Readers new to this page are advised to first read the general introduction to The Reference Catalogue of Current Literature.
It will be seen that the present issue of the REFERENCE CATALOGUE OF CURRENT LITERATURE exceeds in size that of any or its predecessors. It contains full or selected lists of about one hundred and thirty publishers, which, for the most part, include all current works issued as late as the Autumn or Winter of 1888.
The Index, on which the value of the REFERENCE CATALOGUE mainly depends, has been very much enlarged. This is partly in consequence of the fulness of the lists contributed by some of the publishers, but is chiefly due to the method employed in its construction. In addition to simple entries under title and author, many books are entered under their subjects, and in special cases, under several subjects. To experts this fulness may appear uncalled for, but it has the advantage of enabling those who possess a very slight acquaintance with literature to find without difficulty a book on any subject or by any author which they require, if it is contained in one of the lists contributed to the REFERENCE CATALOGUE. The total number of entries in the Index exceeds 68,500, which is upwards of 15,000 more than were contained in the Index prefixed to the last issue.
Although the absence is to be regretted of several important lists, as they would have involved further additions to the bulk of a volume already so large, that consideration will probably be thought to lessen the seriousness of the deficiency.
May, 1889
Allen, George, Sunnyside, Orpington, Kent
Allen, W. H., & Co., 13 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall
Arrowsmith, J. W., Bristol
Art & Book Co., Leamington (See also Catholic Art & Book Co.)
Bacon, G. W., & Co., 127 Strand
Bagster, Samuel, & Sons (Limited), 15 Pasternoster Row
Bell, George, & Sons, York Street, Covent Garden
Bell --- Bohn's Libraries
Bemrose & Son, Derby and 23 Old Bailey
Bentley, Richard, & Son, 8 New Burlington Street
Black, Adam & Charles, Edinburgh
Blackett, Spencer, 3S St. Bride Street
Blackie & Son, Glasgow and 49 Old Bailey
Blackwood, James, & Co., 8 Lovell's Court, Paternoster Row
Blackwood, William, & Sons, Edinburgh and 37 Paternoster Row
Bradbury, Agnew & Co., Bouverie Street
Browne & Nolan, Nassau Street, Dublin
Burnet, Charles & Co., 9 Buckingham Street
Burns & Oates, 28 Orchard Street
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and Ave Maria Lane
Cassell & Co., (Limited), Belle Sauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill
Catholic Art & Book Co., Leamington (See Art & Book Co.)
Catholic Truth Society, 18 West Square, S.E.
Chambers, W. & R., Edinburgh and 47 Paternoster Row
Chapman & Hall (Limited), 11 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden
Chatto & Windus, 214 Piccadilly
Church of England S. S. Institute, Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street
Church Monthly Office, 31 New Bridge Street
Clarendon Press, Oxford and Ames Corner
Clarke, T. & T., 38 George Street, Edinburgh
Clarke, James, & Co., 14 Fleet Street
Clay, C. J., & Sons, Ave Maria Lane
Clowes, William, & Sons (Limited), 27 Fleet Street (adv)
Collins, William, Sons, (Ld.), Glasgow and Bridewell Place
Crombie, 119 Salisbury Square, Fleet Street (adv)
Dean & Son, 160A Fleet Street
De La Rue, Thomas, & Co., Bunhill Row (adv)
Douglas, David, 132 Castle Street, Edinburgh
Drake, R. Ingalton, Eton
Dulau & Co., 37 Soho Square
Eason & Son (Limited), 86 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin (adv)
Educational Supply Association(Ld.), 42A Holborn Viaduct
Field & Tuer, 50 Leadenhall Street
Frowde, Henry, Amen Corner
Gardner, Alexander, Paisley
Gardner, Wells, Darton, & Co., 2 Paternoster Buildings
Gemmell, James, 19 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh
Gill, L. Upcott, 170 Strand
Griffin, Charles, & Co., 12 Exeter Street, Strand
Griffith, Farran, Oreden, & Welsh, St. Paul's Churchyard
Gurney & Jackson, 1 Paternoster Row
Hall, J. & Son, Cambridge
Harrison & Sons, S9 Pall Mall
Heywood, Abel & Son, Manchester
Heywood, John, Manchester and 1 Paternoster Buildings
Hodder & Stoughton, 27 Paternoster Row
Homeopathic Publishing Company, 10 Warwick Lane
Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, U.S.A.
Houlston & Sons, Paternoster Square
Hurst & Blackett, 13 Great Marltborough Street
Isbister & Co. (Limited), 56 Ludgate Hill
Jarrold & Sons, Norwich and 3 Paternoster Building
Johnston, Ruddiman & Co. (Limited), 26 Charterhouse Square
Johnston, W. & A. K., Edinburgh and White Hart St, Paternoster Square
Layton, Charles & Edwin, Farringdon Street
Lewis, H. K., 136 Gower Street
Lippincott, J. B., & Co., 10 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden
Lockwood, Crosby, & Son, 7 Stationers' Hall Court
Longmans, Green & Co., 39 Paternoster Row
Low, Marston & Co. (Limited), St. Dunstan's House, Fetter Lane
Macmillan & Co., 29 Bedford Street, Covent Garden
Marlborough, E., & Co., 51 Old Bailey
Masters, J., & Co., 78 New Bond Street
Mowbray & Co., Oxford and Farringdon Street
Murby, Thomas, 3 Ludgate Circus Building
Murray, John, 50A Albemarle Street
Myra & Son, 40 Bedford Street, Convent Garden
National Society Depository, Sanctuary, Westminster (adv)
National Temperance Publication Depot, 33 Paternoster Row
Nelson, Thomas, & Sons, Edinburgh and 36 Paternoster Row
Nickolson, W., & Sons, Wakefield and 20 Warwick Square
Nimmo, W. P., Hay, & Mitchell, Edinburgh
Nisbet, James, & Co., 21 Berners Street
Nutt, David, 270 Street
Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, Edinburgh
Palmer & Howe, 77 Princess Street, Manchester
Partridge, S. W., & Co., 9 Paternoster Row
Passmore & Alabaster, 4 Paternoster Building
Patterson, William, Edinburgh
Paul, Kegan, Trench & Co., 1 Paternoster Square
Pentland, Young J., Edinburgh
Philip, George, & Son, Liverpool and 32 Fleet Street
Pitman, Issac & Sons, Bath and 31 Amen Corner
Putnam's Sons, 27, King William Street, Strand
Record Office Publications, H.M. Stationery Office
Reeves & Turner, 196 Strand
Religious Tract Society, 56 Paternoster Row
Roper & Drowley, 11 Ludgate Hill (adv)
Routledge, George & Son, Broadway, Ludgate Hill
Rutherford, J. & J. H., Kelso
Scott, Walter, Felling and 24 Warwick Lane
Seeley & Co., 46 Essex Street, Strand
Shaw, John F., & Co., 48 Paternoster Row
Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 4 Stationers' Hall Court
Smith, Elder & Co., 1S Waterloo Place
Smith, Walter, & Innes, 31 Bedford Street, Strand
Snow, John, & Co., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row (adv)
Society for Prom. Christian Knowledge, Northumberland Avenue
Sonneschein, Swan, & Co., 6 White Hart Street, Paternoster Square
Sotheran, H., & Co., 136 Strand and 36 Piccadilly
Spon, E. & F. N., 125 Strand
Stanford, Edward, 26 Cockspur Street, Charing Cross
Stock, Elliot, 62 Paternoster Row
Sulivan & Brothers, Dublin
Sunday School Union, 56 Old Bailey
Thacker, W., & Co., 87 Newgate Street
Thin, James, Edinburgh
Trubner & Co., 57 Ludgate Hill
Unwin, T. Fisher, 26 Paternoster Square
Walker, John, & Co., Farringdon House, Warwick Lane
Ward & Downey, 12 York Street, Covent Garden
Ward, Lock & Co., Salisbury Square
Warne, Frederick, & Co., Bedford Street, Strand
Washbourne, R., 18 Paternoster Row
Waterlow & Sons (Limited), 85 & 86 London Wall
Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, 2 Castle Street, City Road
Whitaker, J., & Sons, 12 Warwick Lane
Whittaker & Co., White Hart Street, Paternoster Square
Whittingham, W. B., & Co., 91 Gracechurch Street
Williams & Norgate, 14 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden
Wilson, Effingham & Co., 11 Royal Exchange
Woodward, C. J., Educational Works
Young, G. A., & Co., Edinburgh
Last revised: 2 March 2021