PUBLISHER: Winn & Hammond, Detroit, 1885-1920s
ABOUT: This firm did not submit catalogs to PTLA. This entry from a Marquis publication, however, indicates it was established in 1885: Hammond, George Starr, president Winn & Hammond; born Dayton, O., August 22, 1855; son of Joseph and Mary (Starr) Hammond, educated at Cental High School of Dayton and Ohio Wesleyan University, Dayton, O.; married at Detroit, Oct. 27, 1885, Margaret Hessen Baxter. Began in printing business as Winn & Hammond in Detroit, 1885, and since its incorporation in 1900 has been president of the company. Repblican. Christian. Member Detroit Board of Commerce. Scottish Rite Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner, member Phi Delta Theta. Club: Fellowcraft. Recreations: Outdoor sports. Office: 1562-156 Wayne St. Residence: 83 E. Willis Av. -- (Albert Nelson Marquis, ed. The Book of Detroiters, Chicago: Maquis Co., 1908, page 206).
An entry in the Detroit, Michigan City & Business Directory for 1890. (Detroit: R.L. Polk & Co., 1890) confirm that it was well established by this date. The main entry begins: "Winn & Hammond (Henry R. Winn, George S. Hammond), Printers, Engravers, Book-binders and Blank Book Mnfrs, 152-156 Wayne. Tel 220. Winn, Henry R. (Winn & Hammond), h 120 14th av."
Named staff associated with the firm then include: Ballamy Arthur R, printer, rms 82 Abbott; Bates John J, pressman, bds 221 21st; Brown Charles H, foreman printing dept, rms 280 Fort W.; Brown Mrs Charles H, proofreader, bds 280 Fort w.; Carroll James J, feeder, bds 81 Congress w; Connor John W, printer, bds 113 Howard; Dalzelle Frank W, bookbinder, bds s e cor Lewis and 1st; Dobson Charles U, bkkpr, bds 75 Orchard; Duggan John A, printer, bds 49 Rowland; Fuller Frank H, pressman, bds 106 Milwaukee ave; Fuller George E, printer, bds 41 Brady; Gagnier Wm A, porter, bds 263 21st; Graham Charies B. Printer, h 706 Mich av; Greiner Frederick jr, printer, h 209 Watson; Hall Edward S, feeder, bds 230 1st; Hammond George S, h 85 Willis ave; Harris Thomas C, paper roller, bds 71 Montcalm e.; Hayes Norman L, engineer, rms 61 Mich av.; Hurd Wm H, printer, h 58 Lewis; Johnson Charles C, printer, h 411 7th; Kearn George feeder, bds 491 Champlain; Kleinsmith Isaac, bookbndr, bds 287 Hastings; Knoercer Joseph, binder, bds 71 Croghan; Henry, printer, h 261 4th; Leavitt Wm S, feeder, bds 3 Columbia e.; Loersch Philip A, printer, bds 8 Jay; Longfield John G, foreman, h 606 12th; Luebner Charles E J, printer, h 699 Howard; Lueweke Herman F, printer, bds 300 Orleans; Matthie Wilfrid, printer, bds 50 Farrar; Maurer Charles, printer, bds 289 Wilkins; Miller Charles E, bookbndr, bds 91 Abbott; Moffit Hugh R, printer, h 325 16th; Palmer Wm J, printer, h 486 Lafayette av.; Pfeffer Fred A, feeder, bds 189 Adelaide; Pohl Richard C, foreman blank book dept, h 85 Piquette av.; Siewer Wm A, ruler, bds 76 Hamlin av.; Staub Wm H, printer, bds 66 Tillman av.; Stebens Fred, pressman, h 560 Croghan; Sullivan John, pressman, bds 152 Napoleon; Swaton Frank E, bookbndr, h 90 Calbour; Tegge Robert R, engraver, bd s 331 Jay; Thillman Gustav A, engraver, h 241 Orleans; Thompson Oliver L, bookbinder, bds 233 Orchard; Ulber Paul R, bkbinder, h 512 18th; Van Joseph, bkbinder, bds 306 Maple; Wideman Anthony J, bookbndr, h 176 Napoleon; Winstanley Gwendolin, bkbinder, bds 366 18th; Wright Miss Grace, stenographer, bds 211 Hancock ave.
Fewer staff are associated with the firm in the Detroit, Michigan City & Business Directory for 1910 (Detroit: R.L. Polk & Co., 1910), but the firm clearly continued to flourish. Winn & Hammond Company, G. A. Munch Pres and Treas, N. Munch V-pres, Charles E. Wilson Sec, Printers, Publishers and Binders, 152-156 Wayne. Tels Main 220. City 220. Barnes Wm M, printer, res Royal Oak, Mich.; Gamble Wm, C, printer, h 1429 Holcomb av.; Munch Geo A, pres and treas, h 149 Pine; Munch N, v-pres, bds 149 Pine; Shea Mamie, steno, bds 439 Hamilton av, St C Hts.; Wolpert Mathilde, clk, bds 407 Brewster.
On 10/19/2013 the HathiTrust database contained 58 records for Winn & Hammond representing 37 unique titles, most local (i.e., Detroit-related) documents. The earliest imprint is dated 1886, the lastest 1910. The distribution is: 1886=1; 1889=1; 1891=2; 1893=5; 1894=1; 1895=1; 1898=1; 1900=1; 1902=1; 1903=7; 1904=5; 1905=1; 1906=1; 1909=2; 1910=1. The bulk appear to be Civil War related; only a handful appear to be fiction or poetry. The University of Michigan Libraries catalog adds a few titles in the same time span. Lucile is not a recorded title.
LUCILE’s ISSUED BY Winn & Hammond: NUC Pre-1956 records a Detroit Public Library Burton Historical Collection copy [NL 0594571; 379 pages]; DPL reports this copy has been rebound.
Other reported copies: In early 2012 a friend of the Project reported a copy in original gray cloth with two printed paper labels (the top with "LUCILE" and the lower with a W&H monogram). It had no frontispiece, an undated Winn & Hammond title page, and 379 text pages. The plates used to print the text were those with a running head of "Lucile" in a gothic type face used by Caldwell, Hurst, Mershon, and other publishers, all in 16mo format, but the small plates were printed on larger sheets making this a conventionally sized 12mo. The reported copy carried a presentation inscription dated 10/9/[19]13. The copy pictured below appears identical to the reported copy but is not inscribed or otherwise dated.
Last revised: 8 February 2017