Readers new to this page are advised to first read the general introduction to The Reference Catalogue of Current Literature.



THE present issue of the REFERENCE CATALOGUE contains the full or selected lists of one hundred and twenty eight publishers, embracing the Current Works in every department of Literature.

As the value of the REFERENCE CATALOGUE depends very largely upon the fulness of its Index, the editor bas been induced to extend that indispensable key far beyond its original dimensions. In the first edition of the Catalogue, the Index contained about 16,000 entries; that prefixed to the present edition contains about 53,800. The endeavour has been made to construct the Index so that the slightest clue to the title, the author, or the subject will suffice to lead to the discovery of the book required. No set rule has been rigidly followed, but each book has been indexed in the manner best calculated to meet the needs of those who may be in search of it. Every book is indexed under title or subject, some are indexed under both, and many are entered under the author's name as well. In special cases more than one subject entry bas been given to works treating of several subjects not necessarily allied. This multiplication of entries may seen unnecessary to the experienced bibliopole, but as many persons consult the REFERENCE CATALOGUE who are not connected with the bookselling trade, and who consequently do not possess an intimate knowledge of books, the plan adopted will commend itself to them.

Notwithstanding ample and repeated notice, several publishers failed to send in their lists until the end of last year, when pressure of other business compelled the editor to suspend the preparation of the Index until after the Christmas Season.


Allen, W. H., & Co., 13 Waterloo Place, Pall Mall
Allen, George, Sunnyside; Orpington, Kent
Asher & Co., 13 Bedford Street, Covent Garden
Bacon, G. W., 127 Strand
Bagster, Samuel, & Sons (Limited), 15 Paternoster Row
Bell, George, & Sons, York Street, Covent Garden
--- Bohn's Libraries
Bemrose & Sons, London & Derby
Bentley, Richard & Son, New Burlington Street
Black, Adam & Charles, Edinburgh
Blackie & Son, Glasgow and 49 Old Bailey, E.C.
Blackwood, William, & Sons, Edinburgh and 37 Paternoster Row
Blackwood, James, & Co., 8 Lovell's Court, Paternoster Row
Bradbury, Agnew, & Co., Bouverie Street
British Museum, Bloomsbury
Burns & Oates, Granville Mansions, Orchard Street
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & Ave Maria Lane
Cameron & Ferguson, Glasgow and Salisbury Court, Fleet Street
Cassell & Co. (Limited), Belle Sauvage Yard, Ludgate Hill
Chambers, W. & R., Edinburgh, & 47 Paternoster Row
Chapman & Hall (Limited), 11 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden
Chatto & Windus, 214 Piccadilly
Church of England S.S. Institute, Serjeant's Inn, Fleet Street
Churchill, J. & A., 11 New Burlington Street
Clarendon Press, Oxford and Amen Corner
Clarke, James, & Co., 13 & 14 Fleet Street
Clay, C, J., & Son, Ave Maria Lane
Clowes, William, & Sons (Limited), 27 Fleet Street
Collins, William, Sons, & Co. (Ld.), Glasgow & Bridewell Place
. De La Rue, Thomas, & Co., Bunhill Row (adv)
Dean & Son, 160 Fleet Street
Douglas, David, Edinburgh
Dulau & Co., 37 Soho Square
Farrar & Fenton, 8 John Street, Adelphi
Frowde, Henry, Amen Corner
Gardner, Wells, Darton, & Co., 2 Paternoster Buildings
Gardner, Alexander, Paisley
Gemmell, James, Edinburgh
Gill, M. H., & Son, Dublin
Gill, L Upcott, 170 Strand
Glaisher, W., & Son, 265 High Holborn (adv)
Gowans & Gray, Glasgow
Griffin, Charles, & Co., 12 Exeter Street
Griffin & Co., The Hard, Portsmouth (adv)
Griffith, Farran, Okeden & Welsh, St. Paul's Churchyard
Groombridge & Sons, 6 Panyer Alley, Paternoster Row
Hatchett & Co., 18 King William Street, Charing Cross
Harrison & Sons, 59 Pall Mall
Heywood, Abel, & Son, Manchester
Heywood, John, Manchester and 11 Paternoster Buildings
Higham, Charles, 27 Farringdon Street
Hildesheimer & Faulener, 41 Jewin Street (adv)
Hodder & Stoughton, 27 Paternoster Row
Homoepathic Publishing Company, 12 Warwick Lane
Houlston & Sons, 7 Paternoster Square
Hurst & Blackett, 13 Great Marlborough Street
Isbister, William, & Co. (Limited), 56 Ludgate Hill
Jarrold & Sons, Norwich, and 3 Paternoster Buildings
Johnston, W. & A. K., Edinburgh and White Hart St., Paternoster Square
Johnston, A., 6 Paternoster Buildings
Johnston, T. Ruddiman, Edinburgh
Kent, W., & Co., 23 Paternoster Row (adv)
Kerby & Endean, 440 Oxford Street (adv)
Laurie, Thomas, 31 Paternoster Row
Layton, Charles & Edwin, Farringdon Street
Letts, Son, & Co. (Limited), 33 King William St., London Bridge
Lippincott, J. B., & Co., 15 Russell Street, Covent Garden
Lockwood, Crosby, & Co., 7 Stationers' Hall Court
Longley, F. E., 39 Warwick Lane
Longmans, Green, & Co., 39 Paternoster Row
Low, Sampson, Marston, & Co., 188 Fleet Street
Mack, William, Bristol and 28 Paternoster Row
Maclehose, James, & Sons, Glasgow
Macmillan & Co., 29 Bedford Street, Covent Garden
Marlborough, E., & Co., 51 Old Bailey
Masters, J., & Co., 78 New Bond Street
Maxwell, J., & R., Shoe Lane, Fleet Street
Mowray, A. R., & Co., Oxford and Farringdon Street
Murby, Thomas, 3 Ludgate Circus Buildings
Murray, John, 50 Albemarle Street
Nelson, Thomas, & Sons, Edinburgh and 36 Paternoster Row
Nimmo, John C., 14 King William Street, Strand
Nisbet, James, & Co., 21 Berners Street
Norgate, Frederic, 7 King Street, Covent Garden (adv)
Nutt, David, 27 Strand
Oliphant, Anderson, & Ferrier, Edinburgh
Partridge, S. W., & Co., 9 Paternoster Row
Passmore & Alabaster, 4 Paternoster Buildings (adv)
Paul, Kegan, Trench, & Co., 1 Paternoster Square
Philip, George, & Son, Liverpool and 32 F1eet Street
Putnam's, G. P., Sons, New York and 25 Henrietta St., Covent Garden
Record Office Publications, H.M. Stationery Office
Reeves & Turner., 196 Strand
Relfe Brothers, 6 Charter House Buildings, Aldersgate
Religious Tract Society, 56 Paternoster Row
Rutherford, J. & J. H., Kelso
Sangster, James, & Co., 31 Paternoster Row (adv)
Scott, Walter, Newcastle and 14 Paternoster Square
Seeley & Co., 46 Essex Street, Strand
Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Stationers' Hall Court (adv)
Smith, Elder, & Co., 15 Waterloo Place
Snow, John, & Co., 2 Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row (adv)
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Northumberland Avenue
Society for Promoting the Knowledge of Foreign Languages
Sonnenschein, W. Swan, & Co., 6 White Hart Street
Sotheran, Henry, & Co., 36 Piccadilly and 136 Strand
Spon, E. & F. N., 16 Charing Cross
Stanford, Edward, 55 Charing Cross
Stevens & Sons, 119 Chancery Lane
Stevenson, H., & Co., 64 Paternoster Row (adv)
Sullivan Brothers, Dublin (adv)
Sunday School Association, 37 Norfolk Street, Strand
Sunday School Union, 56 Old Bailey
Thacker & Co., 87 Newgate Street (adv)
Thornton, James, Oxford
Trubner & Co., 57 Ludgate Hill
Unwin, T. Fisher, 26 Paternoster Square
Van Voorst, John, 1 Paternoster Row
Walker, John & Co., 96 Farringdon Street (adv)
Ward, Marcus, & Co. (Ld.), Beirut and Oriel Ho., Farringdon St.
Ward, Lock, & Co., Salisbury Square
Warne, Frederick, & Co., Bedford Street, Strand
Waterlow & Sons, Limited, 95 & 96, London Wall
Wesleyan Methodist Book Room, 2 Castle Street, City Road
Whitaker, J., 12 Warwick Lane
Whittaker & Co., 2 White Hart Street (adv)
Whittingham, W. B., & Co., 91 Gracechurch Street (adv)
Wilson & McCormack, Glasgow (adv)
Wilson, Effingham, 11 Royal Exchange
Woodall & Co., Oswestry
Wyman & Sons, 74 Great Queen Street
Young, George, Adam & Co., Edinburgh

Last revised: 2 March 2021