PUBLISHER : The Walter Scott Company, London, 1882-1931
ABOUT: A Wikipedia footnote cites The Walter Scott Publishing Company: A Bibliography (Pittsburgh Series in Bibliography) by John R. Turner (1997), [...] with the following account of this company: "In 1882, Walter Scott, a successful businessman with little formal education, found himself the surprised owner of a nearly bankrupt publishing company. Scott had agreed to act as mortgagor for the growing Tyne Publishing Company, but it soon became apparent that Tyne's programme of expansion was too ambitious - the company was hopelessly overcommitted. Scott appointed David Gordon, a dynamic Scotsman, as manager, and the Walter Scott Publishing House was born. Gordon began to improve the list by adding series: the Canterbury Poets Series, the Camelot Classics Series, the Great Writers Series, and the Contemporary Science Series. The company later published Tolstoy and Ibsen translations, as well as works by Bernard Shaw, Robert Blatchford and George Moore. The Walter Scott Publishing Company: A Bibliography lists the total output of the firm, from its founding until its liquidation in 1931."
Walter Scott also had copies of its 9-03 printing bound and sold by Peacock, Mansfield & Co., a company in business by at least the 1860s and continuing past 1913. The March 16th, 1907, issue of The Publishers' Circular & Booksellers' Record, p298, carried the following notice: "Messrs. Peacock, Mansfield & Co. have removed from 29 Pasternoster Row to larger and more commodious premises at 33, and have made extensive arrangements for the production of a large and varied stock of leather-bound books. They will be represented in the provinces by Mr. Nelson Mattingly and Mr. Charles Batterfant, and in town and suburbs by other travellers. The business will be under the direction of Mr. T. A. Newton, who was for many years with Rivere & Co. They will not, in any circumstances, undertake any retail business, strictly confining themselves to wholesale."
The May 4, 1907, issue of The Publishers' Circular (volunme 86, No. 2131) carried a more extensive description of the renewed firm (page 583): "Peacock, Mansfield & Co. have pleasure in announcing that they have made extensive arrangements for the production of a large and varied stock of LEATHER BOUND BOOKS, and are now prepared to execute all orders with which they may be favoured by the Bookselling Trade. / They have for some time been engaged in the preparation of many New, Original, and attractive designs in Bindings for the popular and leading lines, and believe that their prices will compare most favourably with those of other Houses. / They will be represented by Mr. J. O. Dahlgren and other Travellers, who will, in due course, submit samples for inspection. They are satisfied that there is an opening for the development of their special business on Modern lines, so that Booksellers may be assisted in extending their sales by having more attractive books to offer to their customers than hitherto and their aim will be as far as possible to place in the hands of the Trade books which will attract book-buyers. / The business will be under the direction of MR. T. A. NEWTON, who was for many years with MESSRS. RIVIERE & CO. as the manager of their WHOLESALE branch, in which capacity he acquired an extensive and unique experience of the needs of the Book trade and an extension of bookselling by encouraging the growth of book-buying by the public. / They will not, under any circumstances, undertake any retail business, strictly confining themselves to the Wholesale, and by way of meeting a long-felt want in the trade, they have made arrangements to supply at short notice any lines that may be urgently requiredd, by having the same bought in from other Trade Houses if not in their own stock, thus acting in regard to the LEATHER BOUND-BOOK TRADE as Agents for Country Booksellers in the same way as other firms already do with regard to Cloth Books. No other House has hitherto offered Booksellers this advantage in the case of leather-bound books. / Any book not in stock or not obtainable elsewhere in the style required, will be bound to order in seven days. / For the information of many customers of the late firm of Peacock, Mansfield & Britton, the present firm intimate that their name is used for the purposes of this business in connection with the sale of Bound Books under an arrangement with the Executor of the late Mr. Mansfield. / Catalogue is now ready and will be forwarded on application. / Peacock, Mansfield & Co., 33, Paternoster Row, London, E.C."
See also Parker P. Simmons.
LUCILE’s ISSUED BY The Walter Scott Company:
None, only a selection of other poems.
Meredith's Poems. Selected, with an introduction by M. Betham-Edwards. "Authorized Edition". London: Walter Scott, [1890]. Sm. sq. 8vo, xiii, 250p. Copy in green half morocco by Dode offered by James Burmester, List III:382, 1987, GBP 25, a presentation copy inscribed to "The Countess de Grey from her aff. friend the Author", with bookplate of Gladys de Grey, and "neat manuscript corrections (in Lytton's hand?) on 27 pages". Burmester kindly confirmed that this edition contains only "Song from Lucile, The Bird of Paradise," not the full text.
Last revised: 22 December 2024