PUBLISHER: Lovell Brothers & Company, New York, 1892.

ABOUT: Another of the several descendent firms from J. W. Lovell's attempt in the early 1890s to monopolize the reprint industry. The partners were Frank and John Lovell as well as John Hovendon.

LUCILE’s ISSUED BY Lovell Brothers & Company:

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This copy has passages marked throughout that suggest the reader may be a troubled woman. On the final page, she has writtent the following note in pencil: "It is a beautiful and glorious ending -- makes one wish to be better and as victorious -- but circumstances after cases -- mine is one the" [cases]. I wonder what 'Lucile' would do had she my life to live & my disposition to fight." [Italics replace underlining in the original].

Last revised: 13 November 2014