PUBLISHER: Siegle, Hill & Co., London, England, c1904-c1921.
ABOUT:The earliest dated Siegle, Hill & Co. publications have 1904 imprints. It's catalogs first appear in The Reference Catalogue of Current Literature (London) in 1910, then again in 1913 and 1920, while a 1924 cross reference directs to "Leonard B. Hill". It offered many novelty and miniature books, later a variety of pocket maps and dictionaries in several languages. Its offering in general literature were mostly reprint titles (often poetry) and verse anthologies.
LUCILE’s ISSUED BY Siegle, Hill & Co.: The 1910 catalogue presents only one edition of Lucile, as imaged here. The Reference Catalogue was issued every four years and none are described 1906, 1913, or 1920; publication was suspended during WWI.
Four copies of the Siegle, Hill Lucile were seen betwen 2010 and 2024. The left copy imaged below was offered by Zarak Books (Norwich, UK) incorrectly described as "Extremely unusual edition on Bulwer Lytton's pseudonymous verse drama. In brown suede with gilt lettering and decoration and a window cut into it in which is a metallic bas relief model of a reclining woman in classical dress. The interior is extremely bright and unmarked and contains a dedication to the author's father. Undated but the publishers were only active between the turn of the century and about 1920. Soft Cover. Very Good. 16mo - over 5 3/4" - 6 3/4" tall." In 2020, this copy still appeared Zarak's inventory; a second in modest condition was on offer by a German bookseller; and a third offered on eBay in October 2021 could not be found in the seller's inventory when successfully bid. The forth copy (right below) was purchased in 2024.
All copies appear to be identical (save title page) to the 1909 Sesame Edition offered by the H. M. Caldwell Co.. Further details are recorded in the caption to the enalrged image on the right.
Last revised: 16 March 2024