L.E. Andes — INDEX — Iron Corrosion, Anti-Fouling, and Anti-Corrosive Paints |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
AAcetyl value of varnish, 150. Acid-resisting properties of paint, 114, 270. Acids as rust-formers, 6, 10, 14, 36, 38, 45. influence of, on paint, 102, 114. Acrolein, 131. Adamantine paint, 179. Adhesion of paint to iron, 67, 125, 269. Adjuncts to paint, 186-92. Adulterants in paints, 143, 185. intentional, 143. of red lead, 165. of varnish, 139-53. of white lead, 164. of zinc white, 169. Adulteration of paints, 139, 143, 145. Ærugo nobilis, 1. Air as a rust-former, 5, 9, 11, 15, 33, 35, 38, 39, 40. Alcohol in paint, 223, 226, 228. Algae, incrustation by, 209. Alkalis, influence of, on paint, 114. Aloe, in paint, 227. Alum refuse, 175. Amsel on testing varnish, 140. Anderghem iron oxide, 120, 189. Andström on rust formation, 20. Angus Smith's method of treating iron pipes, 111. Anti-corrosive compositions, 254. enamels, 217. application of, 112-25. composition of, 119-21. examination of, 202-8, 225, 261 pigments for, 160-92. preparation of, 193-201. Anti-corrosive processes Barff's, 248. Borgnini's, 239. Buechner's, 230. Caustic potash, 254. Caustic soda, 252. Crane's, 215. Cross and Bevan's, 242. De Meritens', 253. Electrical, 253. Ferrous oxide, 252. Honigmann's, 252. Hydroferrocyanic acid, 243. Jokl and Randnitz's, 237. Levoir's, 234. Pollitzer's, 238. Potassium bichromate, 253. Thierault's, 250. Ward's, 250. Anti-fouling compositions, 208-30, 256-60. Antimony in paint, 211. Applying paint on iron, 70-98, 114-22, 125, 229, 256-68. Armour scale paint, 120, 172, 182, 202, 205-7. Arsenic in paint, 212. Asphalt Atcella, 157. Austrian official specification, for paint, 273-76. BBaking paint on steel cars, 106. Balat on iron oxides, 183. on testing paints, 120. Bang and Ruffin's deodorising process, 159. Bankul nut oil, 119, 153, 238. Barff's anti-corrosive process, 248. Barium carbonate in paint, 228. Baryta Benedikt on testing varnish, 149-52. Benedikt's paint, 227. Benenont's paint, 238. Benzine. See Mineral Oils. Benzol in paint, 226, 228, 245. Bessemer paint, 204. Blanc fixe, 170. See also Barium Sulphate. Blisters in iron paints, 72, 92, 94, 104, 120. Boneblack in paint, 244. Borgnini's anti-corrosive process, 239. Bottoming iron with oil or varnish, 80-84. with paint, 70-84. Bourdin's "plastique" paint, 243. British patents, 254-60. Browning iron, 56. Buechner's anti-corrosive process, 232. paint, 230. Burgess on rust formation, 20. Burnham's paint, 229. CCalcium, in pigments, 176. Camphor in paint, 227. Caoutchouc paint, 245. Caput mortuum, 162, 175, 183, 227. Carbolic acid in paint, 226, 227. Carbon in paint, 244, 295, 246. See also Graphite. bisulphide in paint, 226, 238, 243. dioxide as a rust-former, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 39. Carr and Dickinson's paint, 226. Caustic potash anti-corrosive process, 254. Cement as an anti-corrosive, 23, 32, 241. Chalk in paint, 223. Chapman on Chinese wood oil, 154. Cheap paint for ships, 226. Cheap paints, 115. Chevreul on linseed oil, 131. Chinese wood oil, 152-9. Chlorides as rust-formers, 4, 11, 13, 37, 38. Cleaning iron, 64. Cloez on Chinese wood oil, 154. Coal smoke, as rust former, 22, 36. tar. See Tar. Coating iron with metals, 56, 58. Coefficient of expansion of paint, 125. Colcothar. See Iron Oxide. Colour of rust, 53. Common salt as rust former, 38, 46. Conductivity of paint, 125. Cook's paint, 228. Copaiba balsam in paint, 246. Copal in paint, 226. Copper compounds in paint, 226, 227, 232. Corrosion by paint, 101. of ships' bottoms, 218. Cosmann's paint, 239. Cotton-seed oil, 238. Covering power of Cowper Coles process, 56. Cracks in paint, 86, 88, 91, 92, 104. Crane's electrolytic process for ships, 215. Cross and Bevan's weather-proof paint, 242. Cruickshank on inhibitive pigments, 192. Cruickshank's paint, 228. Cushman and rust formation, 55. DDe Meritens' anti-corrosive, 253. De Negri and Sburlati on Chinese wood oil, 153. Deodorising oil, 159. Dextrin in paint, 245. Diamond paint, 205. Divers on rust formation, 19. detection of, 148. Drying properties of Chinese wood oil, 156. testing, 269. Dubois' paint, 225. Du Kloes on painting iron, 284. Dunstan on rust formation, 18, 19, 20. Durability of paint, 186-92. See also Testing. influence of drying oil on, 186-92. "Durablequot; paint, 205. EEbelin on iron rust, 17. Ebers' paint, 232. Ebert on rusting, 24. Elasticity of paint, 79. Electrical anti-corrosive process, 253. Electricity, influence of, on paint, 106
Electro-chemical action, 20, 55, 62, 71, 72, 214. Electrolysis, 55. Electroplating, 56. Elemi resin in paint, 246. Enamel paint, testing, 121. Enamelling iron, 56. Expansion coefficient of paint, 125. Fairbairn on oil paint, 122. Fats, anti-corrosive coatings of, 246, 247. Ferrous oxide anti-corrosive, 252. Finishing paints, 84-6. Fish oil in varnish, 144. French official specifications for Paints, 279. GGalvanic action, 20, 55, 62, 71, 72, 214. Gamboge in paint, 228. Gelder's paint, 242. German official specifications for paints, 277-80. Gisborne's paint, 223. Graf's paint, 202. Grey paint, 207. Grounding. See Bottoming. Gum-arabic in paint, 245. Gutta-percha in paint, 241. Gypsum as a rust-former, 30. HHaddon's paint, 226. in paint, 190. Harrison's paint, 228. Heald's paint, 245. Heat, effect of, on Chinese wood oil, 155, 158. Herting on rust, 21. Hohenberg's paint, 243. Holzapfel on anti-fouling paints, 216. Holzapfel's paint, 225. Honigmann's anti-corrosive process, 252. Huber on corrosion, 123. Hummel on anti-fouling compositions, 208, 223. Hydrazine in paint, 223. Hydrochloric acid as a rust-former, 44, 45, 48, 52. Hydroferrocyanic acid as anticorrosive, 243. IInhibition, 192. Iodine in paint, 226. value of linseed oil, 141-50. Iron bridges, rusting of, 22-9, 39, 42. estimation of, in pigments, 176. gas pipes, rusting of, 34, 37, 47, 109. glaze, 252. increased volume due to rusting, 30. in varnish, 149. lacquer, 246. minium, 171. oxides artificial, 175, 183. See also Caput mortuum; Colcothar. as carriers of oxygen, 16. in paint, 226. pigments, testing, 175. scaly, 172-4. "Iron protector", 278. Iron spathic ore, 175. Ironstone in paint, 189. Italian official specifications for paints, 281-5. JJapanese lacquer, 214. wood oil, 153-9. Jokl and Randnitz's anti-corrosive process, 237. Jouvin on iron corrosion on ships' bottoms, 71-2. KKitchingham and Andrews' paint, 226. LLacquer, 58. iron, 246. Japan, 214. Lambert and Thompson on rust formation, 20. Landolt on adulterants in varnish, 139, 147. on iron oxide, 87. on iron pigments, 182. on lead pigments, 178. on linseed oil, 142. on pigments, 183. on red and white lead, 86. on red lead paint, 73. on zinc paint, 178. Lead red, 165. tetroxide, 165. Lender's paint, 203. Leoni's paint, 225. Levoir's anti-corrosive process, 234. Lewkowitsch on Chinese wood oil, 155. Linolic acid, preparation of, 235. Linseed oil age of, 130. influence of heat on, 127, 130. oxygen, absorption by, 130. paint, 58. purity of, 130. varnish, 126-53. composition of, 141. driers in, 148. effect of driers on, 132-6. fish oil in, 144. rosin in, 143. rosin oil in, 145. Lintock's paint, 229. Litharge in oil boiling, 132. in paint, 229. Livache on drying oils, 130. test for linseed oil, 151. Lucchini's paint, 225. MMachines for mixing and grinding paints, 193-201. Magnesia in paint, 241. Manganese estimation of, in pigments, 176. Matthews' caoutchouc paint, 245. Mercury compounds corrosion by, 71. Micaceous iron ore, 172-4, 182. in paint, 203. Mierczinski on iron pigments, 183. Mineral oil in paint, 225, 226, 229, 241, 244, 245. in varnish, 147. Minium. See Red Lead. Moody on rust formation, 18, 20. Moravia, anti-fouling composition, 221. Mortar as a rust former, 29. Mulder on adhesion of paint, 81. on iron oxide, 87. on paint adjuncts, 188-90. on painting iron, 68. on pickling iron, 64. on tar paint, 110. Murres' paint, 225. NNetherlands official specifications for paints, 278. Noble metals in paint, 239. Number of coats of oil paint, 98. OOfficial standard specifications, 273. Oil and varnish, proportion of, in paint, 73, 85, 86, 92. oils, anti-corrosive, coatings of, 246, 247. Oxidation of metals, 1. Oxides, anti-corrosive, coatings of, 248-54. Oxygen, absorption of by paint, 100. by drying oils, 130. Ozonised varnish, 136. PPaint adjuncts to, 186-92. adulterants in, 139, 143, 185. coefficient of expansion of, 125. conductivity of, 125. corrosion by, 101. covering power of, 95, 98, 190, 263. cracks in, 86, 88, 91, 92, 104. destruction of, 59, 89, 100-6, 179, 181. drying properties of, 85, 87, 90, 124. durability of, influence of drying oil on, 186-92. elasticity of, 79. fineness of division of, 77, 99, 124. mills, 198-201. mixing machines, 193-201. necessity for purity in, 115. number of coats for iron, 96, 98. official specifications for, 273, 287. testing durability of, 102-6, 261-72. Painting galvanised iron and tin plate, 107. Paints Adamantine, 179. Aichelburg's, 244. Anti-corrosive, 112-25. Benedikt's, 227. Benenont's, 238. Bessemer, 204. Bourdin's, 243. Burnham's, 229. Caoutchouc, 245. Carr and Dickinson's, 226. Cook's, 228. Cosmann's, 239. Crease's, 221. Cross and Bevan's, 242. Cruickshank's, 228. De Meritens', 253. Dubois', 225. Durable, 205. Ebers', 232. Enamel, 121. Gelder's, 242. Gisborne's, 225. Graf's, 202. Grey, 207. Haddon's, 226. Harrison's, 228. Heald's, 245. Hohenberg's, 243. Holzapfel's, 225. Iron oxide, 75, 78, 85, 87, 205, 208. Kitchingham and Andrews', 226. Lender's, 203. Leoni's, 225. Lintock's, 229. Lucchini's, 225. Matthew's, 243. Micaceous iron ore, 172-4, 183. Moravia, anti-fouling, 221. Murres', 225. Perreti's, 225. Platinum, 205. Red lead, 70-75, 86, 188, 223. Riegelmann's, 241. Robson's, 244. Scale. See Scale Paints. Schnittger's, 226. Soapstone, 225. Spathic iron ore, 242. Submarine, 229. Sundry iron, 245. "Unalterable", 242. Urban's, 225. Walter and Stone's, 245. "Weatherproof", 242. Zinc white, 168, 216, 223, 228, 229, 243. "Panzerschuppenquot; paint. See Scale Paint. Paper in paint, 242. "Permanent white" in paint, 169, 243. Perreti's paint, 225. Petroleum for cleaning iron, 64. in paint. See Mineral Oil. Pickling iron, 56, 64-7, 277, 278, 283, 286. Pigments, 160-92. chemical, 161. covering power of, 187. suitability of, for iron, 86. varnish, requirements of, 179, 186-92. Pitch in paint, 227, 228, 244. Plastique Bourdin, 243. Platinum paint, 207. Pollitzer's anti-corrosive process, 238. Porosity of paint, 101. Potassium bichromate anti-corrosive, 253. Protective coatings for iron, 56, 287. Prussian official specifications for paint, 277, 280. Pumice in paint, 246. RRaw oil in varnish, 144. Red lead, 165. See also Lead Pigments. adulterants of, 165. testing, 121. testing, 165. Rosin and rosin oil in paint, 225, 226, 232, 238, 241, 244. in varnish, 143. influence on drying, 143. oil in varnish, 145. Resinate driers, 129. Riegelmann's paint, 241. Robson's paint, 244. Rubber oil, anti-corrosive, 237. Russian official specifications for paint, 278. Rust composition of, 6. formation of, 1-55. formers, 5. Rust-forming agencies, 5-55. Rusting away of iron objects, 3, 21, 36. SSatin's waterproof varnish, 227. Scale paints, 113, 120, 172, 182, 202, 205, 207. (German), 206. (Graf's), 202. Schnittger's paint, 226. Schulte on rust-formation, 14. Schwarz on anti-fouling compositions, 218-23. Scouring iron with wire brushes, 64. Sea-weed in paint, 229. Shellac in paint, 228, 239, 240. Ships' bottoms, paints for, 208. Ships, paints for. See Anti-corrosive Paints, and Anti-fouling Compositions. Silver slag paint, 244. Simon on iron pigments, 183. on lead pigments, 178. on mercury paints, 72. on paint, 125. on red lead paint, 70-3. on rust formation, 11-14. Smoke fumes,influence of
on paint, 120. Soapstone paint, 225. Soda-lye in paint, 242. Sodium chloride as a rust-former, 36, 37, 38, 46, 102. paint, 244. Specifications, official, for paints, 273-87. Spennrath on drying of paint, 100. effect of heat on paint films, 103. effect of reagents on paint films, 102. on oxygen absorption by paint, 100. on paints for iron, 100. on rust formation, 6-11, 14, 15. on tar paint, 108. on zinc paint, 180. Spermaceti in paint, 242. Steam boilers, prevention from rust, 7. Submarine paint, 229. Sulphur compounds action of, on red lead, 71. Sundry paints for iron, 245. Superficial oxide layer formed by rolling iron, 69. Surface, best for painting on iron, 68, 69. Swiss official specifications for paints, 283, 284. TTannic acid in paint, 245. Tar Temperature, influence of, on paint, 103, 115. Testing anti-corrosive paints, 261-72. chinese wood oil, 153-9. durability of paint, 100-6, 119-25. graphite, 176. iron oxide, 175. pigments, 175. red lead, 165. varnish, 140-53. white lead, 164. zinc white, 169. Thierault's inoxidation process, 250. Tilden on rust formation, 19. Toltz on paints, 122. Toughness of paint, 268. Tung oil, 153-9. Turpentine in paint, 121, 225, 229, 244, 245, 246. U"Unalterable" paint, 242. Urban's paint, 225. VVarnish acetyl value of, 150. asphalt, 123. bottoming with, 78-84. Chinese wood oil, 153-59. linseed, 126-53. clarification of, 138. classes of, 128. drying properties of, 136, 138, 141, 150, 152. flavour of, 138. ozonised, 136. preparation of, 127-36. properties of, 136-43. quality of, 126-53. smell of, 141. proportion in paint, influence on durability, 186-92. protection of pigments by, 85, 126. temperature of, 84. thickness of coating with, 84. Varnish-tree oil, 153-9. Vaseline in paint, 244. Von Tetmayr on action of smoke, 22. on paint, 78-80. on rust, 22-4. on testing paints, 117-9. WWalter and Stone's paint, 245. Ward's inoxidation process, 230. Water as a rust-former, 5, 9, 11, 14, 33, 36, 38, 43, 114. effect of, on paint, 93-5, 102, 181. Water glass. See Sodium Silicate. Waterproof varnish, 227. "Weatherproof" paint, 242. White lead, 162-5, 178. See also Lead Pigments. adulterants of, 164. testing, 164. Wiederhold on paints, 121, 122. ZZinc as a coating for iron, 56. driers, 149. dust in paint, 180. paint, 180-1. grey, 169. pigments, 162, 168-70, 179, 184. plates, use of, 62. plating for ships, 221. sulphide in paint, 243. adulterants of, 169. covering power of, 97. in paint, 247. |