PUBLISHER: H.M. Caldwell Co., New York and Boston, 1896-1914.
ABOUT: See the Caldwell introduction page.
LUCILE’s ISSUED BY H.M. Caldwell Co:
Descriptions Are in TWO SECTIONS - 12mos & 16mos - and
Within Section in Alphabetical Order by Series Title.
Since sizes are somewhat arbitrary, and examples of many series remain to be collected, it is wise to check both sequences.
On its larger size (12mo) editions, Caldwell inserted lithographically printed frontispieces(one of three designs) and title pages (one of four designs). These are imaged below. Which combination is used in a particular copy is indicated in the image captions; click on the image to bring up a larger version which contains the descriptive caption for that copy.
Images in each row are numbered left, #1, to right.
The Ariston Series. 1907 PTLA: This "beautiful" series is printed on fine buff paper in two colors, illustrated. Bound in MARINE SILK TEKKO EMBOSSED with GOLD or SILVER in VARIOUS DESIGNS. Titles in gold, gilt top. Size 6 x 8 1/4. Boxed. Price, $1.25. [Cut; Lucile is #8 of 11 titles].
The Ariston-Dilettante Series. 1908 PTLA:.... In a fancy box. Price, $1.50. [Cut; Lucile is #8 of 21 titles.]
1909-1911 PTLA: This "beautiful" series is printed on fine buff paper in two colors. Photogravure frontispiece. Bound with EMBOSSED LITHOGRAPHED COVER DESIGNS executed in GOLD or SILVER and delicate tints, with cloth backs. Titles in gold, gilt top. Size 6 x 8 1/4. In a fancy box. Price, $1.50. [Cut; Lucile is #8 of 21 titles].
Athenaeum Library. 1897 PTLA: Two volume sets of popular and standard works, bound in green ribbed silk cloth, stamped in full gold backs from a new and original design; gilt tops, fully illustrated, boxed in a a double box matching the binding. 12mo. Price, per set, $2.50. [Cut; Lucile is #23 of 30 sets, paired with Lady of the Lake].
Autumn Leaf Series. 1898 PTLA: Bound in extra shades of fine English vellum. Full gilt back, and sides of variegated gold, from a striking design. A rose in embossed gilt and the leaves a perfect fac-simile of the beautiful autumn tints. Of the one hundred volumes, no two covers are alike. Each in a box. Price, 50 cents. [Cut; on same page as Chef D'Oeuvre series].
The Berkeley Library. [1897?; 1900?]
The Berkeley Series. 1898 PTLA: Printed on Fine Deckle-edge Laid Paper. Illustrated. 125 Volumes. A Series of Famous Books by the World's Greatest Authors. It includes Fiction, Travel, History, Poetry, etc. This representative library of world masterpieces of the standard and popular authors, comprising works of fiction, essays, poetry, history, biography, science, art, and philosophy, has been selected with the greatest care. The unique feature of the series will be the illustrations and the excellent quality of printing, paper, and flat-back binding. Large 12mo, bound in Bancroft linen cloth, with an original and effective design in gold and inks on side and back, flat back, deckle edges, gilt top, ribbon marker, illuminated title-page in two colors, ex libris plate and full illustrated. Price per volume, $1.00. [Cut; Lucile is #52].
1899 PTLA: ... Large 12mo, bound in different colors vellum cloth, with an original and effective design in gold and inks on side and back, flat back, deckel edges, gilt top, ribbon marker, .... [Cut; Lucile is #52].
The Berkeley Edition (Limp Ooze). 1913 PTLA: Bound in various shades of velvet calf made expressly for the series. Illustrated. A selected list of representative masterpieces of prose and poetry. Printed on fine finished paper, duograph frontispiece, rubricated title pages, illustrated. Bound in velvet calf, various shades, with a striking and original cover design, gold and embossed relief, perforated. Size 7 x 4 1/2. Each in a covered box. Price, $1.00 each. [Lucile is #18 of 33 titles. Cut: see also 1906 Sesame Series].
The Cadeu Series. 1907-1908 PTLA: This "gift" series of selected standard works is printed on fine buff paper in two colors, illustrated, and bound in ooze CALF inlaid with a bronze ornament. Boxed. Size 6 1/4 x 9 3/8. Price, $3.00. [Cut; Lucile is #8 of 11 titles].
1909-1911 PTLA: .... and bound in Thibet Morocco, various shades, and inlaid with an emblematic bronze ornament. Boxed. Price, $3.00. (Cut as 1907; Lucile is #8 of 11 titles).
The Calumet Series. 1896 PTLA: Two Volume Sets. Small Duodecimo. Illustrated. Selected volumes of the Unique Edition of the De Novo Library, appropriately boxed in two volume sets in double boxes covered with imported fancy papers, matching the bindings. Especially adapted for holiday or presentation purposes. Price, $1.00 a set. [Cut; Lucile is #8, paired with Evangeline, of 28 sets].
1897 PTLA: as 1896. [Cut, binding differs from 1896; Lucile is #15 of 21 sets, paired with Evangeline].
1898 PTLA: ... bound in parti style... [Cut same as 1897].
1899 PTLA: ... Selected volumes of the Famous Classics, bound in parti style, various colors, cloth backs, and fancy paper sides, appropriately boxed in two volume sets in double boxes covered with imported fancy papers, matching the bindings. Especially adapted for holiday or presentation purposes. Price, $1.00 a set. [Cut same as 1897; Lucile is #15, paired with Evangeline, of 26 sets].
1900 PTLA: .... Especially Adapted for Holiday or Presentation Purposes. Selected volumes of Famous Classics, bound in parti style, various colors, cloth backs, and fancy paper sides, appropriately boxed in two-volume sets in double boxes covered with imported fancy papers, matching the bindings. Price, $1.00 a set. [Cut same as 1897; Lucile is #15, paired with Evangeline].
The Celandine Series. 1911-1912 PTLA: 1911. Full Ecrase Calf. Various Shades. Made expressly for this series. Illustrated. The title for this series of carefully selected classics, CELANDINE (Joys to Come), has been chosen as highly appropriate for these uniquely bound and attractive volumes, suitable for gifts on all occasions. They are printed on extra fine wove paper, illustrated, frontispiece in duograph, rubricated title page, and picture end papers. / Bound in Full Ecrase Calf, assorted shades, made expressly for the series, with an attractive cover design, stamped in gold. Gilt top. Each volume in a covered box. Price, $1.50. [Cut; Lucile is #24 in series].
1912 PTLA description same as 1911 but with new cut:
The Commonwealth Edition. 1898-1899 PTLA: Illustrated. This choice edition of carefully selected standard and popular works is bound in full English Vellum cloth, highly polished, stamped with full gilt back and sides, and colored inks, in a most novel and original design. Each volume is illustrated, has illuminated title-pages, gilt top and ribbon markers, and is suitable for holiday or presentation purposes. 12mo. Boxed in a covered box. Price, $1.00. [Cut is Lucile; #6 of 50 titles].
The Illustrated Library of Famous Books by Famous Authors. PW 26 Sept 1896 Caldwell advertisement describes series: "peer of all library editions."
1896 PTLA: This "Library," comprising one hundred and twenty volumes of the greatest masterpieces of the literature, selected with great care, is beautifully illustrated in a manner never before attempted. The manufacture of these "Famous Books" is superior to any uniform series heretofore made; printed with unusual care from clear, open-faced type, on a soft laid paper of superior quality, and bound in maroon silk ribbed cloth specially made for the series, stamped on the front and back cover with an appropriate design. Illuminated title pages, gilt top, head bands, and silk ribbon bookmark. Each volume securely wrapped. 12mo. Price, 75 cents. [Lucile is #50; cut].
Holiday Edition. 1897 PTLA: Selected Volumes of the Illustrated Library of Famous Books by Famous Authors. The following titles are bound in various colored half-vellum backs. Side and back stamped in gold, with imported fancy paper sides, gilt tops, and are suitable for holiday or presentation purposes. Also in half English calf. Holiday style, wrapped and boxed, Price, $1.00. Half English calf, gilt top, boxed, $1.50. [Cut; Lucile is #22].
1898-1899 PTLA: ... comprising over one hundred and fifty volumes... appropriate design in gold. Illuminated title pages, Ex Libris plate, gilt tops.... [Cut; Lucile is #117].
1898 PTLA: The Following Selected Volumes of the Illustrated Library of Famous Books by Famous Authors Are Bound in Half English Calf. A choice selection of the greatest Historical Romances and Works of Fiction, full illustrated with full-page half-tone or wood-cut illustrations by eminent artists. Printed on extra fine laid paper, from clear, open-faced type, and bound in faultless style, in half light English calf, gilt top, head-bands and silk ribbon marker, boxed. Price, $1.50. [Cut].
1899 PTLA: The Following Selected Volumes of the the Illustrated Library of Famous Books by Famous Authors Are Bound in Half English Calf. [Cut].
The Salon Series. 1896 PTLA: Selected masterpieces of literature. Extra illustrated. This choice edition of carefully selected standard and popular works is offered at a moderate price in anticipation of a large sale. As gift books they are equal to those that by reason of their limited sale are necessarily sold for more than their real value. The entire series is profusely illustrated, containing from ten to twenty-five full-page illustrations in half-tone from drawings by eminent artists and photographic reproductions from actual scenes described in the texts. Printed with unusual care from good, clear type, well spaced, on a soft laid paper of superior quality. The frontispiece to each volume is Photogravure printed on Dicenson's hand-made paper. Illuminated title page in three colors. Silk bookmarks and tops of burnished gold. Bound in three styles -- cream vellum, royal purple and scarlet silk, stamped with a full gold back and side, with white inlay or various colored inks in a most novel and original design. Each volume in an ornamental box covered with imported fancy paper. For presentation purposes and fine holiday trade this series is without equal. Price, $1.50. [Lucile is #5 of 20 titles; cut].
1897 PTLA: ... Bound in English vellum in a variety of delicate colors. Stamped with a full gold back and side and various colored inks in a most novel and original design.... (Cut; binding differs from 1896).
On its more numerous smaller (Handy Volume or 16mo) editions, Caldwell again inserted lithographically printed frontispieces and title pages in designs that vary from those in the 12mos. These are imaged below. Which combination of frontispiece and title page is used in a particular copy is indicated in the image captions. To view these, click on the small image to bring up the larger.
Each row of images is numbered from left, #1, to right.
The Acorn Series of the Poets. 1912 PTLA: Handy volume edition. Illustrated. A select series of representative poems of famous poetical authors. Printed on extra fine paper. Illustrated and with duograph frontispieces, rubricated title pages. Bound in EMBOSSED TIBET CALF IMPORTED ESPECIALLY FOR THE SERIES. INLAID COVER DESIGN STAMPED IN GOLD. Picture end papers. In a covered box. Price, $1.50. (Cut; Lucile is #6 of 12 titles).
The Alcazar Classics. 1904 PTLA: Pastel Series -- 1904. Tall 16mo. Illustrated. All of the volumes [125] in this beautiful new series of the Handy Volume Classics will be printed on an extra fine paper, with text or full-page half-tone illustrations on coated paper. Each volume will have, in addition, a handsome rubricated title-page and duograph frontispiece. The bindings of this series will be the unique feature. Bound in an original style. Cloth backs, of delicate shades. Cream-colored sides, with the heads of beautiful women representing the principal nationalities of the world, done in Pastel, made expressly for the series. On the juvenile titles appropriate juvenile figures will be used. Sides and backs are stamped in gold, with gold titles. Tinted tops, flat backs, each in a covered box. Price, 75 cents. [Cut; Lucile is #103].
1905 PTLA: Miniature Series -- 1905. Tall 16mo. Illustrated. All of the volumes in this beautiful new series of the Handy Volume Classics will be printed on an extra fine paper, with text or full-page half-tone illustrations on coated paper. Each volume will have, in addition, a handsome rubricated title-page and duograph frontispiece. The bindings of this series will be the unique feature. Bound in an original style. Cloth backs, of delicate shades. Cream-colored sides, with the heads of beautiful women representing the work of representative modern artists, in Miniature, done in polychrome, made expressly for the series. On the religious and juvenile titles appropriate designs will be used. Sides and backs are stamped in gold, with gold titles. Tinted tops, flat backs, each in a covered box. Price, 75 cents. [Cut; Lucile is #103].
1906 PTLA: Cordon Series -- 1906. Tall 16mo. Illustrated. All of the volumes in this beautiful new series of the Handy Volume Classics will be printed on an extra fine paper, with text or full-page half-tone illustrations on coated paper. Each volume will have, in addition, a handsome rubricated title-page and duograph frontispiece. The bindings of this series will be the unique feature. Bound in an original style. Veneer sides in different shades reproducing the exact grains of the oak and ash. Cloth backs, contrasting to shades of the wood sides. Designs on sides in gold, in imitation of a CORDON to which is hung a pendant, enclosing the heads of beautiful women, the work of representative modern artists, which are done in polychrome, made expressly for the series. On the religious and juvenile titles appropriate designs will be used. Sides and backs are stamped in gold with gold titles. Tinted tops, flat backs, each in a covered box. Price, 75 cents. [Cut; Lucile is #103].
1907 PTLA: Eligio Edition... Cloth backs.... Designs on sides in gold, in a heavy embossed gold frame, enclosing a dainty bit of scenery or figures representing the seasons of the year, which are done in polychrome, made expressly for the series. Sides and backs are stamped in gold with gold titles. Tinted tops, flat backs, each in a covered box. Price, 75 cents. [Cut: Lucile is #103].
1908 PTLA: Colonial Edition... [as 1907].
1909 PTLA: Beau Ideal Edition... [1907].
1910 PTLA: Fenway Edition.... [as 1907].
1911 PTLA: Laurestine Edition.... [as 1907].
1912 PTLA: [edition not named; description as 1907; series has been reduced to a selection of the original 125 titles].
The Alma Mater Series of Handy Volume Classics. 1910-1911 PTLA: All of the volumes of this new series have been carefully selected as not only appropriate for COMMENCEMENT GIFTS, but for all occasions, and are printed on fine paper with rubricated titles, duograph frontispieces, and illustrated. DAINTILY BOUND IN FULL ENGLISH CLOTH, DELICATE SHADES; COVERS INLAID WITH VARIOUS BEAUTIFUL AND APPROPRIATE DESIGNS LITHOGRAPHED IN 18 COLORS OR OVER AND GOLD. EACH IN A COVERED BOX CORRESPONDING TO THE BINDING. Price, $1.00. [See also Commencement Edition].
The Arts and Crafts Edition of Handy Volume Classics. 1913 PTLA: Bound with Hammered Brass Covers. A selected series of masterpieces in prose and poetry, printed on deckel-edge paper, illustrated, and bound in a unique manner with hammered brass covers, handsomely designed and embossed velvet calf backs, full gold back stamps, gilt top, boxed. Price, $1.50. [Cut; #8 of 12 titles].
The Chateau Series. 1900 PTLA: Size, 6 x 4, with Photogravure or Colored Frontispieces and Other Illustrations. One hundred selected Famous Classics, bound in parti style, various colored vellum backs, stamped in gold with fancy paper sides, ornamented with beautiful floral bouquet effects from designs especially made for the series. Each volume illustrated with photogravure or colored frontispieces and numerous other illustrations, illuminated title pages, gilt top, ribbon bookmark, and boxed in a covered box. Price, 75 cents. A Dainty Holiday Gift Book. [Cut; Lucile is #74].
1901 PTLA:
1902 PTLA:
The Chef D'Oeuvre Series. 1896 PTLA: 16mo. With Illustrations in Water-Color Tints. This choice selection of popular and standard classics is attractively bound, printed on good paper, with illustrations in water-color tints, averaging five to a volume. The most beautiful line of 16mos ever made at a popular price, suitable for holiday or presentation purposes. Bound in full white vellum, back and side stamped in silver and various colored inks from a dainty, yet striking design. Illuminated title pages. Each volume boxed. Price, 50 cents. [Cut). Also in full silk ribbed cloth, gilt sides and back, gilt top. Price, 75 cents. (Lucile is #43 of 50 titles].
1897 PTLA: as 1896 except not offered in silk ribbed cloth; Cut differs but illustrates 1896 binding.
1898 PTLA: ... Bound in fine English vellum, highly polished and stamped in gilt and various colored inks from an original and unique design. Wrapped in printed wrappers. Price, 35 cents. [Cut].
1899 PTLA: New Edition, 1899. 126 titles. This choice selection of popular and standard classics is attractively bound, printed on good paper, and illustrated; illuminated title-pages. This is the most beautiful line of 16mos ever made at a popular price, suitable for presentation purposes. Bound in fine English vellum, highly polished and stamped in gilt and various colored inks from an original and unique design, titles on both sides and back. Wrapped in printed wrappers. Price, 35 cents. [Cut; Lucile is #51].
The Christmas Gift Series. 1907 PTLA: Full Thibet Calf, Ornate Leather. illustrated. The volumes in this series have been chosen as highly appropriate books suitable for gift or presentation purposes. Printed on extra fine wove paper, illustrated, frontispiece in duograph, title-page rubricated, fancy end papers. Bound in Thibet calf, imported expressly for the series, in two shades of green and brown, embossed in imitation bark effects, sides stamped in gold, embossed and inlaid, titles in gold. The most original and attractive handy volume gift book yet issued in leather binding. Size, 4 1/2 x 7. Gilt top. Enclosed in a box contrasting to the leather binding. Price, $1.25. [Cut, including Lucile; Lucile is #24 in series; see also Rosemary series, 1906-1907; Laureate Series, 1909].
1908 PTLA: ---- for 1908. Full Limp Thibet Calf, Ornate Leather. illustrated. The volumes in this series have been chosen as highly appropriate books suitable for gift or presentation purposes. They are printed on extra fine wove paper, illustrated, frontispiece in duograph, rubricated title-page, and fancy end papers. / Bound in limp calf, three shades, imported expressly for the series, embossed divinity circuit edge, mottled effects, sides inlaid with an attractive embossed design stamped in gold, titles in gold. Each volume in a covered box. Price, $1.25. (Cut, including Lucile; Lucile is #24 in series).
1909 PTLA: ---- for 1909. Full Limp Leather. Ornate. Illustrated.... Bound in limp mottled leather, various shades, divinity circuit edge, sides stamped with Holly design in red and green foil, titles in gold. Each volume in an attractive box covered with Holly and Mistletoe fancy paper. Price, $1.25. [Cut; Lucile is #24 in series].
The Commencement Gift Series of Handy Volume Classics. 1908-1909 PTLA: All the volumes of this series have been carefully selected as appropriate Commencement Gifts, and are printed on fine paper with rubricated titles, duograph frontispieces, and illustrated. Daintily bound in parti style, with imported fancy paper sides, embossed, various cover designs in color corresponding to cover effects and inlaid. In a covered box matching the binding. Price, 75 cents. [Cut of Lucile; #26 of 44 titles. See also Alma Mater Series].
1909 PTLA:
The De Novo Library. 1896 PTLA: Small duodecimo, with illustrations in water-color tints. The new shaped handy volume. All of volumes in this New Series of Handy Volume Classics are printed on extra fine laid paper, with text illustrations or full-page half-tone illustrations in water-color tints. Each volume has in addition a handsome illuminated title page and silk ribbon bookmark. Uniformly bound in Bancroft linen, stamped in silver and various colored inks, from a new and original design. The new shape of this "Handy Volume" more fully combines all that the name implies than any other Handy Volume Series ever issued. Each in a printed wrapper. Price, 50 cents. [Lucile is #43; cut illustrates binding for Lucile].
1897 PTLA: The New De Novo Library.... Uniformly bound in English vellum cloths, stamped in silver and various colored inks, from a unique and original design.... [Cut; binding differs from 1896].
1898 PTLA: ... Uniformly bound in a dark green linen cloth made expecially for the series, stamped in gold and various colored inks, from a unique and original design.... [Cut; differs from 1897].
1899 PTLA: ... Uniformly bound in a linen T cloth made especially for the series, stamped on both covers and back in gold and various inks, from a unique and original design.... [Cut; differs from 1898].
De Novo Library Half Leather Binding. 1898 PTLA: Selected volumes of the De Novo Library Half Leather Binding. Small duodecimo. Illustrated. A handsome and exceedingly attractive edition of the "New Shaped Handy Volume" for fine holiday trade. Bound in handsome half leather, with corners; paper sides, gilt top. Each volume illustrated with text or full-page illustrations, illuminated title-page, gilt top, and silk ribbon markers; boxed. Price, $1.00.
De Novo Full Leather Binding. 1899 PTLA: Selected volumes of the De Novo Library Full Leather Binding. Small duodecimo. Illustrated. A handsome and exceedingly attractive edition of the "New Shaped Handy Volume" for fine holiday trade. Bound in handsome full leather, limp covers; embossed and gold side side and back stamp, gilt tops. Each volume illustrated with text or full-page illustrations, illuminated title-page, gilt top, and silk ribbon markers; boxed. Price, $1.00. [Cut; Lucile is #22].
The Emeritus Series of Handy Volume Classics. 1910 PTLA: A carefully selected list of titles from the works of the standard authors in prose and poetry particularly adapted for gifts on graduation and other anniversary days. Printed on fine wove paper, rubricated title pages. BOUND IN VELVET CALF, VARIOUS SHADES, DIVINITY CIRCUIT EDGES, WITH APPROPRIATE END PAPERS. Titles in gold, gilt top, in a neat box. Price, $1.50. [Cut of Lucile, #21 of 40 titles].
1911-1913 PTLA: ... Bound in velvet calf, various shades, divinity circuit edges, with picture end papers. Titles in gold and mother of pearl inlaid, gilt top, in a neat box. Price, $1.50. [Cut of Lucile, #21 of 44 titles].
The Empyreal Edition. 1898-1899 PTLA: Bound in Bancroft linen, flat backs, gilt tops, stamped with a simple yet effective design in gold, each volume boxed. Price, 75 cents. [Cut; on same page as De Novo Library, with selected volumes offered in this binding; Lucile is #106].
The Exquisite Series. 1896 PTLA: Small duodecimo, Illustrated. A handsome and exceedingly attractive edition of the "New Shaped Handy Volume" for fine holiday trade. Bound in half white vellum, stamped on sides and back in gold, fancy paper sides of highest grades; gold, silver, and satin finished background, with beautiful floral designs. Each volume illustrated with text or full-page illustrations, illuminated title page, gilt top and silk ribbon-markers; boxed. Price, 75 cents. (Cut). Full ribbed silk cloth, elaborately stamped in full gold side and back, gilt top, silk bookmark; boxed. Price, 75 cents. Half Red Russia, gilt top, boxed. $1.00. Half English Calf, full gold back, raised bands, colored labels, gilt top, boxed. $1.50. (Cut).
1897 PTLA: ... Bound in a specially manufactured silk cloth, flat back, gilt top, and uncut edges; stamped on sides and back in gold.... [Cut]. Half Russia, gilt top, boxed. $1.00. Half English Calf, full gold back, raised bands colored labels, gilt top, boxed. $1.50. [Cut].
1898 PTLA: as 1897. No mention of half calf. Price 75 cents. [Cut].
1899 PTLA. Bound in a specially manufactured silk cloth, flat back, gilt top, and trimmed edges; cover design inlaid and stamped on sides and back in gold and inks.... boxed in covered box. Price, 75 cents. [Cut same as 1898].
1900 PTLA: Tall 16mo. With photogravure or Colored Frontispieces, and Other Illustrations. A handsome and exceedingly attractive edition of the "New Shaped Handy Volume" for fine holiday trade. Bound in a satin finished cloth, flat back, gilt top, and trimmed edges; cover design stamped on sides and back in gold. Each volume illustrated with text or full-page illustrations, photogravure or colored frontispieces, illuminated title-page, gilt top, and silk ribbon markers, in a neat wrapper. Price, $75. Also bound in full leather, two colors, dark blue, red, flat backs, boxed. $1.00. [Cuts of both styles; Lucile is #74].
Florentine Series. 1898 PTLA: 16mo. With illustrations in Water-color Tints. This series, comprising one hundred and one volumes of the famous classics, are all illustrated. Handsomely bound in various colored silk cloths, stamped and embossed, from a new and novel design, in gold and inks on side and back. Titles on both side and back. The peculiar changeable or "shot" effect of the cover is remarkably handsome. Each in a printed wrapper. Price, 35 cents. [Cut].
The Kalon Series. 1901 PTLA: Tall 16mo. The New Shaped Handy Volume. Illustrated. 145 titles. All the volumes in this New Series of the Handy Volume Classics are printed on an extra fine paper, with text illustrations, or full-page half- tone illustrations on coated paper. Each volume has, in addition, a handsome illuminated title-page and duograph frontispiece. Uniformly bound in vellum cloth made especially for the series, side and back stamped from several original designs, and with polychrome insert on side. The new shape of this "Handy Volume" more fully combines all that the name implies than any other Handy Volume Series ever issued. Each in a printed wrapper. Price, 50 cents. [Cut; Lucile is #106].
1902 PTLA: The New Kalon Series for 1902. Small Duodecimo. Illustrated. The New Handy Shaped Volume... Uniformly bound in vellum cloth, side and back stamped from several original designs, and with inlaid reproductions in colors of the Muses by Simmons from the originals in the Congressional Library at Washington, made especially for this series.... [Cut]. [The Simmon's Muses are:
Calliope, the Muse of epic, or heroic, poetry. The surrounding characters, the genii, hold a scroll on the left, and peacock feathers on the right. In European antiquity, peacocks symbolized immortality.
Erato, the Muse of lyric and love poetry. The roses on the left signify love, and the lioness on the right reflects love’s universal power.
Euterpe, Muse of tragedy and flute playing. On the left are shown two flutes.
Melpomene, Muse of tragedy and lyre playing, with the mask of tragedy on the left.
Polymnia (Polyhymnia), Muse of sacred poetry, holds an open book. The text below, after “Two Choruses to the Tragedy of Brutus,” by Alexander Pope (1688-1744) reads: “Say, will ye bless the bleak Atlantic shore, / And in the West bid Athens rise once more?”
Thalia, Muse of comedy and bucolic poetry. To the left is a faun with pan pipes, and to the right the mask of comedy. The text below, from Pope’s “Ode on St. Cecilia’s Day,” reads: “Descend, ye Nine! Descend and sing; / Wake into voice each silent string.”]
The Lakeside Series of Handy Volume Sets. 1899 PTLA: Tall 16mo. In 3 vols. Uniformly bound in fine vellum cloth, gilt back and side stamps. Each set boxed. [Cut; Lucile is #8 of 10, with Evangeline and Marmion].
1900 PTLA: Arranged in SETS of THREE VOLUMES, selected for presentation purposes, uniformly bound, comprising standard works in poems, religious, juvenile, etc., boxed. Price, $1.25. [Cut as 1899; Lucile packaged with Evangeline and Marmion].
The Laureate Series of the Poets. 1901-1902 PTLA: Small Duodecimo Illustrated. Printed on an extra finished paper, illustrated with photogravure frontispiece. Bound in an original style, wood sides inlaid with carbon aristo portrait and stamped with gold. Silk cloth backs, gilt top, boxed. Price, 75 cents. [Cut; Lucile is #7 of 16]. Also offered Full leather, full gold edges, boxed $1.50.
1903 PTLA: The New Laureate Series of the Poets. Small Duodecimo Illustrated. Printed on an extra finished paper, illustrated with duogravure frontispiece. Bound in an original style. Repouss sides inlaid with carbon aristo portrait and stamped with gold. Silk cloth backs, gilt top, boxed. Price, 75 cents. [Cut same as 1902; Lucile is #7 of 25].
1904 PTLA: .... photogravure frontispiece... Price, 75 cents. Full leather with embossed inlay and heavy gold stamping, gilt edges, boxed. Price, $1.50. [Cut].
1905 PTLA: The Laureate Series of the Poets. New Edition, 1905. Small Duodecimo Illustrated. Printed on an extra fine paper, illustrated with duograph or photogravure frontispieces. Bound in unique style. With Fantaisie sides, inlaid with portraits on platinum, English vellum backs, gilt tops, sides and backs stamped on gold. Boxed. Price, $1.00. Full American morocco, embossed inlay and heavy gold stamping, round corners, full gold edges, boxed. Price, $1.50 [Cut of Lucile in leather; Lucile is #7 of 25 titles].
1906 PTLA: .... New Editions, 1906 ... (as 1905]. [Cut; Lucile is #7 of 28 titles].
1907 PTLA: .... New Edition, 1907 ... With Fantaisie marine silk Tekko sides, English vellum backs, gilt tops, sides and backs stamped in gold.... [Cut; Lucile is #7 of 34 titles].
1908 PTLA: .... New Edition, 1908. ... Price, $1.00. [Cut].
1909-1911 PTLA: .... New Edition, 1909. Small Duodecimo Illustrated. This series consists of representative works of the most popular of our poetical authors and is printed on an extra fine paper, illustrated with duograph or photogravure frontispieces. Bound handy volume size. IMPERIAL SILK CLOTH OF VARIOUS PATTERNS AND COLORS imported especially for this series. Cover design stamped in gold, inlaid, gilt top, ribbon bookmark. A beautiful and inexpensive gift for all occasions. In a covered box. Price, $1.00. [Cut of Lucile; #7 of 34 titles].
1910 PTLA:
1911 PTLA:
Lotus Series. 1901-1902 PTLA: Two Volume sets, Small dodecimo. Illustrated. Especially adapted for Holiday or presentation purposes. Selected volumes of Famous Classics, bound in parti style, with floral art lithograph, paper sides, white vellum, cloth backs,made especially for the series in assorted designs, appropriately boxed in two-volume sets in double boxes covered with imported fancy papers, silk lifts matching the bindings. Price, $1.00 per set. [Cut; Lucile is boxed with Lady of the Lake; #15 of 18 titles].
The Lotus Series of Handy Volume Classics. 1912 PTLA: A carefully selected list of titles from the works of the standard authors in prose and poetry particularly adapted for gifts on graduation and other anniversary days. Printed on wove paper, illustrated, rubricated title pages. / Bound in parti style, picture end papers, gilt top, ooze calf backs, various shades, with titles in gold, Japanese wood veneer paper sides to match, with cover design stamped in gold, framing a bronze ornament done in relief, making an original and striking cover effect. Each in a box. Price, $1.00 each. [Cut; Lucile is #25 of 40 titles].
Riviera Series. 1899 PTLA: Tall 16mo, 7x 4 1-4. Illustrated. The most select series of classics yet issued. The publishers in announcing this new series are pleased to add that no pains or expertise have been spared in not only offering the choicest works in poetry and prose yet collected, and published in handy volume size, but particular pains have been taken in the manufacture of this series. Printed on fine laid paper; illustrated; rubricated title-pages; bound in English embossed cloth, stamped in gold and inks, on both covers and back. Ribbon markers. Each in a neat wrapper. Price, 75 cents. [Cut; Lucile is #24].
The Rosemary Series of Selected Classics. 1903 PTLA: Burnt Leather Inlaid. Illustrated. Size, 4 1-2 x 7. The title for this series of carefully selected classics, Rosemary -- "That's for remembrance," -- has been chosen as higly appropriate for these uniquely bound and attractive books suitable for gift or presentation purposes. Printed on extra fine wove paper, illustrated, frontispiece in duograph, title-page rubricated, fancy end papers. Bound in a dark tan leather, made expressly for the series with design in gold and boulegravure [sic]. Each volume has an appropriate carbon artiste inlay in sepia. Gilt top. Boxed. Price, $1.25. [Cut; Lucile is #24].
1904 PTLA: ... brulegravure [sic]. Each volume has an appropriate inlay on platinum done in sepia...
1905 PTLA: ... Bound in a levant grain leather, made expressly for the series, with various designs on side in gold and brulegravure. Each volume has an appropriate inlay done in photogravure or etching.... [A tonal picture resembling mezzotint, but possessing a velvety quality impossible to mezzotint is the result obtained by the Bostonian, John W. Robbins, from a brass plate etched in planes of varying depths and pressed upon vellum. Heat supplies the colouring, and does it as ink has never been able to do it — with a softness and delicacy of absolutely unbroken tone, graded in the richest and most beautiful shades of sepia.... [from “Two New Methods in the Graphic Art: Subchromatic and brulegravure”. The International Studio (London & New York: John Lane Co.) Vol LVII:#225 (November 1915), page XVII].
1906 PTLA: ... Full Thibet Calf, Ornate Leather. New Edition, 1906, illustrated. ... Bound in Thibet calf, imported expressly for the series, in two shades of green and brown, embossed in imitation bark effects, sides stamped in gold, embossed and inlaid, titles in gold. The most original and attractive handy volume gift book yet issued in leather binding. Size, 4 1/2 x 7. Gilt top. Enclosed in a box contrasting to the leather binding. Price, $1.25. [Cut, including Lucile; Lucile is #24 in series; see also Christmas Gift Series, 1907; Laureate Series, 1909].
1907 PTLA: The New Rosemary Series for 1907. Full Limp Thibet Calf, Ornate Leather. Illustrated. The title for this series of carefully selected classics, ROSEMARY (That's for remembrance), -- has been chosen as highly appropriate for these uniquely bound and attractive volumes, suitable for gifts or all occasions. They are printed on extra fine wove paper, illustrated, frontispiece in duograph, rubricated title-page, and fancy end papers. / Bound in limp calf, three shades, imported expressly for the series, embossed divinity circuit edge mottled effects, sides inlaid or with an attractive embossed design stamped in gold, titles in gold. In a box. Price, $1.25. [Cut; Lucile is #24].
1908 PTLA: ---- for 1908. Full Limp Armadillo Ornate Leather. Illustrated.... Bound in full limp armadillo leather, two shades, imported expressly for the series, embossed divinity circuit edge with an attractive embossed cover design, titles stamped in gold. Each volume in a covered box. Price, $1.25. [Cut; Lucile is #24].
1909 PTLA: ---- 1909. Full Limp Thibet Morocco Leather. Imported Expressly for This Series. Illustrated. [Cut shows some details].
1910 PTLA: ----. Full Limp Kamera Calf, assorted shades. [Cut].
The Sesame Classics. 1902 PTLA: Bound in leather, in a unique and original style. A selected list of representative materpieces of Prose and Poetry. Printed on a fine finished paper, illustrated and bound in presentation style. Full limp ooze calf, various colors, gilt top, each in a box matching binding. Size, 7 x 4 1/4. Price, $1.25. [Cut; Lucile is #19 of 27 titles.].
1903-1904 PTLA: The New Sesame Classics. Full limp ooze calf. Bound in leather, in a unique and original style. A selected list of representative masterpieces of Prose and Poetry. Printed on a fine finished paper, illustrated and bound in presentation style. Full limp ooze calf, various colors, silk-lined, gilt top, each in a box matching binding. Size 7 x 4 1/4. Price, $1.25. [Cut; Lucile is #22].
1904 PTLA:
1905 PTLA: The Sesame Classics. New Edition, 1905. Full limp ooze calf. A selected list of representative masterpieces of Prose and Poetry. Printed on a fine finished paper, illustrated and bound in presentation style. Full limp ooze calf, unique cover effect with a satin ribbon bow, held by a seal, the title in gold, silk-lined, gilt top, each in a box matching binding. Size 7 x 4 1/4. Price, $1.25. [Cut of binding; Lucile is #22].
1906 PTLA: ----. New Edition, 1906. Full limp ooze calf. A selected list of representative masterpieces of Prose and Poetry. Printed on a fine finished paper, duograph frontispiece and rubricated title-pages, illustrated and bound in presentation style. Bound in Full limp ooze calf, in various shades, silk lined, unique design on side, gold and embossed relief perforated to show the moir silk in colors, contrasting to the shade of leather. A striking and original cover effect, gilt top, each in a box matching binding. Size 7 x 4 1/4. Price, $1.25. [Cut; Lucile is #22. See also Berkeley edition].
1907 PTLA: ----. New Edition, 1907.... silk lined, original design on side, gold and embossed relief perforated, showing bronze ornament, very unique. Titles in gold border. A striking and original cover effect, gilt top, each in a box matching binding. Size 7 x 4 1/4. Price, $1.50. (Cut; Lucile is #22).
1908 PTLA: ----. New Edition, 1908. [As 1907].
1909 PTLA: ... Bound in Full limp ooze calf, in various shades, silk lined, gilt top, cover design embossed and stamped in gold, framing a bronze ornament done in relief, making an original and striking cover effect, each in a box matching binding. Size 7 x 4 1/4. Price, $1.50. [Cut, Lucile; Lucile is #22; See also Siegel Hill & Co.].
1910 PTLA: New Edition 1910...
1911 PTLA: New Edition 1911...
The Superb Series. 1896 PTLA: Two volume sets, 16mo, with Illustrations. A selection of popular and standard books, handy in size, appropriately arranged in two volume sets, printed on a fine laid paper, illustrated with text or full-page illustrations, illuminated title page. Bound in an original style, full vellum cloth, various colors, with half calf finished backs in gold and assorted colored inks; a new and striking style. Two volumes in a box. Price, 75 cents. [Cut; Lucile is #11 of 30 sets, with Lady of the Lake].
1897 PTLA: ... a new and most taking style.... [Cut; binding differs; Lucile is #13 of 40 sets, with Lalla Rookh].
1898 PTLA: ... colors, embossed sides, with Venetian finished backs in gold and assorted colored inks; a new and most striking style.... [Cut; Lucile is #13, with Evangeline].
The Unique Edition. 1896 PTLA: Bound in parti style. Half Vellum backs in various colors, side and back stamp in silver from an entirely new and striking design, with imported fancy paper sides. Silk ribbon book mark. Wrapped in printed wrappers. Price, 50 cents. [Cut; appears on same page as De Novo library and is apparently the same block].
1897 PTLA: as 1896; binding in cut differs from 1896.
1898 PTLA: Bound in parti style, various colors, vellum cloth backs. Sides and backs stamped in silver, with imported paper sides, ribbon markers, gilt top, boxed in a fancy covered box. Price, 50 cents. [Cut; appears on same page/list as Florentine Series and might represent that issue].
1899 PTLA: New Unique Edition. 115 titles. Bound in inlay style in an entirely new and original manner, various colors, side and back stamped in various colored inks, boxed in a covered box. Price, 50 cents. [Cut; shown on same page as Chef D'Oeuvre Series and might represent that series].
The following reported copies with Caldwell imprints are not identified to series:
1890, 360p, 16mo: NL 0594626 Boise Public Library; University of Michigan (not held); Idaho State, Pocatello; NYPL (held/rebound); Vancouver Public (held/rebound); University of Puget Sound (not held); Seattle Public; Whitman College; Everett Public.
1896, 360p: NL 0594653 University of Illinois (held, original binding); Boston Public (held, original binding).
[1910?], 360p, 16cm: NL 0594671 Wayne State; cf BL New York & Boston, [1910], 8vo.
Last revised: 28 January 2023