J.A.L. Waddell — INDEXBridge Engineering


Pacific Coast cedar, 52

Pacific Highway Bridge at Portland, Oregon, 686, 723, 1174, 1175

long piles for, 1017

Packing on pins, 527, 529-531, 1682

clearance for, 276, 529, 530

Page and Shnable, 716

Page bascule, 708, 714

Paine, Thomas, 22

Paint and painting, 765-771, 1803

accessibility for, 277, 493

best brands of, 769, 770

best qualities of, 771

consensus of opinion concerning, 767

decoration by, 1177

function of, 765

Goheen, 771

graphite, 766, 767

guaranteeing of, 771

inspection of, 1447, 1448

Johnson's Magnetic Iron Oxide, 770

light colors for bridge, 768

Lowe Brothers, 771

National Paint Company, 771

Nobrac, 771

red lead, 767, 771

shedding, 765

Sherwin and Williams, 771

Toch Brothers, 771

vehicle for, 766

Paint-skins, 51

Palacio, A. de, 671

Palladio, 12

Palmer, 15

Palmer, Timothy, 19

Panel lengths, 481

economic, 1187

skew bridges, 484-488

subdivided, 480, 481

inferior span length for, 480

unequal, 481, 493

varying of, 48, 493, 1068

Paper, drawing, quality of, 1387

Papers, return of, 1882

Parabola of moments, 414-418, 440-443

Parabolic truss, 468, 474

Parapets, ties on, 361

Parent, 14

Parker, C. H., 24

Parker truss, 24, 468, 469

Parsons, William Barclay, 558

Parthenon, 1153

Partial payments, 1885

to contractor, 1368

Partial splices, 532

Pasadena Arch Bridge, 1164

"Passing the dollar" in contracts, 1564

Patenting, 1621

royalties, 1755

Patent-plates, 1786

Paved floors, 1636

Paving, 1806

asphalt, 370, 1809, 1817

repairing, 1817

bases, 368, 369

bitulithic, 370, 1823

brick, 370, 1825-1835

concrete, 370

curbs on embankments, 1837

drainage of, 1835, 1836

grades, 368, 370

guarantee, 1816, 1839

macadam, 1837

pitch filler, 368, 1834

plank, 365, 366

sand filler, 368

stone-block, 370

wood-block, 366-368

Payment clause in contracts, 1565

Payments, 1878, 1884

partial, to contractor, 1368

Pecos River Bridge failure, 1542

Pedestal piles, 1011

Pedestals, 1028

anchorages for, 1030

base castings for, 456

bases, 1685

batters for, 1028

elevated railroads, 562

elevation of, 278

footings, 1028

foundations, pressures on, 1030

hinging of, 539

location of, 284, 340

position of, 1856

quantities for, 1300

trestles, 542

truss spans, 1680

volumes, 1301, 1311, 1312

Pegram, Geo. H., 477

Pegram truss, 468, 477

Penalties, 1564

Pencilling, 1394

Penetration test for asphalt, 1818

Pennsylvania Railroad, lift bridges for,

Chicago River, 734, 736

Calumet River, South Chicago, 734, 736

Pennsylvania Steel Company, 68

Pennsylvania truss, 25, 469

People, weight of, 108

Per diem fees, 1604

"Percentage Method of Performing Difficult Work," 1582

Percentage reports of work, 1486

Percentages of weights of details for trusses, 1227, 1239-1241

Percentages of weights of metal in swing spans compared with those of

simple spans of same length, 1249

Percolation, 975

Permanency of channel, 1088

Permanent clauses, 1742


loadings for piles, 1008, 1047

pressures on masonry, 265

pressures on soils, 964

variations in weight and gauge, 1779

working stresses, 255

Perronet, 14

Perry, 28

Petinot, 93

Petit truss, 25, 468, 469, 470

secondary stresses in, 194

cambering of, 758

Philbrick, 23

Phoenix column, 24

Phosphor bronze bushings, 337

Piers, 1020-1057

arch, quantities in, 1337, 1338, 1340 1341

arch-bridges, data for, 1339


elevations of tops of, 1051

enlarging of, 971

piles in, 1050

braced steel, 1026

brick, 1022, 1861

buried, 535, 1031

concrete, 1022

coping of, 1024

cylinder, 1025, 1054

open bracing for, 1056

telescoping of, 1026

designing, safety in, 972

details of, 1007

dumb-bell, 1023

finding position of, 1472-1475

founding of, on a thin crust, 970

hollow, 1024

impact on, 964

lengths of, 1022

locating, 1471

triangulation, 1464

masonry, 1020

proportioning of, 1020

mattresses, 1060

obstruction of channel by, 1121

pile, timber, 1057

pivot, 1024

platforms for construction work, 999

pneumatic-cylinder, 1056

position of, 1856

protection, 1866

mattresses for, 1028

proportioning for artistic effect, 1179

proportioning, ordinary method of, 1022

quantities for, 1300-1310

Red Rock Cantilever Bridge, 1022

rip-rap for, 996

shafts, 1023, 1051

classification of, 1020

batters of, 1051

methods of construction, 967

specifications for, 1045

steel shells for, 1025

timber, 1026

type, choice of, 969

Pier-sinking record, 1479


coefficients of expansion, 765

excluder, 765

graphite, 766

shedding, 765

value of, 766

Pile clusters, 1011

Pile cut-off machine, origin of, 12

Pile driving, 1008, 1014, 1855

cost, 1011

East Omaha Bridge, 1016

obstacles in, 1018

overdriving, 1018

record, 1479

through clay, 1016

water jets, 1015, 1018

Pile dykes and mattress work, 1866-1868

Pile foundations, , 1860

Pile heads, encasing of, 968

Pile piers, timber, 1057

Pile trestles, 773

limiting heights of, 773

panel lengths of, 774

stringers of, 774

Piles, 1008

bases of piers, 1050

battered, 1011

bearing, 1008

brooming of, 1018

cast, 1012

concrete, 1012, 1856

creosoted, 775

creosoting of, 1013

decay of, 970

disc, 1012

driving of. See Pile Driving.

durability of, 1013

dynamiting of, 1015

eccentric loads on, Eqs. 24 and 26, page 300

factor of safety for, 1010

falsework, number per bent, 1502

formulae, 1009

foundations, use of, 969

Fraser River bridges, 1017

grouping, 1013

inspection, 1450

lag, 1012

loading, 1008, 1009

long piles driven by water jet, 1017

materials for, 1011

Pacific Highway Bridge, Portland, 1017

pedestal, 1011

permissible loads on, 1008, 1047

poured, 1013

premoulded, 1012

protection of, 1014

rejection of, 1008

resisting horizontal pressures, 1010

retaining walls or abutments, 1042

screw, 1012

sheet, 1011, 1013

spacing, 1013

steel, 1013

test, 1009

types of, 1011

wattled, 1063

wooden, 1855

Pin-connected trusses,

cambering of, 755, 756

highway spans, 1683

old type, advantages and disadvantages of, 748

origin of, 23

railway spans, 1681

wearing of joints in, 749, 750

Pin connections, abandoning of, 30

Pin-holes, 1785

half, 335

net sections at, 1682

Pin packing, 527, 529-531

Pin-plates, 531, 1682

lengths of, 284, 285


long-leaf yellow, 52

short-leaf yellow, 52

Pinions, 1727

rack, for swing spans, 1724

Pins, 1682, 1779

bearing, intensities for, 264, 323

bending, intensities for, 264, 324

bending moments on, 324, 1658

designing of truss pins, 530, 531

diameters, 531

eccentricity of chord pins, 340

effect of on secondary stresses, 200

nickel steel, bending intensities for, 324

pedestal pins, location of, 284

shear on, 264, 1658

sizes of, 329, 334


boring, measurements of, 1103

carrying of on movable span, 1076

casing, 1097

cutting of, 1100

dynamiting of, 1098

maintenance of, 1752

pulling of, 1098

purchasing of, 1100

Pipe-line for fire protection, 1844-1846

Pitch, 51, 352, 366

filler, 368

Pitch-diameters for gears, 314-321

Pitch for gears, 337

Pitches of rivets, plate-girder flanges, 432-441

cantilever beams, 436, 444

component parts of flanges, 437-438

curved flanges, 437

inclined flanges, 433-436

variation throughout girder, 438-441

vertical loads, 437-438

Pittsburg Testing Laboratory, 1412

Pivot piers, 1024

drainage of, 697

quantities for, 1300

Pivots for center-bearing swing spans, 1716

Placing concrete, 1853, 1854

Placing reinforcing bars, 1865

Planing, 328

sheared edges, 328

Plank floors, 365, 366, 1634

Plans, alteration of, 1762


bidders', 1878

contractor's, 1768

report on, 1488

seizing of contractor's, 1616

Plaster, 51

Plastering faces of piers, 1044

Plate-and-shape nickel steel, 61, 93

Plate, tin, 50

Plate, 47, 1777

bending of, 331

buckled, 47

checkered, 374

connecting, strength of, 284

corrugated, 47

extra cost of wide, 327

trough, 47

Plate-girders and plate-girder bridges, 408, 418

advantages of, 408

calculations, 411. See also Designing.

camber, 329, 332, 753, 754

cantilever, 418, 444

cast shoes, 454

comparison with truss spans and I-beam spans, 408-410

compression flanges, proportioning of, 431

connection angles, 444, 445

continuous girders, 418, 419, 444


areas, 426, 429

centres of gravity of flanges, 427

flange sections, 422-428

full-length plates, need for, 428

lengths, determination of, 440-444

extra at ends, 440, 443, 444

rivet heads, undesirability of, 428

rivet pitches, 437

weights, 426

crimping of stiffening angles for, 1203

curved flanges, rivet pitches in, 437

definition, 411

depths, limiting and economic, 419, 420

designing and detailing. See Designing of plate-girders and plate-girder

bridges, also Tables and Diagrams for designing.

details of design, 1668-1671

doubling-up of old spans, 1528

durability, 408

economics, 409, 410, 1184, 1185

end bearing, 452-460

end details, 444-447, 464, 467

end stiffening angles, 446

essential elements, 411


areas, 423-426, 429, 430, 432

calculation of, 432

centres of gravity, 424, 427

cover-plate lengths, 440-444

make-up of sections, 422-430

cover-plates, 422-428

no cover-plates, 428, 430

rivet pitches, 432-441

section, determination of, 433

splices, 421

stringers, 328

unsupported lengths, 431-432

full splicing, 409

grillages, 459

half-through railway, economics, 410

laterals, 392-397

lengths of cover-plates, 440

limiting lengths, 409

maximum shear, 412, 418


figuring of, 412-418

proportioning for, 421, 432

moment diagram, 414-418

origin, 23

parabola of moment, 414-418

reactions, 412-418

rivet connections, 445

rivet pitch. See Pitches of rivets.

rocker ends, 453

rocker shoes, 454, 455

shears, 412-418

shipment, 409

shoes, 452-460. See also Shoes.

side plates, 437

sliding bearings, 458

spacing of girders, 409

splices in flanges, 421

splicing of webs, 301, 420, 447-452

stiffeners, 421, 1203, 1670

strap plates for splicing, 449

swing spans, details of design for, 1690, 1691

through, 465

laterals for, 394


depths, limiting and economic, 419, 420

design, 419-421

splices, 301, 420, 447-452

design, 450-452

loads, 447, 450

types, comparison of, 447-449

weights of metal, 1221, 1222, 1250

Plate-lattice-girder spans, 411

Platforms, 1841

around pier, 999

locations on elevated railroads, 549

Pneumatic caissons, 1857

details of, 1007

founding of, 971

Pneumatic cylinder piers, 1056

Pneumatic gun, 1023

Pneumatic process, 967, 998

distinctive features of, 998, 999

Pockets, expansion, 377, 1685

Pockets of caissons, 989

Poetsch, Dr. F. H., 972

freezing process, 972

Pointing masonry, 1529, 1864

Points of contraflexure in columns, 294

Polygon, moment, 416, 417

Polygonal top chords, 479, 480, 487, 488

analytic method of computing stresses in trusses with, 159

skew spans, 487

Pons AEmilius, 9

Pons Fabricius, 10

Pons Milvius, 9

Pons Salarius, 9

Pons Sublicius, 6

Pont du Gard Aqueduct, 10

Ponte Molle, 10

Ponte Quattro-Capi, 10

Ponte Rotto, 9

Pontoon bridges, 674, 675

origin of, 11

Ponts et Chaussées, establishment of École des, 14

Pony trusses, 281, 468, 479, 490

Pooling, abolition of, 1535

Pooling of competitors, 1533, 1534

Pope, Thomas, 20

Portage viaduct, 27

Portal bracing, 293, 402, 403, 1642, 1643

connections, 506

skew, 403, 485-488

Portland cement, 17, 28

Portland, Oregon, Bridge, foundations of, 983

Position, gradient, and alignment, 1765

Position of caissons during sinking, 994, 1001, 1472-1475

Position of critical section for pure shear and diagonal tension in beams, 836

Position of movable span as affecting layout, 1211

Position of piers, pedestals, and abutments, 1856

"Possibilities in Bridge Construction by the Use of High Alloy Steels," 70, 78, 1284

Post truss, 23, 468, 473

Posts of trusses, sections for, 1675, 1681

Posts, (vertical) end, 481

Pot holes, 1061

Poughkeepsie Bridge, 568, 588, 600

Poured piles, 1013

Pouring of slabs, 952


bascule spans, 1701

equipment, 1702-1708

installation for movable spans, 677

lift spans, 1700

movable spans, 678, 1697-1701

swing spans, 1698-1700

Pratt, Caleb and Thomas W., 15, 21

Pratt truss, 468

stress coefficients, 171

Preambles for contracts, 1560, 1562

Precipitation formula, 1118

Precision in specifications, 1555

Preliminary investigations, 1082

Preliminary surveys, 1088, 1091

Premoulded piles, 1012

Preparing and placing reinforcing bars, 1865

Preservation of timber, 1805

ties, 361


abutment bases, 1030, 1031

bases of bridge piers, 964

masonry, permissible, 265

masonry, unit, 1657

pedestal foundations, 1030

soils, 964

Prices of materials, 1354, 1355, 1359, 1360, 1757

Prices of metal, 1202

Priming coat of paint, 766

"Principal Professional Papers," 99

Principle of least work, 214

Principles in detailing the outlines of spans for aesthetic design, 1175

Principles of design, 1662-1665

Probability of scour, determination of, 969

Procurable lengths, 510

Profit-sharing with assistants, 1609

Progress charts, 1486

Progress, rate of, 1876

Progress records, graphic method of making, 1489


chimerical, 1624

classification of, 1592

electric railway bridges, 1592

option required by bankers on, 1597

pedestrian bridges, 1593

promotion of, 1591

rejection of by bankers, 1597

speculative, 1624

steam-railway bridges, 1592

steps in promotion of, 1593, 1594

wagon bridges, 1592

Promises of stock, 1600

Promoters, 1591

negotiating with, 1606, 1607

Promoting by engineers, 1598, 1599


bridge projects, 1591

fees, 1607

necessity for secrecy in, 1599

steps to be taken in, 1593, 1594

Property considerations as affecting layout, 1213

Proportion of parts, 1160


compression members, 492

flanges of plate-girders, 421-432

piers, 1022

Proportions for concrete, 1852

Proposal, form of, 1880


banks, 1866

East Omaha Bridge, 1063

curbs, 374

draw bridges, 779-782

omission of, 779

failing masonry, 1529

metalwork, 348, 765-778

piers, 1060, 1866

piers for through spans, 364

piles, 1014

Prospectus, how to write a, 1595

Prospectus, requisites for, 1594, 1595

Pryor, J. H., 1031

Public office, holding by engineers, 1631

Puddled clay for borings, 1098

Puddle wall, 974

Pull-back draw, 666, 667

Pulling pipe, 1098

Pulsometers, 979

Pumping out of caissons and cofferdams, 978, 995

Pumps for cofferdams, 979

Punches and dies, sizes of, 1422

Punches, multiple, 328

Punching, 1422, 1782

Purchases for office, 1389

Purchasing of pipe, 1100

Purified steel, 72

excess cost of, 73

possibilities of, 76

weights of bridges of, 73

Puyallup River Bridge, Tacoma, 734, 735