Flowers, Charles Montaville
Box 111
*Floyd Featherston Concert CompanyFloyd, W.E. (see also Floyds, The; Floyds Company; Mohala)
*Floyds, The (see also Floyd, W.E.; Floyds Company; Mohala)
*Floyds Company (see also Floyd, W.E.; Floyds, The; Mohala)
*Flude, Alfred Lyman
*Flying Squadron Foundation, Inc. (see also Regan, Frank S.)
*Flynn, Edward F.
*Flynn, John T.
Foght, L.S.
*Fogleman, Harry L.
Foland, Elbert (see also Elbert Foland and the Italian Boys)
*Folk, Joseph W. (Gov.)
Box 112
*Folk, Joseph W. (Gov.)*Folksongs U.S.A.
*Follansbee, Lucian Edgar
*Follett, Richard E.
Follmer, E.R.
Fonda, J.W. (Dr.)
Food Administrator
"For All of Us" Company
Forbes, Belle
*Forbes, Lura
*Forbes, Rosita
*Forbes Juvenile Pipe Band and Entertainers
*Forbes-Robertson, Beatrice
*Ford, Burnell R.
Ford, D.R. Holmes
Ford, Henry Harrison (Rev.)
Ford, Ruth E.
*Fordney, Chester L. (Maj.)
Foreman, James R. (Dr.)
*Forest Players
Forgan, David R.
*Forkell, William R.
*Forman, Harrison
Fornia, Rita (see also Rita Fornia and the Kaltenborn String Quartet)
*Forrest, Elita
*Fortino, Michael R.
Fosdick, Gene (see Johnson-Fosdick Orchestras)
*Fosdick, Harry Emerson (Rev.)
Fosdick, Raymond B.
Foss, George E. (Rep.)
*Foster, Arthur
*Foster, D.J. (Rep.)
Foster, Earl Ware (Rev.)
*Foster, Kingsley
*Foster, M.B.
*Foster, O. Delmer
Foster, William Horton
Foster, Zora Loving
*Foster-Wescott, Henrietta
*Fotitch, Constantin
Foudray, Felix
Box 113
*Four Artists*Four Artists Concert Company
*Four Bostonians
*Four Great Musical Artists (see also Carr, Forrest Dabney)
*Four Great Stars
*Four Musical Artists
*Four Musical Cates
*Four Samuell Brothers Concert Company
Fourth Regiment Band and Orchestra
Fovelli, Minnie (Mme.)
Fowler, Bishop
*Fowler, Edgar Maude (Miss)
*Fowlkes, John Guy
*Fowzer, Lloyd (Dr.)
*Fox, Daniel F. (Rev.)
*Fox, Frank S.
Fox, G. George (Rabbi)
*Fox, John, Jr.
*Fox, La Nola
*Fox, Lois
Fox, William H.
*Frackelton, S.S. (Mrs.)
Fraker, Robert W.
Frakes, Hiram M. (Rev.)
Fram, Arthur
*Franc Adele Burch Concert Company (see also Burch, Franc Adele)
*France, Harry C.
Francis, Arthur J. (Rev.)
*Franck, Harry A.
*Frank, Glenn
*Frank Bennett Singers
*Frank E. Janes Illuminated Lectureship
*Frank Lea Short Company
*Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, Eugene
*Franklin, William
Franks, Edward Taylor
*Fransee, Vera N.L.
Fransee, W.F. (Mrs.)
*"Franz and Sylvia" Company
*Franz Kaltenborn and His Orchestra (see also Kaltenborn Quartet; Kaltenborn String Quartet; Kaltenborn’s Orchester)
*Franz Rainer's Tyrolean Alpine Singers
*Fraser, Charles H.
Fraser, Henriette
Box 114
*Fraser, John Foster (Sir)Frash, Gertrude Miller (Mrs. L.L.)
*Fraternity Glee Club
Fraunfelder, R. (see Swiss Family Fraunfelder)
Fray and Braggiotti
Frayne, Frank I.
Frazee, William
Frazer, Harold (see also Harold Frazer Company; Frazers, The)
*Frazer-James Dance Group
*Frazers, The (see also Frazer, Harold)
*Frazier, F. P. (Mr. and Mrs.)
Frazier, Francis Marion
*Frear, James A. (Rep.)
*Fred, Leah (Miss)
*Fredenhagen, Edward A.
Frederic Perry and Company (see Ye Olde New England Choir)
*Frederick, Christine (Mrs.)
Frederick, Franklin
Frederick, H.G.
Frederick, Kenneth Eugene (see also Frederick, Kenneth Eugene and Harold Frederick Clark)
*Frederick, Kenneth Eugene and Harold Frederick Clark (see also Frederick, Kenneth Eugene)
Frederick, Marie
*Frederick Wheeler Company (see also Wheeler, Frederick)
*Fredericks Concert Company
*Frederickson, Ebba
Freece, Hans P.
Freed, Ernest
Box 115
*Freeman, Albert T.*Freeman, Ethel E.
*Freeman, Ira M.
Freeman, Ruth (see Roach-Freeman)
Freeman, W.F. (Judge)
*Freeman-Hammond Company
*Freeman Hammond Players
French, Roy L.
French, Samuel
French, Virginia (Mrs. Ward A.)
French, Wallace
French, Ward A.
*French, William R.
*French Armstrong Trio
Freoff, Hal
*Freuchen, Peter
Freund, Ludwig
Frew, James R.
*Friars, Robert
Frick, Romeo (see Romeo Frick Concert Company)
*Friderici, Blanche L. (Miss)
Fried, Gladys
*Friedman, Benny
*"Friendly Enemies" Company
*Friers, Robert E.
*Frierson, Anne
*Friese, Catherine
*Frizzell, John W.
Frohman, Daniel
Frohock, Herbert E.
*"From the Manger to the Cross"
Frontis, S.
Frooks, Dorothy
Frost, Edwin B.
Frudden, Mabel Kellogg
Fry, Smith D.
*Frye, Edward H.
Frye, John W. (see also John W. Frye Company)
*Frye and Company
Fulcher, Maurice and Gordon (see also Fulcher Entertainers)
*Fulcher Entertainers (see also Fulcher, Maurice and Gordon)
*Fuldheim, Dorothy
Fuldner, Howard F.
Fuller, Alvan T. (Gov.)
*Fuller, Charles Mason (Capt.)
*Fuller, Dean
Fuller, F.E.
*Fuller, Hugh (see also Fuller’s Song and Fun Makers)
Fuller, Margaret Bradley
Fuller, Maurice C.
Fuller, Stella
*Fuller’s Song and Fun Makers (see also Fuller, Hugh)
Fullinwider, Percy
Fulton, Aurelia
Fulton, E.D.
*Fulton, Robert Irving
*Fulton, Thelma
Funk, C.B.
Box 116
*Furbay, John HarveyFurniss, Marion Cameron
*Furst, Bruno
Furuseth, Andrew
*Fuson, Ethel Wright and Tom (see also Wright, Ethel May)