PUBLISHER: New York Publishing Company, New York, 1890s?
ABOUT: See The New York Publishing Company and a related Facebook page, which claim company was established 1871 in Buffalo with an office in the City Hall Place Building, New York City; per these web sites, still in active business as of December 2014 at its "original Buffalo location," 153 Delaware Avenue. Also operated as The Home Correspondence School. Submitted catalog to PTLA in 1895 only. Seems to have been a mail order company, published many reprints, currently does some print-on-demand.
The web site noted reproduces as wallpaper an 1895 advertisement from the June 29 issue of Publishers' Weekly. This can, in turn, be found online at HathiTrust and the two succeeding pages. These three pages appear to be later than the catalog submitted to Publishers' Trade List Annual 1895; that catalog of nine pages has two pages listing "popular sets" of two or more pages; a page for titles in the Library Edition and one, list nearly identifcal, for those in the Empire Edition; followed by three pages picturing the covers and describing titles in "A Very Attractive Line of Board Books for the Little Folks." The only address used for the catalog and in the advertisement -- and the only address seen on imprints -- is that of City Hall Place, NYC.
Searching '"153 Delaware" Buffalo' brings up possibly relevant hits. Many volumes of the Buffalo City Directory are available on HathiTrust and in 1873 and 1875 we find Leonard Dodge, flour and feed, 72 Main, and Hiram Hotchkiss, jeweler, 256 Main, are boarders at 153 Delaware; by 1880 Dodge seems to have moved on, but Hotchkiss is still boarding there.
By the mid-1890s, however, Thomas Lothrop, M.D., is officed here, and by the 'teens and '20s, T. F. Donovan, M.D., and Earl P. Lothrop, M.D., Obstetrics & Gynecology, are working from it. These names turn up in dozens of medical directories for the period, not yet traced. Dr. Earl seems to have been very well known in Buffalo, and leaves behind, among many traces, an obit on The Lothrop family seems to have lead Buffalo society, as did Earl's biological father, a lawyer, so perhaps another member of one of the families was stuck in the basement to run a genteel printing or publishing business.
Cary Sternick on his Tom Brown bibliography page, offers another take: "Apparently this publishing company was originally founded by and incorporated by Frank Leslie. It published journals as well as books in the 1890's and the early 1900's."
The Fourth Estate, 6 December 1919, page 28, has a note: "'Warwick,' a horse owned by Ralph Pulitzer, president of the New York Publishing Company, won the light-weight class at the Thanksgiving day steeplechase event held at Jericho, N.Y." Ralph Pulitzer was the oldest son of Joseph Pulitzer, patriarch of the St. Louis newspaper family, but his possible connection with the city of Buffalo has not yet been confirmed.
LUCILE’s ISSUED BY New York Publishing Company:
1895 PTLA includes catalog (26 City Hall Place/13 Astor Place) and offers among "Popular Sets" the "Empire Edition. Choice Poets. 5 volumes. Burns, Byron, Lucile, Tennyson, Gems from the Poets, $2.50 retail"; and "Library Edition" (same Choice Poets), "$5:00 retail".
Lucile also appears in the "Library Edition -- Twelvemos. A marvel of bookmaking at the low prices at which we offer them. They are bound in extra English cloth, highly polished, marbled sides and edges. Retail price, $1.00. Send for Quotations on Quantities." [Cut for half binding].
1895 PTLA "Empire Edition -- Twelvemos. Bound in Handsome Maroon Cloth, Highly Polished Back, Gilt Top. The most desirable moderate price 12mo on the market. Retail price, 50 cts. Send for Quotations on Quantities." [Cut illustrates half binding. See also American News Company].
Other copies with New York Publishing Company imprint:
Last revised: 23 July 2020