excess of rain upon it; the good effects of age upon it (old seed better than new seed); nor into the quantities of foreign seeds, like those of the wild mustard, rape, and pigeon weeds, generally found associated with those of the flax plant. But to give an idea of the many kinds of flaxseed used by crushers, we would refer to "the regulations for the inspection of flaxseed, adopted by the Board of Directors and approved by the Board of Trade of the city of Chicago, to be in full force and effect on and after July 1st, A.D. 1899," and to this day operative.
Boiled Linseed Oil.—The author first boiled linseed oil in 1869. It was boiled in bulk in open kettles, holding 1,000 gallons each, over an open fire, the pigment used as an oxidizing agent being either litharge or red lead. The heat was kept on the oil