PUBLISHER: American Publishers Corporation, New York, 1896-1897.
ABOUT: This firm emerged from John W. Lovell's attempt in 1890 to establish a monopoly controlling both stereoplates/electroplates and bookstock for reprint publishers. In 1897 it brought suit to recover rights to the Seaside Library that Lovell had obtained from George Munro in 1890. For the decision in that suit, click here. American Publishers Corporation was a short-lived attempt to sort out the wreckage of Lovell's various companies. See also Lovell, Coryell & Co..
In 1898 the American Publishers Corporation went out of existence and was succeeded by a plate renting company which carried on for a year. When it, too, went out of business, plates were sold to any and all publishers. The evidence seems to be that A. L. Burt purchased most of the [James M.] Barrie plates. (B. D. Cutler, Sir James Barrie: A Bibliogaphy 1931).
LUCILE’s ISSUED BY American Publishers Corporation: :
The New Century Series. 1896 PTLA: Comprising one hundred and four volumes of classic works, embracing fiction, essays, poetry, history, science, art, and philosophy-- selected from the best literature, written by authors of world-wide reputation; printed from large type, on good paper, and bound in handsome cloth, leather label, new design, gilt tops, 12mo. Price 75 cents per volume. [Lucile is #55; cut of Reade shows ribbed cloth binding, top board undecorated].
1897 PTLA: The new illustrated "Century" series of one hundred of the world's best books, 8vo. gilt tops. Comprising one hundred volumes of classic works, embracing fiction, essays, poetry, history, science, art, and philosophy--selected from the best literature, written by authors of world- wide reputation; printed from large type on extra fine quality of laid paper, and bound in red Buckram, polished; with neat design in gold on side and back. These books make a fine appearance in any library. Price, per volume, 75 cents. [Lucile is #53; cut of Carroll, top board stamped "Centvry Series"].
The Cambridge Poets.
PTLA: Forty volumes, bound in the best silk cloth, gilt top, with an entirely new and attractive design in gold and ink. Price, 50 cents per volume. [both Lucile and Works offered; cut of Favorite Poets].
Last revised: 7 May 2015