ABOUT: 47 Franklin, then 4 Park Street in 1880; Houghton Mifflin Company from 1908. (DLB 49). Atlantic Monthly was published by HM&Co. until 1908, when the company took over ownership. (Brief Studies). [Marilyn Barth adds: Ellen Ballou's The Building of the House: Houghton Mifflin's Formative Years (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970), pp. 493-495, suggests the Atlantic Monthly was owned by HM until it incorporated in 1908 and then was sold to a corporation formed by Ellery Sedgwick. The magazine continued to be printed by the Riverside Press but was published by the Atlantic Monthly Company. Ellery Sedgwick's The Atlantic Monthly, 1857-1909 (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1994) is a full-scale history of the magazine focused on its editors contains profiles of James T. Fields, James R. Osgood, Henry Oscar Houghton, and its other publishers. A brief, earlier history, Mark Antony De Wolfe's The Atlantic Monthly and Its Makers (Boston: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1919; reprinted by Greenwood Press 1972) also has comments.]  A biography, Henry Oscar Houghton: A Biographical Outline, by Horace E. Scudder is available online. Tebbel BC has a succint overview of the firm's history pages 117-124, with a brief summary of the 1878 merger between James R. Osgood & Co. and Hurd & Houghton which produced Houghton, Osgood & Company -- from which Houghton Mifflin emgerged in 1880, pages 119-120.

On May 14, 2021, Publisher's Weekly reprised the history of the company and noted announcement of its withdrawal from trade publishing following purchase of the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt trade division by HaprerCollins, completed May 10. HC parent company News Corp had announced March 29 that it reached an agreement with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to buy the division for $349 million in cash. That account is largely quoted but rearranged here:

"Originally founded as a Boston printer by Henry Houghton, the company moved into publishing in 1864, when it was known as Hurd & Houghton. In 1868, George Harrison Mifflin joined the company, and with his help, in 1878 H&H bought James R. Osgood & Company.... Following the Osgood purchase, H&H was renamed Houghton, Osgood & Company. The publisher became Houghton Mifflin & Company in 1880.... In 1908, after a series of deaths among the firm’s original partners, Houghton, Mifflin & Company restructured itself, changing from a partnership to a corporation, under the name Houghton Mifflin Company.... Though HM published some educational texts in its early history, it began to emphasize that part of the business in the mid-20th century, and in time that segment came to dwarf the trade operation....

Though the HMH [= Houghton Mifflin Harcourt] trade division was created only in 2007 (following the acquisition of Harcourt Brace by Houghton Mifflin’s parent company at the time, Educational Media and Publishing Group), the Houghton name has been associated with trade publishing for more than 150 years. With the completion of the HC purchase, it will fade away.

HarperCollins’s purchase of the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt trade division was completed May 10. HC parent company News Corp had announced March 29 that it reached an agreement with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to buy the division for $349 million in cash.... The purchase does not include the use of the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt name, which will remain with the learning technology company, and HC will phase out its use. Currently, HMH trade operates under the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Books for Young Readers, Clarion, Etch, Green Light Readers, Joseph James Adams Books, Mariner Books, and Versify imprints. Its 7,000-title backlist includes a mix of some of America’s best-known adult and children’s authors, and it has an especially deep picture book backlist that includes The Polar Express, Curious George, and Little Blue Truck. Its author roster also features 10 Nobel Prize winners, 48 Pulitzer Prize winners, and 15 National Book Award winners."

LUCILE’s ISSUED BY HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY: 1912 United States Catalog. Lucile. $1; $2.50; $2.25; $5; hf. mor. $3; lev. or cf. $3.50; $7.50.

Editions of Meredith's Poems follow editions of Lucile.
See alsoTicknor & Fields and Successors summary of Luciles and a similar summary of Meredith's Poetical Works.


Blue & Gold Edition. Offered at $1.25 in 1882 Poems; $2.50 half calf; $3.00 morocco.
1880-1886 PTLA: cloth, half calf, morocco; not listed 1887 or after.

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Diamond Edition. 97x144mm, 251p. Top Board: Diamond Edition. Verso title page: University Press, John Wilson & Son/Cambridge; also page 251. Cloth stamped black, gold spine title. Plain endsheets.
1880-1886 PTLA: cloth; half calf; morocco; tree calf.
1887-1892 PTLA: not listed; see Cabinet Edition.

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Cabinet Editon.
1880-1883 PTLA: cloth, half calf, morocco. Ad in 1882 Poems offered in cloth $1.50; half calf $3.00; morocco $4.00.
1884-1886 PTLA: not listed

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1882. 95x142mm, 351p. DuMaurier frontispiece. Tree calf. Aeg; marbled endsheets. BAP: Christmas 1882 inscription.
----. Yale (? - based on reported height).

Diamond Edition (in new dress).
1886 PW 25 Sep: "Cabinet Edition of Poets. The several volumes heretofore published in Houghton, Mifflin & Co.'s Diamond Edition, which has had a remarkable popularity, are now brought out in a different form and more attractive binding. The volumes are Burns, Harte ... Owen Meredith's Lucile ... Each, cloth, $1.00; half calf, $2.00; seal or tree calf, $3.00. 1886 PW 25 Oct, Weekly Record: Cabinet ed. S. cl. $1; $2; seal or tree cf., $3. 1884-1890 American Catalogue: (Cabinet ed.) '86. 16o. $1; $2; seal, or tree cf., $3.

1887-1889 PTLA: 8 illustrations, 16mo. Cloth, half calf, tree calf or seal.
1890-1899 PTLA: cloth, half calf, tree calf, flexible calf, or flexible levant.
1891. Cloth (as 1887). North Carolina State University.

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Cabinet Edition.
1900-1902 PTLA: as 1890 with tree calf raised from $3 to $3.50.1902 United States Catalog. cabinet ed. $1-$3.50. 1912 United States Catalog. Cab. ed. $1, $2, $3.
1903-1904 PTLA: illustrated 18mo. [cloth] $1.00; half calf $2.25; flexible levant $3.00; tree calf $3.50.
1905-1910 PTLA: illustrated 18mo. [cloth] $1.00; half calf $2.25; half morocco $3.00; flexible levant $3.50; tree calf $3.50.
1911 PTLA: illustrated 18mo. [cloth] $1.00; half calf $2.25; half morocco $3.00; flexible levant $3.50; tree calf $3.50. Entry at "Cabinet Poets" reads "The volumes in this edition are printed in clear type of good size on thin opaque paper, and bound in the best English book cloth, tastefully stamped in gold. Each with a photogravure Portrait-Frontispiece, set in an engraved border." 16mo. cloth, gilt top $1.00; half calf, gilt top, $2.25; flexible levant or tree calf, full gilt, $3.50. Lucile is the one "extra Illustrated Volume"; it is also the only single title, the others being collected (or selected?) works.
1912-1916 PTLA: as 1911. Entry at "Cabinet Poets" as 1911.
1917 PTLA: illustrated 18mo. [cloth] $1.00; half calf $4.75; half morocco $4.75; flexible levant $5.50; tree calf $6.00. Also entry at "Cabinet Poets" as 1911.
1918 PTLA: illustrated 18mo. [cloth] $1.25; half morocco $5.00; flexible levant $5.75; tree calf $6.25. Also entry at "Cabinet Poets" as 1911 except half morocco, gilt top $5.00; flexible levant $5.75; tree calf, full gilt $6.25.
1919 PTLA: illustrated 18mo. [cloth] $1.50; half calf $7.00; half morocco $7.00; flexible levant $8.00; tree calf $10.00. Also entry at "Cabinet Poets" with these prices. 1920 PTLA: illustrated 18mo. [cloth] $1.75; half calf $8.25; half morocco $8.00; flexible levant $9.00; tree calf $12.00. Also entry at "Cabinet Poets" with these prices.
1921-1923 PTLA: illustrated 18mo. [cloth] $1.75; half calf $8.25; half morocco $8.00; flexible levant $9.00; tree calf $12.00. Also entry at "Cabinet Poets" with these prices.
1924 PTLA: illustrated 18mo. [cloth] $1.75; half calf $6.25; half morocco $6.50; flexible levant $7.00; tree calf $12.00. Also entry at "Cabinet Poets".
1925-1926 PTLA: illustrated 18mo. [cloth] $2.00; half calf $6.25; half morocco $6.50; flexible levant $7.00; tree calf $12.00. Also entry at "Cabinet Poets" with cloth $2.00; half calf $8.25; half morocco $8.00; flexible levant $9.00; tree calf, full gilt $12.00.
1927-1928 PTLA: as 1925. Entry at "Cabinet Poets" with cloth $2.00; half calf $8.25; half morocco $8.00; flexible levant $9.00; tree calf $12.00. ----. United States Catalog. cabinet ed. il $2; 1/2 cf $6.25; 1/2 mor. $6.50; lev. $7; cf. $12. (Cabinet poets) 1/2 mor. $8; 1/2 cf. $8.25; lev. $9; cf $12.
1929 PTLA: as 1925. Also entry at "Cabinet Poets" with [cloth] $2.00; half calf $8.25; half morocco $8.00; flexible levant $9.00; tree calf $12.00.
1930 PTLA: Lucile not listed, only (and for the last time) the Household Edition of the Poems.

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Red-Line Edition. 120x180mm, 251p. Verso title page: University Press, John Wilson & Son/Cambridge. Illustrations (some signed W. Taylor). Red line pages. Cloth stamped black and gold; paper (or vellum) "shield" onlay stamped gold; beveled edges. Aeg. Plain endsheets. In 1882 Poems described as "with portrait and 16 illustrations, $2.50; half calf $4.00; morocco, or tree calf, $6.00".
1881-1887 PTLA: cloth, half calf, morocco or tree calf.
1888-1893 PTLA: not listed

1882. Olive cloth stamped black and gold; row of black pinwheels set in rectangles of gold dots at top of board and spine. Gray glazed endsheets. As HM5b save cloth color. BAP HM5a.
----. Yellow cloth. Gray glazed endsheets. As HM5a save cloth color. BAP HM5b.

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Favorite Edition. Illustrated. $1.50 [in 1882 Poems]. Announced as soon available in Publishers' Weekly August 7, 1880; announced as "just published" October 23, 1880, "uniform with Favorite Tennyson;" among "New Editions published in 1880" in January 29, 1881, "16mo., $1.50".
1881 PTLA: cloth.
----: Princeton NL 0594605: F. Scott Fitzgerald's copy.
1882 PTLA: cloth.
----: ? NL 0594607 Library of Congress: rebound 251p, 175mm; Yale; NYPL; Multomah County Library Assoc.; Harvard.
1883 PTLA: cloth.
----. 98x144mm, 251p. Green cloth stamped blind and gold. Plain endsheets. BAP HM6: Christmas 1908 inscription.
----: NL 0594610 University of Missouri, Columbia: missing; University of Illinois, 251p.
1884-1893 PTLA: not listed

Universal Edition. Illustrated. 75 cents [in 1882 Poems]. Announced as soon available in Publishers' Weekly August 7, 1880; announced as "just published" October 23, 1880, "uniform with Universal Tennyson;" among "New Editions published in 1880" in January 29, 1881, "Small quarto, 75 cents." [This edition uses the 251 page electroplate set initially made from from the setting for the 1869 Ticknor & Fields Diamond Edition (used 1869-1893); it was also used for Red Line Edition (1869-1887)].
1881 PTLA: cloth.

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Lucile, and Other Poems.
1881 PTLA: paper, $.50.
1882 PTLA: as 1881; also [probably in error]: "The same. Blue and Gold edition, 32mo" in cloth, half calf and morocco; 8vo, illustrated, paper, 50 cents [in 1882 Poems].
1883-1884 PTLA: paper covers, $.50
1885-1893 PTLA: not listed

1880: NL 0594602 Boston Public; Harvard; University of Cincinnati: missing.

Family Edition. Announced in Publishers' Weekly 13 September 1890, and mentioned as an addition to the Family Editions in the Christmas Bookshelf number. [1890-1895 American Catalogue. (Family ed.) '90. il. 8o. $2.50.] [Based on Crowell designs or taken over from White, Stokes and Allen? Some bindings may have been designed by Sarah Wyman Whitman, Houghton Mifflin's "house designer"].
1890 PTLA: Illustrated 8vo, full gilt $2.50.
1891-1899 PTLA: full gilt $2.00.
1900-1902 PTLA: Family edition not listed.

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[Ticknor Edition]. This is the version of Osgood's "Holiday Edition" kept in print by Ticknor & Co., and then, for several years, by Houghton Mifflin. Houghton Mifflin may have used printed but unbound sheets or substituted a title page for copies that remained in Ticknor & Co.'s stock when that company was taken over by Houghton Mifflin.

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[Illustrated] Holiday Edition.
1889 PTLA: cloth $6:00; tree calf, flexible calf, or antique morocco $10.00; Spanish calf $11.00; crushed levant, silk linings $25.00.
1890: NL 0594635 Auburn University, 332p, 32cm.
1890 PTLA and after: not listed.
1902 United States Catalog: $2.50; $5; lev. $7.50.

Holiday 8vo. Edition. This edition printed from plates of James Osgood's 1882 Holiday Edition.
1894 PTLA: With engraved title and frontispiece. Illustrated. $2.50; silk $5.00.
1895 PTLA: With engraved title and frontispiece, and many other illustrations. Full gilt, $2.50.
1896-1910 PTLA: With engraved title and frontispiece, and many other illustrations. Full gilt, $2.50. Half calf $5.00; levant or tree calf $7.50.
1911-1914 PTLA: A Novel in Verse. beautifully illustrated, with engraved Title and Frontispiece, 8vo. Full gilt $2.50; half calf $5.00; levant or tree calf $7.50.
1915-1916 PTLA: as 1914 but only Full gilt $2.50.
1917 PTLA and after: not listed.

1900. Morocco. Auburn University.

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Holiday 16mo. Edition. This is a smaller format edition derived from Osgood's 1882 Holiday Edition.
1894 PTLA: With engraved title and frontispiece. Illustrated. $1.25; silk $3.00.

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Illustrated Library Edition.
1889 PTLA: Square 8vo, full gilt $3.50; tree calf, flexible padded calf, or padded seal, extra $7.50.
1890-1893 PTLA: full gilt $3.00; half calf $5.00; tree calf, padded calf, or levant $7.50.
1894-1897 PTLA: full gilt $3.00; half calf $5.00; tree calf, padded calf, or levant $7.50.
1898-1902 PTLA: this edition not listed.

----. ? NL 0594634 Free Library Philadelphia 261p, 255mm, missing; Library of Congress;

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Tremont Edition.
1889 PTLA: Illustrated. With red lines. Square 16mo, full gilt $2.50; half calf $4.00; tree calf, flexible calf, or flexible seal $5.00.
1890 PTLA: full gilt $2.50; half calf $4.00; levant, flexible calf, flexible seal or tree calf $5.00.
1891 PTLA: half calf $4.00; levant, flexible calf, or tree calf $5.00.
1892-1893 PTLA: half calf $4.00; levant $5.00.

Pocket Edition.
1889 PTLA: With 30 illustrations. 18mo. $1.00; half calf $2.35; in basket pattern, full gilt $3.00; flexible calf or seal $3.00; tree calf or padded calf $3.50.

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Blue & Gold. [does not include Lucile].
1880-1881 PTLA: 2 vols. 32mo. [Cloth] $2.50; half calf $5.00; morocco $6.00.

Cabinet Edition.
1880-1882 PTLA: 2 vols. 16mo. [cloth] $3.00, half calf $6.00; morocco $8.00.
1883 PTLA: 2 vols. 16mo. [cloth] $3.00.

Shawmut Edition. . Announced as forthcoming in Publishers' Weekly August 7, 1880; announced as "just published" October 23, 1880, "uniform with Shawmut Tennyson." Full gilt, $1.50; plain edges, $1.
1881-1882 PTLA: full gilt $1.50; plain edges $1.00.

2009 note: While no copy of a Lucile with a "Shawmut Edition" title page has yet been recorded, OCLC records four copies of the the Shawmut Edition of Tennyson's Works -- held by Carleton College, Carson-Newman College, The University of New Hampshire, and Virginia Union University.  Bill Ross at New Hampshire has kindly provided scans of the New Hampshire copy which confirm that the binding design is precisely that of the "New Revised edition" imaged below. For whatever reason, Hougton Mifflin must have changed the edition name rather promptly. The other three copies have been rebound (and thanks to Roger Paas, Al Lang, and Selicia Gregory Allen for confirming this for me).  A Shawmut Meredith is of some additional interest in that Walt Whitman, writing in 1881 to James R. Osgood about an edition of his work that Osgood was preparing, remarks that he would like the finished book to look "in size, thickness, general appearance &c closely like Houghton & Mifflin's 1880 edition of Owen Meredith's Poems, only better paper and print. . . ."  With near certainly, the edition Whitman had in mind was the Shawmut.

New Revised Edition. 1881. 133x197mm, 406p. Titlepage: New Revised Edition, with numerous illustrations (scattered through text).

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[Illustrated] Library Edition.
1880-1885 PTLA: Portrait and 32 illustrations. 8vo. cloth, full gilt $4.00; half calf $7.00; morocco $9.00; tree calf $9.00.
1886-1887 PTLA: Portrait and 32 illustrations. 8vo. full gilt $3.50; half calf $5.50; morocco or tree calf $7.50.
1888-1889 PTLA: Portrait and 36 illustrations. 8vo. full gilt $3.50; half calf $5.00; morocco or tree calf $7.50.
1890-1895 PTLA: Portrait and 36 illustrations. 8vo. full gilt $3.00; half calf $5.00; levant, padded calf or tree calf $7.50.
1896-1901 PTLA: Portrait and 36 illustrations. 8vo. full gilt $2.50; half calf $5.00; levant, padded calf or tree calf $7.50.
1902 PTLA: Portrait and 36 illustrations. 8vo. full gilt $2.50; half calf $5.00; levant or tree calf $7.50. 1902 United States Catalog. $2.50; $5; lev. $7.50.
1903-1904 PTLA: Portrait and 35 illustrations. 8vo. gilt top $2.50; half calf $5.00; levant, padded calf or tree calf $7.50.
1905-1914 PTLA: Portrait and 35 illustrations. 8vo. gilt top $3.00; half calf $5.50; levant or tree calf $8.00. 1912 United States Catalog. $3, $5.50, lev. or tree cf. $8.
1915 PTLA: Library Edition not listed.

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New Household Edition.
1880 PTLA: Illustrated. 12mo. [cloth] $2.00; leatherette $3.00; half calf $4.00; morocco $5.00; tree calf $5.00. Household Edition. As Osgood 1875: 123x194mm, 406p. Titlepage: Household Edition. Verso titlepage: University Press: John Wilson & Son, Cambridge. Illustrations. Cloth stamped gold; beveled edges. Houghton, Mifflin device replaces Osgood's at foot of spine. Glazed brown endsheets.
1881 PTLA: Portrait and Illustrations. 12mo. [cloth] $2.00; half calf $4.00; morocco or tree calf $4.50.
1882 PTLA: Portrait and Illustrations. 12mo. [cloth] $2.00; half calf $4.00; morocco or tree calf $5.00.

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Household Edition. For 1881 binding design below, executed black and gold, see Belford & Clarke (Chicago). Verso of sheet preceding frontispiece leaf in 1882 copy has advertisement for other Meredith works. This Household Edition of the Poems is offered at $2.00 cloth, $4.00 half calf; $5.00 morocco or tree calf. Some of the "ND" [=not dated] bindings may have been designed by Sarah Wyman Whitman, Houghton Mifflin's "house designer".

1883-1885 PTLA: Portrait and Illustrations. 12mo. [cloth] $2.00; half calf $4.00; morocco or tree calf $5.00.
1886-1887 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. 12mo. [cloth] $1.75; full gilt $2.25; half calf $3.00; morocco or tree calf $4.50.
1888-1889 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. 12mo. [cloth] $1.75; full gilt $2.00; half calf $3.00; morocco or tree calf $4.50.
1890-1895 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. 12mo. [cloth] $1.50; full gilt $2.00; half calf $3.00; levant or tree calf $4.50.
1896 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. 12mo. [cloth] $1.50; full gilt $2.00; half calf $3.00; half calf gilt top $3.25 levant or tree calf $4.50.
1897-1899 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. Crown 8vo. [cloth] $1.50; full gilt $2.00; half calf $3.00; half calf gilt top $3.25; levant or tree calf $4.50.
1900-1902 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. Crown 8vo. [cloth] $1.50; full gilt $2.00; half calf $3.00; half calf gilt top $3.25; levant or tree calf $5.00.
1902 United States Catalog. $1.50; $3; $3.50; hf. mor., $4.25; lev. or tree cf. $5.50.
1903-1904 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. Crown 8vo. [cloth] $1.50; half calf $3.00; half calf, gilt top $3.25; levant or tree calf $5.00.
1905-1907 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. Crown 8vo. [cloth] $1.50; half calf $3.00; half calf, gilt top $3.25; half morocco $4.25; levant or tree calf $5.50
1908-1913 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. Crown 8vo. [cloth] $1.50; half calf $3.00; half calf, gilt top $3.50; half morocco $4.25; levant or tree calf $5.50.
1914-1916 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. Crown 8vo. [cloth] $1.50; half calf $3.00; half calf, gilt top $3.25; half morocco $4.00; tree calf $5.25; levant $5.50.
1917-1918 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. Crown 8vo. [cloth] $1.50; half calf $5.25; half calf, gilt top $5.50; half morocco $5.50; tree calf $8.00; levant $7.50.
1919 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. Crown 8vo. [cloth] $2.00; half calf $7.25; half calf, gilt top $8.00; tree calf $14.00; levant $12.00.
1920-1923 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. Crown 8vo. [cloth] $2.25; half calf $9.25; half calf, gilt top $9.50; tree calf $16.00; levant $14.00.
1924-1927 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. Crown 8vo. [cloth] $2.25; half calf $7.25; half calf, gilt top $7.50; tree calf $16.00; levant $12.00.
1928-1930 PTLA: with portrait and illustrations. Crown 8vo. [cloth] $2.50; half calf $7.25; half calf, gilt top $7.50; tree calf $16.00; levant $12.00.
1931 PTLA and after: no Poems.

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Vest-Pocket Series of of Standard and Popular Authors; sometimes called Favorite Poems series. James R. Osgood created this series of small books (80x112mm, around 100 pages) in 1877; it seems to have grown quickly. Houghton Mifflin continued it under its imprint, and in 1880 combined three to five of the volumes into a Modern Classics series of more than 30 12mo-size volumes; Meredith was issued with Kingsley and Stedman and offered in this format into the 1920s. The Meredith collection included nothing from Lucile.

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Last revised: 11 March 2023