An Alphabetical List of the
Contents Including Contributed Catalogues and Supplementary Lists
Abbatt, William, NY, 1911-1914; Tarrytown, NY, 1915-1917, 1919-1920
Abbey Co., The, Chicago, 1911-1913
Abingdon Press, NY, 1920
Absolute Press, The, Stapleton, NY, 1911-1912
Acorn Press, The, Mechanicsburg, Pa, 1911-1914
Adams, Cornele B., New Orleans, La, 1912, 1915
Adams, George M., Chicago, 1911
Adams, R.G., & Co., Columbus, O, 1914-1920; R.C., 1914
Adventist, Seventh-Day. See Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1911-1913
Advocate Publishing Co., The, St. Joseph, Mo, 1911
Aiken Book Co., Albany, NY, 1918-1920
Albro Society, Inc., NY, 1916
Alexander, F.W. See Lee Birthplace Memorial Assn., 1913-1914
Allen Book and Printing Co., Troy, NY, 1913-1914
Altemus, Henry, Co., Phila, 1911-1920
American Academy of Medicine, Easton, Pa, 1914-1919
American Academy of Political and Social Science, Phila, 1911-1918
American Aeronautical Society, The, Chicago, 1911
American Architect, The, NY, 1911-1912
American Art Annual, NY, 1911-1912
American Baptist Pub. Soc., Phila, 1911-1920
American Bee Journal, Hamilton, Il, 1912, 1915
American Book Co., NY, 1911-1920
American Building Association News, Cincinnati, 1912
American Business Book Co., Boston, 1915
American Civic Association, Washington, DC, 1911, 1913
American Code Co., NY, 1911-1915; Inc., 1916-1920
American Economic Assn. See Macmillan Co., 1911-1920
American Federation of Arts, NY, 1913-1920
American Gas Association, NY, 1918
American Gas Institute, NY, 1915-1917
American Historical Assn., Washington, DC, 1912-1919
American History Assn., NY, 1911
American Home Economics Assoc., Baltimore, 1917-1920
American Issue Pub. Co., Westerville, O, 1912-1917
American Journal of Railways and Railroading, Chicago, 1913
American Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Evanston, Il, 1915-1916; Chicago, 1917
American Library Association, Chicago, 1915, 1919-1920
American News Co., 1920
American Photographic Pub. Co., Boston, Ma, 1920
American Pub. Co., Middlebury, Vt, 1911-1912
American Road, The, Norman, Ok, 1916-1917; Oklahoma City, Ok, 1920
American Scandinavian Foundation, NY, 1915-1920
American School of Correspondence, Chicago, 1913
American Social Hygiene Assn., Inc., NY, 1918-1919
American Sports Publishing Co., NY, 1911-1913
American Swedenborg Printing & Pub. Soc., The, NY, 1911-1919
American Technical Soc., Chicago, 1914-1920
American Tract Society, NY, 1911-1918
American Unitarian Association, Boston, 1911-1915
American Veterinary Pub. Co., Chicago, Il, 1919-1920
Anderson, Dr. C.L.G., Washington, DC, 1913
Andrlessen, Belle, Beaver, Pa, 1911
Anglo-French Art Co., Oak Park, Il, 1917
Anti-Socialistic Book Co., Washington, DC, 1918-1919
Apex Book Co., Colorado Springs, Co, 1914-1918
Appleton, D., & Co., NY, 1911-1920
Appreciation Pub. Co., The, Cleveland, O, 1914-1915
Ark, The, Cincinnati, O, 1914, 1916
Armbruster, Eugene L., Brooklyn, NY, 1919
Arms Co., The, Boston, 1911
Armstrong, A.C., & Son. See Doran, Geo. H., Co., 1911-1914
Army and Navy Journal, NY, 1912-1920
Arrow Pub. Co., The, NY, 1915-1916
Aryan Theosophical Press, The, Point Loma, Ca, 1911-1916
Ashley, Mrs. G.P., Deerfield, Ma, 1916-1917; Mrs. Gertrude P., 1919-1920
Association Press, NY, 1911-1920
Atkinson, Mentzer & Grover, Chicago and NY, 1911
Augustana Book Concern, Rock Island, Il, 1914-1920; Inc., 1911-1913
Austin, Prof. F.E., Hanover, NH, 1916, 1918-1919
Automobile Blue Book Pub. Co., NY, 1917-1919
Automobile Pub. Co., Detroit, 1916
Babson Statistical Organization, Wellesley Hills, Ma, 1915
Bacon & Brown, Cambridge, Ma, 1911
Badger, Richard G., Boston, 1911-1920
Bagster Bibles. See Pott, James, & Co., 1911-1920
Baird, Henry Carey, & Co., Phila, 1911-1917; NY 1918-1920
Baker & Taylor Co., The, NY, 1911-1920
Bancroft Co., The, NY, 1913-1915
Bankers Pub. Co., NY, 1917
Bardeen, C.W., Syracuse, NY, 1911-1920
Barnes, A.S., Co., NY, 1911-1919; & Co., 1920
Barnum, Thomas R., New Haven, Ct, 1911-1920
Barse & Hopkins, NY, 1911-1920
Bartlett Pub. Co., Wantagh, NY, 1916
Bartlett, Alfred, Boston, 1911
Barton, F.M., Cleveland, O, 1916-1920; Co., 1913-1915
Bauer, H., Music Co., The, NY, 1912
Baughman, H.R.S., Indianapolis, In, 1918-1919
Baum, Mrs. C.L., Denver, Co, 1920
Beacon Press. See Am. Unitarian Assn., 1914-1917
Beasley, D.L., Oakland, Ca, 1920
Beattys, Frank D., & Co., NY, 1911-1917; see Noble, Loyd Adams, 1919-1920
Beckley-Cardy Co., Chicago, 1914-1920
Belisle, Alexander, Worcester, Ma, 1913
Bell, George, & Sons. See Macmillan Co., 1911-1920
Bell, Jonas N., Chicago, 1912-1915
Benziger Brothers, NY, 1911-1920
Bergenfield Press, NJ, 1915
Bergling, J.M., Chicago, 1911, 1913-1914
Berlitz, M.D., NY, 1911-1920
Bible Institute Colportage Association, The, Chicago, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1919
Bibliotheca Romana, NY, 1915-1916
Bibliotheca Sacra Co., Oberlin, O, 1911-1912, 1914, 1916-1917, 1919-1920
Biddle Press, The, Phila, 1911-1913
Bienz, Viola, Cincinnati, 1913
Bird, H.C., Chester, Pa, 1915
Black, Adam & Charles. See Macmillan Co., 1911-1920
Blakiston's, P., Son & Co., Phila, 1911-1920
Bloch Publishing Co., NY, 1911, 1913-1914
Block Publishing Co., 1919
Bobbs-Merrill Co., The, Indianapolis, 1911-1920
Bodmer Publishing Co., NY, 1911
Bohn's Libraries. See Macmillan Co., 1911-1920
Boname, L.C., Phila, 1911-1920
Bond, David H., London, 1914
Boni & Liveright, NY, 1917-1920
Book Supply Co., Chicago, Il, 1916
"Books of the Month", 1920
Boston Book Co., The, Boston, 1911-1915, 1917
Bottome, Willard B., NY, 1915
Bowker, R.R., Co., NY, 1914-1920; see Publishers' Weekly, 1913
Bradley, Milton, Co., Springfield, Ma, 1915, 1920
Brains Corporation, Scranton, Pa, 1911
Brandu's, NY, 1911
Braun, Emil, Dayton, O, 1916-1917
Brentano's, NY, 1911-1920
Brereton, Bernard, Tacoma, Wa, 1915-1917
Bridgman, E.C., Pelham, NY, 1920
Britton Printing Co., Cleveland, O, 1914
Britton Pub. Co., NY, 1917-1919
Bromwell, Henrietta E., Denver, Co, 1911-1912
Brooks, Edmund D., Minneapolis, 1913-1918
Brown, Henry Collins, NY, 1917, 1919-1920
Brown, Henry W., Custer, Wa, 1920
Brown, J. Ward, Brooklyn, NY, 1914-1915
Brown, John F., Indianapolis, In, 1920
Brown, Nicholas L., Phila, 1914, 1917-1920
Brown, Wm. D., Chicago, 1915
Brown, Wm. D.H., Chicago, 1918
Browne & Howell Co., Chicago, 1913
Brues, C.T., Boston, Ma, 1916
Bubier Publishing Co., Lynn, Ma, 1911-1912, 1914-1915
Buel, E.C. Barney, Litchfield, Ct, 1916-1920
Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, NY, 1911, 1915
Burbank, A.S., Plymouth, Ma, 1911-1920
Burnett Publishing Co., NY, 1913
Burnz & Co., NY, 1912
Burrows Brothers Co., Cleveland, 1911
Burt, A.L., Co., NY, 1911-1920
Burton Pub. Co., Kansas City, Mo, 1916
Business Service Corporation, Detroit, Mi, 1913
Butler, P.H., Washington, DC, 1918-1919
C.P.I. Publishing Co., San Francisco, 1920
Caldwell, C. Russell, Staunton, Va, 1911-1913, 1915-1917
Caldwell, H.M., Co., Boston, 1911-1913; see Dodge Pub. Co., 1914-1920
Call, W.T., Brooklyn, NY, 1914-1917
Cambridge University Press. See G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1911-1914
Campbell Soil Culture Co., Inc., Lincoln, Ne, 1911
Capital Supply Co., Pierre, SD, 1916
Carens, E., Clark Bldg., Jacksonville, Fl, 1912-1916
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, 1918-1920
Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1911-1920
Carpenter & Co., Ithaca, NY, 1912-1916
Carriel, M.T., Jacksonville, Il, 1915
Carriel, Mary Turner, 1152 Turner Pl., Jacksonville, Fl, 1912
Casper, C.N., Co., Milwaukee, 1916, 1920
Cassell & Company, Ltd., NY, 1911-1912
Catholic Pub. Soc. of Am., NY, 1916
Central Publishing Co., Chicago, 1911
Century Co., The, NY, 1911-1920
Chadwick Hotel Directory, Los Angeles, Ca, 1913
Chalif Normal School of Dancing, NY, 1915, 1917-1919
Challoner, Mrs. Miriam K.B., Chicago, 1913
Chambers, Frank V., Philadelphia, 1916
Champlin Press, Columbus, O, 1915
Charlton Company, NY, 1913-1915; Co., 1916-1917
Chemical Pub. Co. See McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1911-1920
Cheney Pub. Co., Washington, DC, 1920
Chicago Commercial Publishing Co., 1911-1912
Chicago Horseman Newspaper Co., 1915
Chicago Scientific Pub. Co., 1915
Chicago University. See University of Chicago Press, 1911-1920
Christian, Mollie G., NY, 1915
Christian Board of Publication, St. Louis, 1911
Christopher Pub. House, Boston, 1915-1916
Church, W.C. & F.P. See Army and Navy Journal, 1913-1920
Church Literature Press, NY, 1914-1917
Church Press, The, Lincoln, Ne, 1915
Cincinnati University. See University of Cincinnati Press, 1911-1920
Civil Service Chronicle, NY, 1915-1919
Claire Marie, NY, 1914
Clarendon Press. See Oxford University Press, 1911-1920
Clark & Crockard, Bismarck, ND, 1917
Clark, Hollis, Washington, 1918
Clark, M.C., Pub. Co. See D. Van Nostrand Co., 1915-1920
Clark, Myron C., Pub. Co., The, Chicago, 1911-1912
Clarke, Robert, Co. See Stewart & Kidd Co., 1911-1920
Clarke, W.B., Co., Boston, 1911-1913
Classic Publishing Co., Baxley, Ga, 1911
Clemens, William M., NY, 1915
Clode, Edward J., NY, 1916-1920
Coates, Henry T., & Co. See Winston, John C., Co., 1911-1920
Cobb, E.L., The N.S.H., Hampton, Va, 1911
Coburn, Frank Warren, Lexington, Ma, 1913
Cole & Morgan, NY, 1914-1916
Collins, William, Co., The. See Winston, John C., Co., 1911-1920
Colonial Pub. Co., NY, 1920
Colson, Warren H., Boston, 1911-1912
Columbia University Press, NY, 1911-1920
Comings, A.G., & Sons, Oberlin, O, 1912-1913; & Son, 1914-1920
Comparative Literature Press, Grantwood, NJ, 1916
Compton, F.E., & Co., Chicago, 1912
Comstock Pub. Co., The, Ithaca, NY, 1911-1920
Consumers' League, Hartford, Ct, 1913
Cook, Ezra A., Chicago, 1913, 1916-1920
Co-operative Pub. Co., Baltimore, 1916; Bridgeport, Ct, 1920
Cope, Alexis, Columbus, O, 1916
Cornhill Co., The, Boston, 1918, 1920
Correct English Pub. Co., Evanston, Il, 1916-1920
Cortina, R.D., Co., NY, 1911-1920
Cosmopolitan Book Corp., NY, 1920
Coulter, John G., Bloomington, Il, 1916
Counselors Publishing Co., Detroit, 1913-1915
Country Life Press, Garden City, NY, 1919
Cram, George F., NY, 1911-1917
Crane & Co., Topeka, Ka, 1911-1915
Crane, Julia E., Potsdam, NY, 1911-1914
Crawley, Edwin S., University of Penn., Phila, 1911-1920
Critic & Guide Co., NY, 1913-1917, 1919
Crocker, H.S., Co. and Cunningham, Curtiss & Welch, San Francisco, 1914-1917
Crocker, H.S., Co., San Francisco, 1918
Cromwell, John W., Washington, DC, 1915-1920
Crow & Brogdon, Seville, Ga, 1917
Crowell, Thomas Y., Co., NY, 1911-1920
Crummer, E.C., & Co., Oak Park, Ill, 1916
Cultural Pub. Co., The, Chicago, 1915-1916
Cunningham, Curtis & Welch, San Francisco, 1911; see Crocker, H.S., Co., 1914-1918
Cunningham, Curtiss & Welch and H.S. Crocker Co., San Francisco, 1912-1913
Cupples & Leon Co., NY, 1911-1920
Curtiss Book Co., The, Los Angeles, Ca, 1914; 1915-1916
Curtiss Philos. Book Co., Philadelphia, 1916-1919; NY, 1920
Darling, Chester A., NY, 1913
Davis, F.A., Co., Phila, 1911-1920
Davis Press, The, Worcester, Ma, 1912-1914, 1916-1920
Davol Pub. Co., Taunton, Ma, 1916
De La Mare, A.T., Ptg. & Pub. Co., NY, 1916; Co., Inc., NY, 1917-1918
Denison, T.S., & Co., Chicago, 1912-1920
Deutzmann, L.F., Yonkers, NY, 1920
Devin-Adair Co., The, NY, 1914
Dick & Fitzgerald, NY, 1911-1915; see Fitzgerald Pub. Corp., 1918-1920
Dietz, A.A., Los Angeles, Ca, 1916
Dillingham, G.W., Co., NY, 1911-1915
Ditson, Oliver, Co., Boston, 1911-1913
Dodd, Mead & Co., NY, 1911-1920
Dodge, B.W., & Co. See Rickey, Wm., & Co., 1911
Dodge Publishing Co., NY, 1911-1920
Domestic Science Pub. Co., Cimarron, Ka, 1915-1917
Donohue, M.A., & Co., Chicago, 1914
Donovan, Jos. Mitchell, Sioux Falls, SD, 1912-1915
Doolittle, F.C., Waterville, NY, 1911
Doran, Geo. H., Co., NY, 1911-1920
Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City, NY, 1911-1920
Dowling, E.S., Los Angeles, Ca, 1914-1920
Doyle, E.A., Winchester, O, 1917
Drake, Fred S., Detroit, 1917-1918, 1920
Drake, Frederick J., & Co., Chicago, 1912-1915
Dry Goods Reporter, Chicago, 1913-1914
Duffield & Co., NY, 1911-1920
Durward, J.T., Baraboo, Wi, 1914-1915
Dutton, E.P., & Co., NY, 1911-1920
Dyer, M.S., St. Louis, 1912
Dyke, A.L., St. Louis, Mo, 1917
Earle, Jas. H., Co., Boston, 1913
Eaton & Mains. See Methodist Book Concern, 1911-1920
Eby, Henry H., Mendota, Il, 1911
Eckler, Peter, Pub. Co., NY, 1916
Economy Publishing Co., Washington, DC, 1911
Edelman, Philip E., Minneapolis, 1914-1916; St. Paul, Mn, 1917
Educational Press, Inc., Chicago, 1911
Educational Publishing Co., Boston, 1913-1914
Eerdmans-Sevensma Co., Grand Rapids, Mi, 1915
Ehlers, Henry C., Clearbrook, Wi, 1913
Elder, Paul, & Co., San Francisco, 1911-1914, 1917
Eldredge & Brother. See Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, 1911-1916; see Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, 1917-1920
Ellis, Charles E., Chicago, 1912-1913
Ellis, Geo. H., Co., Boston, 1911-1917
Emmanuel Institute of Health, The, San Francisco, 1914-1915
Empfield Book Co., Lamott, Pa, 1916
Encyclopedia of Horticulture Corp., Seattle, Wa, 1916
Encyclopedia Press, Inc., NY, 1917, 1920
Engelhardt, Fr. Zephyrin, Santa Barbara, Ca, 1911-1916
Engineering & Mining Journal. See McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1911-1920
Engineering Magazine Co., The, NY, 1912, 1915-1918
Eno, J.N., New Haven, Ct, 1914
Eragny Press. See Lane, John, Co., 1911-1920
Erwood, Will J., Co., Baltimore, 1911
Eshleman, H. Frank, Lancaster, Pa, 1911
Estes, Dana, & Co., Boston, 1911-1913; see Page Co., The, 1914-1918
Ethlas Press, Nyack, NY, 1915-1916
Eudokia Pub. Co., Concord, NH, 1917
Eugenics Pub. Co., NY, 1911-1912
Eugenics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor, LI, NY, 1914-1919
Excelsior Publishing House, NY, 1911-1913
Expert Pub. Co., Downington, Pa, 1920
Expression Co., Boston, 1912-1920
Eyre & Spottiswoode's Bibles, etc. See Nelson, Thomas, & Sons, 1911-1920
Ezquer, Domingo, & Co., Los Angeles, Ca, 1920
Fairfield Co., South Norwalk, Ct, 1912
Falk, Ida Curtman, St. Louis, 1913
Faxon, F.W., Co., Boston, Ma, 1919-1920
Feakins, William B., NY, 1914
Ferris & Leach, Phila, 1911-1919
Field, Hamilton Easter, Brooklyn, NY, 1914
Fields, G.W., Pub. Co., Omaha, Ne, 1918
Financial Reform Pub. Co., Elizabeth, NJ, 1914
Fisher, John I., Pub. Co., Louisville, 1916-1920
Fitzgerald Pub. Co., NY, 1917-1918; Corp., 1919-1920
FitzGerald, Desmond, Inc., NY, 1913
Flanagan, A., Co., Chicago, 1911, 1913, 1915
Fleisher, S.B. & B.W., Phila, 1911-1918
Flinn, F.A., Inc., NY, 1913-1920
Fly, H.K., Co., NY, 1914
Forbes & Co., Chicago, 1911-1920
Foreign Exchange Pub. Co., Chicago, 1911-1920
Foster & Reynolds Co., The, NY, 1911-1919
Foster, Charles, Pub. Co., Phila, 1911-1920
Four Seas Co., The, Boston, 1913-1915, 1917; Pub. Co., 1919-1920
Fowler, Alfred, Kansas City, Mo, 1920
Fowler, Charles N. See Financial Reform Pub. Co., 1914
Fowler & Wells Co., New York, 1916
Franchot, Annie W., Olean, NY, 1915
Frank, E.H., Elmira, NY, 1914, 1916
Franklin & Charles, So. Bethlehem, Pa, 1919-1920
Franklin Bookshop. See Rhoads, Samuel N., 1911
Franklin Press, The, Phila, 1911-1915, 1917
Franklin, MacNutt & Charles, South Bethlehem, Pa, 1914; McNutt, 1918
Free Church Book Concern, Minneapolis, 1915-1916
Frowde, Henry. See Oxford University Press, 1911-1920
Funk & Wagnalls Co., NY, 1911-1920
Gancel, J., Culinary Societies, NY, 1911
Garrett, Chas. W., Puyallup, Wa, 1919
Gas Engine Pub. Co., The, Cincinnati, 1911-1915, 1918
Gaudel, Mlle. V.D., 1920
Gauthier, Miss Julie C., St. Paul, Mn, 1911-1919
Gearhart, G.A., Buffalo, NY, 1912
Gibbs, W.M., Dunkirk, NY, 1911-1913
Gibson Pub. Co., The, NY, 1911
Gibson, David, Co., The, Cleveland, O, 1913-1916
Gienandt, Fritz L., Boston, Ma, 1913-1918, 1920
Gillespie, Henry, Manchester, Ia, 1911
Ginn & Co., Boston, 1911-1920
Glad Tidings Pub. Co., Chicago, 1914-1920
Globe School Book Co. See World Book Co., 1912-1920
Goldman, Harrie, Covington, Ky, 1912
Goldsmith-Woolard Publishing Co., Wichita, Ka, 1913-1914
Goodhue Co., The, NY, 1913-1914
Goodwin, William M., Washington, DC, 1917-1920
Gorham, Edwin S., NY, 1911-1912, 1914
Gorham Press. See Badger, R.G., 1911-1920
Gospel Trumpet Co., Anderson, In, 1915-1920
Gracia Publishing Co., NY, 1913
Grafton Press. See Hitchcock, F.H., 1911-1912
Graham, H.J., Louisville, Ky, 1911
Granniss, Anna Jane, Plainville, Ct, 1911-1917
Grant, George H. See Johnson, Charles L., 1911-1912
Graves & Hersey, Long Beach, Ca, 1916
Greaves Publishing Co., Selling Agents, Ideal Publishing Co., NY, 1911-1913-1917
Gregg Pub. Co., NY, 1918-1920
Griffith & Rowland Press. See Am. Baptist Pub. Soc., 1911-1920
Grosset & Dunlap, NY, 1911-1920
Grout, A.J., New Dorp, SI, NY, 1911-1916
Grumbine, J.C.F., Boston, 1911; Cleveland, O, 1915-1916
Hall, Granville Davisson, Glencoe, Il, 1916
Hadden, James, Uniontown, Pa, 1911
Haight, R.J., Chicago, 1913-1914
Hale Book Co., Oak Park, Il, 1918
Hall, A.C., Glencoe, Il, 1911-1913
Hammond, C.S., & Co., NY, 1911-1920
Hanaford, H.P., NY, 1914
Handy Book Co., Reading, Pa, 1915-1916
Harcourt, Brace & Howe, NY, 1919-1920
Harper & Bros., NY, 1911-1920
Harper, F.P. & L.C., NY, 1911-1913
Harper, L.C., NY, 1914; Lathrop C., 1915-1920
Harriman, Alice, Co., The, NY, 1912
Harrison, Henry, Co., The, Brooklyn, NY, 1911-1917
Harrison Co., The, Atlanta, Ga, 1913-1916
Hart, Charles Henry, Philadelphia, 1912
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Ma, 1914-1920
Harvard University Pub. Office, Cambridge, Ma, 1911-1913
Harvey, Oscar J., Wilkes-Barre, Pa, 1911-1913
Harwood, Dr. W.H., Chasm Falls, Malone, NY, 1913
Hayes Lithograph Co., Buffalo, 1911-1912
Hazen, E.H., & Son, Des Moines, Ia, 1912-1913
Hazen, John M., Minneapolis, 1911-1916
Headley, Elroy, Newark, NJ, 1920
Hearst's International Library Co., NY, 1914-1916
Heath, D.C., & Co., Boston, 1911-1914; NY, 1915-1919
Heating & Ventilating Magazine Co., NY, 1914-1915
Helburn, Wm., Inc., NY, 1916
Hemenway, H.D., Northampton, Ma, 1911
Henley, Norman W., Pub. Co., NY, 1912-1920
Henry, W.A., Madison, Wi, 1911-1914
Henry-Morrison Co., Madison, Wi, 1915-1916, 1920
Herder, B., St. Louis, 1911
Herman, I., Sandersville, Ga, 1912
Hesselgren, G.C., Publishing Co., The, NY, 1911-1913
Hill, Lysander, Chicago, 1911, 1913
Hill Pub. Co. See McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1911-1920
Hinds, Hayden & Eldredge, NY, 1916-1920; Eldridge, 1919-1920
Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, NY, 1911-1915
Hitchcock, F.H., NY, 1911-1912
Hitlofi, Iven, NY, 1914; I., Chicago, 1915
Hodder & Stoughton. See Doran, George H., Co., 1911-1920
Hollister, U.S., Denver, Co, 1911-1913
Holman, A.J., & Co., Phila, 1911-1915; Co., 1916-1920
Holst Pub. Co., Boone, la, 1916
Holt, Henry, & Co., NY, 1911-1920
Home Correspondence School, Springfield, Ma, 1916-1918
Hook, W.A., Packwood, Ia, 1913
Hope Pub. Co., Chicago, 1911-1918
Hossfeld Series. See Lane, John, Co., 1911-1914
Hough, Romeyn B., Lowville, NY, 1911-1913
Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1911-1920
Howard, Katherine, Boston, 1917
Howell, John, San Francisco, 1914
Hubbell Pub. Co., The, NY, 1911-1914
Hudson Printing Co., Boston, 1913, 1916-1917
Huebsch, B.W., NY, 1911-1920
Hughs, G.S., Chicago, 1913-1920
Hunnicut, Charles, Wilmington, O, 1914
Hurst & Co., NY, 1911-1919
Hygiene and Physical Education Press, The, Battle Creek, Mi, 1912-1914; Hot Springs, Ar, 1915
Hyman, Max R., Indianapolis, 1916
Ideal Publishing Co. See Greaves Pub-lishing Co., 1911-1918
Iglehart, Mrs. F.C.G., San Antonio, Tx, 1912-1913
Illinois, University of. See University of Illinois, 1913-1919
Immigrant Pub. Soc., The, NY, 1915-1916
Imperial Publishing Co., NY, 1911-1913
Index Pub. Co., Bloomfield, NJ, 1915-1918
Industrial Book Co., NY, 1911
Industrial Book & Equip. Co., Indianapolis, 1916-1917
Industrial Press, NY, 1911
Inland Printer Co., The, Chicago, 1911-1919
Insurance publications. See The Spectator Co., 1912-1916
Interchurch World Movement of North America, 1919
Inter-Collegiate Press, Kansas City, Mo, 1914
International Bibles. See Winston, John C., Co., 1911-1920
International Committee of Young Men's Christian Assn. See Association Press, 1911-1920
International Exchange, Chicago, 1911-1914
International Text Book Co., Scranton, Pa, 1911-1913
Irish, Frank V., Chicago, 1911; Columbus, O, 1912-1915
Irvine, Leigh H., NY, 1915
Jacobs, Geo. W., & Co., Phila, 1911-1916; & Co., 1917-1920
Jacobus, Donald L., New Haven, 1915
Jacques, Bertha E., Chicago, 1915
Jank, Joseph K., NY, 1917-1918
Jaybee Publishing Co., The, Boonville, In, 1913
Jenckes Publishing Co., NY, 1911
Jenckes & Co., Cranford, NJ, 1913
Jenkins, Wm. R., Co., NY, 1911-1918
Jennings & Graham. See Methodist Book Concern, 1911-1920
Jewish Chautaqua Society, The, Phila, 1913-1920
Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1911-1919; 1913 entry crossed through
Johnson, B.F., Pub. Co., Richmond, Va, 1911-1920
Johnson, Blagden & McTurnan, Inc., NY, 1911-1912; See E.P. Dutton & Co., 1913-1915
Johnson, Charles L., Seattle, Wa, 1911-1912
Johnson, H.H., Macon, Ga, 1911
Johnson, The Zoe, Co., Chicago, 1916, 1918
Johnston & Penney, West Newton, Pa, 1914
Johnston, John White, Rochester, NY, 1916; John W., 1918-1919
Johnston, Rob. R., NY, 1913
Jones, B.H., Pittsburgh, Pa, 1912-1915
Jones, George W., Ithaca, NY, 1911-1920
Jones, L.D., Chicago, 1911
Jones, Marshall, Co., Boston, 1917-1920
Jones, S.I., Berry, Al, 1913
Journal of Home Economics, Baltimore, 1916
Judd, Orange, Co., NY, 1911-1920
Kay Printing House, NY, 1911-1912
Kellogg, Andrew H., Co., NY, 1913
Kelly, A. Ashmun, Malvern, Pa, 1914-1916; A. Ashman, 1918-1919
Kendall, B.J., Geneva, Il, 1912-1913
Kennedy, P.J., & Sons, NY, 1917
Kennerley, Mitchell, NY, 1911; Kennerly, 1914
Keramic Studio Pub. Co., Syracuse, NY, 1911-1920
Kerr, Charles H., & Co., Chicago, 1912; Co., 1919-1920
King, F.H., Madison, Wi, 1911-1912; Mrs. F.H., 1913-1920
Kirkpatrick, Geo. R., NY, 1915
Klein, Henry H., NY, 1915-1916
Knopf, Alfred A., NY, 1915-1920
Knox Business Book Co., Cleveland, O, 1919-1920
Knox School of Salesmanship & Business Efficiency, Cleveland, O, 1914-1918
Koonz, Beatrice A., Jersey City, 1917-1919
Kroeh, Prof. Chas. F., Stevens Institute, Hoboken, NJ, 1911-1915
Kuyahora Press, Bradford, Pa, 1911
l.othrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Boston, 1912-1913
La Salle Extension University, Chicago, 1912, 1917-1920
Laird & Lee, Chicago, 1911-1912; Inc., 1914-1920
Lakeside Co., The, 806 Jay St., Manitowoc, Wi, 1912
Lakewood Press, Lakewood, NJ, 1916
Lancaster, Samuel C., Portland, Or, 1916
Lane, John, Co., NY, 1911-1920
"Languages," Boston, Ma, 1920
Languages Pub. Co., The, NY, 1914-1920
Lansden, John M., 614 Commercial Ave., Cairo, Il, 1912
Laughlin, Julian, St. Louis, 1911-1912
Laurel Pub. Co., The, Melrose, Ma, 1912-1916
Law Reporting Co., NY, 1916-1917, 1919-1920
Lawyers' Cooperative Publishing Co., Rochester, 1911-1914
Lea & Febiger, Phila, 1911-1919
Leahy, Rev. George V., Brighton, Ma, 1911
Lee & Shepard. See Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., 1911-1913
Lee Birthplace Memorial Assn., Pittsburgh, Pa, 1913; Oak Grove, Va, 1914
Legal Pub. Co., Clarkesville, Ga, 1916
Lehmann, William, Chicago, 1920
Lemcke & Buechner, NY, 1911, 1913-1914
Lepper, George H., Pittsburgh, Pa, 1913-1914; 1920
Liberty Pub. Association, NY, 1917
Lichtenstein, Louis, Norfolk, Va, 1917
Light, The Publishing Co., NY, 1913
Lindsay, A.A., Pub. Co., Detroit, 1916-1918; NY, 1920
Lippincott, J.B., Co., Phila, 1911-1920
Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1911-1920
Little, J.J., & Ives Co., 1918-1919
Livingston, Louis J., St. Paul, Mn, 1916
Lone Star Publishers, The, Paris, Tx, 1911-1912
Longmans, Green & Co., NY, 1911-1920
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Boston, 1911, 1914-1920
Loucks, H.L., Watertown, SD, 1920
Luce, John W., & Co., Inc., Boston, 1911-1912; & Co., 1915-1920
Lutheran Augustana Book Concern. See Augustana Book Concern, 1911-1920
Macaulay Co, The, NY, 1915-1916, 1919-1920
Macmillan Co., The, NY, 1911-1920
MacNair, Henry, NY, 1916
Maestro Co., The, Chicago, 1918-1920
Malkan, Henry, NY, 1911-1918
Manas Press, The, Rochester, NY, 1911-1913, 1915-1916
Manley, W.F., Los Angeles, Ca, 1919-1920
Manual Arts Press, The, Peoria, Il, 1911-1920
March Bros., Lebanon, O, 1915
Marquis, A.N., & Co., Chicago, 1911-1920
Martins, C. See Princeton University Library, 1911-1919
Marvimon Foundation, Arcadia, Ca, 1916-1917
Massachusetts New Church Union, Bos-ton, 1911-1912
Masses Pub. Co., NY, 1916-1917
Master Mind Publishing Co., The, Los Angeles, Ca, 1913-1920
Master Painter Pub. Co., The, Malvern (near Philadelphia), 1912-1913
Maudsley Press, The, Valley City, ND, 1913-1914
Maver Publishing Co., NY, 1911
Maynard, Merrill & Co. See Merrill, Charles E., Co., 1911-1918
McArdle & Helmholtz, Yoakum, Tx, 1911; San Antonio, Tx, 1912
McBride, Robert M., & Co., NY, 1915-1920
McBride, Nast & Co., NY, 1912-1914
McClure Co. See Doubleday, Page & Co., 1911-1914
McClurg, A.C., & Co., Chicago, 1911-1920
McCormick Medical College, Chicago, 1911, 1915
McDaniel Pub. Co., Cedar Rapids, Ia, 1919
McDevitt-Wilson's, Inc., NY, 1917
McEvoy, T.J., Brooklyn, NY, 1911, 1913-1916
McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY, 1911-1915; Inc., 1916-1920
McIntosh, Robt. J., & Co., Toledo, O, 1915-1916
McIntyre, Louise L., Danville, Il, 1911-1912
McKay, David, Phila, 1911-1920
McKnight & McKnight, Normal, Il, 1916-1920
McLean Co., Baltimore, 1916
McLennan, Evan, Corvallis, Or, 1917
McMeen, S.G., Columbus, O, 1919-1920
McVey, John Joseph, Phila, 1911
Mead, Rev. Willis W., Brooklyn, 1918-1919
Mead, W.W., Tompkinsville, NY, 1914-1916
Mead, Willis W., NY, 1911-1913
Medical Art Agency, New York, 1916
Medical Science Press, St. Louis, 1911
Medici Society, Boston, 1920
Meisterschaft Pub. Co., Boston, 1911-1913
Merriam, G. & C., Co., Springfield, Ma, 1911-1920
Merrill, Charles E., Co., NY, 1911-1920
Merrymount Press, The, Boston, 1912-1915; see Updike, D.B., 1911
Merton, Holmes W., NY, 1914
Metal Crafts Pub. Co., Providence, RI, 1919-1920
Methodist Book Concern, NY, 1911-1920; see Abingdon Press, 1920
Methodist Episcopal Church South. See Pub. House of M. E. Ch. South, 1911
Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, 1916-1920
Metropolitan Press. See Rickey, Wm., & Co., 1911
Michaels, John, Peebles, Wi, 1917
Midland Press, Morehead, Mn, 1918
Mid-Nation Publishers, Chicago, 1916
Military Pub. Co., NY, 1917-1918
Miller, Edward T., Co., The, Columbus, O, 1911, 1913-1916
Mining & Scientific Press, San Fran-cisco, 1911-1916
Minnesota University. See University of Minnesota Library, 1917-1920
Mission House Press, Washington, DC, 1912
Missionary Education Movement, NY, 1914-1918
Missouri Book Co., Columbia, Mo, 1920
Moffat, Yard & Co., NY, 1911-1918
Monetary Educa. Bureau, Washington, 1917-1920
Morehouse Pub. Co., Milwaukee, 1918-1920
Morgan, Mills & Co., Boston, 1914-1920
Morrison, Frank E., Brooklyn, NY, 1912; NY, 1915-1919
Morton, John P., & Co., Louisville, Ky, 1911-1920
Mosby, C.V., Medical Book and Pub. Co., St. Louis, Mo, 1911, 1913
Mosher, Thomas B., Portland, Me, 1911-1912, 1915
Moulton Publishing Co. See Malkan, Henry, 1911-1914
Mullikin, S.A., Co., Marietta, O, 1914-1920
Munn & Co., Inc., NY, 1911-1918
Munson, A.J., & Co., Chicago, 1917, 1920
Murphy, John, Co., Baltimore, 1911, 1913-1915
Murray Press, The. See Universalist Pub. House, 1912-1919
Museum of Fine Arts, The, Boston, 1911-1913
Mushroom Pub. Co., Columbus, O, 1911-1917
Mutual Book Co., The, Boston, 1911
Nason, Arthur H., NY, 1911-1916; see New York Univ. Press, 1919-1920
Nason, Mrs. Emma Huntington, Gardi-ner, Me, 1911-1912
Nassau Press, The, Richmond Hill, LI, NY, 1911-1912, 1915-1916
National Consumers' League, NY, 1914
National Mag. Assn., Omaha, 1916
National Marine League, NY, 1917
National Woman Suffrage Pub. Co., Inc., NY, 1916-1917
Nature Art studio, New Orleans, 1915
Neale Pub. Co., The, NY, 1911-1915
Negro Year Book Pub. Co., Tuskegee, Al, 1915-1920
Nelson, Thomas, & Sons, NY, 1911-1920
Neuner Co., Los Angeles, Ca, 1915
New Church Press, Inc., The, NY, 1916-1919
New Franklin Printing Co., The, Colum-bus, O, 1912-1913
New Fraternity, The, Sewickley, Pa, 1920
New Review Pub. Assn., NY, 1916
New Thot Book Co., San Francisco, 1915
New Thought Publishers, NY, 1915
New Werner Co., Akron, O, 1911-1912
New York Book Co., NY, 1914-1917
New York School of Philan., NY, 1916-1918
New York School of Social Work, NY, 1919-1920
New York Univ. Press, The, NY, 1919-1920
New-Church Press, Inc., The, NY, 1913-1915, 1920
Newology Book Co., Los Angeles, Ca, 1912
Newson & Co., NY, 1911-1920
Newson, John Henry, Co., Cleveland, 1911
Newton Co., The, Chicago, 1911-1920
Nichols, H.S., NY, 1913-1914
Nichols, Thos. P., & Son Co., Lynn, Ma, 1914
Noble, Lloyd Adams, NY, 1919-1920
Noble & Noble, NY, 1916-1917
Nolen, John, Cambridge, Ma, 1912-1913
Norman, Remington Co., Baltimore, 1914-1917
Norris, Zoe Anderson, NY, 1912
Northrup, G.S., St. Johns, Mi, 1913
Nourse Co., The, NY, 1920
Nunc Licet Press, The, Minneapolis, Mn, 1911-1917, 1919
Oakleaf, F.H., Co., Olean, NY, 1916
Occult Book Concern, NY, 1916
Ocean Pub. Co., NY, 1918-1920
Ogilvie, George W. See McKay, David, and Saalfield Pub. Co., 1911-1914
Ogilvie, J.S., Publishing Co., NY, 1911-1917
Olberman, J.M., Portland, Or, 1913
Oldroyd, O.H., Washington, DC, 1916, 1918
Olive Leaf Press, Los Angeles, Ca, 1919
Open Court Pub. Co., The, Chicago, 1911-1918
Orange Judd Co. See Judd, Orange, Co., 1911-1920
Oriental Esoteric Publishing Co., Washington, DC, 1911
Outing Publishing Co., NY, 1911-1917; see Macmillan Co., 1918-1920
Oxford Bibles. See Oxford University Press, 1911-1917
Oxford University Press, NY, 1911-1920
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Ca, 1911-1913
Packard, S.S., NY, 1911-1920
Page, L.C., & Co., Boston, 1913
Page Co., The, Boston, 1914-1918
Page, Villa Faulkner, NY, 1911-1912
Palisade Press, The, Edgewater, NJ, 1911-1912, 1914-1916
Pamphlet Pub. Co., Fall River, Ma, 1917-1918
Pan American Law Book Co., Chicago, 1911, 1913-1916
Park & Pollard Co., The, Boston, 1915-1916
Pattee, A.F., Mount Vernon, NY, 1911, 1918-1920
Patten, Anna B., Washington, DC, 1920
Pearson, P., Ponca City, Ok, 1911-1912
Peebles, Rev. I.L., Meridian, Ms, 1919-1920
Peloubet, S.S., NY, 1912
Penn Pub. Co., The, Phila, 1911-1920
Personal Help Pub. Co., Des Moines, Ia, 1911-1913; Tacoma, Wa, 1914
Petter, Valdo, Kettle Falls, Wa, 1916
Phillips, LeRoy, Boston, 1914-1916, 1918
Phonographic Depot. See Pitman, I., & Sons, 1911-1920
Phonographic Institute Co., The, Cin-cinnati, 1911-1920
Pilgrim Press, The, Boston, 1912, 1914; Boston and Chicago, 1917-1920
Pillar of Fire, Zarephath, NJ, 1920
Pine Cone Pub. Co., Orono, Me, 1915-1920
Pitman, Isaac, & Sons, NY, 1911-1920
Pitman & Howard. See Phonographic Institute Co., 1911-1920
Platonist Press, Alpine, NJ, 1920
Platt & Nourse Co., NY, 1917-1919; see The Nourse Co., 1920
Platt & Peck Co., NY, 1911-1912, 1914
Pocket Testament League, The, Phila, 1912
Poet Lore Co. See Badger, Richard G., 1911-1920
Pond, James B., NY, 1918-1920
Popular Mechanics Co., Chicago, 1911-1916
Porter, C.S., M.D., Burnett, Ca, 1915
Porter, Charles Sanford, Los Gatos, Ca, 1919
Porter Sanitorium, The, Burnett, Ca, 1920
Pott, James, & Co., NY, 1911-1920
Potter, Warren T., Los Angeles, 1917
Potter Bros. Co., San Francisco, 1919
Presbyterian Board of Publication, The, Phila, 1911-1915, 1917-1920
Preston & Rounds Co., Providence, RI, 1911-1919
Princeton University Library, Princeton, NJ, 1911-1917
Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1916-1919
Procter Brothers Co. Inc., The, Gloucester, Ma, 1911
Psychological Clinic Press, The, Phila, 1911-1918
Public School Pub. Co., Bloomington, Il, 1911-1920
Publishers' Weekly, The Office of, NY, 1911-1913
Publishers' Weekly, The. See Bowker, R.R., Co., 1914-1920
Publishing House M. E. Church South, Nashville, 1911
Purdy Pub. Co., Chicago, 1917-1918
Putnam's, G.P., Sons, NY, 1911-1920
Queen's Shop, The, Chestnut Hill, Ma, 1911-1912
Rabinowitz, Samuel, Brooklyn, NY, 1917
Radford Architectural Co. See Indus-trial Book Co., 1911
Radiant Life Press, Pasadena, Ca, 1916
Radical Idealist, NY, 1915
Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, 1911, 1913-1918, 1920
Rebman & Co., NY, 1916
Reed, Geo. B. See Houghton Mifflin Co., 1911-1916
Reid, David C., Stockbridge, Ma, 1911
Reilly, Peter, Philadelphia, 1914-1920
Reilly & Britton Co., The, Chicago, 1911-1918
Reilly & Lee Co., The, Chicago, 1919-1920
Reliable Poultry Journal Pub. Co., Quincy, Il, 1915
Religious Education Assn., The, Chicago, 1911-1912
Research Dept. Training School, Vineland, NJ, 1917
Research Pub. Co., The, Boston, 1918-1920
Revell, Fleming H., Co., NY and Chicago, 1911-1920
Review and Herald Pub. Co., Washington, DC, 1912-1913; Assn., 1914
Rhoads, Samuel N., Phila, 1911
Richardson, Geo. W., Chicago, 1918
Rickey, Wm., & Co., NY, 1911
Rider Press, Inc., NY, 1914-1920
Rigby Pub. Co., Topeka, Kan, 1915
Riley, Dr. F.B., Birmingham, Al, 1911
Riverside Press. See Houghton Mifflin Co., 1911
Ripley, Charles M., Schnectady, NY, 1920
Riverside Press. See Houghton Mif-flin Co., 1912-1920
Robert, J. Trevor, Santa Ana, Ca, 1919
Roberts, Eldridge G., Red Bank, NJ, 1919
Roberts, Percy, Chicago, 1916
Roberts, W.F., Co., Washington, DC, 1911-1912, 1914-1915
Roberts & Co., NY, 1914
Robertson, A.M., San Francisco, 1911; see Dodge Pub. Co., 1917-1920
Robertson, G., Campbell, NY, 1916-1917
Robson & Adee, Schenectady, NY, 1911
Rohrer, Joseph R., Washington, DC, 1913
Ronald Press Co., The, NY, 1911-1920
Ropp, C., & Sons, Chicago, 1911-1920
Rosewater, Frank, NY, 1918
Rough Notes Co., The, Indianapolis, 1911
Row, Peterson & Co., Chicago, 1911-1916, 1918-1920
Ruebush-Elkins Co., Dayton, Va, 1913-1914
Russell Sage Foundation, NY, 1917-1919
Russell, Samuel, Salt Lake City, Ut, 1915
Russell, T.C., San Francisco, Ca, 1919
Rutter, Robert, & Son, Inc., NY, 1919-1920
Saalfield Publishing Co., Akron, O, 1913, 1916
Sabin, Frances, Madison, Wi, 1915-1920
Sanborn, Benj. H., & Co., Boston, 1911-1917; Chicago, 1918-1919
Sanford, John L., Baltimore, Md, 1920
Sargent, Porter E., Boston, 1917-1919
Saulsbury Pub. Co., Baltimore, Md, 1919
Saunders, W.B., Co., Phila, 1911-1920
Saurusaitis, Rev. Peter, Waterbury, Ct, 1911
Saward, Frederick E., NY, 1911-1912
Schirmer, G., Inc., NY, 1915
School of English, Chicago, 1911-1917
Schuette, H. Geo., care of A.C. McClurg & Co., 1911
Schwartz, Kirwin & Fauss, NY, 1911-1918
Scientific American. See Munn & Co., 1911-1918
Scientific American Pub. Co., NY, 1919-1920
Scientific Pub. Co., of Manchester, England. See McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1911-1920
Scientific Standard Service, Boston, 1916
Scott, Dr. John Thomas, Oklahoma City, Ok, 1920
Scott, Orion C., Chicago, Il, 1919
Scott, Foresman & Co., Chicago, 1911-1920
Scott & Seltzer, NY, 1919
Scribner's, Charles, Sons, NY, 1911-1920
Sears & Simpson Co., The, Columbus, O, 1913
Seemore Co., South Bend, In, 1917
Seiler, A.G., NY, 1911-1920
Seltzer, Thomas, Inc., NY, 1920
Service, The, Pub. Co., Dayton, O, 1917-1918
Sewanee University. See University Press of Sewanee, 1913-1919
Seward, Prof. A.F., Chicago, 1916-1917; Co., 1919
Seymour, L., Los Angeles, Ca, 1913
Shaw, A.W., Co., Chicago, 1917-1920
Shaw, G. Arnold, NY, 1917
Shaw Publishing Co., The, Grand Rapids, Mi, 1912; Delaware, O, 1913-1914; Boston, Ma, 1920
Sheil, Michael T., Tipton, Ind, 1914-1915
Shelton, William, Chicago, 1913; William Arthur, 1914
Shepperson Pub. Co., NY, 1912
Sherman, French & Co., Boston, 1911-1918
Shorey, S.F., Seattle, Wa, 1919
Short Ballot Organization, The, NY, 1911
Shuey, A.M, Minneapolis, 1916
Sibley & Co., Boston and Chicago, 1911-1913; see Sanborn, B.H., & Co., 1914-1919
Sigma Pub. Co., St. Louis, 1911-1919
Silver Lotus Shop, The, Pittsfield, Ma, 1911-1917, 1919
Silver, Burdett & Co., NY, 1911-1915; Boston, 1916-1920
Simmons, Parker P., NY, 1911-1915
Sims, Dr. Charles S., Kansas City, Mo, 1913
Slippy, J.C., Pittsburgh, Pa, 1916
Sloan Pub. Co., Chicago, 1914-1918
Small, Maynard & Co., Boston, 1911-1919
Smedley, Miss Emma, Media, Pa, 1920
Smith, A.M., Phila, 1911-1915
Smith & Lamar, Agts., Nashville, Tn, 1916; see Pub. House M. E. Ch. South, 1911
Smith & Richards, Westport, NY, 1911
Smith & Sale, Portland, Me, 1911-1912
Smoley, C.K., & Sons, Scranton, Pa, 1919-1920
Snyder, William J., Pub. Co., Chicago, 1914
Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge. See Gorham, Edwin S., Agent, 1911-1912
Society of Industrial Engineers, Chicago, 1920
Sotarion Pub. Co., Buffalo, NY, 1919-1920
Southern Pub. Association, Nashville, 1917
Southern Publishing Co., Dallas, Tx, 1913-1914
South-West Pub. Co., Austin, Tx, 1911-1913
Southworth Co., The, Troy, NY, 1914, 1918-1920
Sower, Christopher, Co., Phila, 1911-1917
Spectator Co., NY, 1912-1914; Insurance Publications, 1915-1916
Spice Mill Publishing Co., The, NY, 1913-1920
Spiritual Science Co., The, NY, 1914-1915
Spon & Chamberlain, NY, 1911-1920
Sprague, Charles E., NY, 1911
Sprague, Roger, Berkeley, Ca, 1918
St. Michaels Press, The, St. Michaels, Az, 1914
Stackhouse, Ernest Rob., Moorestown, NJ, 1912
Stage Guild, The, Chicago, 1915-1917
Stahle, W.C., Co., The, Pittsburgh, 1911-1916, 1918-1920
Standard Pub. Co., Cincinnati, 1915-1918
Stanford University Bookstore, Stanford University, Ca, 1911-1914
Stanton & Van Vliet Co., Chicago, 1920
State Co., The, Columbia, SC, 1911-1919
Stechert, F.C., Co., NY, 1914-1918
Stechert, G.E., & Co., NY, 1912-1914, 1916
Steiger, E., & Co., NY, 1911-1920
Stern, Edward, Co. See Barse & Hop-kins, 1911-1914
Steward, William, Bridgeton, NJ, 1914-1918
Stewart, W.K., Co., Indianapolis, 1916-1917
Stewart & Kidd Co., Cincinnati, 1911-1920
Stokes, Frederick A., Co., NY, 1911-1920
Stone, Arthur F., St. Johnsburg, Vt, 1917
Stradling, J.M., & Co., NY, 1912-1913; Beverly, NJ, 1914-1917
Stratford Co., The, Boston, 1918-1920
Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, NY, 1911-1913
Student Volunteer Movement, NY, 1914-1917
Students' Supply House, Stillwater, Ok, 1911
Sturgis & Walton Co., NY, 1911-1913
Sully, George & Co., NY, 1919-1920
Sully & Kleinteich, NY, 1913-1918
Summer, G. Lynn, & Co., Scanton, Pa, 1913
Sunday-School Times Co., The, Phila, 1911-1920
Survey Associates, Inc., NY, 1914-1916
Swanberg, John E., 358 Short St., Erie, Pa, 1912
Swann, Geo., Sebree, Ky, 1917
Swedenborg's Works. See Am. Swedenborg Printing and Pub. Soc., and Mass. New Church Union, 1911-1912; see Am. Swedenborg Printing and Pub. Soc., and New-Church Press, 1913-1919
Tapley, J.F., Co., NY, 1911-1920
Taylor, A.R., Washington, DC, 1911-1920
Taylor Book Co., Seattle, 1917, 1920
Temple Review, Philadelphia, 1918
Tennant & Ward, NY, 1912
Theosophical Book Concern, Chicago, 1913
Theosophical Pub. Co., The, NY, 1911-1914
Thompson, Charles C., Co., Chicago, 1914
Thompson, Edward, Co., Northport, LI, NY, 1911-1917
Thompson, W.O., East Buffalo, NY, 1914
Thompson-Brown Co. See Johnson, Blagden & McTurnan, 1911-1912
Todd, Mary Ives, NY, 1911-1914; Brooklyn, NY, 1915-1916
Towne, Elizabeth, Co., The, Holyoke, Ma, 1911-1920
Traffic Law Book Co., The, Chicago, 1915
Translation Pub. Co., The, NY, 1919-1920
Trautwine Pub. Co., Phila, 1915-1920
Traveling Engineers' Association, The, East Buffalo, NY, 1912
Treat, E.B., & Co., NY, 1914
Tricoche, G.N., Morristown, NJ, 1911
Truslove, Hanson & Comba. See Lane, John, Co., 1911-1920
Tubby, G.O., NY, 1911-1912
Tufts College Press, The, Tufts College, Ma, 1912-1913
Turo Association, Closter, NJ, 1916-1919
Twining, H. La V., Los Angeles, Ca, 1911-1912, 1915-1917
U.P.C. Book Co., NY, 1917-1919
U.S. Cavalry Association, The, Ft. Leavenworth, Ka, 1911-1912, 1915-1918
U.S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md, 1912-1920
Uintaland Pub. Co., Salt Lake City, Ut, 1915
Underhill, Mrs. L.A.W., Boston, 1911-1914; Swampscott, Ma, 1915
Universalist Pub. House, Boston, 1911-1913; Boston and Chicago, 1914-1920
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1911-1920
University of Cincinnati Press, The, Cincinnati, 1911-1920
University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Il, 1912-1918
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Ia, 1919-1920
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1916-1920
University of Pennsylvania. See Appleton, D., & Co., 1915-1920
University Press of Sewanee, The, Sewanee, Tn, 1912-1919
University Pub. Co., Lincoln, Ne, 1917-1920
Updike, D.B., Boston, 1911; see Merrymount Press, 1912-1915
Usher, Ellis B., Milwaukee, 1913
Vale Press. See Lane, John, Co., 1911-1920
Valentine, F.H., Box 3, Ridgewood, NJ, 1912-1914
Van Atta, Harrison L., Dayton, O, 1916
Van Nostrand, D., Co., NY, 1911-1920
Van Voorhis, John S., Reading, Pa, 1912
Vedanta Ashrama, San Francisco, Ca, 1920
Vedanta Ashrama, West Cornwall, Ct, 1913-1919
Vedanta Centre of Boston, The, Boston, 1913-1916
Vedanta Society, The, NY, 1911-1912
Veiby, John, South Bend, In, 1918-1920
Vir Publishing Co., The, Phila, 1911-1920
Vocelle, James T., St. Mary's, Ga, 1914
Volta Bureau, Washington, DC, 1920
Von Bergen, W., Boston, 1914
Von Broecklin, J.S., Chicago, 1912
Wahr, George, Ann Arbor, Mi, 1911
Walker, Frank R., Chicago, 1916-1920
Wall, Wm. E., Somerville, Ma, 1911
Walworth, Ellen H., Albany, NY, 1911-1913, 1915-1917, 1920
Walworth, G.S., NY, 1916
War, What For, Publisher of, West Lafayette, O, 1911-1913
Warne, Frederick, & Co., NY, 1911-1916, 1919-1920
Warren Press, Boston, 1911
Wartburg Pub. House, Chicago, 1917-1920
Warwick & York, Inc., Baltimore, 1913-1916
Washington Pub. House, Washing-ton, DC, 1916-1918
Watters, Dennis Alonzo, North Portland, Or, 1912
Way Press, South Pasadena, Ca, 1916
Way's Pocket Smelter Co., South Pasadena, Ca, 1912
Wayland, John W., Harrisonburg, Va, 1912
Webb Pub. Co., St. Paul, Mn, 1911-1920
Webster, J. Rowe, Cambridge, Ma, 1914
Weltmer lnstitute of Suggestive Therapeutics, Nevada, Mo, 1912-1913
Werner Co., The. See New Werner Co., 1911-1912
Werner, Edgar S., & Co., NY, 1913, 1915, 1919-1920
West Pub. Co., St. Paul, Mn, 1911-1920
Western Authors' Pub. Assn., Los Angeles Ca, 1916
Western Methodist Book Concern. See Methodist Book Concern, 1911-1920
Wheelock, Mrs. T.B., St. Paul, Mn, 1911
Whitcomb & Barrows, Boston, 1912
Whitman Pub. Co., Racine, Wi and Chicago, 1917
Whitstock Shorthand Co., Inc., NY, 1916
Whittaker & Co., London. See Isaac Pitman & Sons, 1918-1920
Wilde, W.A., Co., Boston, 1911-1920
Wiley, John, & Sons, NY, 1911-1915; Inc., 1916-1920
Willard Co., Detroit, 1916
Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore, Md, 1911-1920
Williams, C.S., & Son, Inc., Albany, NY, 1915
Williams, David, Co., NY, 1911-1916; see U.P.C. Book Co., Inc., 1917-1919
Williams, J.H., Tacoma, Wa, 1913-1915
Willsden, S. Blake, Chicago, 1915-1916
Willy, John, Chicago, 1911-1919; John C., 1920
Wilson Publishing Co., NY, 1911
Wilson, Calvert, Los Angeles, Ca, 1918-1919
Wilson, H.W., Co., Minneapolis, 1912-1913; White Plains, NY, 1914-1918; NY, 1919-1920
Wilson, M. Mitchell, Indianapolis, 1915
Wilson, Prof. J.F., Knoxville, Tn, 1911
Winston, John C., Co., The, Phila, 1911-1920
Wireless Press, Inc., NY, 1920
Witcraft, John R., Merchantville, NJ, 1915-1919
Woden Pub. Co., Concord, NH, 1916
Woman's Educa. & Industrial Union, Boston, 1916
Womans Press, NY, 1918-1920
Wood, J.R., Printing & Pub. Co., San Antonio, Tx, 1914
Wood, Rev. S.G., Winchester, NH, 1917
Woodside Pub. Co., Framington, Ma, 1912
Woodson, H.M., Memphis, Tn, 1916
Woolson, Geo. B., & Co., NY, 1915-1916
World Book Co., Yonkers, NY, 1911-1920
World Peace Foundation, Boston, 1912-1917
Worth, Horace, Co., Boston, 1912-1914, 1919-1920
Wright, Tobias A., NY, 1914
Wyand, E. Clayton, Eakle's Mills, Md, 1911
Wycil & Co., NY, 1911-1920
Yale University Press, New Haven, Ct, 1911-1920
Yanckwich, H.H., Portland, Or, 1916
Year Book Publishers, The, Chicago, 1911-1912, 1915-1916
Yeran, E.A., Boston, 1914-1920
Yiddish Publication Co., The, Denver, Co, 1912
Young Churchman Co., The, Milwaukee, 1911-1917; see Morehouse Pub. Co., 1918-1920
Y.M.C.A. Press. See Association Press, 1911-1920
Zellers Pub. Co., Hooper, Ne, 1916
Zincograph Co., New York, 1920
Last revised: 14 October 2010