Obituary of Lord Lytton (1831-1891)
Illustrated London News (London), Saturday, December 5, 1891; pg. 727; Issue 2746 (951 words)
The Right Hon. Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer Lytton, Earl of Lytton, Viscount Knebworth, Baron Lytton, and a Baronet, Ambassador at Paris, P.C., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., C.I.E., LL.D., died suddenly at the Embassy, Paris, on Nov. 24. This distinguished writer, poet, and diplomatist was born Nov. 8, 1831, the only son of the first Lord Lytton, the great novelist, by Rosina Doyle, his wife, daughter of Mr. Francis Wheeler, of Lizzard Connell, in the county of Limerick. The Lyttons were an old Derbyshire family, traced back to Sir Robert de Lytton, of Lytton, Comptroller of the Household to Henry IV. The nobleman whose death is so deeply regretted was educated at Harrow and at Bonn, in Germany. Since 1849, when he was made Attaché at Washington, he was constantly in the Diplomatic Service. His chief appointments were H.B.M. Minister at Lisbon from l874 to 1876, and Ambassador to the French Republic from 1887. This high and most important office Lord Lytton held till his death. From 1876 to 1880 he was Viceroy and Governor-General of India. His lordship, who inherited the Barony of Lytton at his father's death in 1873, was advanced to an earldom on his resignation of the Viceroyalty. Lord Lytton enjoyed considerable literary reputation, both as a poet and novelist. He married, Oct. 4, 1864, Edith (C. I.), second daughter of the Hon. Edward Villiers, and niece of the fourth Earl of Clarendon, and leaves surviving issue two sons; the elder, Victor Alexander George Robert, Lord Knebwortb, now second Earl of Lytton, was born at Simla, Aug. 10, 1876.
Illustrated London News (London) December 5, 1891; pg. 740; Issue 2746
The Late Lord Lytton
The sudden death of Lord Lytton, the English Ambassador at Paris, from failure of the heart's action, makes politics and literature the poorer by the loss of a personality distinguished in both, and associated through his father with a still more illustrious past. Lord Lytton was born on Nov. 8, 1831, so that at his death he had only passed sixty by a few days. His father, Mr. Edward Bulwer Lytton, afterwards Lord Lytton, poet, novelist, dramatist, and politician, trained him for a diplomatic career, for which he was largely prepared at Bonn. He made his entry into the service at Washington when he was eighteen, and became in turn Attaché at Florence, Paris, St. Petersburg, and in nearly all the capitals of Europe. The earlier part of his career, however, was more noteworthy for its literary than its political achievements. Under the name of "Owen Meredith," young Mr. Lytton for over thirty years poured out a stream of graceful, tuneful, and at times passionate and inspiring verse. His best-known work is, perhaps, the vigorous and finely coloured "Lucile," which is to-day the most popular narrative poem in America though in England the want of a cheap edition somewhat interfered with its vogue. In 1864 began his long and happy union with Edith, niece of the late Lord Clarendon, and second daughter of the Hon. Edward Villiers. He succeeded in 1873 to his father's title of Baron Lytton. His somewhat unexpected appointment to the Viceroyalty of India in 1875 was thoroughly congenial to him, and he played his part with a certain sense of colour and fondness for display, which contrasted picturesquely with the more sober traditions of Anglo-Indian government. He initiated a series of splendid pageants, culminating in a great durbar at Delhi, on Jan. 1, 1877, to which all the notabilities of India were invited, and at which the Queen was proclaimed Empress of India.
The Afghan war of 1878 and the treaty of Gundamuk, which was unhappily followed by the massacre of Sir Louis Cavagnari at Cabal, were incidents of his viceroyalty. The fall of Lord Beaconsfield's Ministry led to Lord Lytton's retirement, and for some years he was unemployed. In 1887, however, he was appointed Ambassador at Paris in succession to Lord Lyons. His residence at Paris was an unqualified success.
His literary genius and his social tastes were both largely French, and his highly polished manners, intimate acquaintance with the French language and literature, and his essentially Gallic spirit made him, perhaps, the most successful French Ambassador of his century. His novel "The Ring of Amasis” was translated into French, and some of his work may be said to have achieved a greater popularity in the French capital than in his own country. He did excellent service to England during the French Exhibition and in regard to the difficult diplomatic questions which have arisen with France during the last five years. His fine social qualities and those of his wife are a serious loss to the Diplomatic Service, a loss that is emphasised by the outburst of genuine sorrow over his death which has arisen from French statesmen, leaders of society, and the Press. Lord Lytton leaves a widow and a young family, his eldest son. Viscount Knebworth, who succeeds to the earldom, awarded to his father by Lord Beaconsfield, being born in in 1876. Lord Lytton was a man of distinguished presence, of great conversational powers, and of singuar personal charm.
Illustrated London News, December 26, 1891; pg. 835; Issue 2749
Lord Lytton's Favourite Dog,"Darling," a Beautiful Poodle, Has (says the Daily News)
Been the Means of Bringing to Justice a Notorious Thief Who Has Long Been Wanted by The Paris Police.
Lord Lytton’s favourite dog, "Darling,” a beautiful poodle, has (says the Daily News) been the means of bringing to justice a notorious thief who has long been wanted by the Paris police. "Darling" has been very disconsolate over the loss of his master, and has taken to vagabond ways. One day he disappeared, and all efforts to find him proved unavailing. About a week afterwards, a dirty, disreputable-looking dog appeared at the British Embassy, and refused to be driven out. Could this be the beautiful "Darling?” The idea seemed ridiculous; but someone took the poor brute to Lady Lytton, who, in spite of his altered appearance recognised in him her lost pet. The question was, Where had he been? And this was soon settled on examination of a strange collar round his neck, engraved upon which were the name and address of a man who has long made a profession of dog-stealing. The imprudent thief, who seems to have taken a fancy to the dog and to have intended to keep him himself, succeeded in securing his own arrest, and he is now safely under lock and key.
Last revised: 26 August 2010