PUBLISHER: Hurst & Company, New York, 1871-1919
ABOUT: For information about the firm and a summary of all Hurst editions, go to Hurst editions.
LUCILE’s ISSUED BY Hurst & Company: This page catalogs Hurst's 12mo editions (about 5x6.5" to 5x7.5" in size) as represented in PTLA and as reported to the Lucile project. For the catalog of 16mo. and 18mo. editions (about 4x6" in size), see Hurst's small format editions.
Hurst 12mo. editions are arranged on this page alphabetically by edition name.
Alligator Poets. 1912-1915, 1917 PTLA: A carefully selected list of the best known Poets of the World, made into dainty Alligator Padded Covers, with titles in gold. A beautiful edition for those desiring good poetry at a nominal price. Each volume boxed. 25 titles. Price, $1.00. [Cut].
Argyle Series.
1895 PTLA: Argyle Series. 12 mo. Cloth. Substantially bound in Cloth, with full gold stamped back, ornamental sides, head-bands, printed on fair quality paper, and fulfilling in every respect the requirements of a fair grade 12 mo. at a reasonable price. [Only Lucile listed].
1896-1897 PTLA: Argyle Series [as 1895; price 35 Cents].
1898 PTLA: [as 1895; new cut].
1899 PTLA: 12mo. Cloth. Substantially bound in Cloth, back stamped in gold, ornamented sides worked in colored inks, head bands, good type, printed on fair quality paper. The most attractive and saleable 12mo. Ever offered to the trade. Price, 30 cents. [New cut].
1900 PTLA: [as 1895; new cut].
1901-1902 PTLA: [as 1895; new cut].
1902 PW 28 September: The Books That Get the Trade / Are Hurst & Co.'s Standard Lines, the sales of which count by the million. The following are items in the list, which you can have complete, with terms, upon request: [among them:] ... 404 Argyle Series at 30 cents each. [Also ad, with three cuts, PW 29 November].
1903 PTLA: [as 1895; new cut].
1904 PTLA: [as 1895; new titles, new cut].
1905-1907 PTLA: [as 1904; new cut].
Arlington Edition of Standard Classics. This edition is not pictured in PTLA, but recorded copies have "Arlington Edition" stamped on spine or top board or both.
1883, 1885-1889 PTLA: 12mo., cloth, gilt. $1.00 per vol. [offers both Lucile and Works].
1892 PTLA: Arlington Edition of Popular 12mos. Cloth, gilt, 50c per volume. All new editions printed for this Season's Trade. [Only Lucile listed].
1897 PW: This well-known line is a continuous seller. The inexpensive net price and the splendid array of titles makes it so. Bound in cloth. Price, 25 cents.
1902 PW 28 September: The Books That Get the Trade / Are Hurst & Co.'s Standard Lines, the sales of which count by the million. The following are items in the list, which you can have complete, with terms, upon request: [among them:] ... 250 Arlington Edition 20 cents each.
1905 PTLA: Arlington Edition of Popular 12mos. This well-known line is a continuous seller. The inexpensive net price and the splendid array of titles makes it so. Bound in cloth. Price, 25 cents.
Avon Edition of the Poets.
1900-1901 PTLA: An entirely new series of poets. Printed on good paper with artistic title page in colors, bound in extra english ribbed cloth, with entirely new designs beautifully worked in ink and gold, gold top, and each volume in a wrapper. Price, $1.00. [Offers both Lucile and Works; cut].
1902 PW 28 September: The Books That Get the Trade / Are Hurst & Co.'s Standard Lines, the sales of which count by the million. The following are items in the list, which you can have complete, with terms, upon request: [among them:]... 78 Avon Poets at 75 cents each.
Burnt Leather Edition of the Poets. See also Hand Painted Edition. 1904 PTLA: Adapted for Presentation or Keepsake Purposes. Each volume artistically bound in durable ooze calf with HAND-PAINTED FLORAL AND SCENIC EFFECTS and titles in burnt leather, silk markers, gold tops. Each volume neatly boxed. Price $2.00. [Lucile only; cut].
1904 PW 24 September: Hurst & Co.'s Winners for 1904. We invite the trade to critically examine our various Lines of Standard Publications before placing final orders, as our goods have been pronounced by the largest buyers of Popular Priced Books to be Best in Value, Quickest to Sell, Lowest in Price and Lead All Competitors.. [Lists:] Burnt Leather Edition of the Poets. [5 cuts]. 26 November: Suggestions for Christmas [includes Burnt Leather Editions; Ideal, and Plain Edition of the Poets; 3 cuts].
PW #1713 26 Nov 1904 p129-130: "Hurst & Company this season have a decided novelty in their Burnt Leather editions of the classics and of the poets. These include a choice of selection of classic literature adapted for presentation of keepsake purposes, each volume being bound in ooze calf with hand-painted floral and scenic designs, the titles being done by a pyrographic process. There are about seventy titles, including the best work of world-famous authors. As an inexpensive and handsome present these book will commend themselves to a large circle of readers. Hurst's Padded Editions of the Poets include about fifty titles, each volume being bound in embossed padded leather, with gilt edges and attractive cover designs. Hurst's Gilt Top Library edition of eminent authors is an excellent collection of the work of well-known writers in neat cloth bindings, including upwards of 250 titles. The Cambridge Classics, a collection of neat 16mo volumes, is put up in new styles, the covers being embellished with inlaid medallion portraits lithographed in eight colors. The Laurelhurst Series, the Half-Leather Classics. the Flexible Leather Classics, the Ideal Series of Standard Classics, the Devotional Classics and the Presentation Series are all sixteenmos, bound in various styles, and form suitable presents for any season at an exceedingly low price. Their Half-leather Standard Authors is a very attractive edition, bound in library style, half leather, with gilt tops. Their Arlington Series of twelvemos, in new bindings, is perhaps the lowest priced edition of standard authors bound in cloth, including 1.50 titles. In addition to these Hurst & Co. also publish a variety of standard works in sets, dictionaries and manuals, recitation books and hand books, and Sunday-school Teachers' Reference Bibles at low prices. They also handle the famous "Peck" books by George W. Peck, and Habberton's "Helen's Babies," elaborately illustrated."
1905-1909 PTLA: [as 1904; new cut].
1910-1913 PTLA: [as 1905; new cut].
Canterbury Edition of the Poets. 1906 PTLA: A carefully selected list of the World's best-known Poets, to suit the tastes of the critical. Well printed on paper of good quality, and daintily bound in White Art Cloth, with lithographic panel inlay pictures of delicate floral and figure designs, reproduced in natural colors. Back and side titles in gold. Each volume with author's frontispiece portrait in colors. A real novelty in book-making. Boxed. Price 75c. [Cut].
1907-1908 PTLA: A carefully selected list of the World's best-known Poets, to suit the tastes of the critical. Well printed on paper of good quality, and daintily bound in White Art Cloth, with lithographic panel inlay pictures of delicate floral and figure designs, reproduced in natural colors. Back and side titles in gold. Each volume with author's frontispiece portrait in colors. A real novelty in book-making. Boxed. Price 75c. [Cut].
1909-1910 PTLA: A select list of the World's best known Poets made up into the most exquisite volumes ever shown. The Publishers' aim has been to produce a dainty line to meet the requirements of the critical. Well printed on good paper and handsomely bound in Tint Cloths, with original De Longe Floral Designs in four varieties, inlaid, with Gold Stampings and Gold Titles. Beautiful for Gift purposes. Each in a Floral Box. 35 titles. Price 75 cents. [New cut; see also Floral Edition for same cut.]
1911-1913 PTLA: [as 1909; new cut]; see also Floral Edition (which seems to be Canterbury Edition renamed, with binding for Canterbury Edition refreshed).
Cathedral Edition of Padded Poets. 1910-1912 PTLA: A selected list of the best known Poets of the world, famous for their increasing popularity and demand. Well printed on paper of excellent quality, these tasteful volumes command attention. Bound in genuine leather, with ornamental gold stampings and titles in gold. A handsome, well-made book in every respect, which will be welcomed for gift purposes. Boxed. 25 titles. Price, $1.25. [See also 1913 Padded Poets edition].[Cut].
The Companion Books.
1918 PTLA: Small 12mo. Bookcraft Leather. A remarkable collection of books by famous authors, selected for their selling qualities as well as their popularity. The richness of titles combined with novel appearance make it by far the handsomest line of books ever offered at a popular price. Well printed on good paper and bound in uniform colored Bookcraft Leather, with gilt titles and designs. A real slip-in-the-pocket book for the traveler, parlor table or library. Jacketed. Small 12mo. 155 titles. Price 50c per volume. [Cut].
1919 PTLA: The Companion Books [as 1918 except price $1.00 per volume; cut].
[Cornell Edition.]
Hurst's Flexible Circuit Edition of the Poets. 1902 PTLA: Particularly for presentation or keepsake purposes. Each volume is bound in French Morocco, Divinity Circuit style, with round corners, silk head bands and markers, gold edges, and in new and original embossed designs. Each book neatly boxed. Price, $2.00. [Only Lucile offered; cut].
1903. PTLA with new cut:
Floral Edition of the Poets. 1909-1910 PTLA: An elaborate line of Poets made specially to reach the urgent demand for poetry at popular prices. Our offering this handsome series creates a sensation, because nothing like it has been attempted. Paper and printing of the best; these volumes are bound in uniform English cloth, with delicate inlay designs, back and side titles in gold. They are the most complete line of Poets published. Each book, with Author's portrait and in a jacket of good paper. 85 titles. Price, 50 cents. [Both Lucile and Works; cut; this appears to be same stamping and cut as 1907 Canterbury Edition, with white cloth replaced by dark blue, gold stamping by red].
1911-1913 PTLA: [as 1909; cut appears identical to 1910 Canterbury Edition].
1914-1916 PTLA: ["New Floral," as 1909; new cut]. See also 1911-1913 Canterbury Edition.
Florentine Edition of Padded Poets. 1908-1913 PTLA: A handsome, carefully selected line of the World's Famous Poets, printed on paper of excellent quality. Bound in exquisite tints of leather, imitating autumn leaves in natural colors. Each book with a half-tone portrait of the author. Each volume a sample of perfection in book-making, and especially adapted for gift purposes. 21 titles. Boxed. Price,$1.50. [Cut]. See Hurst 16mos Ideal Series 1906 for same binding in smaller format and with half-tone frontispiece as described here.
[Franklin Edition.] This edition is not described or pictured in PTLA.
Hand Painted Edition of the Poets. See also Burnt Leather Edition. 1908-1909 PTLA: A carefully selected list of the world's best-known poets, chosen for their recognized popularity. Printed on paper of good quality, and bound in limp burnt grained leather, adorned with hand-painted floral designs, titles in gold, silk markers, and gold tops. A dainty book for gift purposes. Each book in a handsome box. 18 titles. Price, $2.25. [Cut].
[Household Edition. 1886-87?]. In both examples below the edition is identified on title page. Neither are listed or described in PTLA. See Crowell 12mos, 1882 Redline Edition, for same binding as first; also (as here) not dated, and J. W. Lovell (1886?) for yet another use of both bindings. There is as yet no direct evidence, but it seems likely the first case, at least, originated with Crowell, with some later going to Lovell (who is known to have purchased by sheets and cases from Crowell) and to Hurst (either directly from Crowell or by way of Hurst's transactions with Lovell)! This case stamping also appears identical to an 1881 Lippincott Works "Household Edition" to which the word "ILLUSTRATIONS" in a banner at the bottom has been added as well as 1883 and undated bindings of Lucile.
Medallion Edition of the Poets. See also 1905 Plain Edition. 1908 PTLA: Printed on good paper and bound in the best English cloth. With Lithographic Medallions of each author in colors and Stamping in colored inks. Each volume with a colored insert of the author. A well-made book for presentation purposes at a reasonable price. 12 mo. Price 50 cents. [Both Lucile and Works; cut].
Ooze Leather Edition of the Poets. 1905 PTLA: A Real Novelty in Book-making. A Presentation Edition of the best-known Poets, bound in genuine Ooze Padded Leather Covers, with titles in Burnt Leather and embellished with Hand-painted Floral Designs in several colors. Full Red under Gold Edges, silk markers, and boxed. Price $2.00. [Cut].
Padded Edition of the Poets.
1895 PTLA: Bound in Embossed Padded Leather Covers, Gold Edges and Boxed. [Both Lucile and Works].
1896-1898 PTLA: Padded Edition of the Poets [as 1895; price $1.50; cut].
1897 PW Hurst's Padded Edition of the Poets, Bound in Embossed Padded Leather Covers, Gold Edges and Boxed. Price, $1.50. The great popularity of this edition shows the public appreciation of a good, durable, low-priced yet artistic book for presentation purposes.
1899-1900 PTLA: [as 1895; new cut].
1901 PW 28 September: The Books That Get the Trade / Are Hurst & Co.'s Standard Lines, the sales of which count by the million. The following are items in the list, which you can have complete, with terms, upon request: [among them:] ... 74 Padded Poets at $1.35 each.
1901-1902 PTLA: [as 1899; new cut].
1903 PW 28 November: Bound in embossed padded leather covers, round corners, gold edges and boxed. 50 titles. Price $1.50. / The great popularity of this edition shows the public appreciation of a good durable, low-priced, yet attractive book for gift purposes.
1903-1904 PTLA: Bound in Embossed Padded Leather, Assorted Colors, Red Under Gold Edges, Round Corners and Boxed. Price. $1.50. [New cut].
1905 PTLA: [as 1903; new cut].
1906 PTLA: An exquisite edition of the World's Famous Poets. Well printed on good paper and handsomely bound in mottled calf padded leather, with floral effects, red under gold edges and round corners. Each volume with a colored lithographic inset of the author. Titles stamped in gold. A radical departure in the making of this well-known line and the best Padded Poet on the market. Boxed. Price $1.50. 53 titles in the Series. [New cut; both Lucile and Works].
1907 PTLA: [as 1906; price $1.25].
1908 PTLA: [as 1906; new cut]. This 12mo edition was reported by Kansas State University. The cut is not used in PTLA to illustrate a 16mo padded edition although 16mo copies in this "squiggly line" embossed cloth binding seem relatively common. Three copies, one with original box, are present in this collection and, in the absence of another known series title, have been imaged and described under "Padded Edition of the Poets, 1908" on the Handy Volume/16mo> page.
1909 PTLA: [as 1906; new cut].
1910 PTLA: [as 1906; new cut; 53 titles].
1911-1912 PTLA: [as 1906; new cut; 34 titles].
1913 PTLA: [as 1911; price $1.00]. Note that binding on right appears same as Cathredral Edition above.
Plain Edition of the Poets.
1895 PTLA: Printed on Good Paper, 12mo. Cloth, Gilt. [Both Lucile and Works].
1896-1897 PTLA: [as 1895; price 75 cents; cut].
1897 PW: Printed on Good Paper, and Bound in the Best English Vellum, 12mo, Gold Back. Price, 75 cents. A good and serviceable edition of the World's Poets, uniform in size and style.
1898-1901 PTLA: [as 1896; price 50 cents].
1902-1903 PTLA: [as 1898; new cut].
1905, 1907 PTLA: Printed on Good Paper and Bound in the Best English Cloth. With Lithographic Medallions of Each Author in Colors and Stamping in White Leaf. A Well-Made Book for Presentation Purposes, at a reasonable price. 12 mo. Price 50 cents. [New cut; See also Medallion Edition.].
Premier Edition of Padded Poets. 1907 PTLA: A handsome, carefully selected line of the World's famous Poets, printed on paper of excellent quality and bound in extra heavy grain leather in several tints. Each book with a half-tone portrait of the author. A tasty book for presentation purposes. Boxed. Price, $1.50. [Cut]. [Note that in 1907 Hurst offered this 12mo "Premier Edition of Padded Poets"; it also that year offered a 16mo "Premier Classics of Select Literature" edition. The illustrative cuts of the two bindings seem nearly identical, though the width and height of the two editions were notably different.]
Red Line Edition of the Poets. 1881-1882 PTLA: Any volume will make a beautiful present -- one which the receiver will always remember. Each volume is beautifully printed on toned paper, with scarlet border around each page, and is illustrated with several good engravings. They are bound in the best English cloth, gilt edges, with rich designs in black and gold on back and side of covers. Each volume contains from 400 to 800 pages. 12mo. Price $1.00 each. [Works offered].
1883 PTLA: [expanded from 1881 and includes both Lucile and Works; price $1.25].
1884 PTLA: Red Line Edition [as 1883]. / Entry at Lucile lists Red Line, Arlington and Popular Classics, but neither is listed with Arlington editions and only Lucile is listed as Popular Classic.
1885-1889 PTLA: Lucile offered as Red Line Edition. Half Russia, $1.50; Red Line Edition. Cloth, gilt edges, $1.25; also offered in Alligator at $2.50.
1895 PTLA: Printed on Toned Paper with Scarlet Border around the Pages, bound in Extra English Cloth, with new Stampings in Black and Gold, Gold Edges. [Both Lucile and Works].
1896-1899 PTLA: Printed on Good Paper with Scarlet Border, Bound in Extra English Cloth, with New Stampings in Colored Inks and Gold, Gold Edges, Beveled Boards and Headbands, Price $1.00. [Cut (shown below); offers both Lucile and Works].
1897 PW Christmas Bookshelf ad pictures Hurst's Red Line Edition of the Poets, Printed on Good Paper with Scarlet Border, Bound in Extra English Cloth, with New Stampings in Colored Inks and Gold, Gold Edges, Beveled Boards and Headbands. Price, $1.00. The neatest and most attractive Red Line edition ever offered to the trade. 60 titles.
1894 McClurg Holiday Catalog:
Red Line Edition, 1896-1899
University Edition of Padded Poets. 1909 PTLA: We offer here a select list of twenty-five titles of a Padded Poet in a style never before attempted. Constant demand for a cheap Poet compel us to make it and it is a big seller. Printed on good paper and bound with a gilt top, with back and side titles in gold. Each volume boxed. 25 titles. Price, $1.00. [Cut].
1910 PTLA: [as 1909; new cut]. NOTE: A similar cut is used to image the 1910 16mo Calument Padded Classics edition.
1911-1913 PTLA: [as 1909; new cut].
Westminister Edition of the Poets. 1906-1907 PTLA: A limited line of the Well-known Poets of the World only. Bound substantially in genuine full Limp Morocco, round corners, full red under gold edges, marble paper end sheets, and titles in gold. Each volume with a lithographed portrait of the author. A handy, durable and presentable book in every respect. Boxed. Price $1.75. [Cut].
Last revised: 8 February 2025