| Page |
Paint, hardness | 15 |
mechanical properties | 14 |
middle coat | 30 |
number of coats | 26 |
physical properties | 15 |
priming coat | 26 |
proper application | 100 |
thickness of film | 42 |
tools | 36 |
warming | 38 |
Painting | 35 |
atmospheric conditions | 38 |
factors affecting results | 45 |
inspection | 45 |
Paintmaker | 106 |
Paintmaking | 9 |
Perfect paint | 31 |
Petroleum products | 73 |
Physical properties of paint | 15 |
Physical tests | 101 |
Pigment | 96, 107 |
alloys | 95 |
classification | 20, 22 |
fineness | 37 |
function | 20, 24, 25 |
top coat | 30 |
Priming coat | 26, 106 |
Red lead | 28, 31, 41, 43, 70, 87 |
Reference to books | 108 |
Reinforcing materials | 95 |
Roasted iron ores | 85 |
Rust | 55
Rusting, newly cleaned steel | 64 |
prevention | 41 |