PUBLISHER: Clarke, Given & Hooper, New York & Chicago, 1889?-1910?
ABOUT: This firm seems to have continued Hooper & Clarke, although it just which way seems uncertain. The Clarke is likely James Clarke (of Belford, Clarke & Co.); the Hooper is certainly Horace Everett Hooper (1859-1922) (for more about whom see Wikipedia article; and for still more note Denis Boyle's 2016 book, Everything Explained That Is Explainable (Knopf), about Hooper's involvement with the 9th, 10th, and 11th editions of the Encyclopedia Britannica). The earliest imprint identified in 1889, the latest 1910, most on reprint editions of multi-volume sets but also on an edition of Darwin's Origin of Species.
One other hint about the firm is set forth in an article The Publishers' Weekly #1935 (27 Feb., 1909), p933,"Some of the Men Who Decide the Fate of the Books," which lists heads of department store book departments across the U.S., including: "William J. Barse, of the Western Book & Stationery Company, also with Brewer, Barse & Company, Chicago, started in the book business with Belford, Clarke & Company, and remained with them until 1891, when he left to take the position of buyer with the Western Book & Stationery Company, which was organized at that time by Clarke, Given & Hooper, who bought up the chain of book, stationery and music departments in several department stores from Belford, Clarke & Company. A few years later Owen W. Brewer, at one time traveller for Charles Scribner's Sons, entered the concern at which time Mr. Barse was put in charge of the book department in "The Fair," Chicago, and has remained there since that time. Three years ago the publishing firm of Brewer, Barse & Company was organized, Mr. Barse taking charge of that in addition to his other duties as buyer for their several book departments."
A paragraph in The Publishers' Weekly #1949 (5 June 1909), p1926, reporting a "falling out" between Hooper and Walter M. Jackson, "who form the firm of Hooper & Jackson, Limited, which for years has controlled the publication and sale of the 'Encyclopedia Britannica,' in connection with the London Times as well as the various corporations doing business under the shadow of 'The Thunderer's" name, which will be found of interest to the trade in general..." reported "Prior to 1900 Mr. Jackson and Mr. Hooper had been associated with James Clarke and George Clarke in the publication and sale of subscription books. The principal office was in London, and the business was carried on under the name of the Clarke Company, Limited. Some time in March of that year Hooper and Jackson decided to become more closely associated in the ownership and control of the business, and in furtherence of their plans acquired the Clarke interests.... In 1902, owing to the provisions of the Engish law putting a tax on the business, the affairs of the Clarke Company, Limited, were liquidated, and English and American companies were formed to take over the business..." [which by this time included the copyrights and trade name of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
"Given" has not yet been identified.
LUCILE’s ISSUED BY Clarke, Given & Hooper : One Lucile with this imprint has been reported.
Last revised: 13 June 2021